Thursday, February 18, 2010

Power Rangers Review Commentary

Get the inside details on the Mechakara fight!


  1. I always enjoy listening to commentaries. I find it interesting that your parents are so willing to help you out with your reviews. My parents aren't so helpful when it comes to things like that. Great commentary of a great review.

  2. Hey, I always loved commentaries like this. And just one tiny thing about the rangers wearing their colours, when rewatching Dino Thunder DVDs, I noticed that Tommy, when he became the black ranger, mentioned that he had to shop for more clothes because his wardrobe didn't have enough black in it. Anyways, keep up the good work.

  3. You probably forgot about the continuity alarm on purpose right?

  4. Sounds like your family has fun with their appearances in your show.

    I love how you and Spoony have ended up throwing plots back and forth. You've borrowed Insano and now he gets to take ex-BL Spoony.

    Just wondering, do you actually have any ideas for Insano's return/Mechakara's not-death (maybe?)? Or are you just at that "probably going to use this in the future but not sure how" stage?

  5. I noticed the disappearing-reappearing coat around my third or fourth viewing of the final battle. :P

  6. EPIC. Simply epic. :-D

    How epic? It motivated me to get off my duff and draw a tribute to its epicness!

    I hope you approve of it!

  7. Great commentary as always, Linkara!

    I honestly didn't notice the thing with the coat, but I think I just assumed Mechakara threw away his coat and put yours own or something.

    As for beating up The Boys pissing off Preacher fans, as a Preacher fan, I have to say I hated The Boys. Mostly because it's just too juvenile, and doesn't really tell an interesting story at all. Of course, when you set out to "out-Preacher Preacher", you're pretty much guaranteed to pull a John K. Which he did.

  8. I don’t mean to rain on your parade but I did actually notice the coat missing – admittedly this was on a second viewing but I did notice it in a moment of, “Huh, the jacket’s missing – doesn’t he get up and grab something from it in the next shot?” I just chalked it up to the fact you can’t catch everything in editing or if you did, you didn’t have time to fix it. The only thing that bothered me was that there never was an explanation for what happened to the continuity alarm. At least not to me.

    I would have commented on the videos sooner but I’ve been too busy with assessments at uni this week so I haven’t had much time to sit and comment on it. I’ll probably go do that in a bit – but I thought it was a pretty damn satisfying conclusion to the whole Mechakara arc. Seriously, you outdid yourself.

    It was pretty interesting that you did a commentary on this – I thought the effects, both computer and make-up related were well done (is it wrong that I laughed at your family beating up on you? I hope you weren’t too badly hurt). Though it’s a shame that some of them didn’t work out as well as you’d hoped for. But, equally, some of the accidents worked. In the part where Mechakara slices at your face, it goes a bit blurry for a bit, and it happens again. It worked if you thought of the camera angle being from your POV as you’re getting hit and things are going a bit fuzzy in terms of sight. I’m thinking far too much into it but you get the idea.

    Also, I’m kinda jealous at your music collection but this isn’t new – I usually go looking a few of the tracks mentioned in the credits for a few of your videos. I liked the power rangers myself as a kid and the music has me all nostalgic allvua sudden. Though the music is the only bit I can remember (I was really young at the time).

    So in conclusion, I’ll have to go leave a comment on the main videos for this week but equally, I’m happy (in a sort of “I totally want to do this myself,” geeky fan-ish way) that you did this commentary for it since I liked hearing about how it all came together in the end. Plus it explained a few things, like the “You’re standing in my spot” bit. Above all else, keep up the great work and I can’t wait to see how you top this off. But it’ll probably be awesome. :D

  9. Great little insight on the video. I have loved Power Rangers since I was a kid, and your extended viewing of it has made me feel better about how long I watched it. :P

    Also, that history of power rangers thing...I thought of doing something like that, but I have no decent camera to capture myself or the show. I'll be glad to watch it, then when I get the proper equipment, do what I envisioned: Putting myself through the entire series, even the torturous new ones, then make a video series on it. Then again, I need time to do such things. So for now, good job and hope to see more from you.

  10. Huh, now that everyone else is bringing it up about the continuity alarm, was that mentioned specifically? I mean, I would guess it was just part of Mechakara's plot to ruin the show, but it does seem odd that it was left out.

  11. That was a great epsoide of your show and how you played it all out and I relly like the power rangers to (the old ones). I dont know what will top it I also have one question what do you think about the current stories of amazing spiderman to me the think the Gaulent storyline is very good and fun to read about seeing the old villions come back with a bit more of an edge to (and if you think that Im saying that One More day worked in the long run of things in the comic you would be wrong very wrong I hate one more day apparentley Marval does not get the concept of devorce) so hope to see more shows soon.

  12. Great commentary, Linkara! This was definitely one of my favorites episodes of AT4W. I was wondering, though, will Harvey Finevoice ever get his own feature? Or will he forever be a secondary character? Anyway, like I said, awesome job! Keep up the awesome work, because you're an inspiration to me and lots of other aspiring reviewers out there!

  13. Sorry if I sounded condescending in the original review with the Sentai facts; I was trying to help out, and I love little bits of trivia related to Toku, especially in regards to actors from one series popping up in another.

    Lord Zedd really was an awesome and scary villain, and showed that the PR-original stuff could be just as good as the original Super Sentai material. It's such a shame that he was downgraded into what basically amounted to "Skinless Al Bundy" because parents thought a scary villain was harmful to the children (won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?!).

    Also, in retrospect, "NinjaMegaFalconZord" reminds me of a one-off gag in Futurama a car salesman keeps trying to sell Fry on a car called "ThunderCougarFalconBird".

    BTW, will the Power Rangers retrospective you alluded to simply be Mighty Morphin, or will you cover the later entries to the franchise? Personally I got out early in Turbo (stupid Justin) so it'd be cool to know what I missed out on.

  14. Awesome. Hope you'll do the comic where they teamed up with the Beetleborgs!

  15. I think that Ensign Munroe not showing up actually made more sense and works better. With Mechakara using some sort of Borg shield, the I-Mod would probably destroy him. Still, I love how you fill in and inform us about the video and the shooting went.

  16. Ah, This is awesome! Clarifies
    several misnomers I've been hearing.

  17. Yay, a commentary!:D Your family sounds pretty awesome, helping you with this stuff. (I suppose it must be in your blood. :P )

    LOL. I was wondering about Spoony wearing that ring in his review. I love all the crossovers/cameos/shout-outs you guys do with your videos.

    Oddly enough, I did not notice that the coat had gone missing. But I noticed that the hanger was pink. My mind apparently skipped a step there somewhere.

  18. Yeah I didn't like The Black Lantern Spoony plot either.

  19. This comic may not suck. But this version of the Power Rangers is!

  20. Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

  21. Commentaries are great. I love when they're put out.

    Never did notice the coat thing.

    Nice to hear that your parents are so willing to help y ou with this stuff. I don't know if mine would if I were in your shoes.

    Just wondering since it wasn't mentioned...I know he came from the Amazons Attack review, but what made you originally decide to make Pollo/Puyo/however you spell that.

    Oooh, Nintendo Comics. I actually got a letter printed in one issue (one of the Mario ones, had Mario on the cover and also Toad carrying an enemy). It was to request a Dr. Mario comic...which was later actually done.

    And I fear for what Dr. Insano has planned for you.

    Can't wait for the future!

  22. Just saw your cameo in Spoony's new video, and now I have to ask; are you guys considering a drag fashion show for the Second Year Anniversary get-together?

  23. Mm. I liked The Preacher, mostly. I thought it actually would have been better if he skipped on some of the gore and sick stuff, but I felt it was a good story despite being really horrible in places.

    However, I won't really defend Ennis beyond that. The man really is a one-trick pony. I've described him as "Frank Miller, minus the subtle nuances and practiced restraint," and yes, I do realize the irony of that statement...

  24. @CMWaters

    I think he mentioned somewhere on TGWTG forums that he built Pollo for a school project.

    As a random sidenote for Linkara: A Best Boy helps with setting up lights (or technical equipment) on a set. Your dad is a silly man. :P

  25. This really was a fantastic review, a fantastic long-awaited conclusion, and a very amusing commentary.

    Also, who WOULDN'T want to be a best boy? He's the best! It's right there in the title!

  26. @JeanJacket

    Las Vegas is like Fight Club; you can't talk about it. :P

  27. Your parents are awesome, but I'm sure you know that. :D This was a lot of fun to watch.

  28. Hi, Remake Trap on TGWTG hope I didn't offend you by pointing out the costume thing with the Super Sentai... it's not that I think you're stupid infact you're a big inspiration... it's just that you're joke about not being able to afford new costumes kinda ignored the fact that there were costumes to match those Zords. Sometimes I let facts get in the way of teh funny too much :D.

    I really want to get into video reviewing myself and you're a big inspiration for that... I'd love to donate some comics to you in the meantime though, let me know how I can do that please.

    And kudos on a great vid and an inslightful commentary.

  29. It's sweet how your parents are so willing to help beat you up.


  30. Spoony says he's bad with improvisations, but he keeps doing it right. And kudos to your folks helping you out in making the show.

    What did you edit with at this time if you had to learn to use Premiere Pro?

    Also, Mike Ellis sounds very much like Monty Python's Michael Ellis :B


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