Literally, I mean.
See, I’ve gotten my hands on three new shelves that are just big enough to put behind the futon. They’re deep enough that I can put objects on them (or comics or whatever) and the idea dawned on me that I’ve never really been happy with the blank wall behind me. I am also not confident in my ability to put up posters, especially since I rent an apartment and don’t want to try to put them up while risking damage to the walls.
As such, I’m thinking of putting these shelves behind the futons and populating them with objects relevant to the show. As such, I’d like to know from the fans if they’d like this and if they do what they think I should put in there specifically or if they think this is a terrible idea and I should keep things the way they are.
Sooo, have at it, fanbase!
Monday, May 6, 2013
So I want to put things behind me
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:21 PM
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Fine by me! I like this idea! :D
Make sure there are plenty of pvc breasts back there...
I think you should maybe put items you used like previous bodies of Pollo or various morphers and the lie. The only other thing I can think of is maybe a wall of shame full of comics you have reviewed.
I completely agree that a filled wall would look good.
But I sincerely hope Porcelain Bunny makes it on there.
The shark. Jumped.
Everything's different so it sucks now.
I hate Linkara's shelves, they killed Demo Reel. They got Spoony fired. They tried to pass SOPA.
Thanks Linkara's Shelves-Bama.
Definitely agree that your set needs a bit more flair. I'd have some of your props on the shelves, plus a few trades that you've reviewed from (but haven't burned yet :)).
Go for it!
Shelves of comics, toys, and possibly a cybermat would be cool to see.
You could even be brave and put in games or other things you like, and possible something that is relevant/hinty to plot and reviews.
Anything that make the decor more interesting to look at. Also, the title is a little ominous.
Sounds like a good idea. Even could be a good way to foreshadow future events and storylines. I approve.
That would be great! It would make the show look more colorful.
I love the idea! My first thought reading it was the pixel art Spoony has, but I don't think that would really relate to the show... Perhaps a "trophy" from each foe you've defeated (like Mechacara's hand), and then books that stay pretty much the same in the back with figures in front related to what the comic of the week is?
Personally, I think that if you want to put the shelves there, you should put the shelves there. Even so, I think it's an awesome idea, and certainly wouldn't mind seeing it.
Trophy wall, Lighter, and chimney starter. Or your favorite books
"Anything that make the decor more interesting to look at. Also, the title is a little ominous."
That was the idea. ^_~
I like that idea.
I certainly wouldn't mind the change. As you said, it's just a blank wall.
One idea that came to my mind is that you could change up the items on the shelves based on what you're reviewing. Such as putting up some of your star trek stuff when reviewing a star trek comic.
I imagine this could be a pain to do though for each episode, so take it as you will.
I think that would be a great idea. You put things like that other magic gun you kept from that guy's ship back in the last bit of story line. Also it might prevent Snowflame from popping up behind you. You have a lot of stuff from the other shelves you could put on these new ones as well. Might make more room for your comic books. Also if you wanted to hang posters up on the shelves as well using a good tape or sticky tack works well. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
Well as a Doctor Who fan I can tell you with a certainty that there will be a significant portion of your fans who will hate the change. Hell, the nostalgia critic changed a wall and people freaked.
As a fan of the great Spoony though, I say sneak in sight gags, things relevant to storylines and significant comics. Perhaps different shelves for the different qualities of comics. That way you could showcase something good even if you never actually talk about it.
I personally see nothing wrong with you having some shelves behind you! My issue is that it may be difficult to actually see the shelves, as your shot is pretty tight in terms of wall space- I see a lot more futon than wall. But I think it'd be neat if you even had rotating props, or, much like the Spoony One changes his posters, change the display based around what you're talking about. For example, if you review a Doctor Who comic, get all your cybermats together to watch! Maybe a Dalek model for good measure.
However, the one last worry is, much like one of your coworkers, is that people do not like change and will demand the blank wall back. You will see and hear it to no end. But for me? I say go for it.
That's perfectly fine! Go for it! How about your Legacy Power Morpher? Any action figures? Autographed stuff? Maybe move the Iron Man and Green Ranger helmets? An Alone in the Dark DVD? I think any of the relevant stuff'd be fine
I think it's a great idea. After all, it's your show. I don't think you'd get the same backlash as NC changing his wall. But besides currently-unused AT4W props, I recommend your Legacy Power Morpher, your Duel Disk, and con photos
Maybe some things to hint towards future review material or storyline stuff? Or callbacks to past reviews or storylines, like the magic gun from Jaeris' house?
I do, however, caution you against putting too many different things behind you at once. It could get a bit too distracting. Just my opinion though, you should do what you like. ^-^
Maybe you should put a framed copy of Countdown to Final Crisis #1 behind you. :D
I think reminders of the big moments of the show, kind of a trophy wall. The first Morpher used, the first Cybermat, the hand of Mechakara (Okay, so I'm bias about that choice, it works though!) Kind of a metaphorical "events Linkara has put behind him" ...put behind him.
I'm okay with this. I get that you don't want to make it distracting, so as long as it doesn't make things look cluttered, it shouldn't be so bad.
Definitely go for it. I think it would be a nice change. After all, a little décor never hurt anyone.
As far as ideas for things to put on there, I think an idea I read in one of the other comments was have some items that are rotated between videos that are relevant to the episode.
Aside from that why not keep a few consistent things there too like a Youngbloods Disease T-shirt propped up against the back of a shelf to show the logo off, maybe a cybermat, A pokeball or two, something blue beetle or booster gold related since those seem to be two of your top superheroes from what I can discern from some of your past videos. Maybe even a Tricorder or something star trek related too. Those are my thoughts, hopefully they will help with the process.
It sounds like a good idea to me. As a suggestion though, I'd say to either add or re-arrange things every so often so it doesn't just become another static background. Maybe add stuff relevant to the comic or future storylines.
That said, I can't wait to see what you decide to put on them. :D
I would like to actually see this first, just to make sure the set doesn't look cluttered.
You got a wicked sense of humor there. I would just put a few props, like the old days when you had the shelf out of view.
I really like this idea. Even though the show will progress, you'll always have its history behind you, for everyone to see.
Honestly, how about you stick it to the story line haters and put up trophies from your battles and weapons that you've collected. For your character, it would make sense that after all, you've decided to have your guns in range for easy access after all the trouble.
I think that sounds like a great idea. I'm in complete support of this.
Hm, well, some of your fellow reviewers like to put either important things to them and/or things relevant to that week's review behind them, usually in poster form... Maybe you could go that route too? Like, you could have some of your magic and techno-gadgets on display, some other classic stuff like Porcelain Bunny and Bear, maybe some of your favorite comics (The Technis Imperative perhaps?)... and you could also have one of the shelves or something custom for each week or theme month or something, like for this month, stuff related to cliche corporate-run dystopian futures? Like putting a Blade Runner or BttF2 DVD or something up, I dunno.
You know all the stuff on your futon during your theme song when you put your magic gun into your holder? Put that stuff on the shelves.
And then when the time comes to make a new intro, put the gun in on that background.
Or, alternatively, you could cycle stuff in and out depending on what's relevant to the show at the time. So you could actually film the storyline bits into the review. Like, for instance, if you did this a while back, you could have had Mechakara's hand on the shelf and actually show Vyce transferring from it to Pollo during the review bits.
Yeah, I used a past storyline as an example, just because I don't want to make up my own storyline and then have you say, "Damn. That was my next idea, but now everyone will think that I didn't actually write it. They'll think I just stole it from this commenter. Guess I need to spend a lot of time coming up with something new now."
In all truth Linkara just go with your gut... It has gotten you this far... Best suggestion rotate out items on the shelves with items relevant to the month/story/story line/theme. In all honesty just run with it and god speed. Oh and a 2 parter to introduce the shelves would be hilarious or an episode at all to introduce the shelves. In all truth whats on the shelves is ot as important to me as how they come to be... or if you come up with some awesome technobabble to explain them.
Shelves are fine with me! Depending on what color they are, I'd just recommend arranging their contents so that your outfit doesn't blend in with them :p
You could put the Magic Quarter(tm) in a picture frame and sit it somewhere. Then if you ever need it you can smash the glass in a dramatic fashion.
The Shelves are a great idea. If I may suggest you oughta have one shelf dedicated to Linkara's past achievements and/or regrets in the storyline such as the Gunslinger's watch or something.
I think it would be cool for you to do a bat-cave type thing. You know, all the little trinkets and trophies you've collected from your story arcs?
Sort of like: The Shelf of Continuity!
Or something.
Sounds like a good idea to me. I think everyone else has suggested props so far....How about the few comics on the show that are actually not as bad as the rest
I'd go with the Hall of Shame of the worst comics you've reviewed. And the lighter that torched the comics that have actually burned.
Maybe a couple jars of ashes standing in for the ashes of the comics you have put to the flame.
Yikes. What really bothers me is that somewhere out there might in fact be a "fanboy" who's going "BETRYALLLLLLLL~~~!!!!!" on this.
For me, I only see a problem if there are actually people who think this is a problem.
You wall, your decision. Go for it man. (owo)b
Truth be told, while I'm aware of the times you've done something different back there, I couldn't care less about what you do. I'm here for you, not whatever little nick-knacks you think you need to put on screen that may or may not have something to do with what you're talking about.
Fiery Little One
You should put Pollo up there, that way he can interrupt you more easily.
Aside from that I'd go with props such as Mechakara's hand and things of that nature.
Nah it's cool, i like lookin at other people's Cool collectables and nerdy knickknacks. Go for it.
Seeing how you have something of a trophy room already somewhere, why not display either some cool gear (may look great and, story-wise, always nice to have your equipment close by) or change it out every once in a while to cater to whatever theme you're going for with statues or something.
but... but... but...
I dont like it
They're just shelves. What can they hurt being there? Go ahead and put them there. Could sue them in storylines too.
Plus your (long) theme song says "A change to statue quo never affects the show" so why should this? ;D
I like the idea, I think you should have good comics in the shelves.
sound cool. It'd be nice to see what kind of stuff you have in your collection. :)
of course you could always borrow an idea from Spoony one and change the decor to match whatever you're reviewing.
I like the idea of a populated background. I'm a little divided as to what I would recommend. I've found when people have populated backgrounds I like it when they inform me about the reviewer.
Three shelves... What are the three pillars of Atop the Fourth Wall? Off the top of my head I can think of fantasy, super heroics and sci-fi.
Plot relevant items from the past seem like a given. It would give some batcave vibe and anyone new to the show could get something out of seeing an item from the shelf come into the show.
Aaah, trying to avoid "Everything was better with the old wall!!!" kind of posts? Good luck... xD
I really don't mind what is in the background. :)
I think this is a great idea! Go for it!
Hey, you could always put some of the comics you plan to review up there, kinda like a bizarre version of death row.
White tack is useful at putting posters up. I mean, blu-tack is better sticking, but leaves marks. I cannot remember what kind of cleaning product I use (just a bleach and cloth I think) on the stains and poof, they just go.
No idea if you can get them in the US. Would have thought so, but there are just some things hard to get over there. Like blackcurrant.
Knowing is half the battle and all that.
Oh, I totally support this. I'd love to see comics and merch and stuff back there. You can show off your Doctor Who stuff sometime and I can be jealous.
Why not? Go for that to make the show look better!
Thanks for ask it and go to that!
Sounds like an absolutely awesome idea! I <3 stuff, especially cool stuff on shelves, as I have a ton of book cases and shelves all filled with figures, books, books and more figures.
You should have a bunch of props from the previous arcs, sort of like a shelf of past adventures where you put souvenirs or mementos of your battles.
Stuff like Vice's helmet, mechachara's hand, insano glasses, maybe a pokeball for missingno.
Could be pretty cool.
Possible items to put on shelves behind futon:
-- a picture of Joe Quesada with devil horns and a beard and goatee drawn on it
-- a target practice board with pictures of any of your least favorite comic writers (Liefeld, Solson, Quesada, Miller) attached to it, complete with darts or blast holes
-- previous bodies for Pollo
-- rotating selection of various items from the Arsenal of Freedom
-- wall of shame featuring the fifteen worst comics you've featured on AT4W
-- maybe a selection of current comics of the week
I'll miss the old wall..... but I also miss the shadow on the left side of the screen, Kay sera-sera.
It's not like I watch like your show to stare at your beautiful wall so I'll just go with it. all I ask is that you keep it colourful. A white background can be soothing to the eye and allows to viewer to focus on you, which is why I'll miss it probably. I guess I'm saying I'd rather not see Linkara wearing brown against a brown background.
Still maybe you could put your favourite comics/movies/books/whatever on the top shelf. It'd be fun to look at if a little distracting (I'm a noisy git who never passes up the chance to memorise peoples libraries.)Maybe there'd be an element of symbolism to it. The good comics looking down on the accused material being reviewed.
Well it's you wall no matter how one looks at it (pun not intended) so I'll just move on and say thanks for the head's up.
Please though, just try not to vanish into a brown background D:
I think a trophy / memento / souvenir (for all the Young Justice Fans out there) wall could be cool
Also, do you still have Malechite's hand? Cause that could be a funny moment - "My god, one of the most powerful objects in the universe... this'll look great on the souvenir wall"
You could even put the bluescreen behind it for Comicron1 stuff, and say it's a vault
The Astro Megazord needs to be on there, staring at us, just wishing somebody would listen...
I don't think anyone would really complain if your background wasn't a blank wall (unless you inherited some of the critic's trolls). Personally I think it's a great idea. It lets you maximize space.
Also, if you wanted to hang stuff up without damage, I'd recommend something like this
maybe a megazord? and maybe pollo's old body, or stuff that already apeared in the show. Also, maybe some scienc-y thing that you use in your storylines.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Some extra décor would certainly liven up the look of the show a bit. Plus it's always nice to have a potential for sight gags.
Go ahead.
Anonymous 2:14: That sounds oddly awesome. I was going to suggest that myself.
How about a row of comics and you can pull the comic of the week out of it?
If you must, but in my opinion the only thing that should be behind the futon is Snowflame...WATCHING YOU READ!
have at least one item that changes from week to week that has to do with the comic your doing, in some way or another.Don't tell us why you chose it. It will be fun to guess the connection. You will have some fans who won't like the shelves, but it's your show and your place, so do what you like. I also second the idea of old Pollo bodies and morphers and various arsenal of freedom weapons, but I like the idea of having a couch gag. Or a green futon gag as the case may be.
I think it would makes sense to have some of your weapons or gear up on the shelves cause it seems weird how you'd have to go all the way across your house to get at that stuff, ample time for someone to get the drop on you.
Odd question, but have you considered Painter's Tape for posters? It does help out some and doesn't leave any damage (save the back of the posters themselves).
I say try it, see how everyone likes it, switch to another layout if it's not satsifactory, try something else.
I've never much cared for the idea of a cluttered space behind the reviewer as its just too distracting. Thats why I have had a lot of trouble watching Phelous' videos because I have trouble picking him out at first glance.
I think that it can be done, but needs to be done carefully and minimally. Don't try and put too much stuff on display, keep items like models or toys well spaced apart, don't have anything that has an odd shape behind your head or shoulders (that particular space might be best for books or binders) Its likely going to take some time to figure out whats going to work best.
I like the idea. If you do put books on the shelf put books that you like and maybe a prop or 2.
What might be fun is a sort of where's Waldo type game. The idea would be each week (or every so often if that is easier) you would put an object relevant to the review on the shelf and viewers would see if they could spot the "relevant object" hidden amongst the stuff that is usually on the shelf.
Makes sense. Could be used as part of the plot, like putting plot-relevant items on the back or slowly shifting things behind you to give us a bit of a fright.
Otherwise, sounds good!
I like this idea. I think given how cautious and prepared Linkara tends to be you should stock the shelves with stuff like the morphers or a backup body for Pollo or various other things he would use to fend off intruders.
I think it's an absolutely fantastic idea to put shelves of various comics behind you, especially if you dress it with related comics to the particular subject of the episode. Brilliant, good sir. =)
Why not do what the no right answer guys on the escpaist where they have various memorabillia on their shelves related to the topic of the episode.
I like it! You could go with different props and things based on the comic being reviewed and story. You could try to change little things like the Bad Wolf hints in the first season of new Doctor Who. It wouldn't be terrible if it was just shelves of comics and comic props either.
A great idea, I think your little physical Comicron model is a must, like how in the captain's office in Trek you see gold painted models of starships.
Might be nice to try out. No real problems with you doing that. Though I could think of some if you like. Nah, go ahead.
I'm a big fan of Phelous, and I love his room full of geeky memorabilia, so I'm all for it.
go for it!
Tropeverbial Chekov's Guns could be a good idea. Stuff the has viewers going "ah, so that's why he kept that in the background!". Easter eggs are nice to. And material relevant to the comic being reviewed of course, such as Dragnet memorabilia in the Dragnet episode, as a retroactive example.
I like the idea. That's why I put a bookcase behind me when I review. Maybe put up some of the notorious comics you own, and some good ones. Sort of like Spoony.
Is posters with tacks is a concern then you could consider using a type of spirit gum adhesive that peels off easily.
However as for show relevant stuff, maybe a series of trophies as you are a warrior of nerd culture.
I think that is a great idea. Maybe put comics that could be future reviews, as teasers
There could be a shelf of infamy, for the worst comics you reviewed, like MarVille, or the Silent Hill comics.
Some other comments say you should put easter eggs, I think that is a good idea as well. Maybe you could put some of the random items you got, when you do the "I AM A MAN" punch.
Luv this Idea, since avgn and the blockbuster buster have something behind them, you should have either the arsenal of freedom or it should be the wall of shame or even more a memorial wall for things that have happened in the show (sort like having the mighty morphin suits in the command chamber in Power Rangers Zeo), hope you decide to do this i think it will add flare to blank wall behind you.
Pretty cool idea
TBH... I'd like to see you have some graded display comics on the wall... Even if they suck.
I don't care wat you put up there as long as you incorporate them into the storyline.
Can you frame one of those costumes you've used and don't anticipate bringing out for a while? I just find something Incredibles-esque about that thought and think it'd be appropriate.
Are you sure you want to leave all your cybermats on display like that? ;D
Seriously though, this sounds like a cool idea, though somehow I'll miss the blank wall.
I would put old show props into the shelf. Like Morphers, old Pollo Bodies, the Pokeball containing Pyramid Head, and so on. Much like many others allready suggested.
However, I would keep one (or a few tiny) bit of the shelf empty and fill it with something relevant to the theme of the actual review every time.
For example, a Spiderman figure when you review a spiderman comic. Or a Power Rangers Zord when you review a Power Rangers Comic. Or just some good comics that are more worth to read instead of the crappy comic of the day.
I think it's fun to look out for "what changed" in the background, to find little hints or references.
Of course, nothing too complicated that eats your time away ^^
Well im not an expert but here are a few ideas
.JLA/Titans the Tecnis Imperative
you've said this is your favorite, why not showcase it?
.your trade of Cry for Justice with a knife plunged through it
Hey here's a question thats been bugging me for a while, if this is your least favorite comic ever, why haven't you burned it yet?
.the lighter you use to burn bad comics
.maybe a section of random comics on one of the shelves, and each week you pull out that weeks review
well thats all i got hope i could help.
How about a picture of Mephisto? xD
OMD jokes aside, put the props you've used on the show on the back, and make a wall of shame with the worst of the worst comics you've reviewed on the show (maybe put the ashcan next to them).
That all being said, it's your opinions that keep me coming back, not the shadow from the futon. It'll be a nice change to the scenery.
Sounds good to me, maybe some of the hard bound comic collections should be back there and even a card game or two.
I'd love to see a Cybermat there, and it also has some storytelling potential...
Is that a new morpher I see? Wait wasn't that destroyed?
I like the idea of the shelves - but I'd recommend limiting the number of props on the shelves to things from previous storylines. Otherwise I fear that we, the fans, will jump so far down the rabbit-hole of metanarrative Kremlinology that we may never see the light of day again.
Unless you want that, of course. :-)
Some DVD's maybe
please put upyour golden zeo power staff
Not knowing the size, weight or ease of being able to move them, why don't you just set the shelves up throw a few things on them and then shoot an episode to get a vague idea of how it would look like. If the results are generally good, then you can focus on what to put on them. If it makes things look to cluttered or busy, then put them somewhere else and the problem is resolved.
As for what to put up if it looks good...porcelain bunny sounds good, otherwise given your enemies knack for attacking you maybe you should keep the Arsenal of Freedom there within arms reach...although if you advertise your weapons then they'd know what to expect...ah, brain's hurting.
Otherwise, I'd just move fill it with the stuff off the shelves in your living room you'd want us to see each episode and then agonize over what to put on the other shelves.
The title scared me, Lol...
Yeah, go for it!
If you want to put up posters, just buy some poster frames. You can get them pretty cheaply from places like Walmart or Target. Then you just need a single nail (or a picture hanger if you want to get fancy) and voilà, you have a poster hung in a tasteful fashion, with minimal wall damage. I do this with all of my posters, and they look great.
I think it would be cool to see some of the "trophies" from the victories over the villains in the show. Maybe Mechakara's hand, and things like that.
"If you want to put up posters, just buy some poster frames. You can get them pretty cheaply from places like Walmart or Target. Then you just need a single nail (or a picture hanger if you want to get fancy) and voilà, you have a poster hung in a tasteful fashion, with minimal wall damage. I do this with all of my posters, and they look great."
The problem being that since I don't OWN these walls, I'd rather not start putting holes in them.
To be honest, I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the clean-cut look of a blank background. It sets you and the NC apart from most other reviewers, and it generally looks more professional. It gives off the vibe of a prepared review space, and helps keep things from feeling cluttered.
That said, I do like the idea of the shelves and the various things you can do with them. I think the trick will be to keep it relatively simple, and not too cluttered. I'll second the previous ideas of Easter egg-esque props, or props from the show (such as items from the Arsenal of Freedom that we don't get to see much anymore). I've always enjoyed seeing the various items on the bookcases in the living room, so I'm sure it'll be great, whatever you decide to do.
Maybe there's a way to put them up on either side of where you usually sit, so that nothing is directly behind you? That would keep you distinct against the background (which seems to be some people's concern) while also breaking up the space overall.
As for putting holes in your walls, most leases allow for small holes, like the kind from skinny nails used to hang stuff with. That's really an issue to discuss with your landlord. But I can understand avoiding hanging things to prevent damage--I've never hung things in my previous apartments, for the same reason. And hey, at the end of the day, it's your home first, review space second. Do what you like best.
a cool thing about shelves: you can hang things from them too. an example of this would be artwork from whatever comic you're reviewing or art from the internet (could hold contests etc) or artwork relating to the comic in some fashion but not directly from said comic.
I think you should have a shelf for a piece from the armory anything you fancy is fine, a shelf with past comics you've reviewed that you liked or didn't hate. A shelf with the worst of the worst. You should spot it with a trip through memory lane for the viewers. you could also shuffle in objects relating to future plots and red herrings. (you can really mind-frell your viewers with that and i love a good mind-frell.)
one clearly visible shelf should hold, amongst other things, a readily available source of ignition. What's the use of "where bad comics burn" without at least the allusion to burning the comics.
A row of Sonic Screwdrivers, Comics, and Cybermats would work for me!
have like the fricking hall armors only the shelf of cybermats lol and maybe the different polo bodies or on one shelf the arsenal of freedom. Along with comics and some memorabilia stuff.
Like the shelves idea. Be cool to see stuff that's appeared in the show and some comics on there.
You could try putting a copy of every comic you have reviewed on the shelf, would be some strange way to measure progress and just how much you have done over the years. another thing you could do is put up things that may hint to future plotlines or the next object of reviewing.
I scanned quickly and didn't really see this post, but if I missed it I second it:
Just do what you are comfortable with, if stocking the shelves is something that would cause unneeded grief or problems don't worry about it. Sometimes the backgrounds can be distracting both for viewers and for the content makers.
Example: Spoony's v-logs and countermonkeys can have times where spoony is fiddling with Burton, or his books and it can distract the viewer from what he is saying.
Your show is very mentally engaging, and your points rarely need to be supplemented by background images. That being said, if you are interested in doing this bookshelf thing it could be fun and you should ignore me.
Ok, I love the idea of sight gags and maybe some trophies from past battles. I'd love to see some upcoming comics sitting on the shelf. Ready to be burnt!
Obviously I don't know how many shelves you have or how wide they are but would shelve fit lengthwise in the videos? Because as "boring" as a plain wall is it's very simple, I guess my concern is if perspective would make it look weird or not.
Either way, it's your choice, love your shows and keep up what you're doing
For posters I suggest Command brand adhesive strips -- from 3M. Annnd, now I sound like a spam message. I'm serious, though -- they basically CAN'T damage the walls, because of the way they're designed.
You'll probably want to get your posters laminated first, though.
(As for stuff on the shelves -- just don't get obsessive. The last thing you want is to find yourself having to change the settup every single episode.)
--Andrew s.
Rotation of items, based on the comics being reviewed with a few static items to reflect old stories or episodes.
Oh, and a lamp, just within reach for an emergency review, should the need arise.
My only suggestion is that you color code whatever comics or books you end up inserting. I know a lot of series have their bindings match anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard. That way, even if the shot doesn't have great focus on the background, it still looks like blocks of color rather than a Pollock painting.
Go for it. Can't be a worse idea than making your magic gun the soul of a young girl that was killed.
There really is something to be said for having a blank wall behind you from an aesthetic point of view. It draws the viewer's eye to you and shelves might detract from that (horizontal lines and such). Simplicity is good.
That said, perhaps there's a middle ground. Shelves might be distracting, but if you're going for a Bat-Cave look of previous artifacts on the walls, could you not just mount items directly on the wall and bypass the shelves completely? That way the wall's more interesting, but you can spread out the items in an aesthetic fashion.
(A stupid, yet hilarious idea would be to measure out your shape and leave a Linkara-shaped blank area on the wall, hat and all, so nothing mounted on the wall directly interferes with you visually).
Of course whatever you do, it's going to be awesome, I'm sure.
Well, I don't mind the idea of using shelves behind your couch. I do agree with some of the comments about putting whatever knick-knacks on the shelves for certain themes or storylines. It would help liven things up a bit.
I don't mind the idea of using shelves behind your couch. You can put whatever knick-knacks on the shelves for certain months or storylines.
I say go for it. The only thing I suggest to put on it would be a few things relating to the comic your reviewing. Like batman stuff if you reviewing another batman comic, Power ranger stuff for a power ranger comic and etc. Or maybe put stuff that relates to your monthly themes that you have. Like Teen Titan stuff if you do another march of the titans or use old toys for secret origins month. Personally anything you put up there fans will love it.
Generally, if your putting up posters I would recommend searching for what is used to hang posters in dorms. There are specially made products for this and, while I can't remember the name, I have used them and they worked perfectly, were easy to remove, and did not damage the walls. As for the shelves, I like the idea of a trophy wall, but I would have to say don't put up anything that Linkara the character is actively using. Another advantage to a trophy wall is that it is another thing that you can include in your fights. Even if you don't have it behind you, I would recommend including a trophy wall in your story. Of course, than there's the problem of filling it. Personally, I would recommend Linkara's first morpher, Pollo's old body, what was originally going to be his second body before Vice possessed it, Mechakara's hand, a cloak from one of Vice's robots, the power glove from Suburban Knights, Kickassia's flag, some piece of technology from To Boldly Flee, and the pokeball that you captured pyramid head in.
Obviously, there is only one thing that can be truly displayed up there: China Cat.
Seems like a good place to put your arsenal of freedom if you ask me.
I hate to say it but I actually like the blank wall. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with the shelves and whatever your going to put on it, I just like the blank wall because all of the focus in the video is you, and your hat. Can't really tell you what to put on the shelves because the color, the space from one shelf to the next or if it was wooden (or wooden like) or plastic or steel because that would definitely play factor in what would look good on the shelves. So I'm going to stick to the trophy wall that most people have suggested.
I like the blank background myself, since it focuses the viewer's gaze on you and your antics, and not the multitude of items behind you.
For example, consider a modern Spoony review. When Spoony goes on a long speech about a topic, I'd be lieing if I didn't glance over at the posters behind him, or the books and Final Fantasy/Pokemon props on his shelves. With Spoony, it doesn't detract too much, as he does little physical comedy that requires you to see his body movements or facial expressions to get the joke, but you/Linkara do that on occasion (i.e. the "wait, what?" or "all we have to do is..." gags).
In the end, I don't believe it will hurt your show or upset the fanbase (not to the level Nostalgia Critic mocked his in a recent review). I just doubt the attention spans of myself and my fellow viewers, and we'll end up looking for the pretty bunny at least once a review.
I'm going to agree with everyone else on this one: the shelves wouldn't be a bad idea.
Perhaps you can use it as either a (Fourth) Wall of Fame, a Wall of Shame, or to showcase stuff that is relevant to the show/specific episode.
On off switch for the continuity alarm maybe, or something silly around that thing. I also imagine that trying to put a bunch of comics there will be annoying, since you'd probably have your own setup for them anyway, so... gadgets?
It could work but there are some issues to consider.
I like the blank wall behind you in your reviews, because it doesn't distract from the focus when it cuts to you, i.e. you making a joke.
Also, having too many things on the shelf, intricate items on the shelf, or changing the items on the shelf scene to scene or episode to episode could get distracting. The review portion of the show is namely about you and the comic being reviewed, so there's little need for anything else.
I can also provide two contrasting examples: Nostalgia Critic and Spoony. Nostalgia Critic uses just the plain wall behind him. The plain wall contrasts to his dark hat, coat, and chair, keeping the focus on him. It's simple, but effective in this manner.
Spoony, on the other hand, sits in a corner that's heavily decorated. The items on his shelves generally don't change, but the posters will usually change according to subject matter. The posters work, since they usually tie to the theme. The shelves become a distraction, however, if Spoony holds on a shot of him for a long time. I can't tell you how many times I was watching Jesse and James during Counter Monkey posts.
In the end, it's your show, so you should do what you see fit. However, it would be wise to examine how the new look will affect the framing, the viewership, and the show overall.
Lewis, it's your show, I support the change but its all up to you. If you think it'll make the show better for you then go all out. Make as many changes as you want. So far whenever you did change something it made the show more awesome
Change the background!?!? CLEARLY, Atop the Fourth Wall has been RUINED FOREVER. I'm NEVER watching again EVER.
-Douchey McNitpick
If you have new merch for sale, you could put some of that up. Maybe a shelf of really good trades. You could even interact with it, pulling out an item to make a point or do the odd AVGN thing where you pick a comic out from the shelf to review.
I think the idea has potential and there's a lot you could do with it. Even something as simple as decorations for Halloween and Christmas.
Most of us understand that your show is filmed in your living space... this being the case arrange it however you please.. as for what you put up there.. I think it would be cool if you had a display of what was coming next (kinda a que of torture). Or you have some comics and a few pieces of the arsenal of freedom displayed/ easily accesible for those pesky foils of yours.. that being said it is your life and your choice we just watch it.
Oh, go for it. It could be cool.
I personally liked the way the futon and the wall contrasted with your dark gear making a nice color scheme, but it's your show so go for it. I think if you're gonna go with it, there should be items relevant to the comic you're reviewing. For example, having Doctor Who gear if you're going to review a Doctor Who comic.
How about you put each of Pollo's bodies on the shelves, and maybe a few of your weapons for easy access when you get attacked during your reviews.
wouldn't mind to see a little bit more of poyo...
Linkara, if you're hesitant to put pictures up because you can't put holes in the wall, look into hooks that are held up by an adhesive. Here's the brand I use:
I'm totally fine with the idea. It'd give the main set a little more feel of a real persons review room.
If you're gonna put things on them, might i suggest one or two cybermats, some trades of comics you've reviewed or plan to review, and possibly one or two items relevant to doctor who and power rangers.
Perhaps try photoshopping some in first, to see how it looks? I like the shelf of Continuity idea others suggested.
It's your wall, and honestly I care more about the show, who are the viewers to comment about you decorate your apartment?
Look, I don't give a crap on what you do. I'm for shelves, but don't clutter them to much. Maybe filed them with comic reviewed related items like others have suggested. Maybe have some kind of plot related item like a Chekov's gun among them or a Redherring and something sentimental among the items.
Ahhh going the Spoony route are we?
Well you should either populate it with objects and comics from previous videos or you could populate it with things themed to the comic you're reviewing at the time (ie. Spiderman comics), similar to what Spoony does with his reviews.
I think you should somehow have Lord Vice's Helmet. Maybe a trophy of all the villains of the show you've defeated.
Sounds like a great opportunity for visual humor, in jokes, easter eggs, and Checkoff's guns. The AT4W version of Rip Hunter's blackboard. Go for it!
I think having shelves on the extreme right and left, but leaving the center blank could work. As others have pointed out, too much behind the reviewer tends to be distracting.
3M makes a sticky thing for putting hooks on walls without creating holes. Plus clean up and removal leaves no marks. All you need is a wire behind said frame for a poster.
I think think this is a wonderful idea!!!! do it!!
And what to put on there.... well how about ever comic you ever reviewed for one!
OHHH i got the perfect idea! A action figure of batman looking directly at a rolling stone album! Maybe postion him like he's punching it, but depends how it looks.
You should get a digital frame of pictures of you reviewing all of the really bad comics. The only problem with that is that the movement might be distracting. You could set up a little collage of different pictures of you and comics. Since you hate them so much you can probably rip the pictures right out of the pages. You could make the collage spell "THIS COMIC SUCKS". I think that would be a really cool project.
Sounds like a decent idea. Maybe you could do a setup and post some photos to give everyone a better idea. I know that's gonna take a lot of time, but it'd be nice to give everyone a preview to get some feedback first.
Movie reviewers I see on YouTube either have a set of posters as their backdrop, shelves of collectibles, or simply a vibrantly painted wall. The last is likely not among your options, but simply said, a little flair goes a long way. I have posters and some display pieces in my videos, too. So, play around with it.
Also, those Command adhesive strips / hooks have been problematic for me. They've ripped the paint right off my walls. I would recommend adhesive putty. It won't make any mess on your walls, but is not especially strong.
great idea something significant from each story line something with weight and meaning, a trophy if you will.
Hi never commented before and love your show.
An interesting suggestion. Hmm I have two thoughts on this. On the one hand you have a nice basic set of storytelling on a settee with the focus on you and the comic.
On the other hand the shelves would help create more of a set feel and have list of items to do with the show or items that foreshadow something in the adventures of Linkara and Pollo.
Either way we all could have some fun trying to guess what the items are and what they their reference is to the story.
Either way keep up the fantastic entertainment.
All the morphers!
Nr 1 : Yes for the shelves. Put One More Day copies in them
Speaking of One More Day N2.
Linkara, I have a theory that could fix One More Day.(sort of)
You have read One More Day, haven't you. While reading it you saw something strange in the way the characters acted. (I mean nobody could heal a bullet wound, Peter acting illogical) Everything felt like a dream.
We know that Mephisto can play with Peter’s mind, that whole possible futures for Peter segment. In conclusion every thing from when he leaves the hospital for the first time until the end of the story could be unreal. Mephisto used the incompetency of the "heroes" to make Peter angry and in his anger he made mistakes. Also by the end the anger consumed him so did the hopelessness making him a wreckage, from a mental perspective. So Mephisto manipulated Peter.
MJ was brought to this dream world trough a mind link done by Mephisto OR MJ wasn't really there. What I mean she was the one who told Peter to make the deal.
Hey Linkara, this is off-topic (but the surest way you'll see this)
You know how ads on Blip have been spotty? Well, one of your fellow producers (Paw) had it set up so Blip detected if ads didn't play due to software. Now, I have adblock disabled on Blip and TGWTG, but it still wouldn't show. I think I figured it out though. I have Ghostry (an anti-cookie program) up as well. Disabled THAT and the ads played. The program is not an ad-blocker, just a no-following-my-ip blockers, so I didn't think of it at first. I'm not sure how many will notice that Ghostry does this, so maybe you could mention it? A lot of us do want to support you but have been puzzled...
Hey love the show and have been a big fan for a long while. So I thought I would provide my suggestions in list format.
-Porcelain Bunny
-Dragon Dagger
-A Duel Disc
-Sniper Costume Sunglasses
-A model ship of some sort
-Pollo Bodies
-Maybe hang some form of banner off the top of the center shelf
I'm for it. Maybe change out a few things every episode that are relevant to whatever comic you review that week, or use like a "trophy case" for different adventures.
Douchey McNitpick's ranting about the wall but I thought Douchey McNitpick had been sacrificed to the plot hole instead of the Nostalgia Critic because of the whole second coming of awesome thing?
If the plot hole did it then why isn't Insano using the cosmic duplication glitch to spread evil everywhere in the name of science?
Shelves are not going to effect my opinion of the quality of the show.
I say go with a minimalist approach to them. If its crowded than my eyes will wander during the reviews.
Maybe have a plot related item among the collection of stuff on the shelves . Do whatever you want to shelves
It's funny, I was just doing an archive binge the other day and I thought to myself "I rather miss the Star Trek models behind him." So if you still have those, especially the DS9 model, I'd say put those up again. Bit of a reminder of the old days, so to speak.
Or Porcelain Bunny, Blue Dog, and Squirrel. I like them too. But in the end, whatever makes you happy man. I'll enjoy seeing what you put up in the end.
Personally, I'd say put your favorite comics in the top corner. Also, any comic you will be refrencing in the reveiw VAL I'd say should be there during story epsode, so you wouldn't need to go back and forth in editing.
That's my opinion
I like it, and behind you I would like to see you 3 favorite Megazords if you have the toys readily available. If you do Mighty Morphin season 1, I'd use the complete Ultrazord. If you don't have the toys readily available I don't want you spending money unnecessarily simply to complete something.
Comics that are good.. A sonic screwdriver, maybe a morpher or 2... Maybe Margaret, though I suppose she should stay in the holster... The Black Light Generator... I dunno, mythology gag stuff. But either way, this souds like a cool idea.
Like what everyone else has said it would be good to put props on the shelf, maybe as the character of Linkara is a strategist he should put things that he would need in an emergency.
how about some of them being 'trophies' from linkara's many battles?
I'm down, I'd suggest putting up pollo's old bodies and comic books that you think are good so that you don't have to keep answering that question, and if you do at least they'd be handy on set.
I say do it my good man. It would also give me(and others) a good opportunity to see your comic book collection(should you decide to put them on the shelf).
You could also have a collection of the show's history. Looking back at when those stories first began.
Either way you can't go wrong.
Good idea! Populate them with rows of comics, then try to put things relating to each episode.
If I might suggest.
Legacy Morpher
I like the idea of the Wall of Shame, or at least the Shelf of Shame with all the books you have slammed on the Futon for being bad. Other things that might be good would be the Book from the Silent Hill reviews, the Dragon Dagger, maybe put the Comicron 1's Interface on there ((Sorry, I can't remember the computer's name))
Maybe populate it bit by bit with things from major story arcs. like mechakara hand. Just let it build up over time and frame it with one or two things that started you off, like the Technis comic.
I think that is a pretty cool idea.
Maybe you could put things from the past on there like Past comics you reviewed or items that have showed up in the past.
I'd have to say like memento's from the storylines or like weapons you've used along with little knick knacks, and it could be used for Storyline purposes potentially, someone breaks into your room, there's a phaser on your shelf or a morpher, you grab that immediately and use it. But yeah just put whatever you want on it.
Your youngblood action figures
As Stephen Colbert proved, you can never go wrong with Captain America's shield.
I think that the shelves are a good for what to put behind them, I'm thinking either A. your show props, (magic gun, battlizer, etc) or B. The comics that you plan on review for the month...or C. Anything that relates to the comics you review for the episode.
Why not treat it like your own batcave trophy room, like have Vice's helmet, Mechakara's arm stuff like that kind of on it as well for fan to see and add bits an pieces to it as it goes a long.
I like the idea, though I wouldn't mind an in-universe explanation for the change if you can come up with one (like maybe the new set is on Comicron-1 or something).
No! Things aren't allowed to change! The wall must remain the same! PEOPLE WILL RIOT, LINKARA!
Nah, just kidding. Nice try, but it'll take more than a change of wall to lose my viewership. XD I actually really like the idea. :3
As for what to put on it-well-everybody before me simply echo my ideas. Vyce's helmet, if it's still in existence, would be freaking awesome.
its a good idea, but i really hope you explain their sudden appearance (on the show) and talk a bit about whats on them (in like, a little video or something) also i don't think you should put comics on them because I don't think people will be able to read the SPINES and it will look like a mess. but it would be cool to put in bits and trinkets from your story arcs and shows and movies you like!!! I will strangely miss the wall tho.
PS- how many comics are back there anyway? you throw most of them back there at the end of episodes!
Here's another take on the shelf concept - using it a bit like a "now playing" shelf in a music store. Display the cover of the book you are reviewing, perhaps the book you reviewed last time and perhaps the one you intend to review next time. Could provide a visual continuity / timeline thingy, if desirable. Thanks for listening and keep up the great work!
Thematically, might be cool to load one shelf up with the Arsenal of Freedom, sort of an ad hoc weapons locker thing.
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