"Do you expect me to talk?"
"No, Mr. Bond, but I expect you to be more entertaining than this comic!"
NOTE: I make a joke about the solicitation in this recap, but as it turns out, the solicit I read online doesn't match the solicitation in the actual book and I didn't catch it until after the video was uploaded.
Monday, December 15, 2008
S.C.I.-Spy #1 (Plus an Introduction!)
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Another great video! And I would love to see your text reviews converted into videos. But take it on your own time, cause no one is rushing you on that.
Best video yet! Can't believe there exists a bad Vertigo comic. The no show of space pirates is one of the worst rip-offs I've heard since Detective comics #37 when it was confirmed Batman would fight man monsters at the end of the story. Instead they introduce Robin and no man-monsters until Batman #1! Anyhow keep up the good work!
I've been frequenting the site for a while, but never left a comment. I'm glad to see you on TGWTG.
I'm not asking for a video review, but I was just wondering what you thought of Kingdom Come, by Alex Ross. I just recently read it, and really liked it.
Please don't call me an idiot! :3
Okay, moron! :D
Nah, but I kid. I love Kingdom Come. It was the first time I'd seen Alex Ross' artwork and I find the story to be just fantastic.
Yeah, it has to be one of my favorite non-canonical DC stories. I think DC goes about half and half for good and bad alternate world stories. Gotham by Gaslight was good too.
Just finished watching the review, it was great!
Glad you liked it!
You'll see the other half of its dark future stories next week. ^_~
Oh boy! I'm excited now!
Maybe I'll look for other good DC elseworlds while I wait. I heard the Batman/Dracula thing was good.
Thanks for all your great reviews.
You know what I hate about Civil War? For the life of me I cannot figure out why the registered super-heroes needed to duke it out with the unregistered ones or why they needed to throw them all in alternate dimension prison or whatever. I mean, if they just threw out any case against any bad guy that an un-registered hero brought in, all the heroes would probably either get regged, quit, or go all Punisher. Once they go Punisher you have to hunt them down and bring them in, of course, but it would be on real charges and not 'saving people without a license' or whatever. And I dunno, maybe some un-regged heroes would elect to stick to saving people from natural disasters and stuff, but that is a lot safer than encouraging them to chase down human atom bombs in public areas. Then SHIELD would not be wasting resources pitting heroes against other heroes and would not have to do all that asshole shit like cloning Thor or giving all those super-villains police powers (or where ever they were going with that). I dunno, I did not read most of it because it frustrated the crap out of me, so maybe I missed something.
*sigh* Sorry, kind of a tangent there, but my roommate loves the things and I cannot force myself to read them all. I liked the one with the Runaways because, you know, Runaways, and I like the the X-Men one because I like the 198, and I like the Cable and Deadpool stuff because, you know, Deadpool, but that is basically it.
Yet an other great video from the main comic man.
I know that you only do comic review but would you ever consider Reviewing that Game Mortal Kombat vs DC.
Well, sadly that'd require me to have an XBOX 360 plus the game, of which I have neither. XD
Part of the problem with Civil War was that Marvel editorial didn't set down what the hell the Superhero Registration Act actually SAID. And when they were called on it, Quesada did this song and dance about the document being a thousand pages long. And you know, some bills are like that... except then it creates all these issues that we saw in the execution of Civil War, and it underestimates comic book fans' intelligence to say that we couldn't handle that. Plus an actual lawyer once commented that it'd be ludicrous to have a law like that be so long - lawmakers like clear, concise language to make it easy for their constituents to understand as well as make it harder to challenge in court.
Yeah? I never read the whole thing but I was a bit confused as to exactly what the law was myself. Just thinking about it confuses me >.< It is not as enraging as OMD, but maybe more frustrating because it could have been so much better.
Here's a few suggestions for possible review fodder
Web of Spider-Fan #113-#116: This storyline "Live & Let Die" is considered by the writers of SpiderFan.org to be the worst Spider-Man storyline in history. Think about it.
Batman City of Light #1-8: Batman fights a mad architect in a set of glow-in-the dark pajamas attempting to turn Neo Crystal Tokyo. I swear the Batman of Zur-en-arrh from Batman RIP was a parody of how Batman was written in the final two issues.
Our Army at War #146: Ever wondered what Sgt. Rock's Tommy Gun would say if it was sentient and had word balloons? Quite possibly the most bizarre of Robert Kanigher's silver age war comics. Witness Tommy give a pep-talk to a Suicidal M-1 machine gun, eulogize fallen weapons, and have a fight to the death with his arch nemesis: Lugar!
George Perez's Crimson Plague: From one of the greatest comic artists of all time comes an unfinished ultra-violent sci-fi epic about an sexy genetically engineered woman whose blood is a super-deadly. Actual plot-point: her unpredictable menstrual cycles, unleashes an airborne virus capable of destroying all living matter/
Neutro #1: A one-issue wonder, this Silver Age Dell giant robot features some of the most laughable dialog in history. "He has the power of Countless Men! He is virtually invincible. His only failing is... NEUTRO HAS NO BRAIN!"
Oooh, great suggestions! I'll look them up!
I can send you a copy of Neutro #1 if you like.
Contact me at lewis(at)lovhaug.com and we'll talk about sending me a copy.
You know... at first I wasn't sure if the WoW comics would be bad enough for you to review them, but that joke alone was totally worth the price of postage.
Anyway, Video of text reviews: Yay!
And what does it say that your spot on spoof of the intro to Plan 9 was actually better than the original intro?
That hat... it looks so familiar...
I knew it! Has anyone ever seen "Lewis" and "Ben" in the same room together?
And Yahtzee thought he could fool us with the superman glasses trick.
You my good sir are a genious!! just saw your introduction in TGWTG and I loved it, specially the black and white part XDD, and I'm one of the people who would like to see your written reviews in video XDDD even though I've already read some :D
I'm not a fan of comics personally but hearing what you critique about them makes me interested...
would you be interested in The Legend of Zelda comic by Valiant? I don't know if by your standards it is that bad... but I would be glad to send them to you just for fun XD
Hope to see more of your work soon
Space pirates? Motherbank? I'm surprised you didn't make a Metroid joke.
More on-topic, though; who the hell thought that all that was a good idea?! The mind boggles!
To be perfectly honest, I've NEVER played any of the Metroid games. XD I certainly intend to, I've got one, I just haven't gotten around to it.
As for the Legend of Zelda comic... yeah, it might be worth a look. Any particular embarassing highlights present from it?
I am so happy that you made it on to TGWTG! I've been a fan of theirs for a long time and when they first showed your "15 WTF Moments" video, I was blown away. I came in search of your other videos immediately, and of course, was even more pleasantly surprised with the quality of your work, the witty humour, and, of course, the love of good comics that shines through in every one of your videos. It's the Amazing Linkara- saving mankind from the horrors of bad comics! Face front true believers!
I see you already have a lot of requests, but I thought I'd bring up a nice little obscure comic called "Nightmares and Fairy Tales". I was bored at a party when I discovered this little gem. It might be worth taking a look.
Which reminds me, have you ever thought about doing a Top 15 of your favourite comics? Or reviewing one of the lucky books that changed the face of comics forever? I'm sure we'd all love your opinions on the lighter side of comics too. After all, who better to trust on what is a good comic than the author of "Revolution of the Mask"? :-)
Sorry for the long-winded post. I just wanted to let you know how much your work is appreciated. I'm going in for major surgery next week, just in time for Christmas (must have been naughty this year- haha), and you can be sure that your reviews will remain on my laptop screen for the duration of my recovery. After all, laughter is the best medicine! Except when the stitches pop out. That's always a bother...
Well, I certainly hope it isn't too serious an operation and I'll be sure to add "Nightmares and Fairy Tales" to my list to check out. ^^
As for good comics, I'll save those for later, once I have an impressive enough backlog.
Hopefully the next video won't pop any stitches (filming as we speak!).
well I can highlight weird facial expressions... weird changes in scenery and some silly stories (but mainly because the comic is kid friendly)... at least that is what I find weird XD
I have 5... which I think is it but I've heard there was a 6th one but I'm not sure, anyways I'll send you the link so you can download them, if you are interested in the rest, let me know
You know, there's only one real problem with One More Day: Joe Quesada.
Seriously, how the hell did he become Marvel's editor-in-chief?! I don't even read comics and I know what a horrible, horrible mistake that was.
Congratulations, Mr. Quesada. You truly are the biggest dipshit in the comic business.
sirkenz17 - About a year after Marvel fell into Chapter 11 bankruptcy Joe Quesada was hired by the company to manage an imprint called Marvel Knights. Because the titles in the Marvel Knights line were the only profitable new books introduced Quesada was eventually promoted to editor in chief.
Love him or hate him, Marvel comics publishing wing has been consistently profitable since Joe Q. took charge.
Paul S.- I didn't know that, and, from reading my post again, it makes it sound like hiring him was a big mistake. Slight error on my part, as I was really talking about OMD. I guess Quesada is like the Micheal Eisner of Marvel.
On the actual topic though, that woman is DAMN creepy, and for some reason Lazlo looks like a caricature of Groucho Marx, what with the cigar and all.
You own a SanDisk Sansa!! You are have been granted access to the University of Awesomeness!!
Neato! Where's my scholarship and the booze? ^_~
A long time after watching this, I came across this video podcast called "Art of the Drink". Apparently "building drinks" is bartender jargon. See for example this video.
I hate to be nit picky but was that a Green Lantern ring(or a ring from one of the other corps)? If it was you had it on the wrong finger. Power rings go the middle finger of the right hand. Still this was an awesome video, and I'm a huge fan. Looking foward to the review on December 28 this year. Thats my birthday, and the video will an awesome present.
I know I know, another comment on an ancient vid. Can't quite put my finger on it but I still love this review. I know the opening was probably a bit long and didn't make perfect sense, but the James Bond fan in me got a kick out of the attempts to open the instrument case and your inserted one liners were way better than the comics.
If the planet's called Primus (and this is 2008), my joke would have been, "Oh, so he'll eat some fried clay, sail the seas of cheese, drink pork soda, come across giant fecal logs in a lake of fruit punch and finally see a giant man with a full speaker system coming out of his head before leaving." Wordy joke, but I think some people would get it.
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