Tuesday, February 18, 2014

VLOG: 2-18-14 - The LEGO Movie

Linkara and Viga saw the LEGO movie!


  1. I had no interest in seeing this movie, but you two make such a good case for it that I might have to now.

  2. I loved the movie, but the building skills on that kid are way beyond what they realistically would be... also, it's not like he didn't have any legos, he had a whole box of them in the corner. granted, if I saw him building stuff as good as that, I would get him more, but he's still messing with the legos that aren't his...

    also, if the guy wants to glue down his own legos then he can. it's not like he's gluing down the kid's legos, just his own stuff... I dunno, I really enjoyed the movie and all, but those things just sort of bugged me. :\

  3. Definitely the first great movie of 2014! Made me want to relive my childhood with LEGOs too. I think I had those really big LEGOs as a very little kid, but I would still like to build a lot of LEGOs and make my own version of the movie.

    I don't know if you saw the new RoboCop yet. In its own way, it's a pretty good action film though it's definitely not better than the original. Still, it's worth checking out.

  4. This movie was AWESOME!!!


    The kid being apprehensive about his sister coming to play with the Legos was an age thing because DUPLO was referenced, and DUPLO is the Lego branch for young children around the ages of 2 to 5 ("which is more of a suggestion"). I think any child would be concerned about a toddler coming in and ruining their creations.

    Apparently a sequel is already in the works, so maybe we'll get to see some of the aftermath of the DUPLO invasion.

  5. Gaah! Stop being so cute you two!!! You're rotting my teeth out! :)

    Seriously, though, this movie was awesome. Funniest jokes in a kids move--hell, ANY movie--in years!

  6. Yeah Lewis, as said above, the ending isn't an implication that girls don't play with LEGO or that LEGO should only be a boy's thing.

    That was just the fact that Finn's sister was a toddler. Heck with the way Duplos work, the ending could've had it be a baby brother and the joke still would've worked.

  7. I actually think Scott Snyder has retconned Batman's hatred of Rock and Roll out of existence.

  8. The kid and Legos freaking about his little sister is based on an age thing. An example of this can be found in Toy Story 3, when the cast was played with by super young children, who proved to be rambunctious and destructive at times. I'd imagine a Lego character would be frightened at the possibility of ending up put up a 2 year old's nose.

  9. It might have only been me but I got the feeling that the sister at the end was a baby which was why the toys talked the way they did.

  10. Anonymous said,
    "...but he's still messing with the legos that aren't his...

    also, if the guy wants to glue down his own legos then he can. it's not like he's gluing down the kid's legos, just his own stuff... I dunno, I really enjoyed the movie and all, but those things just sort of bugged me. :\ "

    Kinda sorta; there's the fact that they are toys that they covered in the video above, but there's still metaphor and interpretation in there. I see it as an argument for cultural mutations. Or, as they're generally known, Fan Works.

    It's not hard to look at Dad Farrell and see an artist that thinks their interpretation is the correct one, or to see the Kragle as stagnation via copyright abuse, the bad guy is Lord Business who's big motivating factor is that no one is special...

    Also, dude; he's a kid, and there are this awesome things! He's gonna go for 'em.

  11. This was indeed a very enjoyable movie, great fun with some highly dynamic animation and good comedic timing. Also it did feel a bit like an unofficial Toy Story spin-off (I mean this as a compliment). What's even better - they did use both: CGI and stop motion so fineley blended, you couldn't see where one begins and the other one ends.

  12. Regarding the bit about adults and toys, author C.S. Lewis once wrote the following quote that I feel is so good that all people should get a chance to look at it:

    “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

  13. A double decker couch made by IKEA?

    That does sound interesting, but I used to be a mover and, thus knowing better than most how heavy a couch is, I have no desire to have one fall on my head.

  14. What really bugged me is the fact that the lego movie is Wonder woman's first theater debut. Wonder woman had to wait for the lego movie to be on the silver screen. Hollywood needs to get their heads out of his ass.

  15. For those who haven't seen either the movie or the review:

    Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern are all in this movie. And this is a Warner Bros movie, so this is an official apparance of these characters.

    So, it counts as a Linkara movie.

    Next on the schedule: "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

  16. There will be a LEGO movie 2. It was confirmed. It will come out in 2017.


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