i feel linkara character forgot Mechakara his first enemy is an alternate-reality version of Pollo showing that even his robot can be turned evil even if his has not.
This Alan guy you are referring to all the time, he wouldn't happen to be Alan Bradley would he. I'm kidding, but still his name is Alan and much of what I heard in the discussions seemed more or less focused on technology.
Thank you for finishing the awesomeness that is Brute Force. It was one of my favorite titles you've been reviewing and I've been dying for the conclusion for a while. Loved the review, hilarious as always.
So glad to see the return of the plot, especially Nimue still whispering scary things whenever Linkara leaves the room. Can't wait to see where you go from here! Thanks for making Mondays bearable, Linkara!
ChrisPV: Not after. During. And considering that the last thing that we heard Nimue babbling today was "green", I'd say this is what Halloween will be:
10/07: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #48 10/14: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #49 10/21: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #50 10/28: Clone Saga: Web of Death
"Moloch, whose love is oil and stone." So Nimue's into Ginsberg? Interesting. Also interesting that she picked up on that part, considering Moloch is, well, Moloch. If she quotes Paradise Lost next, well...
No, no, no, no, no, Chris PV--the storyline will RESUME in October, and by Halloween, we will have concluded "The Ghost in the Machine." :) Until then, just watch the comics burn.
As you note, Brute Force seems like the worst mercenary force in History. They nearly destroy a forest, I think they blew up an Oil Tanker, And if the Explosives hadn’t been a bluff, they would have blown up a Nuclear Plant too!
Also, if Evil-Corp faked a Terrorist attack on a Nuclear Plant and the Police did call their Bluff, that would mean that the inspection of the Plant that follows would also result in them realising how it was cutting corners on Safety. Meaning that Melt Down will have their case proven without even having to submit their investigation.
Wait…if Brute Force beats them by the Power of Rock & Roll…does that make them enemies of Batman now? And considering he has ‘heightened Intelligence’, the Lio isn’t that best a speaker.
The Octopus looks awesome though. =3
Nice to see more Backstory to the Gunslinger, I do admit that I do sometimes hear a Passive Aggressive Tone in his Computer Voice. At least we also know who Alan is now too.
Still, Nice Review, Linkara. Looking forward to seeing more from you. ;3
Hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets h҉ot̶ p̷o͟c̷k̸ȩts͢ hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets ho̶t ͢po͟c̨kets͏ hot pockets hot pǫckets ̷hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets we’re all mad here hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets h̡ot ̶pòc͢k͝e͏ts h́ot p͡ơc̵k̷et̷s͞ h̴ot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets
That title card is awesome, its funny because Genesect and Mewtwo are both Pokemon created or modified by humans just like Brute Force.
So Alan is your liason with the Government...I have always wondered how you're able to keep a space ship with enough weapons to destroy Earth yet you've never been bothered by the CIA or anything.
Its seems that either this cousin or Entity known as "The King of Worms" is controlling Nimue or acting the same way Jaeris' AI did before he reprogrammed him.
I'm interested to see how all this plays out in October.
At least Brute Force's only story line had a happy ending and didn't set up a cliffhanger that never got resolved. If that had happened, I would have had to break something.
A liaison (I hope that's spelled right) with the government, huh? Do they also keep tabs on your wide, ever growing arsenal of magical weapons and AIs or is it just the spaceship?
::Hums taps in honor of last issue of brute force:: Other crappy series or runs that won't longer then series: Grant Morrison's Action Comic and Batman run or even Final Crisis. Identity Crisis. Ultimatum. Countdown. Batwing. Superior Spider-Man. Frankstein. I Vampire. I could go on sadly. You know we need to make Brute Force the firefly of this show. Dr. Evil was going about it all wrong. This comic shows he should have octopuses with lasers and not sharks.
Linkara, welcome to the power that is FRANCHISES (insert suitably dramatic music here)! It is proven fact that simply making a story part of a popular franchise will increase sales and popularity by a minimum of 28%. Just think, out of all the Star Wars books out there, would most of them really get glowing praise if they weren't from Star Wars? And would Star Trek Enterprise really have gotten a full four seasons (and Voyager seven before it) if they didn't have Star Trek in the title? No, what you are witnessing is Franchise.
Anyway, Anonymous are you hungry? Dude, you don't have to wait for us. Go on, get the hot pockets.
Great review! I will miss these crazy cyborg animals. My only thought after this review was...why wasn't the Beast Wars theme used during the fight scene? Your music choice was awesome, but I think Beast Wars would've been more appropriate.
Pure speculation here, but during the time when Linkara's gun wasn't working, they'd set nimaway to keep track of a whole lot of different things, including Linkara (notably, a comment was made about Nimaway's processor power already being stretched). If I recall correctly, the ship not being able to track Linkara was also the first problem that emerged. It is possible that during that period, it had so many tasks to accomplish that it had to permanently operate at post-human thinking speed, resulting in the same problem as with the gunslinger's computer.
Interesting story elements. Somehow it's probably for the best the Gunslinger knows nothing of Mechakara considering how you responded but he was an alternate Pollo so it wouldn't have probably mattered in the explanation.
Regarding the end of Brute Force: ridiculous but fun. I fear that unless it involved Deadpool and/or US-1, nothing good can come from Brute Force being in modern Marvel. Trust me on that.
Dude, Epic music like that could make pouring cereal cool. As for the brute force ending. Its sad. It was a stupid awesome comic. I wonder if the worm king has taken over or if She's cuckoo for cocoa puffs because of a work overload. I'm glad Jaeris came to his senses. CyberAngels ?. Great, two things came to mind cybernetic enhanced Angels that fight demons and a hybrid creature between two Dr. Who foes. Two Doubles. Does that mean another round of Jaeris vs Linkara? or Nimue vs Sierra that is forced by Worm King. Because I'm just speculating that the worm king isn't going to be that brave of a fighter. Like Why fight myself when I can wait till my foes kill each other off?
Just to pedantic, nuclear plants do keep open pools with barrels of nuclear waste in them. The pools are also safe to swim in. As shown here; http://what-if.xkcd.com/29/
Anon in comment 35: Yes, but the Spent Fuel Pools are *inside* the containment building, both to allow the safe transfer of the spent fuel rods during the refueling operation (the rods themselves are insanely radioactive), and in case cooling of the pool is lost, the decay heat of the spent fuel melts them, and they somehow manage to fall into a critical configuration. (This is exceedingly unlikely, given how precise an arrangement is required to achieve criticality, but it's theoretically possible.) They're not open to the outside environment (if nothing else, to keep the filters from clogging with leaves and bird crap and dead bugs), and even though the water is safe to swim in, it's still considered radioactive waste, just to be sure, and must be contained and held for a period of time to radiate off until it's no more radioactive than background radiation before it can be released, the same as any other low-level waste.
For the record, nuclear power plants have automatic safety systems that will, in most emergencies, drop them into "hot shutdown" mode almost instantaneously, without any human input. (At Chernobyl, these systems were deliberately disabled as a part of an experiment that they were conducting that led to the excursion, criticality accident, and steam explosion.) However, these systems will not complete the shutdown process. While they stop the fission chain reaction, the core and coolant remain hot (hence "hot shutdown") and there's a need to cool both down. Even once you reach "cold shutdown" (reaction stopped, reactor vessel and coolant temperature and pressure both down to ambient), except in a very few designs that can safely use convection at low power levels, there remains a need to keep circulating coolant as long as the fuel rods remain in place due to what is known as "decay heat," the heat generated by spontaneous nuclear reactions in the fission products left behind in the fuel rods. In mostly-burnt fuel loads, this decay heat can easily get high enough to cause core damage if you lose cooling circulation or if the coolant level gets low enough to expose the core. (continued next post)
So yeah, if someone was stupid enough to prevent the techs from doing their jobs... well, Fukushima Daiichi was an example of what happens when you go to hot shutdown, but then fail to properly cool the core until it reaches cold shutdown. Given that it can take a week or more to get to cold shutdown even in the best-case scenario (limited decay heat, normal cooling system fully operational, emergency cooling system also used to increase cooling capacity, cold weather outside to increase cooling efficiency), yeah, the fake terrorists were just ASKING for having the core melt down on them.
Which, of course, would likely NOT result in a containment breach (Fukushima Daiichi was pretty much a worst-case scenario for western-design reactors, and all the radiation releases there were basically dumping contaminated cooling water to make room for the additional coolant being pumped into the leaking reactor vessel; the containment building was never compromised), but WOULD result in a few billion dollars worth of damage to the plant, not to mention the lost revenue for ConHugeCo due to the electricity that OTHER suppliers would be selling to make up for their nuke plant not doing it, PLUS the massive costs of cleaning up the mess afterwards.
So yeah, brilliant plan, Frost, save yourself maybe a hundred million dollars in fines and fixes by costing yourself four or five BILLION dollars, not to mention likely having the operating license for your OTHER nuke plants revoked due to allowing such a severe security breach...
On another note, even as of 1989, most explosives you'd find packed in a box like that were what are called "insensitive explosives," meaning that you can chew them and eat them, you can play basketball with them, you can shoot them, you can set fire to them, you can do damn near anything to them, and they still won't explode, because they need a very specific trigger to set them off. So just knocking over a box of them won't make them explode!
Now I don't have a 90's Kid kangaroo to look forward to any more-- oh well, the show must go on.
Now for the storyline:
Although I'm glad that Linkara and the Gunslinger were able to make amends, Nimue's behavior is kind of worrisome. If she is possessed by something, I hope that our favorite comic book defender can save her like he saved 90's Kid from the Entity.
The Creature Commandos http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/4/18583-2507-20784-1-weird-war-tales.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/6/67663/2034228-01.jpg
Dial H For Hero http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/8015/226881-19439-117291-1-house-of-mystery.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/3/31666/2422042-cover.jpg
Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/4/20684-3193-23076-1-amethyst-princess-o.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/6/66303/2598091-swsor_cv0_ds.jpeg
The Green Team: Boy Millionaires http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/6/67663/3243219-02.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/6/66303/3057684-green+team.jpg
Say what you want about them, but unlike Marvel, DC actually cares about their franchises, even the really obscure ones
Not to mention, at least as far as my opinion goes, all of these revivals were awesome thus far
Awesome "thus far"? Green Team has barely started, and all the other revivals you mention have been discontinued/cancelled several months ago, with most of them not even lasting a dozen issues.
The stories themselves might be fine, but I'm not sure if DC really cares about those obscure series thanks to their fixation on having 52 different comics per month (which is a rather insane number to begin with). Several comics in the first few "waves" were basically intended as filler, to be replaced by something more popular (like more goddamn Batman).
Besides, I don't think DC would have much love for insane awesomeness. They turned happy-go-lucky Harlequin into a psycho that blows up kids for no reason, for f*cks sake.
Pop Culture Otaku, where you referring to Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE when referring to bad comics that wouldn't die? I hope not since I thought that comic was awesome and wish it had lasted longer.
I had such mixed feelings when I first saw Brute Force #4 on the upcoming list. The awesomeness was to be brought again, but it is the last.
Sad and happy at the same time.
Though I did enjoy its end and agree with other comments about how it was nice to not get stuck with some unresolved cliffhanger at the end.
Liaison to the US govt. I don't know why I hadn't guessed that before. Probably a good thing for Linkara to have.
Interesting to learn that about Sierra. Also shows Jaris(sp?) is even smarter than we thought. (Not thinking he was dim just wow that's amazing he reprogrammed all that too?)
I worry for Nimue.
I am also super looking forward to next week. That's my favorite of all the Trek movies!
Those titles simply got cancelled because of low sales and they got low sales because they did not have Batman in them (admit it, you know it's the truth)
DC at least gave those titles a chance, something Marvel doesn't even bother to do in the first place
also, you are really kinda dumb if you really meant that seriously are you seriously implying that Harley never did something like that? I mean, sure, you could say that it was The Joker doing those things, but Harley was always more than willing to help, and I don't remember her ever having any moral objections to them all she really did now was to start her own little project (which was still more tame than something The Joker would do)
also, they gave Harley more dignity now she's a legitimately intelligent (alto insane) person, rather than someone who slept her way through university.
It's almost like those critically-acclaimed, but obscure titles needed a tat more promotion or time. I could also be inclined to believe that having 52 titles each month is bound to cause a couple of those to be overlooked. It's kinda hard to get noticed under a dozen Batman comics.
If DC wants to give those titles a chance, they should put out more anthology comics.
Didn't Marvel bring back US-1 - with a SPACE-TRUCK no less? I also can't think of anything DC has to offer to rival the insanity of Deadpool.
I never said that I like this particular portrayal of Harley's backstory.
Harley was quite literally mad in love with the Joker, so I guess she didn't really thought much about what they did. When Harley got her own gang, she wasn't really all that dangerous. Heck, half of her gang raised a mutiny because of her incompetence.
Look, if you'd actually read Harley's solo book, instead of just her Wikipedia article, you'd know that she slept with her tutor to ensure good grades while still having time for the gymnastics team (kind of MANDATORY when you're on a gymnastics scholarship) *and* class *and* such minor things as sleeping and eating *and* having some vague semblance of a social life. She was entirely smart enough to get her doctorate entirely on her own merits; she used sex solely as a way to reduce the workload to a manageable level. "Gave her dignity," my ass, they just made her grim and gritty and gave her the same abusive childhood as every other villain in the New 52.
"Didn't Marvel bring back US-1 - with a SPACE-TRUCK no less?"
Wasn't that just a guest appearance in Deadpool?
"they just made her grim and gritty and gave her the same abusive childhood as every other villain in the New 52"
And she managed to crawl her way out of it, all by her own It didn't brake her like the others Her insanity did not come from abuse or tragedy, but from her desire to understand the insane mind that by itself is a pretty interesting concept, which kinda reminds me of the subplot with Walter's psychiatrist from Watchmen
"Look, if you'd actually read Harley's solo book, instead of just her Wikipedia article"
I did read it I have a print of the story. And it still made her look like a bimbo
and what do you mean by "All" The point of Deadshot's origin was that he lost his family right as things were starting to improve Right when his father got a job, and they finally had a chance to move out of the dirt-hole they lived in, they were all gunned down by stray bullets
and you do know that in real life, most sociopaths com from abusive backgrounds
And you do know, Mr. Anonymous, that the whole point of Harley's origin was that she was a normal person driven mad by the Joker. That's what gives her origin it's gravitas and if you make her mentally disturbed the whole time, you lose that gravitas.
Had she never met the Joker she would've likely gone on to have a successful career as a psychiatrist, you do understand that right? That's what made the character special. Making her a sociopath the entire time doesn't "give her dignity" it makes her generic.
Actually, Deadshot's origin is exactly like that Had the gangsters not shot down his parents and sister, he could have had a normal childhood and grow up to be like everyone else
In a way, you could say that Deadshot is what Bruce Wayne would have become if he wasn't stinking rich Deadshot had to turn to crime on his crusade
but back to Harley, I do think that they made her more unique it wasn't some sort of trauma that made her go insane It was her desire to understand how the minds of Arkham's inmates worked And she succeeded She understood their point of view, and she came to the conclusion that they were right all along
I actually think that this is much creepier than simply being misguided by another madman It plays of that little voice in the back of you'r head the voice that makes you doubt things makes you doubt laws and social norms the fear that all the things we are thought may be just lies, and that those we are thought to fear and hate may have had it right all along and that's something I find creepy as hell
At least Marvel HAS something like Deadpool. Where can I fand insane fun in the New 52? It's mostly grimdark and super serious over there.
And you might call Harley a bimbo. I call her fun, charming and likable.
And that's why I don't like her little backstory with one of her former professors showing that she was basically obsessed with the Joker from the start. It's kinda like how bad Batman writers have all important flashbacks from his childhood set during (or slightly before) the day his parents got killed. It's just unnecessary.
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth...why do the good comics die young? Wait...profit margins and stupidity. Never mind, I answered my own question.
So...the kangaroo and octopus are their respective opposites on the team? Well jumping vs. no legs, I guess that makes as much sense as anything.
I'm going to have to argue with you on something, I think that the terrorist is inside the fence, other wise why would there be "Keep Out" signs posted on the inside of the fence? Is the nuclear plant trying to keep the workers in?
Decepticons...Cobra...Hoggish Greedly...and Team Galactic...it all adds up to a sinister riddle...r. Riddler! A thought strikes me...so dreadful I scarecely dare give it utterance. The four of them...their forces combined. Holy nightmare!
Cybernetic animals aren't meant to fight...not like this. It's useless. What can come out of it?
So...what did they do with Heavy Metal? Did they get away and are now independent contractors? Did the octopus open his own laundromat? Why didn't this series last longer!
Did the government notice the spaceship when Lord Vyce first showed up or did the Entity's actions of a couple years ago cause people to notice it? Will this be covered in a regular episode or do we have a plot for the next DVD?
Oh and since its “Talk Like a Pirate Day” as I type this...Blow me down! Your October storyline be shaping up to be as terrifying as receiving the black spot! Linkara better move smartly or else the squiffy seeming Nimue may make him walk the plank.
Well, to be fair, the gang members that did raise the mutiny were kinda assholes to begin with. The ones that stayed loyal were experienced henchmen for which Harley was one of the best bosses they ever had (which is understandable considering the alternatives in Gotham are psychopaths who don't really hestitate to sacrifice or kill their own henchmen.). Harley is crazy as well, but she had a heart.
The main problem with the Western comic industry is that is dominated by male writers and mostly targeted towards males as well (I think there's a self-fullfilling prophecy somewhere).
"Try Threshold, Dial H, G.I. Combat, Frankenstein, The Green Team, and Larfleeze"
Maybe I'll check out Dial H and Frankenstein. The rest doesn't really sound too interesting to me.
Yeah, it is true that current mainstream comics aren't a very fun place nowadays. You'd think the continued success of Deadpool would be a giveaway that we need more diversity.
Review wise, nothing much to say but, why is such a stupidly awesome concept not still around? Silly comic companies, grimdark is over twenty years old now. Grimdark can drink legally. If you don't want a new idea then at least try recombining Silver Age and Dark Age by keeping the SILLY of the Silver Age, instead of the fear of progress. Comics aren't comedic these days.
Now plot: And, here we are, at the point where I knew we would eventually reach from the moment where you named the AI after the sorceress who betrayed and imprisoned Merlin.
Gotta say, I was hoping the name was going to have been a red herring, not prophetic.
Of course, there is still time for me to be wrong.
As for the the better parts, the apology, the comments about how wrong choices were made, and will be made again, that was good stuff. We can't make the right choice every time. Especially when there isn't a right choice but only a choice between two different kinds of wrong.
You have to try to learn from that while dealing with the consequences of your actions. That's how we grow as people, and as a culture. Very well done there.
Good job, looking forward to the conclusion of this arc.
"The main problem with the Western comic industry is that is dominated by male writers and mostly targeted towards males as well (I think there's a self-fullfilling prophecy somewhere)."
To be fair, as someone who red her fair share of manga and fanfiction written by female writers, I can say that the problem is both-sided It's actually pretty rare to see a female writer who can write male characters well
But to return to the subject, this is why I'm actually rather positive about the updates done to Harley's character In most stories I've seen with her throughout the media, she always just served as the dopey sidekick to a bigger villain Now they are taking her in the direction of an independent protagonist, even if a villain protagonist Regardless of what you think of her as a character, it's still a step in the right direction for female characters in American comics as a whole
"Maybe I'll check out Dial H and Frankenstein. The rest doesn't really sound too interesting to me."
Thus far, Larfleeze is the closest to Deadpool in it's brand of humor and weirdness
Frankenstein and Dial H (along with Threshold and G.I. Combat) mostly work with introducing bizarre and downright ridiculous concepts, twists, and characters, but play them completely straight And awesome example is the finale of Dial H's first story-arc, where Nelson transforms into a giant chicken with a Hula-hoop, to battle against an Eldritch abomination for the fate of the Earth Once again, the world is being save by a giant chicken with a Hula-hoop, yet the scene manages to be genuinely dramatic, and even downright epic Now that's what I call grade-A weirdness
meanwhile The Green Team can be seen as a deconstruction of Richie Rich, in the same way as The Venture Bros. is a deconstruction of Johnny Quest.
"Yeah, it is true that current mainstream comics aren't a very fun place nowadays. You'd think the continued success of Deadpool would be a giveaway that we need more diversity."
Yeah, I was expecting Guardians of the Galaxy to be allot sillier I mean, it's still a great series, but for a comic that features a talking raccoon and a walking tree among it's main characters, it takes itself VERY seriously (not even in the surreal way as Frankenstein and Dial H did)
I did actually notice a trend in the American entertainment industry that started somewhere in the late 90s The idea that "fun = bad" I'm not referring to the Dark Age of comics by the way Unlike our friend Lewis here, I found the "pouches, huge guns, and shoulder-pads" comics of the early 90s to be endearing in their over-the-top insanity No, I'm referring to the obsession with realism that crept-up upon us The belief that if something isn't realistic, nobody will like it It's a trend that has seriously hurt not only the comic industry, but also movies and video-games The only medium that seems to be immune to this is cartoons (which just keeps getting better may I add)
In fact, in order to increase the variety of my comics, I do follow a few comics based on the current cartoons the Adventure Time, Bravest Warriors, and Regular Show comics by Boom!Studios, and the My Little Pony comics by IDW are all genuinely awesome (the Nightmare Rarity arc in the MLP comic is various kinds of epic), and I'm also looking forward to IDW's comic revivals of the Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack
It is generally harder to write for characters that are not your own gender. That is why we need more diversity.
In the comics, Harley left her sidekick role quite a while ago well before the reboot, pretty much doing whatever she wanted and occasionally teaming up with Ivy and maybe Catwoman.
Isn't Larfleeze sthick that he is basically Super Scrooge? I fear that might get old fast. Also, I don't particularly care about any of the Lanterns.
"Frankenstein and Dial H (along with Threshold and G.I. Combat) mostly work with introducing bizarre and downright ridiculous concepts, twists, and characters, but play them completely straight"
And this my friend is exactly the kind of ridiculousness that I grave for. Nice :D
"meanwhile The Green Team can be seen as a deconstruction of Richie Rich, in the same way as The Venture Bros. is a deconstruction of Johnny Quest."
All I can associate "Richie Rich" with is a terrible movie I barely remember. I don't think this is something I care about beeing deconstructed.
And the 90's were definitely so absurd that it wouldn't surprise me if most writers didn't take anything serious.
Speaking of serious: Aside with "fun = bad", having everyone take everything so bloody seriously is seriously sapping the fun out from most stories for me (be it movies, comics or games). Just compare any fantasy flick made in the 80's with modern flicks. Sure, the older movies were campy as hell, but they had a certain charm that is just hard to find in the colorless, grimdark world of modern movies.
It's really no surprise why I am more of a manga guy. At least here I can still get a feeling of wonder, excitement and adventure.
Loved your review on the last Brute Force Comic. This comic is stupid and yet crazy/awesome. Marvel needs to consider bringing back Brute Force.
So, this Allen fellow works with the U.S. Government. How long have Linkara been in contact with the feds -- since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce or since Holokara threatened to blow up Marvel Comics? We should see Allen soon . . .
Nice to see Jaeris and Linkara make amends as well as more of the back-story behind Sierra. Of course, it should be noted that regular Pollo sacrificed his original body in the Death and Return of Pollo saga back in winter 2011/2012. I still think the King of Worms has somehow infected Nimue and Comicron-One, although I wonder if Linkara should take precautions . . .
"So, this Allen fellow works with the U.S. Government. How long have Linkara been in contact with the feds -- since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce or since Holokara threatened to blow up Marvel Comics? We should see Allen soon."
Since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce. After Linkara got the ship, he stopped by and said hello.
"Since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce. After Linkara got the ship, he stopped by and said hello."
Makes sense to me. After all, US Space Command *would* be tracking the ship (nothing bigger than a golf ball gets closer to Earth than the Moon's orbit without being tracked, and inside of geosynchronous orbit, they track things as small as washers, screws, and even large flecks of paint due to the danger they pose to spacecraft and satellites), and the last thing Linkara would want is for them to decide that this massive alien spacecraft that carries obvious weaponry is *hostile*, because if they did, the three nations in the world that have demonstrated anti-satellite weapons in the past (US, Russia, and China) would start dusting the things off.
And even with the ship's defenses, they'd eventually find a way through to destroy it. Better to quietly contact the major governments and let them know what's going on so they DON'T panic. (Granted, this means that they WILL have contingency plans in case he goes rogue, but at least this way, they don't actually *implement* those plans on a pre-emptive basis...)
To be fair to the writers, Three Mile Island was barely an event. Nobody died, or was even exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Had it not been for activists blowing things out of proportion it would likely have been only a footnote.
Oh, forgot to mention this one, but don't think I didn't catch that Justice League Unlimited reference.
For those who didn't:
Amanda "The Wall" Waller " If we present a threat?! You've got a spaceship floating over our heads with a laser weapon pointing down. In another dimension, seven of you overthrew the government and assassinated the President. We're the good guys, protecting our country from a very real threat: you!"
This was said to in response to Batman informing her if Cadmus presented a threat the JLU would take them down. Which required breaking into her home to do so. While she was in the shower. She delivered this speech in her bathrobe. And Batman couldn't even say a word to counter her. Just walked out.
I'd love to see Linkara tackle the Dino-Riders comics, the show was actually a lot smarter and deeper than it got credit for, check out my review http://lidoshuffle1.blogspot.com/2015/06/static-thoughts-dino-riders.html
The only way Marvel could bring back Brute Force is develop an animated TV series aimed for kids a'la Teen Titans Go! Just saying!
ReplyDeletei feel linkara character forgot Mechakara his first enemy is an alternate-reality version of Pollo showing that even his robot can be turned evil even if his has not.
ReplyDeleteThis Alan guy you are referring to all the time, he wouldn't happen to be Alan Bradley would he. I'm kidding, but still his name is Alan and much of what I heard in the discussions seemed more or less focused on technology.
ReplyDeleteThank you for finishing the awesomeness that is Brute Force. It was one of my favorite titles you've been reviewing and I've been dying for the conclusion for a while. Loved the review, hilarious as always.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see the return of the plot, especially Nimue still whispering scary things whenever Linkara leaves the room. Can't wait to see where you go from here! Thanks for making Mondays bearable, Linkara!
It was already adressed in the "death of Pollo" storyline. Linkara is afraid of that, but Pollo convinced him he would not turn against him.
ReplyDeleteWait, you hit us with a cliffhanger like that and then expect us to wait until after Halloween? You sir are a monster of Moffatian proportions.
ReplyDeleteI don't share your view but I'm using monster of Moffatian proportions now cuz that's a great line.
DeleteSadness level. It's over 9000:'( You will be missed Brute Force.
ReplyDeleteChrisPV: Not after. During. And considering that the last thing that we heard Nimue babbling today was "green", I'd say this is what Halloween will be:
ReplyDelete10/07: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #48
10/14: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #49
10/21: Green Lantern Vol. 3 #50
10/28: Clone Saga: Web of Death
*facepalm* clearly you have forgotten about the Thing comics
Delete"Moloch, whose love is oil and stone." So Nimue's into Ginsberg? Interesting. Also interesting that she picked up on that part, considering Moloch is, well, Moloch. If she quotes Paradise Lost next, well...
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no, no, no, Chris PV--the storyline will RESUME in October, and by Halloween, we will have concluded "The Ghost in the Machine." :) Until then, just watch the comics burn.
ReplyDeleteAs you note, Brute Force seems like the worst mercenary force in History. They nearly destroy a forest, I think they blew up an Oil Tanker, And if the Explosives hadn’t been a bluff, they would have blown up a Nuclear Plant too!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if Evil-Corp faked a Terrorist attack on a Nuclear Plant and the Police did call their Bluff, that would mean that the inspection of the Plant that follows would also result in them realising how it was cutting corners on Safety. Meaning that Melt Down will have their case proven without even having to submit their investigation.
Wait…if Brute Force beats them by the Power of Rock & Roll…does that make them enemies of Batman now?
And considering he has ‘heightened Intelligence’, the Lio isn’t that best a speaker.
The Octopus looks awesome though. =3
Nice to see more Backstory to the Gunslinger, I do admit that I do sometimes hear a Passive Aggressive Tone in his Computer Voice. At least we also know who Alan is now too.
Still, Nice Review, Linkara.
Looking forward to seeing more from you. ;3
well, at least they had their story-arc finished
ReplyDeleteand I think you should learn by now that it does not matter how good a title actually is, but rather how mainstream it is
in this way, it's quite the achievement that Dial H went for 15 issues
also, cookie to anyone who gets this joke
Frost is not a dumbass villain, he's actually a good guy and it was ALL part of his plan.
ReplyDeleteActually, "Cyborg Angels" sounds like a pretty awesome idea for a comic, itself.
ReplyDeleteBrute Force is over and all I can wonder is what will replace it in crazy awesome comics.
ReplyDeleteThere are the remaining three issues of Robocop vs The Terminator, those get awesomely nutty.
Most nuclear plants are set to go into a safety mode if no one of operating them controls rods fully inserted and so on.
ReplyDelete4 issues of Brute Force... and Avengers Arena goes 18. Truly this is the cruelest of all possible worlds.
ReplyDeleteHot pockets hot pockets hot pockets h҉ot̶ p̷o͟c̷k̸ȩts͢ hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets ho̶t ͢po͟c̨kets͏ hot pockets hot pǫckets ̷hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets we’re all mad here hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets h̡ot ̶pòc͢k͝e͏ts h́ot p͡ơc̵k̷et̷s͞ h̴ot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets hot pockets
ReplyDeleteH̸ơt ͜po͏cket̶s ͘h͝o̢t͘ ͠po͡c͘k̀et͞s͡ h̷ot p̶oc̕k͟et̢s ҉h̸ot͝ p̷ock͟ets ̨hot̸ pock͘et͟s h̴ot͟ ͢poc͠k͠e͏t͠s̢ h̷òt pòćkets ͟h̵o͠t ̧p̛o̡ck͜ets ̴hot͞ po̷c̨kets̛ ͘hot pockets ̸h́ot͡ ͘po҉c̢k̢ets h̸ot p͏o̵ck͠ets̸ ̷hot po̸ckets hot̷ ̨p҉o̵ck̛ets̡ ͘hot pockets ho̢t͜ p͘o͠c̵ḱe̴ts̢ hot ͏pòckets̀ ҉ho͟ţ poc͠k͞e҉t͏s͜ h͠ot pock͘e̶t̷s ͟ho̸t̡ p͡oc̶k̀ets̨ ́h͘o͜t p҉oc͜k͡e͜ts h͘ot ͡p͡ockets hot pockets hot pockets ho̵t̨ po͡ćk̕e͏ts͢ ͠hot ͝p̶ocke͠ts h͡ot poc͘ke͡t͝s ho̡t p͠o͢c͟k͝e͠tś ͠h̡ot ͜ṕơck҉e͞t̶s ho̸t͝ ͠p̵oc̨k͢e̷ts̛ h͢ot p̀oc͘ke̵t̷s ̀ho͟t ṕocke̷ts h̛o͡t̛ p͠oc̷k͜ets
H͏ot poc͠kèts I’m going to kill you ̀h͡o̴t̛ pockȩts ̛h͜o͟t̴ p̴o̢c̀kets̕ ̨hòt pock͢e͏t̶s ͘hơt̵ poc̀k͝ets ̢h͞o̵t ́pock̀e͝ţs ͞h̵ot͠ poc̀kets҉ h҉o̷t p̢oc̴kets hot poc͏k̢e̸t̀s h͝ot̕ ̸p̵o̧ck̢e͏t͠s͟ ho̸t ̀poc̶kets̛ ̕hòt poc͏ḱe͡t̶s̶ hòt ̴poc̀ke̵ts h̷ot͝ p͟o̡c̶k̴ets̛ h͡òt ͘p͠o͘ck͠e̕t̷s h͜ot͘ pock̴ets̢ hot̸ ̷po̡c͞k͝éts hot po͜c͟ke͡t̵s ̴h͢ot ͡po̕ck͠e͞t͘s͡ ̀hot ́p̴ock͞ęts h̶o̴t̴ pocḱe͡t͝s̵ hot͘ p̕o͡c͢ke͡t̸ś ̀ho̴t pock͡èts̨ ̶ho͟t̴ ̀pocke͟ts h͜ot̕ ͝pocket̢s҉ ͡h͏o̢t͡ ͠p̵o̢ćk͘ets̛ ̶ho̕t ͜poc̸kets͝ ́h̡ot̶ p͏ock̕ets hot p̛ocket͝s ̨h͢ot ҉po͝ck̸e̛t͡s̢ ͝h͟o͏t po͞ck͡e͟t̷s̵ h͡o͠t ̸po͡ćk̕e̕t̕s̴ hot p̀o̸c̵kęt͘s҉
H̸ot poc͜k̸͝et̸s̕ ̀h̴o҉͡t͏ ̧p͟o҉c̸̴͘k̴é̸t͏͡s ̡ho̧͘t͘ ̸̡p҉͠͞oc̛̀̕k͠͠e҉t͞s̶̛͠ ̧̕h͏ǫ̛t̵ ̴͘p͘ơc̶̢k͠e̴̵ts̛͜ h͜ot̨́͏ ҉̧p͢͝o̴c̷̢͞k̸͘͜e̴t͟͟s ̴̨h͟͝ǫ̧ţ҉ p̧͡o̵͞c̨҉̴ke͘͢t̢̀͟s҉͞ ̢̕͟h͘o̢t̨ ̴͜po̧c͟k̷͝͠èt̵͜s̨͝͏ ̨h́͜o̷͞͠t ̴̕͜p͏ò͢͞ck̴̡͢e̕͝t̷͢s h̡͞o̢t̢̀ ҉p͢o͢͢çḱ͝e͜t̶͞s̢̀͝ ̴̢́h̸̨ot͡ ̸p̷̧͞o̶c̛̀͢ke̵t͏̛͠ś̛́ ͏̧́h̛o̷̕t̵̀͡ ̸͝͠p̷o̵͏͏c̡k҉ȩţ͞s̶̡ ̴̢͢h͏̶oţ̴͝ p̨o̡c̢k͟ę͢t̀s ͢h͢ot͡ ̷p̸͞ó̵͟c̡̧ķ͟e͘͡t͢s҉ ́͘h́ot҉҉ p͞o͠c̶ke̶t͢͝͠s̨̕͡ ̵̢̛h͢͜o͝t ̸͠p̶͜ơ͟c̵k̴e͏t̶͝s ͡͡ho̕͟t̷ p̴̀o̷͘͏c̛k̶̢e͘t҉s̴̛ ̕h̶͜͏o҉̵̢t҉̨ p̸o̢͞ckȩ̕͠t͟s̕͜ ͘͞h̷̛ot̨͢͠ ͘̕̕p͞o̴͞c҉k͏͢e̶͞t͞s̴̨͝ ̶̴h̴͟o͝t ͞ṕ̧ǫ̧ç̷͡k͘҉͏e̢̕҉t̵͠s̕ ̶h̀͘҉o̷͘t͝ ͘p̛o͟c̢͘ḱ̵̡è͜t̸s ̵ho̸̷͞t̴̢ ̕p̶̕͘ó̸çk͡ȩt̛͡s̛̛̀ ̶h̀͏ot̷̶ p̶͠ò̵̡ç͡ke҉t́s͏̕͡ ̛h̡ó͞t̡ ̶̧͡pơ̸͝c̡̢ķ̷e̛t͜͜s̀ ̵̸̡ḩo̶̡t̸҉ ̕p̶̢̀oć͏k͏͘e̕͢͢t̀͟s͞ ̧͘͞h̡o̴͞t ͘͞p̀͟͠ơ̧̡c͝͞k̨e͞t̴͝s͡ ̕hot ̡p̶̷͝oc̴͢ke̴̢̛t̡ś̵̶ ̡͟hò͠ţ p̶҉oc͏̸k̢e̵̷t̷ş́ ͜͡h̨͡o̢͜t͞ p̕͏o͞ck͟e͏̶̨ts͝ ̨̛͟h͠ǫt̴ ͡p̴o̵҉cḱet̸͠s̸ ̕͜͝h͜o̸̧t̶͟ p͟oc͡k͟͟e̴̢t̶̶͡s̵̡ ho̡҉t ̴͘͠p̕ǫc̶̀k̸͟͝e̴t̀͢s ͟҉̷h͏̸́ot͡͝ ͝p̧oc͘͜k̨͞e̢҉t̡s̷̀͢ They come in twos YOU come in twos YOU and YOU KILL YOUR DOUBLE ̴͜h̶͘o̸t ̨͢p̢o҉c҉̶͝ke̷̛͡ts̵
H̲͇ͅo̙̦̤͔̠̘̝͎͔͍̜̞̹̯͕̟͈̖ṱ̰̹̝̦ ͕̠̟̱͚̟P͈͔̪̦̟̗̩̘̯̗͚͕̘̼̼̯̱̗̬o̗͚̝̩͙̱͇͍͙̮̘͕̭̥̜ͅͅc͓̻̝̰̙̥͖̟̳̙̠̼k͎̘̜̻͕̰̝͚̪͇̖̟̼͈̹̗̻͚̯e̥̪͖̲̣͓̤̖͇t͖̣̼̬̳͍̦̗̦̤̪̜.̼̰̙̖̰̠̭̘̘̰
Delete͎̦͎͚͇̹̘̙H͔͈͉͔̳͙̙̥̯͓̰͈̫̜̦͕o͕̣̖̯̼t̼̦͚͔̱̞̩͇ͅ ̩͍̳̭̺P̣̲̥̞͉̼̥̮͎͍̲̹̗̜ͅo͙̠̲͎̞̪c̙̲̖̭̺͉k̘̺̭͖̦̟̯ḛ̼̖̼͉̟͔̥͉͈͚̫ͅt͚̗̗̩̖̙.̦͔͉̪̳̹͍̺̭
͖̟̠̙̥̳̰͓̙̬̗͈̝̻͈H̰̦̞̠̪̼̩͓̯̪o̳̣͔͓̲̘̩ͅͅt͈̻͔̮̼̤͖̗̗ͅ ͚̙̜̰̪͉P̩̜̦̣̤̰̳̩͓͉̲̮̯̥̦͓̮o͓̝̩̹͙̰̪̲̝c̭̲̱̤͎̘͎̻͔̣͎̦̹͍k̠̩̳̺̫͓̺͍͚̜̺̖͕̮̺̬e̳̼̣͔ț̼͇͙̳̼͍̖͚͓̟̬̤.̭̱̣͕͚͈̦͓
̣̜̦̳̞ͅH̟͕̪͓͉͉̯͓̥̫̭o̭͈͔͇̤͓̖͍͇t̬̣̲̟̲̯̭̬͚̦͖̥̼̩̺ ̯̹͙͍̹̻̠̲͍͉͔̝̠̯͎P̫̬̺̣͈̞̗̟̜͚̞o̹̦͈̯̼̙̟̻̮̺̗̗̦c͉̟͙̝̝̯̘͍̝̳̥k̪͇͕̼͖̲͚̜̫͉͇͙̮̦͙̻̺ͅe͙̪̭͙͉t͚͎̭̪̮.̘̱͚̪̹͕
͍͔̠̲̺̥̩͓̱̞͇̠͖͇̮͙͚I̙̮̰̳̘ ͔͚̠̩s̺͉̳͚̥͎̙e͓̥̲̖͍̤̝̥͕e͓̭͉͖̬̲̠̤͚̤͎͎̩̰̟ͅ ͇̖̬̞t̤̞̻̫̯̼̝̖͓̦̯̰̺̫̜ͅh̜̭̩͈̦͈͔̮͙̭͖͚̟̱̮͎̘̰e̠̬͉͍̦̖̥͖ͅ ̼̳̣b̫͓̬̗̺̮̤̭̼̬ͅe̥̗͕̺̗̳͍͚̮͔͚̩̞̺a̞̫̟͙̼͓͍̜̲͖̺͍ͅs͈̻͇͚̞͚̠̺̣̻̼̪t͔̗͙̖̘ ̗̮̣̙̬͙̰̰͖̟̰ͅḭ̼̖̬̺͚̠n̤̦̗̦̞̣̫͔̳͙͇ͅs̥͍̼͍ị̜̪̪̝͙͚̜d̝͇̱̙̱̰͍͉̤̲ͅe̩͚̻̻̖͎̹̱̼͓͖̦̬ ̻͇̲̳͓̥͚̣̬͔̩͓̙̘̺y̦̼̻̯̥̘̝̪̗͚̞ͅo͚͙̳̣̬̬̖̜̣͖̲u͚̰̘͈͈̙͇̮̦̙̫̗̞͕̪̮ͅ,̩̱̱͈͇̜̬̯̠͍͚̹̜̲̳͙̞ ͚̬̬̟͓̪͔̖̳͎̮̤̱̪͈I͖̹̤̼͇̣̻͎ ̼̫̱̹͈̰̗͎͚͉̳͖̫̭̤͙̳̪s̮̗̺̻̗̗e̱͍̭̮̭̩ẹ̟̙̖̮͉͈ ̩̤̣̞͙̱͙̰̜̳͖̠̗̩̼ͅt̘̜̣̮̳̙͈̘̭̘̻̳̺̲͓̙̬̠h̲͕̝̙̞̳̭ͅe̖͓̜̘̟ ̲̻̱͓̜̱̲̠̪̠͖̱̦̣͙͍b̲̳͉̮͔e̬̰̟̰͍͈͎̣͎̮̙̬̥̝̙͔̙͉a̰̣͙̜̜̥̮͓̼s̲̦͔̝͙͙̰̮̪̖̭͙̞ͅt͈̺͙̣̹̞͎̹̞̭͓̬ ̪̖̦̩͇̩͎̞̩̱̲̝̥̝͚̗̥̤i̝͎̙̪̺̘͔̩̟̝̠̫͉̺̺n̲̲̞̝̯s̟̮̺̼̜͇͎̱̩͉͙̬̰̻̦̺͍i̝̝͎͖̜̟̮͖̖d̥͍͔̭͎̣̺̩̞̮̪̘̮̪̦̥͙e̱̹̤̰̹̣̬̣̭ ̘̻͔̰m̙̩̺̯̮e̦̺̗̞̹̯͉̜̫ͅ,̼̻͔̞̰̩̫͇̳͇̜͙̱̰͍͎̼̙ͅ ̰̖̫̙͔̰̝̖̲̫͕̭͎̳ͅṂ͎̩͈̪̪̠͔̯̟͕͖̘͕̯͚͎o̮̪͓̻͉͓l͚̪͓̳͔̠͍̪ͅo̲̦͇̟̼̣̩̝̥͚̞̫̥ͅc̤̯̼̫͓̭̗̺̫͙̰̣͚͖̤̩ͅḫ̜̥̬̣̭̜̻̭͙̥̙̞’̬͉̪͎̙̣̰̹͚̞̗s̤̲̙͙̺̖̮̮̗͚̥̳̲ ̼̘̝͈̜̣̤̹͈͇̼̻͙̠l͖̜̗̟̫͕o̯͚͔̞̺̜̟̭̮̟v̮͍̞̬e̹̯͚̭̰̤ ̹͉̹̟̘̪̦̥̲i̞̖̪̭͔̰͕͓̰̝̪s̲͓̺̹̫̫͎̖̟̰̞͔̟̩̝̗ ̟̣̩̗̰̟o̪͔̺͎̖̦̙̩̭͔̼̳͚̻i̜̥̰̪̰̦̮̥̻̟l̘̘̻̟͓̹̘̣̮̥͈̪̖͔̮̯͕̙̥ ̰͉̥͎a̪̝̣̫̺̲̳͍̗̜̬͕n͇̭̞͖̘̻̻̭̹̮͓̦̪̤̠͈̞̠d͓̣̱̰ ͇̳̣̼̤̳̠̩͇̘͈̻͙̮̬̙̞s̩̩̺͍͙̲̭͙̪̠̬̠̹̝͇̱̠̘t̙̯̫͚͙o̻̹̖̤̦̖͍n̦̥͎̯̤̞͎͉̲̭̪͍͓e̫̗̫̥̻̗̜̫̺̞̤̳͓̪̣͍̫̯ͅ
͙̰̰̠̫̤͚̻̲̹̭̭H̤̖̪͇̗̪̙̖̞͈̹͓̠͙̖̺e̱͎̖̰͓̻̜̩̱̲̖͍̹̭̫͓̖̠ ̺̲̖͕̘̜̲̳̯̟͉̞̭͎̰w̩̲͍̬̰̪͓̩ͅͅͅh̺͔̬̠̺͖ͅo̭̳͓̳̜̻͖̗̤͈̘̲͇͙̹ ͇̥͖̥̭̬̯ͅi̬͖̖̻̘s͓̖̪͖̯̯̣̹ ̮̗͔̲t̗̪̬̞͎̩͔̗͎̜͈̘ͅh̥̲͓͔̝͉͉̫͎̫̙̖e͇͚̜̥̰ ̲͍͚͓͎̰͓̜͎̻ͅͅf̭͚̦͕̜̠̖̗͎̫e̻̰͕̭̼̟͍͇͈̭͍̠̭a̩̭͔̺r̩̪͚̘̗̭̩̣̥͖̠̳̖͓̫̱̪ ̮͉͎̙͎̙̻̱͍͎̺̣̤̱̗̜̳̫ͅo̮̙͚̪̼͕͎̳͉̻͕͈͉f̪̫͚͍͓̭̳̝͎̝̫̹͓͚ ͎̪̗̣͚̝̮̪͉͙ͅw̝͕̱͎̗̳̗̟̲̙̮̻̳̱ͅh̰̗̱̻̬͎̙͖̮̻̰̘̖ͅa̟̗͉̼̳t̼̼̻̖̯̥̥̪̲͍̜̬̤̦͎̥̦s̺̤̜̦͙͔̠̩̺̫͈͔̞̣ͅ ̺͚̖̙̖t̬͔̜̰̠̗̻̻̩ͅo̻͍̹̠̞̻̞̞͎̹̩ͅ ̳̭̲̪̱̦̲̲̰̺̭̩c̙̞̞̜͎o͉̳̝͓̺̤̹̟̜̗͙̼m̙̭̗̤̙͙̙̺̭̳͔e̲̜͚̫͔̳͓̦̮͈͙̣̗̙̠̭͖̜ ̬̣͇͖͖̱̟̩̳̰͍͖͔̺͎̺t͎̘̱̪ḫ͓̙͓͖͍͍͓̪̖̟͓̙̰̟͚̭͕a̘̤͖̣͎͇t̲͕̰̗̣͚̱̠̫͉ͅ ̻̝̙̹̰̝̣̜͇͈̲̻̝̫̩̮̦̹m͍̻̩̙͕̫͖͍o̰̙̭̗̦̠̫̪̖̲͕̞͚v̬͚̫͙̟̞e͚̼͈̜͔s̜̦̲̤̤͎̻͓̙̭̥̰̮̞ͅͅ ̳͇͚̳̯͚̩͙̬̜͇̼̭̣̖͕̖ͅt̝̤͎̭͖̘h̯̱̖̯̤̘̺̠̝͉͓̣̖̞̰̯̙e͙͕̫̖̙ ̩͖̺̻̞̯͈͎̤̳̺̝͎g̮̳̤̮̬r͈͉͈̯͍̙͍e̞͈̮̫͓a̪̼̣͓̰̝̩͉̫̹̗̰t͉̬͚͖͈̼̼̗̺̮̱͚̟̦ͅ ͔͎̻̳̹g̩͓̼̙̣̠̫͕̣͔̘̱̟e̼̤͇̙̫̗̹̹a̗̝̖̲͖̙̳͍̙̞̮͔̣̺̟͓̳ͅr̙͖͓̗͖͍̞̲͖̲̰̘̗ͅs̖̺̫̤͇̗͓̙̯͖͙̠̘͈ͅ ͈̲̹͓̟̹͇̲̙͕͕̥f̟̜̜͈̰̼͎̘͚̺̲͎̙̲͉̘̖͕ͅo̝̣̩̼͍̲͍̻͖̲͕̲ͅr̖͎̟̰͓̦w̫̗̳̩͔̮̜͇̯̣̠͇͈̥̼̝͈a̖͈̩̦͈̟̦̬r̤̮̝̝̲͔͇̦͔d̖͇̬̯.͙̮̦̱̩̱̫͎̱̬̬ͅ
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That title card is awesome, its funny because Genesect and Mewtwo are both Pokemon created or modified by humans just like Brute Force.
ReplyDeleteSo Alan is your liason with the Government...I have always wondered how you're able to keep a space ship with enough weapons to destroy Earth yet you've never been bothered by the CIA or anything.
Its seems that either this cousin or Entity known as "The King of Worms" is controlling Nimue or acting the same way Jaeris' AI did before he reprogrammed him.
I'm interested to see how all this plays out in October.
.... Yeah, Linkara might be in trouble, if that anon was any indication. This reminds me of something that happened in Schlock Mercenary.
ReplyDeleteNo love for more issues of Brute Force? Truly, there is no hope.
ReplyDelete6:32 - what is a young M. Bison / Yasunori Katou doing in the right panel o_O ?
At least Brute Force's only story line had a happy ending and didn't set up a cliffhanger that never got resolved. If that had happened, I would have had to break something.
ReplyDeleteA liaison (I hope that's spelled right) with the government, huh? Do they also keep tabs on your wide, ever growing arsenal of magical weapons and AIs or is it just the spaceship?
....I think one of the Anonymouses (Anonymi?) has been watching too much Jim Gaffigan. God Pocket!
ReplyDelete"I huge fan of Elemental Heroes."
ReplyDeleteMe: ADFSJOPgndmkfgvnc SAME HERE!! The lion is my new favorite character in this comic now. XD
One has to wonder if Grant Morrison's We3 was intended as giving Brute Force the "Dark Knight Returns" treatment.
ReplyDelete::Hums taps in honor of last issue of brute force::
ReplyDeleteOther crappy series or runs that won't longer then series:
Grant Morrison's Action Comic and Batman run or even Final Crisis.
Identity Crisis. Ultimatum. Countdown. Batwing. Superior Spider-Man. Frankstein. I Vampire. I could go on sadly. You know we need to make Brute Force the firefly of this show.
Dr. Evil was going about it all wrong. This comic shows he should have octopuses with lasers and not sharks.
Linkara, welcome to the power that is FRANCHISES (insert suitably dramatic music here)! It is proven fact that simply making a story part of a popular franchise will increase sales and popularity by a minimum of 28%. Just think, out of all the Star Wars books out there, would most of them really get glowing praise if they weren't from Star Wars? And would Star Trek Enterprise really have gotten a full four seasons (and Voyager seven before it) if they didn't have Star Trek in the title? No, what you are witnessing is Franchise.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Anonymous are you hungry? Dude, you don't have to wait for us. Go on, get the hot pockets.
Great review! I will miss these crazy cyborg animals. My only thought after this review was...why wasn't the Beast Wars theme used during the fight scene? Your music choice was awesome, but I think Beast Wars would've been more appropriate.
ReplyDeletehuh, that exposition on sera gunslinger gives sounds alot like rampancy..... is nimoway an AI built from the ground up or is she a scan of someone?
ReplyDeletePure speculation here, but during the time when Linkara's gun wasn't working, they'd set nimaway to keep track of a whole lot of different things, including Linkara (notably, a comment was made about Nimaway's processor power already being stretched). If I recall correctly, the ship not being able to track Linkara was also the first problem that emerged. It is possible that during that period, it had so many tasks to accomplish that it had to permanently operate at post-human thinking speed, resulting in the same problem as with the gunslinger's computer.
ReplyDeleteInteresting story elements. Somehow it's probably for the best the Gunslinger knows nothing of Mechakara considering how you responded but he was an alternate Pollo so it wouldn't have probably mattered in the explanation.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the end of Brute Force: ridiculous but fun. I fear that unless it involved Deadpool and/or US-1, nothing good can come from Brute Force being in modern Marvel. Trust me on that.
Question... does Linkara the character (as opposed to Lewis the person) watch the reviews and read these comments?
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be certain vital clues he is missing... which would put him up there with a lot of people who appear on WWE telvision. ;)
Dude, Epic music like that could make pouring cereal cool.
ReplyDeleteAs for the brute force ending. Its sad. It was a stupid awesome comic.
I wonder if the worm king has taken over or if She's cuckoo for cocoa puffs because of a work overload. I'm glad Jaeris came to his senses.
CyberAngels ?. Great, two things came to mind cybernetic enhanced Angels that fight demons and a hybrid creature between two Dr. Who foes. Two Doubles. Does that mean another round of Jaeris vs Linkara? or Nimue vs Sierra that is forced by Worm King. Because I'm just speculating that the worm king isn't going to be that brave of a fighter. Like Why fight myself when I can wait till my foes kill each other off?
Just to pedantic, nuclear plants do keep open pools with barrels of nuclear waste in them. The pools are also safe to swim in. As shown here; http://what-if.xkcd.com/29/
ReplyDeleteThe comic: (Sniff) You will be missed.
ReplyDeleteYour Arc: Yeah, I'm not sure that's Nimue anymore just something pretending to be her.
Fiery Little One
God bless you, Brute Force. You may have been short lived, but your idiotic madness brought a smile to our faces.
ReplyDeleteAlso, looks like Nimue is possessed or she's running on Windows 8. Either way, not good. ^^;
Anon in comment 35: Yes, but the Spent Fuel Pools are *inside* the containment building, both to allow the safe transfer of the spent fuel rods during the refueling operation (the rods themselves are insanely radioactive), and in case cooling of the pool is lost, the decay heat of the spent fuel melts them, and they somehow manage to fall into a critical configuration. (This is exceedingly unlikely, given how precise an arrangement is required to achieve criticality, but it's theoretically possible.) They're not open to the outside environment (if nothing else, to keep the filters from clogging with leaves and bird crap and dead bugs), and even though the water is safe to swim in, it's still considered radioactive waste, just to be sure, and must be contained and held for a period of time to radiate off until it's no more radioactive than background radiation before it can be released, the same as any other low-level waste.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, nuclear power plants have automatic safety systems that will, in most emergencies, drop them into "hot shutdown" mode almost instantaneously, without any human input. (At Chernobyl, these systems were deliberately disabled as a part of an experiment that they were conducting that led to the excursion, criticality accident, and steam explosion.) However, these systems will not complete the shutdown process. While they stop the fission chain reaction, the core and coolant remain hot (hence "hot shutdown") and there's a need to cool both down. Even once you reach "cold shutdown" (reaction stopped, reactor vessel and coolant temperature and pressure both down to ambient), except in a very few designs that can safely use convection at low power levels, there remains a need to keep circulating coolant as long as the fuel rods remain in place due to what is known as "decay heat," the heat generated by spontaneous nuclear reactions in the fission products left behind in the fuel rods. In mostly-burnt fuel loads, this decay heat can easily get high enough to cause core damage if you lose cooling circulation or if the coolant level gets low enough to expose the core.
(continued next post)
ReplyDeleteSo yeah, if someone was stupid enough to prevent the techs from doing their jobs... well, Fukushima Daiichi was an example of what happens when you go to hot shutdown, but then fail to properly cool the core until it reaches cold shutdown. Given that it can take a week or more to get to cold shutdown even in the best-case scenario (limited decay heat, normal cooling system fully operational, emergency cooling system also used to increase cooling capacity, cold weather outside to increase cooling efficiency), yeah, the fake terrorists were just ASKING for having the core melt down on them.
Which, of course, would likely NOT result in a containment breach (Fukushima Daiichi was pretty much a worst-case scenario for western-design reactors, and all the radiation releases there were basically dumping contaminated cooling water to make room for the additional coolant being pumped into the leaking reactor vessel; the containment building was never compromised), but WOULD result in a few billion dollars worth of damage to the plant, not to mention the lost revenue for ConHugeCo due to the electricity that OTHER suppliers would be selling to make up for their nuke plant not doing it, PLUS the massive costs of cleaning up the mess afterwards.
So yeah, brilliant plan, Frost, save yourself maybe a hundred million dollars in fines and fixes by costing yourself four or five BILLION dollars, not to mention likely having the operating license for your OTHER nuke plants revoked due to allowing such a severe security breach...
On another note, even as of 1989, most explosives you'd find packed in a box like that were what are called "insensitive explosives," meaning that you can chew them and eat them, you can play basketball with them, you can shoot them, you can set fire to them, you can do damn near anything to them, and they still won't explode, because they need a very specific trigger to set them off. So just knocking over a box of them won't make them explode!
Now I don't have a 90's Kid kangaroo to look forward to any more-- oh well, the show must go on.
ReplyDeleteNow for the storyline:
Although I'm glad that Linkara and the Gunslinger were able to make amends, Nimue's behavior is kind of worrisome. If she is possessed by something, I hope that our favorite comic book defender can save her like he saved 90's Kid from the Entity.
You see, if Brute Force was a DC title, it would have gotten a revival of some sort LONG ago
ReplyDeletein the New 52 alone, we already got revivals of:
Blackhawk http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/2/23749/424514-73934_20061204214507_large.jpg
The Creature Commandos http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/4/18583-2507-20784-1-weird-war-tales.jpg
I... Vampire! http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/8015/228032-19439-117482-1-house-of-mystery.jpg
OMAC http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/4/12975-2665-14550-1-omac.jpg
Dial H For Hero http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/8015/226881-19439-117291-1-house-of-mystery.jpg
Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/0/4/20684-3193-23076-1-amethyst-princess-o.jpg
The Green Team: Boy Millionaires http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_large/6/67663/3243219-02.jpg
Say what you want about them, but unlike Marvel, DC actually cares about their franchises, even the really obscure ones
Not to mention, at least as far as my opinion goes, all of these revivals were awesome thus far
ReplyDeleteAwesome "thus far"? Green Team has barely started, and all the other revivals you mention have been discontinued/cancelled several months ago, with most of them not even lasting a dozen issues.
The stories themselves might be fine, but I'm not sure if DC really cares about those obscure series thanks to their fixation on having 52 different comics per month (which is a rather insane number to begin with). Several comics in the first few "waves" were basically intended as filler, to be replaced by something more popular (like more goddamn Batman).
Besides, I don't think DC would have much love for insane awesomeness. They turned happy-go-lucky Harlequin into a psycho that blows up kids for no reason, for f*cks sake.
Prediction: Linkara is going to be forced to reprogram Nimmue. Pollo will see it and turn into Mechakara. It will probably not stick.
ReplyDeletePop Culture Otaku, where you referring to Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE when referring to bad comics that wouldn't die? I hope not since I thought that comic was awesome and wish it had lasted longer.
ReplyDeleteI had such mixed feelings when I first saw Brute Force #4 on the upcoming list. The awesomeness was to be brought again, but it is the last.
ReplyDeleteSad and happy at the same time.
Though I did enjoy its end and agree with other comments about how it was nice to not get stuck with some unresolved cliffhanger at the end.
Liaison to the US govt. I don't know why I hadn't guessed that before. Probably a good thing for Linkara to have.
Interesting to learn that about Sierra. Also shows Jaris(sp?) is even smarter than we thought. (Not thinking he was dim just wow that's amazing he reprogrammed all that too?)
I worry for Nimue.
I am also super looking forward to next week. That's my favorite of all the Trek movies!
I knew that you were going to do the its sad that this is the final issue bit.
ReplyDeleteThose titles simply got cancelled because of low sales
and they got low sales because they did not have Batman in them (admit it, you know it's the truth)
DC at least gave those titles a chance, something Marvel doesn't even bother to do in the first place
also, you are really kinda dumb if you really meant that seriously
are you seriously implying that Harley never did something like that?
I mean, sure, you could say that it was The Joker doing those things, but Harley was always more than willing to help, and I don't remember her ever having any moral objections to them
all she really did now was to start her own little project (which was still more tame than something The Joker would do)
also, they gave Harley more dignity
now she's a legitimately intelligent (alto insane) person, rather than someone who slept her way through university.
I'm joining the Anon, 18, 2013 at 4:53 AM, on this
ReplyDeleteEven if DC intended those titles to be filler, at least they got creative with them, and dug around in their history
Marvel would just give us more Avengers, Spiderman, and X-Men spin-offs
I mean, come-on Marvel!
You can do better than that.
No Howard the Duck?
Or Crystar: Crystal Warrior?
ReplyDeleteIt's almost like those critically-acclaimed, but obscure titles needed a tat more promotion or time.
I could also be inclined to believe that having 52 titles each month is bound to cause a couple of those to be overlooked. It's kinda hard to get noticed under a dozen Batman comics.
If DC wants to give those titles a chance, they should put out more anthology comics.
Didn't Marvel bring back US-1 - with a SPACE-TRUCK no less?
I also can't think of anything DC has to offer to rival the insanity of Deadpool.
I never said that I like this particular portrayal of Harley's backstory.
Harley was quite literally mad in love with the Joker, so I guess she didn't really thought much about what they did.
When Harley got her own gang, she wasn't really all that dangerous. Heck, half of her gang raised a mutiny because of her incompetence.
@Anonymous in post 47:
Look, if you'd actually read Harley's solo book, instead of just her Wikipedia article, you'd know that she slept with her tutor to ensure good grades while still having time for the gymnastics team (kind of MANDATORY when you're on a gymnastics scholarship) *and* class *and* such minor things as sleeping and eating *and* having some vague semblance of a social life. She was entirely smart enough to get her doctorate entirely on her own merits; she used sex solely as a way to reduce the workload to a manageable level. "Gave her dignity," my ass, they just made her grim and gritty and gave her the same abusive childhood as every other villain in the New 52.
My thoughts on the comic:
ReplyDelete1. Aww, why must all the awesomely stupid stories come to an end? I wanted more.
2. Love the use of Ghost Love Score during the fight scenes.
Storyline thoughts:
1. Yay, Linkara and Jaeris apologized to each other! That's a very important step.
2. UH OH! Nimue may have to be reprogrammed.. "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..." ;)
"Didn't Marvel bring back US-1 - with a SPACE-TRUCK no less?"
ReplyDeleteWasn't that just a guest appearance in Deadpool?
"they just made her grim and gritty and gave her the same abusive childhood as every other villain in the New 52"
And she managed to crawl her way out of it, all by her own
It didn't brake her like the others
Her insanity did not come from abuse or tragedy, but from her desire to understand the insane mind
that by itself is a pretty interesting concept, which kinda reminds me of the subplot with Walter's psychiatrist from Watchmen
"Look, if you'd actually read Harley's solo book, instead of just her Wikipedia article"
I did read it
I have a print of the story.
And it still made her look like a bimbo
and what do you mean by "All"
The point of Deadshot's origin was that he lost his family right as things were starting to improve
Right when his father got a job, and they finally had a chance to move out of the dirt-hole they lived in, they were all gunned down by stray bullets
and you do know that in real life, most sociopaths com from abusive backgrounds
no matter how ye put it, th' fact remains
ReplyDeleteTh' New 52 features several series starin' lesser known characters
Marvel Now features one series that kills-of lesser known characters en-mass
And you do know, Mr. Anonymous, that the whole point of Harley's origin was that she was a normal person driven mad by the Joker. That's what gives her origin it's gravitas and if you make her mentally disturbed the whole time, you lose that gravitas.
ReplyDeleteHad she never met the Joker she would've likely gone on to have a successful career as a psychiatrist, you do understand that right? That's what made the character special. Making her a sociopath the entire time doesn't "give her dignity" it makes her generic.
That's not a good thing!
ReplyDeleteActually, Deadshot's origin is exactly like that
Had the gangsters not shot down his parents and sister, he could have had a normal childhood and grow up to be like everyone else
In a way, you could say that Deadshot is what Bruce Wayne would have become if he wasn't stinking rich
Deadshot had to turn to crime on his crusade
but back to Harley, I do think that they made her more unique
it wasn't some sort of trauma that made her go insane
It was her desire to understand how the minds of Arkham's inmates worked
And she succeeded
She understood their point of view, and she came to the conclusion that they were right all along
I actually think that this is much creepier than simply being misguided by another madman
It plays of that little voice in the back of you'r head
the voice that makes you doubt things
makes you doubt laws and social norms
the fear that all the things we are thought may be just lies, and that those we are thought to fear and hate may have had it right all along
and that's something I find creepy as hell
so yes, I do think it's an improvement
ReplyDeleteAt least Marvel HAS something like Deadpool. Where can I fand insane fun in the New 52? It's mostly grimdark and super serious over there.
And you might call Harley a bimbo. I call her fun, charming and likable.
And that's why I don't like her little backstory with one of her former professors showing that she was basically obsessed with the Joker from the start.
It's kinda like how bad Batman writers have all important flashbacks from his childhood set during (or slightly before) the day his parents got killed. It's just unnecessary.
And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth...why do the good comics die young? Wait...profit margins and stupidity. Never mind, I answered my own question.
ReplyDeleteSo...the kangaroo and octopus are their respective opposites on the team? Well jumping vs. no legs, I guess that makes as much sense as anything.
I'm going to have to argue with you on something, I think that the terrorist is inside the fence, other wise why would there be "Keep Out" signs posted on the inside of the fence? Is the nuclear plant trying to keep the workers in?
Decepticons...Cobra...Hoggish Greedly...and Team Galactic...it all adds up to a sinister riddle...r. Riddler! A thought strikes me...so dreadful I scarecely dare give it utterance. The four of them...their forces combined. Holy nightmare!
Cybernetic animals aren't meant to fight...not like this. It's useless. What can come out of it?
So...what did they do with Heavy Metal? Did they get away and are now independent contractors? Did the octopus open his own laundromat? Why didn't this series last longer!
Did the government notice the spaceship when Lord Vyce first showed up or did the Entity's actions of a couple years ago cause people to notice it? Will this be covered in a regular episode or do we have a plot for the next DVD?
Oh and since its “Talk Like a Pirate Day” as I type this...Blow me down! Your October storyline be shaping up to be as terrifying as receiving the black spot! Linkara better move smartly or else the squiffy seeming Nimue may make him walk the plank.
ReplyDelete"Heck, half of her gang raised a mutiny because of her incompetence."
And that's a HUGE problem
The mainstream American comic industry does not have enough competent independent female characters, whether they are heroes or villains
At least now she wasn't motivated by a man
The Joker merely provided the final push, after she already has "gone native" with the Arkham inmates
"At least Marvel HAS something like Deadpool. Where can I fand insane fun in the New 52?"
Try Threshold, Dial H, G.I. Combat, Frankenstein, The Green Team, and Larfleeze
ReplyDelete"At least Marvel HAS something like Deadpool. Where can I fand insane fun in the New 52?"
As Tracey already pointed
Frankenstein, Dial H, Larfleeze
I'm also enjoying Li'l Gotham (alto it's technically not a New 52 title)
"It's mostly grimdark and super serious over there."
And so is Marvel with the sole exception of Deadpool
ReplyDeleteWell, to be fair, the gang members that did raise the mutiny were kinda assholes to begin with. The ones that stayed loyal were experienced henchmen for which Harley was one of the best bosses they ever had (which is understandable considering the alternatives in Gotham are psychopaths who don't really hestitate to sacrifice or kill their own henchmen.). Harley is crazy as well, but she had a heart.
The main problem with the Western comic industry is that is dominated by male writers and mostly targeted towards males as well (I think there's a self-fullfilling prophecy somewhere).
"Try Threshold, Dial H, G.I. Combat, Frankenstein, The Green Team, and Larfleeze"
Maybe I'll check out Dial H and Frankenstein. The rest doesn't really sound too interesting to me.
Yeah, it is true that current mainstream comics aren't a very fun place nowadays. You'd think the continued success of Deadpool would be a giveaway that we need more diversity.
Review wise, nothing much to say but, why is such a stupidly awesome concept not still around? Silly comic companies, grimdark is over twenty years old now. Grimdark can drink legally. If you don't want a new idea then at least try recombining Silver Age and Dark Age by keeping the SILLY of the Silver Age, instead of the fear of progress. Comics aren't comedic these days.
ReplyDeleteNow plot:
And, here we are, at the point where I knew we would eventually reach from the moment where you named the AI after the sorceress who betrayed and imprisoned Merlin.
Gotta say, I was hoping the name was going to have been a red herring, not prophetic.
Of course, there is still time for me to be wrong.
As for the the better parts, the apology, the comments about how wrong choices were made, and will be made again, that was good stuff. We can't make the right choice every time. Especially when there isn't a right choice but only a choice between two different kinds of wrong.
You have to try to learn from that while dealing with the consequences of your actions. That's how we grow as people, and as a culture. Very well done there.
Good job, looking forward to the conclusion of this arc.
ReplyDelete"The main problem with the Western comic industry is that is dominated by male writers and mostly targeted towards males as well (I think there's a self-fullfilling prophecy somewhere)."
To be fair, as someone who red her fair share of manga and fanfiction written by female writers, I can say that the problem is both-sided
It's actually pretty rare to see a female writer who can write male characters well
But to return to the subject, this is why I'm actually rather positive about the updates done to Harley's character
In most stories I've seen with her throughout the media, she always just served as the dopey sidekick to a bigger villain
Now they are taking her in the direction of an independent protagonist, even if a villain protagonist
Regardless of what you think of her as a character, it's still a step in the right direction for female characters in American comics as a whole
"Maybe I'll check out Dial H and Frankenstein. The rest doesn't really sound too interesting to me."
Thus far, Larfleeze is the closest to Deadpool in it's brand of humor and weirdness
Frankenstein and Dial H (along with Threshold and G.I. Combat) mostly work with introducing bizarre and downright ridiculous concepts, twists, and characters, but play them completely straight
And awesome example is the finale of Dial H's first story-arc, where Nelson transforms into a giant chicken with a Hula-hoop, to battle against an Eldritch abomination for the fate of the Earth
Once again, the world is being save by a giant chicken with a Hula-hoop, yet the scene manages to be genuinely dramatic, and even downright epic
Now that's what I call grade-A weirdness
meanwhile The Green Team can be seen as a deconstruction of Richie Rich, in the same way as The Venture Bros. is a deconstruction of Johnny Quest.
"Yeah, it is true that current mainstream comics aren't a very fun place nowadays. You'd think the continued success of Deadpool would be a giveaway that we need more diversity."
Yeah, I was expecting Guardians of the Galaxy to be allot sillier
I mean, it's still a great series, but for a comic that features a talking raccoon and a walking tree among it's main characters, it takes itself VERY seriously (not even in the surreal way as Frankenstein and Dial H did)
I did actually notice a trend in the American entertainment industry that started somewhere in the late 90s
The idea that "fun = bad"
I'm not referring to the Dark Age of comics by the way
Unlike our friend Lewis here, I found the "pouches, huge guns, and shoulder-pads" comics of the early 90s to be endearing in their over-the-top insanity
No, I'm referring to the obsession with realism that crept-up upon us
The belief that if something isn't realistic, nobody will like it
It's a trend that has seriously hurt not only the comic industry, but also movies and video-games
The only medium that seems to be immune to this is cartoons (which just keeps getting better may I add)
In fact, in order to increase the variety of my comics, I do follow a few comics based on the current cartoons
the Adventure Time, Bravest Warriors, and Regular Show comics by Boom!Studios, and the My Little Pony comics by IDW are all genuinely awesome (the Nightmare Rarity arc in the MLP comic is various kinds of epic), and I'm also looking forward to IDW's comic revivals of the Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack
ReplyDeleteIt is generally harder to write for characters that are not your own gender. That is why we need more diversity.
In the comics, Harley left her sidekick role quite a while ago well before the reboot, pretty much doing whatever she wanted and occasionally teaming up with Ivy and maybe Catwoman.
Isn't Larfleeze sthick that he is basically Super Scrooge? I fear that might get old fast.
Also, I don't particularly care about any of the Lanterns.
"Frankenstein and Dial H (along with Threshold and G.I. Combat) mostly work with introducing bizarre and downright ridiculous concepts, twists, and characters, but play them completely straight"
And this my friend is exactly the kind of ridiculousness that I grave for. Nice :D
"meanwhile The Green Team can be seen as a deconstruction of Richie Rich, in the same way as The Venture Bros. is a deconstruction of Johnny Quest."
All I can associate "Richie Rich" with is a terrible movie I barely remember. I don't think this is something I care about beeing deconstructed.
And the 90's were definitely so absurd that it wouldn't surprise me if most writers didn't take anything serious.
Speaking of serious: Aside with "fun = bad", having everyone take everything so bloody seriously is seriously sapping the fun out from most stories for me (be it movies, comics or games).
Just compare any fantasy flick made in the 80's with modern flicks. Sure, the older movies were campy as hell, but they had a certain charm that is just hard to find in the colorless, grimdark world of modern movies.
It's really no surprise why I am more of a manga guy. At least here I can still get a feeling of wonder, excitement and adventure.
Loved your review on the last Brute Force Comic. This comic is stupid and yet crazy/awesome. Marvel needs to consider bringing back Brute Force.
ReplyDeleteSo, this Allen fellow works with the U.S. Government. How long have Linkara been in contact with the feds -- since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce or since Holokara threatened to blow up Marvel Comics? We should see Allen soon . . .
Nice to see Jaeris and Linkara make amends as well as more of the back-story behind Sierra. Of course, it should be noted that regular Pollo sacrificed his original body in the Death and Return of Pollo saga back in winter 2011/2012. I still think the King of Worms has somehow infected Nimue and Comicron-One, although I wonder if Linkara should take precautions . . .
"So, this Allen fellow works with the U.S. Government. How long have Linkara been in contact with the feds -- since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce or since Holokara threatened to blow up Marvel Comics? We should see Allen soon."
ReplyDeleteSince Linkara vs. Lord Vyce. After Linkara got the ship, he stopped by and said hello.
"Since Linkara vs. Lord Vyce. After Linkara got the ship, he stopped by and said hello."
ReplyDeleteMakes sense to me. After all, US Space Command *would* be tracking the ship (nothing bigger than a golf ball gets closer to Earth than the Moon's orbit without being tracked, and inside of geosynchronous orbit, they track things as small as washers, screws, and even large flecks of paint due to the danger they pose to spacecraft and satellites), and the last thing Linkara would want is for them to decide that this massive alien spacecraft that carries obvious weaponry is *hostile*, because if they did, the three nations in the world that have demonstrated anti-satellite weapons in the past (US, Russia, and China) would start dusting the things off.
And even with the ship's defenses, they'd eventually find a way through to destroy it. Better to quietly contact the major governments and let them know what's going on so they DON'T panic. (Granted, this means that they WILL have contingency plans in case he goes rogue, but at least this way, they don't actually *implement* those plans on a pre-emptive basis...)
The effects of 3 Mile Island weren't anywhere near as bad as Chernobyl. Or even the more recent Fukushima. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteTo be fair to the writers, Three Mile Island was barely an event. Nobody died, or was even exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Had it not been for activists blowing things out of proportion it would likely have been only a footnote.
ReplyDeleteOh, forgot to mention this one, but don't think I didn't catch that Justice League Unlimited reference.
ReplyDeleteFor those who didn't:
Amanda "The Wall" Waller " If we present a threat?! You've got a spaceship floating over our heads with a laser weapon pointing down. In another dimension, seven of you overthrew the government and assassinated the President. We're the good guys, protecting our country from a very real threat: you!"
This was said to in response to Batman informing her if Cadmus presented a threat the JLU would take them down. Which required breaking into her home to do so. While she was in the shower. She delivered this speech in her bathrobe. And Batman couldn't even say a word to counter her. Just walked out.
He used the door.
Man I miss that show...
I'd love to see Linkara tackle the Dino-Riders comics, the show was actually a lot smarter and deeper than it got credit for, check out my review http://lidoshuffle1.blogspot.com/2015/06/static-thoughts-dino-riders.html