Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Some More Stuff

So, two things of interest for you behind the cut...

First, this little thing:

In Episode 12, the team begins exploring the alien Forge... who will live? Who will die? Who will care?

Also, the awesomeness that is the webcomic Comic Critics mentioned me in their 100th comic! Check it out, it's one of the webcomics I do read:

It is right here!


  1. AWESOME! I was waiting very patiently for Elite Force's return. I first had this game when I was like 10 and it scared the crap out of me. Now it's just laughable.

  2. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?! Really, this mission is one big clusterfuck (pardon me) of crazy alien attacks! Oh how I've missed this lets play.

    I've also learned that listning to this with headphones and the volume maxed out is a bad idea. Your yelping in suprise made me jump a few times. XD

    Also, hell yes, Weird Al is a good way to end the episode. So no complaints from me.

    And tisk tisk sir, be more careful with your power-morpher thing next time. Then again I'm one to talk since I broke my glasses by sitting on them earlier in the week...

    ...Yeah, I'll just... be quiet now... *mopes*


    Dibs on his stereo!

  4. Beismann. My G- oh, screw it, you know where that was going.

    I just started watching these a couple days ago for lack of any other videos that I haven't seen twice. I finish all the old episodes today and, boing! new mission! These things are a lot of fun. I hope you do another FPS in the future. Your commentary cracks me up at least once per episode, and it gives me this nostalgic feeling of watching my brother play video games when we were kids.

    PS, loving your taste in music more every day. :)

  5. Poor Biesman! At least his death gave Tuvok a chance to quote Spock. Is there more to this coming? I can't wait!


  7. Somehow, I think that Weird Al would be appropriate for Biesman's funeral.

  8. BIESSMAN? NOOOOOOO!!!!! Who's going to deliver ridiculous lines now that he's gone?

    I'd been anxiously awaiting the return of Ensign Munro. It's a little sad that we're getting so close to the end of this LP; I'm really enjoying it, despite my tendency to stay away from things that are Voyager-related. That probably has more to do with your awesomeness and Ensign Munro's badass-ery than the majority of the game itself, though.

  9. You know, I really didn't need to get into another webcomic. Thanks for that.

    Also, "Who will be a dick to Chell? I mean, besides me?" got at least a five-minute gigglefit out of me. Wow, my sense of humor is strange. xD

  10. I love this videos.
    Oh no, we are at he last mission already? I will miss Ensign Munro. :(
    But it is really funny that he "gone Arnold". As an austrian by myself, I always love to hear north americans doing that voice. *g*

  11. The Hazard Team: Searching out new life and exterminating it.

    Of course, what do you expect for the ship run by Captain "Widowmaker" Janeway?

  12. Of course they all go for you. You're the only one on the team who can shoot.

  13. Why are they only attacking you? isn't it obvious YOU ARE THE ONLY COMPETENT ONE ON THE TEAM!

  14. Im sure you have answerd this question alot but im to fat a lazy to look for the answer in you blog but can you tell me how you capture the pages of the comic books you are reviewing to video it looks so smoooth and I would love to be able to try that. If anyone else here know how he does it if linkara doesnt want to answer and that cool could you plz tell me.


  15. Hey, Linkara.... I think I found a manga that may or may not belong on your show.

    Go check out: "Wolf Guy - Wolfen Crest."

  16. Philz: If it's manga, then I think that falls in to Nikolas' (Y ruler of Time) territory.

  17. We must all bow down to the impossible shadow!


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