Friday, January 18, 2013

Linkara Riffs: Holiday from Rules?

Linkara riffs on a wide-awake nightmare about kids trying to survive a world without rules! Or perhaps they're just being salve.


  1. I love how they pretend all things in civilization are available only with rules. because i'm pretty sure, rules or not, the kids would be dead in that island in a few weeks.
    Also, there is no rule that says you have to share in real life, either. it is taught as the ethical thing to do, but you don't HAVE to share.

  2. Good lord that is a horrible psa. I know that kids are never good actors but the way they speak-scream their lines just burns through my ears.

  3. An Island with no rules? Easy, they can just play Yu-Gi-Oh cards to pass the time.

  4. Yes kids, rules can only be applied to those who understand them, and if you ask WHY those rules exist, they are certain to not be based off of any misunderstanding or flawed logic! And the rulemakers will NEVER pull rank to ignore the question entirely!

  5. Oh so this is where the creepy voices from PSA Hell are from. Cool.

  6. The PSA forgot the part about how rules are only good if everyone agrees to follow them (especially with that bit about the sharks). Of course, getting into making sure everyone agrees would lead to punishment and people to administer the punishments... There's only four kids on that "island" to begin with...

    Also, I love how you mention Calvinball just as I was thinking of it. :D

  7. LOLXD Thank you for kicking off my weekend! I'm so getting the podcast version of this episode

  8. I am thoroughly disappointed by the lack of Lord of the Flies in this, particularly on the part of the filmmakers.

  9. This short would have been so much better with Coily from Spring Fever...

    "No rules! *demonic cackling*"

  10. tried to read lord of the flies once..... not a big fan. it is good, but far too dark for my tastes. not that i do not like dark stuff, but i always felt that a story should lead to a positive conclusion of some level. don't want sunshine and rainbows, do at least want a grim victory if it is appropriate.

    so this is where that part of your psa hell month theme comes from. appropriate it seems because of the nonsense of a psa. subtlety is what is needed, or at least a realistic representation and not an overblow exaggerration or a underminded and mindless variation.

  11. And then the kids grew up and made the movie Mad Max...

    Also recognized the PSA Hell line. ^^

  12. Wow... these are the world's most awful kids... is it wrong that I wanted them to be trapped on that Island forever? Also, the whole "Rules only work when the people there meant for understand them" explained why the United Nations is useless...

  13. You make fun, but I know more than a few adults who need to watch this PSA stat!


  14. "Maybe one where the rules don't matter so much..."

    Heh. Should play Calvinbal- D'oh! Ninja'd by the video itself!

  15. God those kids are annoying...

    btw, heard the PSA Hell line :3

  16. Actually, those kids being used in the PSA Hell opening made me realize something. Those kids were ACTUALLY sent to PSA Hell!

    (You'd think Satan would have a bigger budget for that department. The poor guy could only afford cardboard and crayons from the looks of it.)

  17. I don't get it, are these kids supposed to be friends? Because it looks like they can't friggen STAND each other!

  18. "There are no rules saying he can't kill himself if he wants to"
    Oh, Lord!
    That line was so mean and out of nowhere.
    It's like the people who made this wanted to be riffed.

  19. lol For a second there I thought it was going to end up being Lord Of the Flies xD

  20. Worst episode of Lost ever!


  22. Oh wow... I saw this in elementary school. In the 1990s. I don't know why. Thanks for bringing back the repressed memories!

  23. So if I am getting this right. A world without rules is a deserted island with nothing but cardboard cutouts cartoon sharks and real coconuts. OH MY GOD IT'S YOSEMITE SAM'S ROBINSON CRUSOE!!

  24. Hey kids, you should have fought with each other to see who gets to make the rules, just like real life (See Wars throughout history.

  25. Have you ever thought of doing a Rifftrax for Classic Doctor Who episodes? Those would be absolutely hilarious and awesome. You could just post an audio file and get around copyright laws.

  26. "there is no rule that says she cannot swim in the water infested by sharks" yeah, that doesn't mean he can't warn her it is dangerous. There is no rule that say that he can't tell her it is a bad idea. and just because there is no rule, doesn't mean she has to do it.
    You see, in real life there is no rule that says you can't do that. there is only a warning about man-eating sharks.
    doctors do not make rules, they just tell you what you should not do.
    and who the hell cares if the said please and thank you?

  27. Hearing the PSA Hell voices makes me wonder: How long have you had this short? And why wasn't it the first one you did a riff for?

  28. The lesson: Without rules, everyone is an ass and an idiot.

    1. Kind of makes it sound like this PSA was produced by Thomas Hobbes.

  29. Cool, you got to these before Rifftrax did!

    I read about both this short and "The Bottle and the Throttle" in this great book called "Mental Hygiene: Better Living Through Classroom Films" by Ken Smith. If you don't own it, Linkara, you should look into it. The book explains why these films exist, how they evolved and how they basically led to their own downfall. It also has a huge catalog of shorts for future riffing potential.

  30. Huh, this version of Lord of the Flies isn't very good.

  31. This video made me learn a valuable lesson

    Rules suck
    In a world without rules, nature would make sure that only the strongest and smartest survive, therefore resulting in the birth of a master-race

  32. Without rules, you can have both Mary Ann AND Ginger! And hey, maybe they can hitch a ride on a swallow that stops by for coconuts.

  33. I read in the credits that this was made in Walled Lake, Michigan...heh. That used to be farmland, now it's an upper-middle class suburb. Wonder what happened to the actors...

  34. This one has got to be my favorite of your Riffs. I adore your amused yet horrified reaction to the kid climbing the tree while the other says there is no rule that he can't get himself killed. And damn were those kids annoying! Please keep these riffs coming! They are so funny!

  35. Screw the rules; I have green hair!

    Would having a rule about getting home on time automatically transport them off that island or conversely would they all starve to death if they missed curfew?


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