Monday, January 11, 2010

Podcast Interview: Nemesis

No, no hidden meanings in the title, I've just forgotten what podcast number this is, thus we're moving into the territory of weird-ass names for the titles. Thus, head on over to:

Thoughts Out of Context and Episode 16 to hear an interview with me, wherein I discuss the show and some comic stuff, with apologies for the low sound.


  1. saying first would be just like pissing in fresh powder snow...

  2. I am waiting on baited breath for a "Because Poor Literacy is KEWL" shirt. :)

    Great interview; fun to listen to.

  3. "The cleanest reviewer on TGWTG" That is one of the reasons why I like your reviews so much. I do like jokes with swearwords too, but reviews without them just feel more mature to me. Its easy to get giggles out of "easy to entertain" people by repeating "FUCK!" along a funny picture a dozens of times, but that is a very low form of comedy.

    You are (d)a man!

    But I would like to hear that in better sound quality again. Its not easy to listen to that when english is not your native language. :/

  4. The teddy’s name is Littlefoot? Aww, how cute. ^_^

    Actually I do keep meaning to e-mail you about the fact that you have gotten me into comics and to thank you for the recommendations. I’ve got a few ordered and the only one I’ve managed to get hold of during the bad weather as of late was “Wonder Woman: The Circle.” Simply brilliant – the character was wonderfully portrayed and the story had a few elements of storytelling that I love. And Nazi-kicking. So um, thank you for the introduction to comics, I’d have probably never done it otherwise.

    As for the whole swearing thing, it’s refreshing to actually have a reviewer that holds back. It means that if (or when) you do swear it has more of an impact and isn’t just played for laughs. Plus, you’re more creative in your insults IMHO.

  5. "Nemesis" as a weird-ass name instead of numbers? Is this a dig at Rick Berman's work on the Star Trek Next Generation Movies?

  6. As a fellow MSTie I was hoping someone would eventually ask you what your favorite MST3K episodes were! There's all these debates among fans concerning Joel vs. Mike and Trace Beaulieu as Crow vs. Bill Corbett as Crow. I can't pick favorites and I think they're all equally funny in different ways.
    Can't wait to see what you have in store for us on your next episode!

  7. what we really need is a "POWERHOUSE EXCITEMENT!" t-shirt

  8. You weren't kidding about the sound. I couldn't hear you very well. o.o Wow.


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