Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Linkara Riffs: Just a Spark

Linkara riffs on a short that says that only you can prevent forest fires... well, you and the fire marshalls.


  1. Has to be your best RiffTrax short yet! Jokes are well-timed and perfect.

    Apparently the short was made my Chevrolet to promote their toughest trucks. The 30 second spots I'v seen were more to the point than this short.

  2. That was fun. Favorite line: Genesis planet.

    I guess in 1937 Chevrolet was really proud of their shock absorbers, with all those close-ups of the tires.

    Also, they really didn't have much to work with for forest firefighting back then, did they? Round up a hundred guys to shovel dirt on it? Apparently it wasn't until the late 40s when they started getting planes big enough to drop water on it. And according to this 1947 Popular Mechanics magazine, their first tries were just to drop actual bomb casings filled with water on the fire.

  3. I need to do schoolwork and yet here you are posting things.

    ...I can do the paper just as easily in ten minutes.

    'Moses! ...I kind of got a little carried away!' xD That one caught me off-guard. I lol'd.

    So... what was the point of the french dude? Or the sick wife? Or the doctor? Or... anything other than the fire-fighting? It's amazing that something that clocks in under ten minutes can still have less substance than a Twinkie.

  4. So did they start an actual forest fire in order to make this short?

  5. No wonder those California wildfires went out of control it takes them 6 minuets to mobilize and by that time it's already out of control

  6. Wow was that a pointless PSA xD

    All it was was people Running, People driving, A cabin, and more drving.
    Oh and a forest Fire. I alomost forgot that. XD
    Pfft, not like its shown 300 times...

    Very Funny Riff though Lewis. :)

  7. DEAR GOD! WILL YOU PLEASE DO A RIFFTRAX PRESENTS OR SOMETHING WITH MIKE AND THE GANG! You are just on fire (Oops, too soon?) with these jokes!

  8. Whoa, that's Liszt's "Les Preludes" playing in the background when the fire is first sprouting up (from about 1:25 'til about 4:20). That's one of my favourite pieces of music.

    It was used as the score to the old serial, "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe", where I first encountered it.

  9. Amusing commentary. Did a bit of checking it seems that this also might have been a bit of propaganda for Chevrolet. Yes it can out run a forest fire even when you can't drive on the road. BEFORE 4 wheel drive was invented!

    I think Chevy even made that "Tractor" that was used to help with the fire break.

    Strange that the US Forestry Service couldn't afford a fire engine to oh I don't know SAVE THE LOG CABIN. No that would have spoiled the Drama of the short after all.

    Great one for riffing. Has Benzai had a chance to see it yet?

  10. Nice to see you riffing again we were kinda worried when you were talking to your Pollo prop.

    1. Dude you realize that was an act, right.......?

  11. Wow, that's gotta be the worst PSA you've riffed here yet. And that is saying something.
    At least the others did have a point.
    This was more like "Look at all these awesome fire shots we took!!! ...For that we actually needed to burn stuff since cgi hasn't been invented yet!" *insert your thumbs-up-grin face here*

  12. I love these riffs. Will there be another PSA hell month, Linkara?

  13. Wow, you weren't kidding on your Twitter. As bad as "Holiday from Rules" and "Bottle and Throttle" were, at least there was a logical thought process behind the presentation. This was just...the "Lost" of PSA's.

  14. lols, these jsut keep on getting better, these riffs. keep em coming. though it probably won't last too much longer. how many psa shorts could there possibly be?...... oh, god.

    oh god i can't decide which is my favorite joke. the moses one, the gondor one, or that turnip farmer one. the gensis one was good too, though it took me a bit to figure that one out. not a trekky and prefer star wars. not bashing star trekk or anything, but it never appealed to me the same way. star wars always felt more complete in its concept in comparison, a functioning world. even though star wars has a stigma to it these days, its concept is still there.

  15. 0: 51 - Maybe he can find him in the scarpyard, they always seem to wind up there

    2: 42 - It was a Moose!

  16. An interesting note about the Jam Handy Organisation

  17. Firstly - I apologize that this has nothing to do with the riff - suffice it to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it! But here's the thing - I REALLY wanted you to see this, Lewis, and I know that you read through the comments so this was the best was to get ahold of you without being cool enough to associate with you in any other way.

    I'm taking a British Literature class this semester, and we just finished up with the poet Samuel Coleridge of the Romantic Era. He has a poem entitled "Christabel" that really, really have deja vu from the awful Silent Hill comics you so righteously reviewed. I'm guessing that Coleridge's poem was the inspiration for Christabella, and maybe taking a look at it would clear up some things about her character.

    A) It still does nothing to explain that wound in her stomach. The comic just pulled that out its figurative ass.
    C) They also changed her name, no matter how slightly, so it's actually lucky I caught that at all.
    D) I don't think the Silent Hill comics mention Geraldine at all. Which is stupid.

    Thank you!!!
    And sorry for the length. I love to hear the sweet, sweet sound of my inner voice, I guess! :)

  18. Less of a PSA to not be a moron in the woods as an advertisement for Chevy Motors it seems.

  19. With just a spark, of inflamation,
    This forest has begun, its incineration.
    This forest fire will spread for several miles.
    That frenchman better hope... he has flameproof tires.

    Sorry... I love Figment. The title set me off.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I posted this on Twitter as well but I'm calling BS on this PSA, if the french guy's wife was that sick and that close to the fire, she'd have suffocated from the smoke LONG before they reached her, if you remember there was a big wildfire near JewWario last summer, I live like 80 miles from him and the smoke was giving me breathing problems!

  22. Why a B & B in a forest? Because it can be a pretty cool place to go on holiday I guess...
    Of course, it's even better if you make it out of gingerbread, and are trying to trap those meddling kids.

    "could you tell me what kind of book you're looking for?"
    The bad kind.

    Wait, it was started by a cigarette? Not a spark? Wow, even the title's wrong!
    Reminds me... last Friday was the anniversary of the day my entire "state" burned down. The day after, I was driving behind a woman with out-of-state plates, and she threw a lit cigarette butt out the window.

    I've never wanted to fireball anybody so bad in all my life.

    ~ Mik

  23. I guess Jam Handy saw "The Red Skies of Montana", and thought he can make something similar, but shorter. But still, this looks more like an advertisement for that car.

  24. I believe the french guy said "Fire doctor," not "Try a doctor." Maybe you know, and that was a joke, but if it was, I didn't get it.


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