Monday, January 4, 2010

Pitt #1

See Also: Where this comic should be thrown into.


  1. Wow, the Ultimate Warrior! Distrosolisius? He sure says the craziest stuff.

    The first in a long line of great reviews for 2010.

    Gotta hate lazy artests (I'm trying to get better).

  2. I'm surprised you didn't make any "Simpsons" references with the whole Smithers thing. Still a great review, though.

  3. The cover for the issue boasts three things that cements this dreck as EXTREME!1! 90s crap:

    - EXTREME!!!1 close-up of title character, complete with sneer
    - EXTREME!!!1 rendering of series' logo, in EXTREME!!!1 blood
    - EXTREME!!!1 phlegm the titular character is sporting (and even worse in the comic)

    All in all, this comic is one of the rare cases of which you can judge a book by its cover, which sucks.

  4. I officially love you for the CSI: Miami shout-out. Been waiting for someone with glasses to do that bit on the site.

  5. Is Pitt in image united? I'm so confusd with that series, probably cause I have no background in image other then the odd classic wildc.a.t.s. comic, I can't tell... However I can tell which pages are drawn by Rob Liefeld.

  6. Why the hell is every Image comic taking place in New York, and as you said why did the writers try to tie in every comic to Youngblood. Even Spawn is guilty of that, this womanizing asshole Chapel was established as Al Simmons muderer. It really pissed me of when this was revealed because I hate it when a good comic (in my opinion) is tied in to something like Youngblood.

  7. Hoorah! That's 3 reviews you've done that I own the comic for. Though, to be honest I bought my copy becuase I...thought it would be collectable.


  8. It's sad that Dale Kweown was really well known and well receieve artist when he was with Peter David's Incredible Hulk in the early 90s. check out Incredible Hulk 367 - 398(he left halfway a 4 part story that suppose end at 400, strange). The issues came on time and more and less only 5 fillin issues in a period of 3 years which is not bad. I recommend you check it out, it's out on trade under Visionaries Peter David volume 5- whatever came out. Superd characterization and thats probably Dale best art there. It's the era best known as the merged Hulk and after Dale left, Gary Frank step in and his art in that serious is awesome.

  9. I remember seeing ads for Pitt in old back-issues of Spawn. I always assumed it was a parody comic because of how ridiculous it looked.

  10. "It's" salvation?

    Argh. No. "Its" salvation.

    The apostrophe is not possessive-- it is a contraction.

    Though, considering the subject in question, I ought not be surprised.

    Moreover, I can't tell what curse word would fit into Rosie O'Donnell's hissy fit. An odd dilemma.

  11. I'm pretty sure I want more of The Ultimate Spoony.

  12. I have to give the gang at Image one point, for the fact that they did try for continuity. Okay they failed miserably and the only thing they were really trying was the old trick of "Buy this other comic for the full story" And then take several thousand away for them thinking that if you have enough people explode or swear you can make a story good.
    I've never gotten into Image, mainly because the only book I've been able to get a hold of is the first Spawn collection which I prefer to think of as Guns 'n' Sorcery looking for plot and pointlessly cursing all the way.
    Anyway, as usual, a good review of a pointless comic that tries to drag the whole industry down with it.
    I have to admit though I'd like to see you take on more infamous comics like DK2 or even sink your teeth into more tie in comics like BSG. Or comics that are supposed to continue cancelled TV shows, like Farscape or the abysmal Buffy Season 8.

  13. Holy crap, I think I own that tie-in comic with the subway!... granted, I have NO IDEA what was happening in said comic, either because I couldn't read, it was too stupid to make me even care, or I kept asking myself "Why is that guy naked?" when I actually got to the part with Pitt.

  14. Glad your review is up so soon. I hope you get back to The Dark Knight Strikes Again though

  15. Really awful comic X_x And you killed me with the CSI thing XD

    On a note: I had to check and I found the panel with the guy smashing into the wall (well, the two guys doing so) is almost DIRECTLY traced from 2001's -How to draw Manga- Drawing fightscenes-
    WTH O_o

  16. Great review! I couldn't stop laughing XD I'd say this was one of your best. Good way to start the year.

    When did Spoony film that Warrior segment, what with his foot injury and all?

  17. *Skronk* Wow, I didn't know I could do that. Neat!

    I love that you just say the memes like "I WAS FROZEN TODAY" and "Laaaaawwwwwhhhh" and even "I gotta have more cowbell" instead of just playing the clips like most reviewers.

    And now for something off-topic because I'm a dork and it is nearly midnight (UK time) as I post this. I had a dream the other night that I removed 90's kid's shades. His eyes were shut tight though. Not because he didn't want anyone to see him without his shades... but because he couldn't open his eyes at all. He has Youngbloods. A very severe case too...

    I know, I know... that's odd. XD

  18. In response to the "Crazed Geek" reply

    Yes I think the world would be a better place if there was more "Ultimate Spoony" appearances in videos.

  19. The Eagle Eye Cherry reference was Awesome :D

  20. *Sigh* It was a great episode and everything, but did you really HAVE to reference CSI: Who Cares? I just can't stand those stupid Horatio Cain One-liner things.

  21. Gotta love that CSI Miami referance. Nice job!

  22. :3 fun vid. It's too bad the comic was so dull. You really have to work hard to make some of these amusing, and you do. I really love the Spoony cameos too XD

    Also - have you been secretly picking through my brain for music? I swear, you've got such awesome taste and a knack for picking just what I wanted to hear. Like yesterday, I swear, I was like 'dammit, what was that Warrior song? I want to hear it again!' and BOOM! It's in this video XD

    Keep up the great work, Lewis and happy new year :D

  23. *sigh* I miss the 90's. Such wonderful crap that we were told was good and we believed it. I can't decide if it was an Age of Innocence or an Age of Ignorance. (And if it's the later, did it ever end?)

  24. Aaaaww.. when I heard you were doing The Pitt I thought you were going to do that New Universe graphic novel where John Byrne blew up Pittsburgh.

  25. So just out of curiosity but did Spoony do that prior to his foot injury or after? Cause that was funny.

    As for the comic itself.....that hurt. It's the first issue and I have narry a clue who Pitt is. Do you?

    Ironbite-oh well....can't wait for next week though.

  26. The Ultimate Warrior bit slayed me. The Esperanto bit is what really did it for me.

    Also, I noticed that on the comic panel where the guy says "I'm a warrior," the response is "You're an assasin."

    Yeah, "assasin." They misspelled "assassin." Terrible.

  27. My sincere apologies for the double post; I wrote the previous comment as I was watching the video, and not after finishing.

    It appears that English errors abound in this comic. There's the incorrect use of "to" that you pointed out. The talks about how a "bullpeen hammer" would damage the steel bar, rather than a "ball peen" hammer. Whoever the editor is for this comic, he or she sucks.

    Also, wow, that guy on the two page spread at the end has an arm like a Bandersnatch from Resident Evil: Code Veronica. To use one of your own jokes: that makes me want to play Resident Evil, rather than read this dreck.

  28. You can tell some people put effort into their stuff, even if it sucks. But this? My God, you would think considering how long the series lasted the stories would either be somewhat interesting or at the very least so bad it's entertaining! The sad part is so many ideas on this show have potential but end up being terrible because of bad writing, drawing,and usually, the editors not reading something GOOD beforehand! Theres just so much to pick on with these books, I'll leave that to you. Happy new year!

  29. I wasn't sure if you were going to respond to "I am a warrior" with "I am a MAN" or the Ultimate Warrior. I have to say you made a good gag out of it. I also cracked up at "I was FROZEN, today!". So all in all... outstanding job, great way to start the year, even if the comic was, as you said, more boring than atrocious.

  30. He waited six months between writing short chapters? Good heavens, it's Miura Kentarou's long lost American twin!

    Actually... is it awful that I'm slightly curious about where this comic went? I mean, not enough to want to read something that would involve tie-ins with Young Blood, but I really want to know if my theory is right: is the kid turning into Pitt in his dreams or something? Is that why he's having nightmares? That would be at least slightly interesting, a kind of twisted take on Captain Marvel.

    Of course, none of this curiosity would a) make me willing to wait 6 months between chapters and b) put up with the awful battle scene art. It was like two different artists worked on this. Maybe that's what they were going for? A nicer, realistic style in the everyday scenes and the gritty (i.e. hideous) style for the surreal/supernatural stuff? If so, it was a nice idea, but unfortunately the unreal style is also unpleasant.

  31. I have this Image comic that was given away for free last year (as part of a Top Cow promotional effort), and there was a preview for Pitt teaming up with some other Image title, and apparently the kid from CT hangs out with Pitt. So between that and Civil War Connecticut isn't getting a good showing in comics.

    In happier occasions, great song references and yay for Ultimate Spoony!

  32. So our comic begins with a biker gang on a "milk run"... there's A Clockwork Orange joke in that.

  33. Hm, a nitpick: The opening music, while being pretty cool in its western style, is also pretty loud. I routinely have to turn the volume down while it plays and turn it back up when the actual episode starts.
    Same with the closing music.

    Dunno if you want to do something about that. :S

    Other than that i have nothing to say about Pitt. (As there isn't anything to comment on. We know effectively jack about him after this.)

  34. Gums are EXTREEEEEEME, apparently.

    Also, is there a nose-related variant of Youngblood's Disease? I've noticed a similar problem where a lot of Liefeldesque dudes suddenly have their noses go missing entirely.

  35. Not one missed opportunity here, I could live without a Simpsons reference. Only to mention that his name was Smithers did it for me.

    But I am really confused by that comic. I could not discover a consistent storyline during the segments you showed to us. Only that there are things, and cops, and kids, and that they are killing people. For salvation? I didn't get it.

  36. That was an Okay video linkara, But your NOTHING compared to the Beegees!!! listen to the music! it sings of your woeful ineptitude!!!

  37. Really loved the CSI: Miami bit.
    Very entertaining episode and a good start into 2010 :-)

  38. Just a comment on that Pitt, if translated to Swedish (maybe even Scandinavian), is slang for the male genitalia.
    I find that kinda funny, as it so wonderfully sums up my feelings for the people at Image in the early 90s.

  39. To be fair... the art of the first issue is pretty decent... the second issue is far worse in that regard. The first scene is in no shape or way connected to the story at all, and halfway into the issue they suddenly realized they were making a second issue, and decided to follow up on the plot of the first issue.

    At least we get to have relatively normal, distinct faces to the characters... not every character looks like he or she was drawn from the same model.

    It's still not spectacular art... but then again... these were the nineties... everything had to be amplified to the point of parody. And all of us loved it.

  40. *making notes in a small blocknote
    Ok, so you Rorschach test shows you obsession with Harley Quinn and bunnies... Harley Quinn and bunnies... There's a pill for that!

  41. The police show/movie line montages had me in fits of laughter, especially with the eerily spot-on delivery of 'I WAS FROZEN TODAY' at the end. Not the worst comic you've ever reviewed, but a particularly funny episode of AtFW! Happy new year!

  42. The puma god in their holy spacecraft are powering The Ultimate Spoony?

    Then just steal that gold mask from Donald Pleasence (with his face sweat cleaned out first, if course) and use it to Mind Control him and his flying christmas ornament.

    That will take care of him! Unless there happens to be a huge Aztec hanging around to straddle the Ultimate Spoony and convince him to fake his own death, that is...

  43. Gah, I forgot to ask this the other day...

    Any luck finding your copy of 3ds Max? As a victim of "messy room syndrom" I know the frustration of not being able to find something I know I have.

  44. This was a good comic review, Linkara. I deeply enjoyed how you were able to make such a boring and bad comic, into a nice and enjoyable review. Loved the music in this one too. (hope I'm using the right 'to' there, never fully sure)

  45. You know Linkara, I find it somewhat humorous that you bring talk about schedule slips and all when I have just one thing to say on the subject: Revolution of the Mask #3.

    I mean, I'm not trying to make excuses or anything, no professional artist should be that lazy and, hell, I don't know if Revolution of the Mask is supposed to have any sort of schedule anyway.

    Long story short, any info on Revolution of the Mask #3?

  46. Wait... back up, did that first page say they were in New York City, and then say the bikers were the Detroit Chapter?

    I realize that bikers are inherently mobile, but it seems more likely that it's a glaring continuity error.

  47. It's an interesting topic-do artists also have day jobs? Is that why it takes so long for them to produce content? I work full-time, and I am also under contract to do other stuff, and it can sometimes take forever. :(

  48. Here is another 'Simpsons did it.'

    Bart wrote "I will finish what I sta" on the chalkboard in the beginning of the episode Like Father, Like Clown.

  49. Natasha, I know the hosts of the Art and Story podcast (, Mark Rudolph and Jerzy Drozd, often discuss the work they to help fund their comics. (Teaching, doing other art work for businesses, and the like.) So I would assume that's a yes, at least for independent comic makers.

  50. Jeremy A. PattersonJanuary 6, 2010 at 4:59 PM

    Actually Heroic Publishing has similar problems to what 'Pitt' had scheduling-wise as of lately!

    Here are some examples:
    Adventures of Chrissie Claus #1 (Spring 1991), #2 (January 1994), #2 Color Edition (November 2009), #3 (Coming November 2010).

    Anthem #1 (March 2006), #2 (May 2006), #3 (August 2006), #4 (March 2007), #5 (May 2009).

    Champions #39 (October 2007), #40 (March 2009). The book had a reliable bi-monthly status for most of 2009, before slipping to quarterly status after issue #43. The book will become monthly in issue #47, coming September 2010!

    Flare #35 (September 2006), #36 (April 2007), #37 (August 2009), #38 (November 2009),#39 (Coming September 2010).

    Flare Adventures #18 (January 2007), #19 (June 2007), #20 (April 2009). Like Champions, this book came out regularly in 2009!

    Liberty Comics #0 (May 2007), #1 (August 2007), #2 (July 2009), #3 (January 2010), #4 (Coming July 2010).

    Liberty Girl #0 (May 2006), #1 (July 2006), #2 (November 2006), #3 (May 2007), #4 (Coming March 2011).

    WitchGirls Inc. #4 (July 2006), #5 (July 2007), #6 (June 2009), #7 (September 2009). The book came out regularly since then!

    What do you think?


  51. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  52. What Link, your vid isn't working
    like it should.

    Can you fix it?

  53. Sorry to say that it's working just fine for me, so I don't know why you're having trouble. Try updating your flash software or watching it in a different browser.

  54. Sorry Linkara. I've become kind of immune to CSI jokes since they started doing them regularly on The Soup.

    Oh, Spoony may be getting a little too attached to that muscle shirt. o.o

  55. well that video sucked like al the other ones :|

  56. Yeah waiting 6 months per Issue kinda sounds like a Bad thing. Other then Dale
    Keown took his sweet ass time to draw or write an Issue. Or the small little
    fact that Dale Keown was kinda hook on Heroin as well. But he was slow.

  57. Wait... was that a reference to the new Yu-gi-oh?

    Oh, god... why do I know it could be a reference to the new Yu-gi-oh? I didn't even really watch the old Yu-gi-oh!

  58. Great bit with the Warrior.

    Also, it's so weird I have to double check, but is that neon pink stuff Pitt's blood (which means the machine gun at least WAS hurting him so he couldn't just ignore their attacks, take that disembodied voice)?

  59. The character's name is Pitt and no Kid Icarus jokes? I am disappoint. :/

  60. Years later, a comment:
    The Agent Bobbie Harras in this comic is probably named for Bob Harras, EIC of Marvel Comics at around about that time.

    ~ Mik

  61. "Pitt".

    No Pulp Fiction snippet with Samuel Jackson?


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