This is the comic... Dragnet #4. It's not a very good one, but fortunately I'm here. I carry a badge.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Dragnet #4
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:00 AM
Labels: AT4W, Invincible Press
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I get the region problem I think, otherwise I'd be fine with commercial break, honest. So I try to watch you and the other guys' commercials. Just letting you know.
Anyway, nice tribute to Dragnet. That was an interesting change of the format and applaud you for trying something different. Also, it was good to see Poyo's cool new robot body again. Even if only for a moment.
Thanks for getting me interested in Dragnet. The old 1951 and 1967 series are on Netflix and I'll find the time to watch them all. I do need to check out the 1987 film as well. Even though this episode got dragged out by the endless Joe Friday speeches, I admit I can't help but marvel at the verbal smackdowns given by the one and only Jack Webb.
this is easily the best review you have done in month keep up the good work Mr. Lovhaug
I actually took a History of Television class this year and one of the shows we examined was Dragnet. Sadly though it was the episodes which talked about Drug Use, including the episode Boy Blue. The '67 episode was a bit out of its time, but the original really hit home about the abuse of drugs.
Kudos on the work that went into the intro. By the by, what did you think of the Dragnet film starring Dan Akroyd, if you saw it?
"Kudos on the work that went into the intro. By the by, what did you think of the Dragnet film starring Dan Akroyd, if you saw it?"
...You didn't watch the ending credits, did you? =P
There was a cop-show starring Ed O'Niel, and I didn't see it?
Where did you get that Teen Titans spot from? I've been looking all over the internet for it!
Also, that's not Sinestro, that's early stages Hector Hammond
I get the feeling you and Joe Friday share a very strong dislike of hippies.........
Anyway mostly a nice review. The idea of a 13 year old Jimmie Hendrix controlling a drug ring makes me smile.
Also the silent Teen Titians drug PSA is funny. "I'm Cyborg and I'm going to tell you kids that drugs are bad while smashing through pubic property for no good reason when I could just use a door!"
Never watched Dragnet but a lot of old TV drama works thanks to a slow burning restraint and focus on dialog, often bound to small sets and limited locations, things that don't translate well into comics. Particularly short ones. How often do you hear a comic being praised for "Great dialog scenes"?
Witty writing yes, but comics made up just of conversation and exchange? not often. There's a reason we'll never see a 12 Angry Men or Sleuth comic.
It wont give most artists any thing good to work with as they're bound up with the dialog, and if the writing is bad it will be unsaveible and if it isn't why not just do it in prose with so little scope for involving art?
Well that's my guess anyway. Maybe Dragnet isn't quite as talkie as 60's/70's British TV drama.
Also, yes even drug dealers deserve to have their identities protected. No one should be denied a chance at reforming. And if to give them that chance they have their identities protected then so be it.
But again I've never watched Dragnet and the didn't change the names of the criminals and I misunderstood that joke.
P.S in response to last weeks review I have say you really should watch Sherlock. I'd cross the Atlantic and force you to but I have no money and that would be very stalkerish of me.
Trust me. I', 99% certain You'll like it.
Also Your ads work for me about 65% of the time. I don't know why sometimes they don't
Strange, the Ad works when I start your video, but it doesn't play when it goes to mid-roll. I don't use adblock so I woulda guessed region too, however that shouldn't be the case because the ads used to work.
So, what, no love for Bill Gannon and his bizarre eating habits? The man brought a tackle box full of sandwich fixings to the office, and made barbeque sauce with vanilla ice cream!
Anyway, yeah, I admit that Dragnet (the 60s iteration at least) is a classic mainstay with my family. My mother specially went out of her way in the mid 90s to get the first issue of 'Nick at Nite' magazine so she could get the Blue Boy finger puppet cutouts! True, we enjoy the show in a rather ironic sense half the time (let's be honest, the hippie episodes are hilarious), but it's still great fun to watch.
As for this AT4W episode... I'll admit it's not one of my favorites. While I can appreciate the enthusiasm for the Dragnet comic, there just doesn't seem to be a lot to play with on this one. I love the setup and style (and dear gods, puppet Pollo!), but the review itself had me kind of drifting in places. Really, you seemed to be really trying, but the comic wasn't giving you much to work with.
Personally, though, I'm still anticipating 2099 month. I used to read 'Ghost Rider 2099' back when my brother collected everything else, so I'm interested to know more about the whole line...
Regarding the wrench thing. I think Friday was trying to say that the gangster should've taken up honest work, rather then going into crime.
Never did see much Dragnet. Might check it out, though.
By the way, thought you were going to make a MST3K the movie joke with the big forehead guy.
I completely forgot that Harry Morgan was in Dragnet! Speaking of Morgan, are you a fan of M.A.S.H, Linkara?
Fun Fact: DC considered making a comic book about M.A.S.H:
Excellent review as always Linkara!
Do you know if they ever broke the law to uphold it in the show? Every cop shows does that and I want to know if they did it even back then.
Wow really? Calling me a "Jerk" for using an Adblock?
I'm sorry, insulting your audience for *any* reason?
I'm done. The guy whose job is going to cons and producing internet videos is going to call me a jerk for not funding his manchild lifestyle.
Real mature man, I'm fucking out.
I always like the dragnet live action movie with Dan Ankroyd and Tom Hanks. I never caught the tv series in syndication.
Interesting about the issue is that reminds me how comics were at first nothing but reprints of comic strips. Wonder if Australia was till in early days of comics at that point. I'm not being down on Australia just saying they might have been reprinting mostly or only comic strips at the point in time this book came out. Also reminds how many old strips are being reprinted these days in different forms.
Does everyone read the end credits? I didn't at first. The guy who is getting ads 65% of time might be because of not as much ads in his area. As you mentioned in video about ad region.
I forgotten about Ed O'Neil show. Thinking about it wasn't a bad show but sort of weird seeing Al Bundy as a cop.
WTF is that teen titans promo? I'm almost scared to know about the real audio.
I do like how you did the episode in Dragnet style. It was cool.
Probably the comment about knowing the right way to use the tools, was meant to say the drug lord should have made an honest living with his auto-mechanic work rather than a life of crime... and The reason why his subordinate and the guy who made the phoney registration papers started helping the cops is likely to get immunity or at least reduced sentencing for being helpful... of course it would be nice if the comic made that clear.
I got a kick out of the whole format of this episode, as well as the impro-dubbed Teen Titans advert... well done!
Heh the bit about the peppy ending theme after scenes of violent death reminds me of the West Wing... where some pretty horrible stuff would happen from time to time (Assassination attempts, secret service agents being gunned down, a Naval group carrier being caught in a hurricane), always to be followed by one of the most whimsical ending themes ever... Leading to this great parody recut involving a scene from Dead Zone, another film where Martin Sheen played the President ( ).
Oh wow, Shoreview? We're practically neighbors then (I live in Minneapolis). Also, that little suit for Pollo looks so cute on him. I didn't know you could put little outfits on the puppets. You should do that more often, especially if it's like little dresses or something. XD
Anyway, pretty nice review and the ads work for me just fine, as long as I have adblock paused.
Enjoyed the show, Linkara, but it would have been nice if you'd given some credit (or the opposite) to the strip's artists. Mel Keefer definitely penned stories #2 and #3, and it looks like story #1 was by the strip's 2nd artist, Bill Ziegler. Also, did the comic book have an issue date?
I have some info on the DRAGNET strip at my blog:
"Wow really? Calling me a "Jerk" for using an Adblock?
I'm sorry, insulting your audience for *any* reason?
I'm done. The guy whose job is going to cons and producing internet videos is going to call me a jerk for not funding his manchild lifestyle.
Real mature man, I'm fucking out."
Wow really? Calling me a "Manchild" for wanting to able to produce entertainment and make a living off of it?
I'm sorry, insulting me for calling out a legitimate problem that we've been having with adblocks?
I'm done. The guy who made an anonymous post that thinks he's entitled to prevent me from getting my revenue on a blog that doesn't even feature ads is going to call me a manchild for not letting him get away with it.
Real mature, man. I'm friggin' out.
Okay, confession time.
I use an adblock. I'd really prefer not to, but my internet connection is a bit slow, and for some reason, blip is even slower.
In order to watch anything from blip, I have to pre-buffer the entire thing to keep it from constantly buffering every minute or so as it runs out of buffered video.(I can say buffer a few more times if it helps. at the least the word is starting to lose meaning to me). I always made sure to let the commercials play at this point.
Thing is, I was able to work around it until the mid show commercials. But when they started, I immediatly noticed a problem. first, the buffering ended at the commercial. second, the commercial itself had to buffer, and when it came back, the rest of the show had to buffer. This made it vastly more irritating to watch, if not impossible.
so, it was either watch with adblock, or don't watch. I made my choice, and though I feel some guilt over it, it isn't enough to make me attempt to watch your video in a fashion that drags all the joy out of it. If you had a paypal link here I could donate, I'd put $10 or 20 in the pot and feel no guilt.
If you had started doing this with the intention of making money, then I'd likely have gone in the other direction. However, I really do get the impression you are doing this because you enjoy it, and that even if the money stopped today, you'd continue doing it, just less frequently, and maybe going back to text reviews. I want to enjoy watching the things you enjoy creating.
I know you want to make a living off of this. I want to support you. I just can't do it through Blip commercials.
yeah linkara dont listen to people liek the one who talked about ad blocker whats wrong with ads running for people who use them on their show to make money enjoy your show by the way
not everyone reads the ending comments. i normally don't. normally at that point i move on to another that guy with the glasses video, or sometimes revisit an older review of your depending on my mood.
"I know you want to make a living off of this. I want to support you. I just can't do it through Blip commercials."
Pride forbids me from having an actual Paypal link... but fortunately there are ways around it - you can buy the T-shirts at my printfection store or, in a pinch, you can pay any price you want for the Harvey Finevoice album, available here:
And yes, you can use paypal to pay for it there. ^_~
Still, thank you for explaining your situation and stating you wish to support my work! I understand the plight you face with the slower speeds and I'm sorry there isn't a better solution beyond the ones I've presented.
I was scrolling through the comments before watching and I noticed the stuff about the adblock...
My computer doesn't have it, but I'm on my brother's right now, which does.
I turned it off and refreshed the page.
Then I hit play, and refreshed the page again.
And now, I watch the thing.
Ah, the ads don't show in some regions huh? I was wondering why they don't show for me. I only used by adblocker for sites that are obnoxious with the ads or too slow on my connection, which of course your site does not count as. So given that I didn't see why I didn't get the ads. Thanks for explaining that as now I don't have to ask why. :-D
I'd forgotten what was on your schedule. Was kind of hoping you'd review the final issue of Brute Force given what day it is, but this was good too.
I live in Bloomington, Mn. Can't remember of hand how far that is from Shoreview, but yeah, we're definitely in close reach.
I wasn't wondering your opinion of the 1987 movie as much as the movie from 1954 (or was it 55) featuring the cast of the original series. I just think it's work talking about for being the first original movie adapted from television.
To the poster who said it's odd seeing Ed O'Neil playing a cop, many people who only now him from Married with Children may be surprised to learn he'd done quite a few cop roles for film and television before playing Al Bundy. In fact, he was offered the part right after finishing a TV adaptation of The French Connection playing the lead role made famous by Gene Hackman in the oscar winning 1971 movie. He'd never even done comedy before. They only tried him because so many comedians who auditioned just couldn't make the character work and they deciding to go for someone out of the park.
There, I set my adblock to show ads on this blog.
He was telling the drug smuggler that he should have learned to use the tools for their intended purpose and earn an honest living.
I always let the ads play on any web show,even if I use the time to run to the restroom or go get a soda. I want you guys to make your money. I could imagine a Joe Friday speech about video hosting not being free.
Also, what was that Joe Friday speech you used a while back where he said something like, "You think you kids are the first generation to feel dissatisfied? We all have about different things..."? I've tried to find that since.
I love how Mr. Anonymous refers to himself as a member of your "audience," much like a serial shop-lifter referring to himself as a "customer." It's especially comical when he says "I'm out," as if his absence will in any way be felt. By his very nature as a user of Adblock, his no longer watching these videos will have zero effect.
"Broken arm kids, Broken leg kids, Sick kids, Dying kids..."
"Also, what was that Joe Friday speech you used a while back where he said something like, "You think you kids are the first generation to feel dissatisfied? We all have about different things..."? I've tried to find that since."
That would be from "The Big Departure."
I just marathoned Dragnet several days ago and loved it, so this review I think is one of my favorites. It was a great parody with good jokes and even better suits. :)
Very well done!
Lewis the "soup cans" at the garage were probably supposed to be cans of motor oil.
I was almost expecting your end logo done like the Mark VII one can't have everything. (besides, Ghost Planet Industries/Williams Street sort of took the Mark VII SFX for it's logo)
Interesting episode, crappy comic. I find it hilarious about the whole Jimmie Hendrix thing...but hey, I'm a rock fan. And yeah, the second one was dull and had a really abrupt ending.
Very nice tribute to Dragnet (the TV series that is!) Lewis!
Unfortunately a lot of the problems I kept noticing with this comic seem to be a result of it being a collection of daily comic strips. The major continuity issues seem to result from a writer and artist submitting a few strips, and then forgetting to check his copy of the script (or losing it) before drawing or lettering the next strip. Speaking of lettering, this comic strip's word balloons were ridiculously empty half the time!
The whole comic strip reads like it was put together on a shoestring budget to cash in on the Dragnet franchise. The third collected story in this issue could have made a nice ten page pre-Code EC crime comic, if given a bit of polish, but the first two stories were awful. The daily comic strip format made all three stories turn out even worse.
I agree with you about Law & Order being a spiritual successor to Dragnet. While the cops on Law & Order tended to focus on a single beat (homicide), both show featured crimes "ripped from the headlines" and both mixed the everyday tedium of being a cop (or assistant district attorney) with bursts of action. Both of which today's comic could have used much more of.
I'm sorry link, I'm usually okay with you on homosexuality, but really, a man voices disapproval and you get nervous like he's just endorsed the KKK?
Forgive me, you did not ask for the following, but it all needs to be said.
I disapprove of homosexuality. I disapprove of promiscuous heterosexuality. I have never, nor will I ever, endorse violence of any kind nor impediments to their activities save for when they encroach on the property or rights of other human beings. I have never acted physically against a homosexual save for when one man decided he needed to try to demonstrate his homosexuality on my body without my consent. (Even then I only pushed him away, making sure he wouldn't hit anything, and then I got scolded for it. Pardon me for thinking I have the right to say “no” to the degree someone is trying to force me to say “yes”.) No, I do NOT equate homosexuality with rape, murder or theft or any other crime with actual victims and actually to my knowledge, I'm not in a minority in that sentiment amongst others who disapprove. Do I think they have a choice? In their physical attractions? Perhaps to a degree, but not entirely (after all, indulgence and genetics both play a factor). In their own actions? Of course, to say they don't have choices in their own behavior is to belittle homosexuals. Do not heterosexuals have choice in their actions?
Homosexuals deserve the same rights and treatments as every other human being on this planet, no worse, no better. If I can have a heterosexual marriage and you can look upon it with disapproval, then so can another man look upon a homosexual marriage and disapprove.
As to the whole issue of homosexual marriage, I refuse to comment until someone explains AND justifies at which point marriage became the domain of the state or church to begin with. It's supposed to be a personal or family affair in which you can involve the church if you so choose. From there, who approves or disapproves is their own problem. Whoever decides to or not to join in the festivities, that is both their problem, and their right. And no, tax incentives or penalties should not be offered to married couples period, the government needs to stop playing favorites, all law abiding citizens, hetro, homo, smoker, non-smoker, drinker, non-drinker, christian, pagan, player, virgin, CEO, employee, rich, poor, black or white should be equal under the law and under the tax code. No one should be punished or rewarded for success, failure, being born or any other legal activity. My but this touches on so many issues.
To anyone who wants to say I'm acting like those who discriminated against black individuals in the past, black people were forced to the backs of buses, where told where they could and could not eat or even drink water and were told where they could and could not live and could be legally prosecuted for disobeying. General disapproval is not even close to that, and any actions that are close, I have not participated in through my disapproval. Hang the man who kills a homosexual for participating in actions that aren't even illegal but let be the man who disapproves.
And before you get upset because I'm harping on you for talking politics, you can talk politics all you want, and I can do it right back. Really I think it's more interesting that way, and far less oppressive.
"I'm sorry link, I'm usually okay with you on homosexuality, but really, a man voices disapproval and you get nervous like he's just endorsed the KKK?"
Linkara was just making a point of saying that there is no way in hell a line like that would be tolerated today. LGBT individuals are getting more rights, like it or not.
You forgot another reason for the time stamp being wrong: I'm watching this at 10pm because I just got out of work. And Yes I watched the Disney land commercial for the 80billionth time. I'm just glad that they knocked it off witht the dumb comedy centrel comemericals.
Also bold move stating your city, now your stalkers don't have to comb the entire state looking for you.
To Torkuda, can we please keep the politics and beliefs out of AT4W's comment section? No offense, also loved this weeks episode Linkara.
I was a good commenter and checked before I commented on something.
Moving on then.
I frickin' LOVED this review. I have seen Dragnet off and on over the years, I'll admit, growing up I was more of a C.H.iP.s fan than Dragnet, though watched the hell out of Law & Order from high school on.
This ep was a LOT of fun, half expected to see Pollo as Pollo in the credits.
I always liked Dragnet. Sure he got a bit preachy, but hey, I always liked procedural police settings.
Probably why I liked SWAT 4 as well (the one that Spoony did a Let's Play of-- I wonder if he will ever do the expansion pack...).
It's a pity there haven't been many games like that.
It doesn't matter if it's hate directed towards ethnic minorities, or hate directed towards ethnic majorities; or hate directed towards religious... or non-religious peoples; or hate directed towards women, or towards men; or hate directed towards homosexuals or heterosexuals.
There is nothing acceptable about hate directed towards homosexuals. It really is no better than the hate spouted by the KKK.
I don't know for certain, but if I had to guess, I'd say the blank spots in the speech bubbles were formerly occupied by recaps of things that happened in earlier strips. Something that would be helpful for jogging your memory if you were reading the comic in a daily newspaper, but redundant and annoying in a compiled format like this.
1) Australian reprints of newspaper comics not from Australia were (are?) sometimes censored to remove things not allowed under Australian content regulations. Dialog blanking/replacement wasn't (isn't?) uncommon, and sometimes they'd cut or replace panels altogether.
2) "Pink Slips" refers to automobile title forms, popularized by street racing in California where said forms were pink from the 1950s up through the 1980s. You probably knew that and were just making the joke, but... we're on the Internet. Sorry.
There was an excellent 1947 episode of the radio series that had Harry Morgan (who would play Webb's partner in the 1967 version of the TV series) as the bad guy--a jewel thief with a snotty attitude. Raymond Burr is in that episode as well as the Captain of Detectives. It can be heard here:
Before Dragnet, Jack Webb starred in several radio series playing hard-boiled private eyes. He was awesome in spouting off hard-boiled one-liners. His best one was from an episode of a show called Pat Novak for Hire: When he was expressing disappointment in how his investigation was progressing, he said: "It's like washing your kids face and discovering he's ugly anyways."
Best one-liner ever.
“Linkara was just making a point of saying that there is no way in hell a line like that would be tolerated today. LGBT individuals are getting more rights, like it or not.”
Let this be a lesson to me I guess. When you go out of your way to declare everyone should have equal rights despite your own disapproval of certain actions, someone will always read it as you being against equal rights, because clearly stating you're for something most definitely means you are against it!
What I was railing against was people getting hung up on disapproval when freedom means freedom to disagree. I think SOMEONE wrote a comic about a society in which no was allowed to disagree or disapprove. Who was that someone?
Also, Linkara brought politics and beliefs into this. It's his show and he gets to say if those things are banned.
I don't think a lot of people realize just how influential "Dragnet" was. You look at every police procedural on TV today, and they all trace their roots to "Dragnet", since before then all the cop shows on TV were shoot-em-ups like "The Untouchables" and "Gang Busters." Also, Jack Webb is in the pantheon of great monologuists on Television.
Here's an interesting tidbit though, after Webb died, Daryl Gates, the then Chief of the LAPD gave him a full police funeral for his contributions to the public perception of Police work, and he also retied Joe Friday's badge 714.
Great to see another "Dragnet" fan on the ol' interwebs
One last thing, as I guess no one will think of this if I don't say it. I disapprove of the homosexual lifestyle, not men who in general get a boner when they look at other dudes.
On the issue of racism vs. disapproval for the people who can't fathom the difference between judging a skin color and judging a lifestyle choice... sure okay, yea, we can't judge lifestyle choices... but wait, isn't joining a hate group a lifestyle choice? In fact isn't being a criminal in general a lifestyle choice? I think we can disapprove of lifestyles just fine thankyou and NO, that's not even in the same ball park as racism.
Yea, I'll let that be the last I say on the issue.
I have to say, you look good in a suit.
At all interested in reviewing the story of Injustice (the game, the comic, or both even)?
". If I can have a heterosexual marriage and you can look upon it with disapproval, then so can another man look upon a homosexual marriage and disapprove."
There are people who are against heterosexual marriage?
Thx for all your efforts Linkara. I am from Germany and saw no ad clips. But i do see them when I watch your stuff on the Thatguywiththeglasses Site. I hope Mr. Doug Walker gives you a good share because I would be willing to watch the clips on his site and wait a day or two so that you would get at least some rightful earning. Is that an accepütable offer?
"Thx for all your efforts Linkara. I am from Germany and saw no ad clips. But i do see them when I watch your stuff on the Thatguywiththeglasses Site. I hope Mr. Doug Walker gives you a good share because I would be willing to watch the clips on his site and wait a day or two so that you would get at least some rightful earning. Is that an accepütable offer?"
Well, the thing to remember is that regardless of whether you watch it on TGWTG or the blog, the revenue is MINE. Doug doesn't have any say in the revenue from my videos since it's on MY account. But yes, that's perfectly acceptable. Then again, you may feel free to do as you wish - if you're seeing the ads in one location or another it seems to suggest that they are working it's just there's some kind of hiccup that's causing you to not see them here.
While we're on the topic of ads and your revenue...
Do you still get revenue when someone lets the beginning and mid-roll ads play, but not the end one? I ask because I've been doing that, and don't want to deny you what you've earned.
"Do you still get revenue when someone lets the beginning and mid-roll ads play, but not the end one? I ask because I've been doing that, and don't want to deny you what you've earned."
Yeppers. Different ads and different locations of the ads get different revenue.
On the issue of racism vs. disapproval for the people who can't fathom the difference between judging a skin color and judging a lifestyle choice... sure okay, yea, we can't judge lifestyle choices... but wait, isn't joining a hate group a lifestyle choice?
Homosexuality is a way of life, not a lifestyle. It's an identity based more often that not on feeling and desires not sex acts. Technically, everyone CHOICES not engage in sex acts there not force or coerced into, that doesn't change there inter feelings. A male prostitute could spend years servicing other men for money and still be straight if he desires women more. Same thing for a lesbian prostitute. It's one thing to say you disapprove certain kinds of sexual activity, it's other to talk as there's something wrong with people because simple for desiring relationship deemed "alternate."
Wait I thought Ed Glaser was your boss.
@ Linkara
The adds don't show on my Idevices not sure if Idevices do block adverts or if it is a region thing.
I would watch them on a computer but I don't have one. Until I get a working computer is there anything that I can do on my phone or tablet that would compensate for not receiving adverts?
Huh for some reason Poyo's new body reminds me of Sam eagle.
"The adds don't show on my Idevices not sure if Idevices do block adverts or if it is a region thing.
I would watch them on a computer but I don't have one. Until I get a working computer is there anything that I can do on my phone or tablet that would compensate for not receiving adverts?"
Yeah, unfortunately iDevices seem to block advertisements, much to my frustration. I say just relax and enjoy for the time being or watch on a library computer or the like if you have access to one, but don't feel obligated in circumstances like this.
Adblock isn't a tool for jerks, but is rather an important safety tool, like an antivirus.
Many major advertising networks, including Google, allow ad buyers to take out an ad containing whatever computer code they want, including code that uses browser security flaws to install viruses onto your system. Since anti-virus software can only protect you from viruses after they have been identified by security researchers, the most secure thing to do is to only load code from trustworthy web sites, most ad services not being trustworthy.
Here is a explanation of third, fourth, and fifth party code in a virus ad that ran on DeviantART.
I have adblock, and forgot to optimize it to play videos like yours. However, in testing it when I went to the portion of the video with the ad, and with adblock disabled, I still didn't see it. I can only assume I'm out of the add region then.
Huh. I DON'T have an ad blocker and yet the video didn't show any ads for me. I have no idea why.
Of course, Blip often has the problem of not having audio at the beginning of the video, either. This is usually remedied by the silent part staying just in the ads (also happening for the first of the middle ads), but this time I had to wait some time through the actual video being silent before the audio kicked in and I could backtrack and hear it in full.
Concerning Dragnet, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of it is the 1987 movie. I've never even seen a full episode, but I saw that movie. It baffled me when I found out later that it was a serious show. And that has retroactively given me gripes about that movie. Specifically, I hate it when an adaptation changes something from a drama to a comedy. It demeans the source material and there will be a whole generation of people who think it's only a comedy, not realizing the original is serious. Of course, exemptions to this are for the spoofs who make it apparent they're spoofs from the beginning (Family Guy's Star Wars parodies, for instance).
But onto the comic at hand: I will say that if the Dragnet newspaper strip had appeared in the comics section growing up, it would have been one I would have skipped. Of course, that's in part because as a kid I would read the comics because I wanted something funny, but I also couldn't get into Mary Worth and especially Prince Valiant because of the serial nature with no recap from before and definitely the walls of text. I would have simply flipped to the Far Side or Calvin and Hobbes or the like, ignoring the off-putting crime procedural. Even today, I don't really think it works as a comic (or Prince Valiant--lovely illustrations, but that was more suited to be purely text) and definitely not a comic strip. There are just too many strips that would be simply boring, with no establishing context, so new readers wouldn't even want to get into it.
I thought Frank looked more like Johnny Thunder instead of the 11th Doctor.
For a reference about the "pink slips", check out the tv show "Pinks" on Speed Channel.
Any chance for more TV show based comics? Especially those from Gold Key Comics?
On the ads, please remember that if you REALLY don't want to see them you can just hit 'mute' and go to another tab for thirty seconds. Not that difficult. This isn't like YouTube where a video (in my experience at least) might fail to load, forcing me to reload the page and watch the ad all over again or like those ads that run over the time they claim they will.
Considering that this is the main way for Linkara to make money off of reviews (which can take a good deal of time to make) I think we can let an ad run for thirty seconds while we ignore it.
If you liked Dragnet, then you'll love HE WALKED BY NIGHT in which Jack Webb has a small role as some kind of a CSI man.
The film is very much like DRAGNET as it covers the day-to-day pursuit of a cop killer who goes on a crime spree. That film was based on a real life case and it was directed (or written) by ROY HUGGINS, the creator of THE FUGITIVE.
Is there a connection to Dragnet? Yup, during production, Webb struck up a conversation with one of the police advisers for the film and it was this conversation that gave Webb the idea for the Dragnet radio series! HE WALKED BY NIGHT is a great movie and a very young RICHARD BASEHART (Voyage to The Bottom of The Sea) plays the crook! -Leader Desslok-
I have both this blog and as an exception for adblock, but have turned it off now completely just to check again. Still no commercials show on either site. :S
So quick now, sell me some 90's kid t-shirts! :)
Great and entertaining review! :)
I pretty much only know of the term "pink slip" for automobile titles from watching The Price is Right so much as a kid. Bob Barker would sometimes tell contestants to go sign the pink slip after they won a car.
It seems ridiculous to me that people complain about the ads - for a show that's typically runs about half an hour (give or take), you get about 90 seconds of ads. There's no way you'd find a quality show on TV with that little advertising. The ads I've seen on Blip are generally less intrusive and obnoxious than ads I've seen elsewhere. And since I enjoy the show, I'd like Lewis to make enough money on it to be able to keep making it weekly instead of having to get another job and not having time to do AT4W as often or at all. If you really feel you have to block the ads anyway... well, it's your choice, but I don't blame Linkara for being frustrated about it.
Woah, was that "Mark VII productions" hammer thing at the very end where adult swim/williams street got their noise they play at the tail end of their shows, just before it screams "skull"?
What happened to the MountainKing who was posting first with a legitimate small review. AT4W is ruined without him D: (aside from being sarcastic, I seriously wonder what happened :S )
You still get revenue even when the ads are muted, right?
I ask because the ads on Blip tend to not stop your video while they run. It becomes a cacophony of Disney resorts, Virgin America music, and comic books. I let them run anyway and just mute the player until the show comes back.
I actually disabled adblock specifically for at4w, only to discover no ads anyway. Guess there isn't much of a market for blip advertisements in my country.
I'm with Anonymous. You have no idea how painful it can be getting through some of these videos sometimes, with the constant pauses every few seconds, the stopping and starting, the picture freezing but the sound continuing, the lock-outs of any controls, the ammonite of death popping up and telling me the video's done and I have to start again; the popup telling me Windows is out of memory.
Buffering does not help.
And that's what it's like without ads.
You want me to turn them on, just because you entertain me, and that's how you make your living?
Uh... okay. That's fair. I've turned off adblock for this site and TGWTG.
AFTER this one, so I don't yet know what it's like to try it with the ad halfway through. I'm crossing my eyes, though...
~ Mik
Melissia, I see nothing in Torkuda's comments that tells me he hates anybody. Unless you equate vague disapproval of one thing a person does with hating that person.
In which case, everybody must hate everybody else... because we ALL do things others disapprove of.
~ Mik
please don't call me a jerk for watch your show with add blocker on. That just going to make me not want to open the other browser without an add blocker to play your video on mute.
Hello(love your show)
I come forth with information! As an above poster said the cans should have been oil cans (meaning that hurling the rack like that...someones been working out!)
As one should always back up what they say I present the following clip from the movie The Jerk as evidence, should it please and entertain the court.]
Anyhoo I look forward to each new episode, and you and Pollo both look good in a suit!
I only watched Dragnet when it was on in the Wal-Mart break room. Not saying it's bad, but I can't say I like it since I only occasionally looked up at the action.
To me it's just "that show Sherman Potter was on before MASH".
Linkara, if you wanna talk awesomely happy music, I suggest you look up "Rooftop Run". I'm familiar with the versions from Sonic: Generations, and any time either version comes up it brings an inexorable smile to my face. :)
Thanks for the tribute to the classic crime show, Dragnet. Loved the humorous take on the Dragnet intro and Joe Friday narration. Also loved the hilarious interlude with the 80s Titans PSA commercial (wish there was a version where we can actually hear the characters).
Clearly shows like Dragnet are not meant for the comic strip or comic book medium. And really, what is up with some of those speech bubbles? What, they couldn't think of any more dialogue to fill in the the empty space?
Oh,this was a enjoyable review.
Okay, honestly I've never heard of Dragnet before this comic review. I only watched it because I'm a fan of the show.
I think you'll find that those '77' "soup cans" that got thrown at Frank where actually oil cans...I don't think they would be selling soup at a petrol station mechanics workshop since that's what I assume he's doing there unless he's so bad at his dob he got demoted to an attendant.
There's hardly any point on commenting on this, since this video is over a year and a half old, but I didn't see anyone else comment on it, so what the hell.
Phobia's are hardly logical. Just because something CAN trigger a person, doesn't mean that it will. Him being able to work at a garage isn't out of the question.
Take Howie Mandel, who also suffers from mysophobia. He's cool with fist-bumps instead of handshakes, despite germs still being transferred all the same.
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