Sunday, May 25, 2014

Atop the Fourth Wall... Dot Com

It is my pleasure to announce that the new website has LAUNCHED!


 photo AT4WWebsiteLogo_zpsb795d034.jpg

Now obviously there's going to be a bit of a transition period as you all get used to the new site and I get used to the new method of posting videos, since of course I've been doing things a certain way for almost six years now.

However, there's a lot to explore for the new site, including the comprehensive backlog of videos (with larger video series having fairly complete and easy to look-through archive pages), a better search system, an FAQ to answer common questions (like when's the next History of Power Rangers or why I'm not as popular as the BeeGees), a more interesting design in general, a "Contact Me" page that lists a PO Box address to send donations (you no longer need to rely on contacting me for the address!) and a new Disqus comment system that can be used to permanently ban trolls and keep out spam (which will also take some getting used to).

Now since the system is new, there will probably be some bugs here and there. If you come across anything unusual, please contact the Engineer (whose contact info is at the bottom of the FAQ page) with a screenshot of the problem.

Speaking of, huge props to the Engineer for this website. I think everyone's going to like it there. I'm sorry to say that this means I plan to discontinue posting material on the blog except as a backup space in case the site goes down unexpectedly. Expect the new episode to premiere on the new website tomorrow at the usual time!

Be sure to spread the word on the new site with the various social media buttons! Find any bugs that we can iron out!

And most importantly... ENJOY!


  1. Woo-Hoo! Went for a brief look and it's all spiffy. Love the link bar at the top for finding things.

    I did check the FAQ and didn't see an answer (or I missed it because I'm a dork) but will you still be posting on the blog? Will you lock comments from old vids here?

    Sorry for so many questions right off.

    The site really looks awesome.

  2. Looks pretty good overall. I only have two suggestions to maybe make it a bit easier to navigate.

    First, please add an Other Videos subsection specifically for "Convention Reviews" (as in "[Word] of AT4W Live" vids) instead of having them mixed into Miscellaneous.

    Second, and more nitpicky, maybe add a more general search function accessible from all pages instead of having the search only on the main page?

  3. I see that my last comment just disappeared from disqus. I like the overall look of the site and comic book style, but man, those colors. They are a little bit too saturated and definitely you need to tone down on contrasts. It's like watching some sites in early 2000s. The red, yellow, with white text and brick patter atop of that makes it verry eye straining. The same thing goes for the footer with it's bloody red text. I woudl sugest toning down colors a bit. Just make it a little bit darker. Also I think that you should change pure white background for something with a less contrast, like a very light beige. I would also leave a little more space under TGWTG banner.

    Good job, but the site needs just a little more work.

  4. I know, very amateurish, right?

    I mean, I appreciate you taking it in this direction, but the aesthetic is not very pleasing at all.

  5. Just one question about the website!
    You wouldn't mind if I can copy and paste many of my old comments from your videos here to the new website would you?

  6. I do like the site, I do agree, the color is a bit to saturated, but it's a great start, nice job.

    If possible, could I get the contact info for the web designer you were working with for if I want to hire him?(I've been on a bit of a web designer hunt for 3 months now, and it's always good to find more), or should I just contact him/her through the FAQ?

  7. I'm giving my comment to You're Power Rangers Movie comic review here because to comment on your websit I'm reqired to join something called "Disqus" I allready made a Google account to comment on your blog. I don't want to join another Social media sit so I can talk comment on your website.
    While I tried comment via Google on you site It still wanted me to join Disqus first.
    I can't say I'm happy about this new website thing. Why fix what's not broke?

    Anyhow the review.

    Ivan Ooze's text bubbles looked yellow (maybe a little greenish) to me and the miscoloured teleportation beams just looked orange and a slightly darker orange. Weird.

    Also I know this is a bit of a hot potato and you might not care about it at all but what do you think of Wally West being made half black and other instances of changes in the name of diversity? Like Alan Scott being gay now?

    As for the review. It's nostalgic revisiting the movie but the adaption seems too short to work well.

    After all last week's review and going back to rewatch your Lunat!k and Pitt reviews I've decided to lay my cards on the table. I like you better when you're angry. Back in the day you were much closer in style to the Angry Video Game Nerd and now you're closer to MST 3000. AT4W feels less of a critique of the industry (At least that's how I viewed your older work) and more of an opportunity to wax lyrical about your favourite IP's with riffling mixed in. If that's your choice I guess I should respect that but I might as well be honest. I'm not going to yell betrail and claim I'll never watch again if that is your preferred path, but at least I adjust my expectations.

    Could we atleast have a Pitt #2 review Please :)

  8. @kwad_rat: I suspect you'd have a different opinion if you were using a different type of display.

  9. Hallelujah your new site (still) has a news feed.

    So many content producers lately dropped the news feed support with their site relaunches. Thanks for this (at least for me) essential feature.

    As for the design: Great.
    Simply fitting, stylish and overall impression is good.

    Will check it out more in the next days.

  10. "You wouldn't mind if I can copy and paste many of my old comments from your videos here to the new website would you?"

    If you wish, though I admit I don't see the point, especially because a lot of the videos will have, well, zero other comments. XD

  11. Did you receive the comment I made earlier? Because it doesn't seem to be here.

  12. "Did you receive the comment I made earlier? Because it doesn't seem to be here."

    I did. I just hadn't moderated it yet. ^_~

  13. Now that's a much appreciated new design. Nifty :3

  14. The site is finally up? Cool!
    I have to admit that I do like the comic book format.

    So, what will become of this site, Mr. Lovhaug? Are you going to continue posting stuff here or is it coming down?

  15. "So, what will become of this site, Mr. Lovhaug? Are you going to continue posting stuff here or is it coming down?"

    As said above, this site will function as a backup in case the main site goes down and I need to announce something, otherwise go to the new site. ^_^

  16. *head desk* I missed the one line where you said about this being a back-up. I am very sorry.

    Though I am curious if you'll be comment locking the older entries.

  17. New website - nice!
    I'll bookmark it right away~

    It looks a bit rough, but it's a nice start!


  18. Very nice. What are you using? WordPress?

    I noticed someone had purchased the domain a while back, and wondered if you were planning to go self-hosted or mapping your domain to Blogspot.

  19. Hi Lewis,

    Congrats on the new website!
    I think it looks awesome. It feels so right to me; like it's what we've been looking at all along, and the Blogspot version is just seen through a mirror darkly.

    I will miss the Blog Archive that sorted by year / month. I made much use of it in the past.

    All that aside, you probably won't hear from me much anymore. I plan to keep watching your vids (and sending you advertising revenue!), but like John Mourby before me, I'm not willing to sign onto some social media site to add comments.
    (I leave it to you whether you care or not or like it or not; I honestly don't know if you've got any 'feel' for me as a poster or not, or even remember me from one of my posts to the next - which is much harder when I don't have an icon.)

    Either way, I'll see you, but you won't see me.
    That sounded a lot less creepy in my head.*

    ~ Mik
    * No, it didn't.

  20. "(I leave it to you whether you care or not or like it or not; I honestly don't know if you've got any 'feel' for me as a poster or not, or even remember me from one of my posts to the next - which is much harder when I don't have an icon.)"

    A feel for you? Not really, but I always recognize the name. ^_^

    I'd say sign up for Disqus even if you don't use any of the other social media stuff (or just sign in THROUGH an existing social media site if you're on one), but that's just me. Either way, glad to know you like the site! ^_^

  21. "I always recognize the name."

    Good enough! ^_^

    ~ Mik

  22. Quick question where do I got to find what comics you plan on reviewing in advance

  23. I am the one of those that like Frank Miller's ASBAR. It's bad. It's hillariously bad and funny to read. How much of a sociopath can Crasy Steeve and Dick Grayson (age 12) be? How much roberies Black Canary will comit? How much of the idiots other superheroes will be portrated? How many times Gordon will ignore a crime in his plain sight? I cannot wait to read all about that. It's so over the top, that it's interesting and funny.

    Do I think Frank Miller should continue to write Batman or any other DC hero? No. I'd prefer him to go to Marvel and write the Punisher (or at least Wolverine). But as long as ASBAR continues, I'm effing love it!

  24. "But as long as ASBAR continues, I'm effing love it!"

    Forgive me, but why are you posting this here, on the announcement of the new website, instead of over on the new website in one of the ASBAR videos?

  25. "Forgive me, but why are you posting this here, on the announcement of the new website, instead of over on the new website in one of the ASBAR videos?"

    It was by mistake, sorry about that. I don't mind you if you delete it.

  26. Whens the next power rangers video

  27. "Whens the next power rangers video"

    Do you follow my twitter? Or the post I made on the new site concerning it and asking anything on the old site is a pretty fruitless exercise since I won't be posting HOPR here, anyway?

  28. Grats on the website. Looks pretty sweet.

    The one downside so far that I can see is that moving away from Google's method of dating posts means it's a lot less apparent/easy to understand when a post is. Like, it took me a minute to realize that everything was in reverse order. Have you considered dating posts up front or do you prefer to have it in the post itself? Also, what about navigating to other posts (ie 'Next Issue'/'Last Issue' buttons). I'm a (relatively) new fan so when I watch AT4W I usually binge a bunch of episodes at a time, and it'd be great if I could move through them without having to duck out to the full list.

  29. "Are you leaving"

    No, and you may have noticed that this post was from several months ago and I have remained a part of the site since my own site went online. ^_~

  30. "Did the fanbase even move to your new site?"

    Considering the comments sections are more active than they've been before on AT4W episodes and views have grown since the introduction of the site, I'd say so.

    Why don't you go and post there, yourself? ^_~


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