Monday, October 15, 2012

Longbox of the Damned: Eerie #1

Longbox of the Damned 15


  1. What was the background music used this time around? It had a perfect b-movie flying saucer feel to it, really set the tone well.

  2. Alien girls weren't even that good looking to be honest. Astronauts were kinda desperate I guess. Ah well. Maybe they used like mind control or something on them, pheromones, something like that.

  3. I can't help but wonder if anything of the male space explorers lives on in the children... All are good stories but that's the one that stands out to me.

    I think Harry Kim had a similar situation Only the Women Aliens he encountered along this plot path were claiming he was a returning member of their species.

  4. :D Me likey!

    Each one of the stories premises does indeed sound very appealing to me

    The first story actually does remind me of a short I wrote this year for a little Halloween contest (results are still pending)
    Only with aliens instead of robots

  5. Hmm, for a title called Eerie, I didn't think it was Sci-Fi related but Beta-Eden sounds interesting out of all the stories in the comic. I don't know why but considering what it sounds like, it does raise some fun twists.

  6. That's some Eerie music in the background.This might be just me,but it sounds like something that could be played in a loading screen of a game that you exit the levels by going through a portal or falling through a whirling portal. Its spacey. As for the comic. There is nothing with tales of Sci Fi Horror or a good Frankenstein's monster story. Our Ghoulish host always seem to entertain me.

  7. Wow, Eerie looks absolutely amazing. Got to love that kind of thought provoking sci-fi. I need to get this!

  8. Beta-Eden sounds the most interesting. I would like to know about the tragic fate of the space explorers.

  9. More ideas for LotD
    1.) Hellblazer Dangerous Habits by Garth Ennis

    2.) Swamp Thing the monkey king arc by Alan Moore

    3.) The Possessed by Geoff Johns


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