Monday, February 22, 2010

Strange Adventures #136

I guess "Ludicrous Adventures" doesn't have quite as catchy a ring to it.


  1. Gotta say, I was surprised by the last-minute switch, but Silver-Age sillyness is always good for riffing.

    Nice review, and good set-up for the next story arc (What is Linksano planning?)

  2. Good old Morphin'Bolt, none of that 2010 PhotoShop grid-background BS. How long did you had the classic morpher? It must be worth at least $400 dollars!

    Surprise you didn't made a Headmaster's crack, or even "Head-On." But still, awesome review.

  3. It's not often that I say "This review made my head hurt," does not work that way at all. There is just so much FAIL in the comic. The review was not fail though.

    About your note on toilet paper - were you unable to find any bandages? I mean, I could buy new wraps at some stores.

    And this is why the continuity alarm wasn't really mentioned. Nicely excuted plot twist since it was seemed too easy that Mechakara was the only person/thing to cross over. I wonder where this will be heading - perhaps this will build up to AT4W's second year anniversary? This will be fun.

  4. And what are the waffles made out of Gir?

  5. Wow, the silver age was weird. And what was up with the explaining everything happening on panel. I was wondering about it when reading my Showcase Presents Green Lantern, well that and why many criminals used yellow wepons and stuff even when no one knew of that weakness.

    Do they not have Back to the Future or Booster Gold in the year 125,000? What made them think time travel would fix everything without some reprocutions?

    So Dr Linkano distroyed the continuity alarm? Out of curiousity, how many evil Linkaras came to our universe when Dr Insano used that Warrior comic? An is he dead?

  6. Whatever happened to The Wanderers #5?

  7. the ending made me laugh so hard i fell out of my chair, great job!

  8. I knew it! I knew there was a loose thread and loose threads always come back to haunt you!

    Of course i think you reviled a little too much too quick.

    Great video.

  9. I'm no expert but there is one point. Nitro-oxide is used in cars to improve speed and performance because, well... IT'S HIGHLY FLAMMABLE!
    All it would take is somebody to light a match and you've got a battlefield earth sized explosion! The atmosphere of the planet would ignite like a oversized firework! Even if it didn't the only way to produce anything like that much laughing gas would be to convert ALL the oxygen. The planet would suffocate.
    As for radiation head. what possible reason was that built for. Seriously that's worse than a James Bond gadget for being just what you need and has no other practical use what so ever.

    On to story two... On second thought no, I'm not even going to open that can of worms. You hit them all. Whoever wrote that went on to write the technobabble for Voyager. Ditto for the last one...

    As for Linkano:- I smell supervillain team up.

    Stupid comic, good review. I knew you couldn't top last weeks, but you didn't have to. Just remind us why your reviews are funny all on their own

  10. @sagestoys: Did you watch the review at all? O_o
    On topic: Awesome. I only know some panels and covers from the silverage from pages like superdickery and I have to say, i this is a good example of silverage stories the panels on said pages are making more sense taken out of context than they make in it...

  11. Waffles :)

    Loved K-9 but missed Kryten - if there ever was a good robot it's Krytes.

    I wonder if Dr Linksano was dumbed by 80's chick in his 'verse.

    Thanks for another great review - it's the perfect ending for Monday night.

  12. Dr. Linksano...omg, awesome.
    This will probably the recurring plot element for the next half of the year.

    But this the same guy who made the Linkara version of Spoony review Warrior #1?

  13. should he be called Linksano or Dr. Inkara? Either way. Awesome twist. WAFFLES!
    They've created a time paradox!
    Can't wait for the further adventures of Linkara... will he eat his waffles, will the continuity alarm ever get repaired, what will become of the tear in the space-time continuum?!

    If the robot couldn't feel, how is it that he knew when he pushed the heads or how did he even get back to his satellite?
    Of course I must not know anything about science.
    I'm just a ninja.

  14. A wild Dr. Linksano appears!

    Linkara used Double Slap!

    Super Effective!

    Dr. Linksano has fainted!

    Linkara gains 982 EXP!

    (a cookie to whoever gets the reference)

  15. The legendary XJ9 from My Life As a Teen-Age Robot is NOT SEEN AS A GOOD ROBOT? You are an idiot for that!

    There are more great Silver Age stuff you should do: Archie's Madhouse & Mighty Comics. Any of those cheesy Archie knock-offs from that era: Bunny, Queen of the In-Crowd (Harvey), Tippy Teen (Tower Comics), Go-Go and Animal (Tower), Teen-In (Tower), Henry Brewster (M.F. Enterprises), Leave it to Binky (DC), Buzzy (DC),Swing with Scooter (DC), Binky's Buddies (DC), The Maniaks (DC), Date with Debbi (DC), Debbi's Dates (DC) and more!


  16. Ouch, Robby the Robot as an evil robot? Sure, he was evil in that Lost in Space episode but not in Forbidden Planet, like that poster implies.

  17. I totally called the smashing the door in Linksano's face thing. The timestream is my bitch, yo!

  18. - I dunno how and why the Silver Age wackiness was widely accepted back then, but it lends itself well to riffing and the like.

    - @sagestoys: He explains why he switched Wanderers #5 with this one in the video.

    - Here we go with the next story arc, and that hybrid of you and Dr. Insano from the trailer finally shows his hide. What's he up to? This story arc should be fun. I'm tempted to join the TGWTG forms just to join in on the speculation*.

    *Yes, I read the threads speculating the whole Mechakara stuff.

  19. LOL. Your show is the best thing about Mondays, seriously. My only complaint is that you haven't been singing nearly enough lately. :P

    Man, those injuries must suck. Does that mean you have to stay in your morphed form now? XD

    Laughing gas doesn't actually make you laugh? Huh.

    Loved the ending! I thought we'd have to wait longer for the next storyline to start, so that was a nice surprise. :D Great splitscreening. (Or whatever it's called.)

    I tried to make a list of all the characters you've played, but I lost count. XD You're great at acting all of them, though.

  20. You need a radiation head in the future so that the people who survive the nuclear holocaust (or the big-headed time-space Armageddon) still have a way to make minute-instant oatmeal in the morning. Why bother with starting a fire for cooking when you have a robot head that works as a microwave too? It's GENIUS!!!

  21. How'd you hit "yourself" in the face? Those are some damn good effects, I must say.

  22. Radiation head! :D God, I just loved that.

  23. No mention of C-3PO and R2-D2 in the list of good robots? For shame!

    Great review though Linkara. Always nice to see you do something that isn't recent or modern. To remember there was bad in the before time. In the long long ago. ;)

  24. About the last comic; when it says he's the most decorated it generally means he has more medals than anyone else, not necessarily that he's better than everyone. The way I took the wording is that he didn't compete against just one person, but multiple people, meaning he can have the most medals, but still have all silver.

  25. Hoo boy, the Silver Age. I wonder just how many drugs they were on back then when they did these kinds of comics?

    And do they REALLY think we'll look like that however many centuries into the future? Guess it's like AVGN said: better to be a mystery than to be wrong.

    And since you used the morpher, I have to show you this Linkara:

  26. I must say that repetition is not exactly a bad thing. Most of Enemy Ace was the same thing over and over again. Granted, it worked in Enemy Ace by showing how soul-crushing it all was for our anti-hero, but...I got nothing. And then I realize that I'm comparing my favorite comic ever to a poorly written, 12-cent comic...dear God, I'm a sad human being. ;)

    Loved the review. Good one.

  27. Also, seems in the Silver Age, the running rule was "Radiation Does Whatever We Tell It, Good Or Bad."

    See also: Spider-Man.

  28. Oh God, now we know what happened to Oscar Schlumper! BOTH THE SCHLUMPERS BECAME MAD SCIENTISTS!

    Now everywhere we look, it'll be SCIENCE, SCIENCE, SCIENCE!

  29. Great, not only is my head spinning from the impossible science, I'm hungry for some waffles. Curse you! You'll pay for that! And so will that bloody door!

    Also, I wonder how Dr. Linksano came to be? Here are a few of my theories...

    1) Predictable plot: The remains of Mechakara/evil-poyo reprogrammed by Dr. Insano and is sent to destroy Linkara.

    2) Most Likely plot: A freak accident happened when Inasno tried to kill evil Poyo and the two were fused together.

    3) Really silly plot: Somebody on the internet wrote a fanfic where Insano and Linkara have a strange lovechild... Linksano. Due to some strange disturbance in time and space, the events in the fanfic become an alternate universe. Linksano grows up surrounded by people who torment him for how he was brought into the world and is branded a freak. After killing his "parents" he makes a plan to travel to our universe to kill Linkara before the fanfic was written.

    I can't beleive I just typed that... but hey, it could happen.

    And with that I will now sleep. It is 1am over here...

    Why do I do this to myself?

  30. Unfathomably funny this last month or so Lewis. Thank you for making videos for us to enjoy.

    You, Spoony, Doug, and James are the best internet filmmakers around these days.

    Awesome stuff.

  31. Chobits robots were okay too (I guess they function more like computers though. And Astro Boy too.

    Radation helmet though? Cars that cause gravity to disappear? This and other silver age stories cause me to believe that most people in the sixties were on something. How else could ssuch goofiness get ridden? At least its better than the romance comics of the time which were down right offencive.

    Great review. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Dr.Linksano will do as the new big bad.

  32. Hey glad to see you put some good use to that comic I sent you.

    I wonder if J9 was related to XJ9 from My Life as a Teenage Robot.

    Silver Age scifi books are almost always uniformly silly. This may not be the nuttiest issue of that series but for some reason the cover just sticks out in my mind.

  33. Regarding the Lost-100,000 Years story...

    Those time patrol officers had better be careful about attempting to stop the apocalypse, for (at least) two reasons.

    1. Giving humans everything they need in the past would prevent the need for people to create the time patrol in the future, so the time patrol officers, while saving humankind, would possibly erase their own existence, which would cause the time travel to have never occurred in the first place, ultimately...leading humans into misery, and giving them the need to create the time patrol. Hurray, a time loop - just what we need.

    2. He has to turn off the engine or all humans will die? The guy invented the engine on his own, right? Meaning that he invented it before the time patrol ever got involved, right? So clearly he would NOT destroy all humanity, because the time patrol officers EXIST. Whatever this car engine did, it apparently allowed humans to make it to the future, complete with "electro-nucleo-computers," so everything would have worked out anyway.

    Damn this story for its terrible time travel logic!

  34. Waaaaiiit. Why do we need a Time Patrol? We've got those giant bat-things from the Doctor Who episode "Father's Day." :P

  35. Questions!
    A) If the robot is suppose to help save people after Nuclear War, why can its head be so easily ripped off. I'm assuming there would be debris and such, so if it tripped or something fell on its head, aren't we back to square one?
    B) If everyone's in a slumber and never going to wake up, does it matter if we have a robot to help us?
    Anyway, great video, I already love Dr.Linksano and laughed hysterically when the door hit him. Oh, and for robots in a positive light, I suggest the song "Robot Parade" by They Might Be Giants!

  36. Great job as always Linkara! The opening is awesome! I love that sequence too!

  37. Wait... so you have a comic about a robot that screws heads onto it's body... and you don't make a single Amazing Screw On Head reference?

  38. Hey, what about Robocop? He was a good guy robot!

  39. Also for good robots, how's about good 'ol Alpha from Power Rangers? ;)

  40. Dr. Linksano? My God, a universe where the mpreg slashfics were right! The horror!

  41. Well, if Linksano is anything like Insano (I wonder if we now know what happened to the other Schlumpter Brother), I don't think we need to worry as much as we did Mechakara.

    I wonder where you get glasses like that?

  42. Waffles!!!

    Ok, now that I've gotten that impulse out of my system.

    You're going to make us sit through that morphing sequence every episode now, aren't you? Actually, that could lead to some amusing Running Gags...

    The Silver Age was strange, but, honestly, this comic wasn't as bad as I expected. Yes, it was goofy, and weird, plus the science made no sense. But that's exactly what I would expect from a Silver Age story. Still, very amusing review. Love your "serious hat" btw.

    Ooh, plot! Dun dun duuuuuunnn! I was actually just expecting a short review since we had the whole double feature last week. But hey, I'm excited to see how this will turn out.

  43. im calling it now linksano is the other schlumoer brother

  44. I like J9 better than the annoying droids from Clone Wars(R2D2 exempted).

  45. Oh come on, I know I'm not the only one who was thinking of this joke, how could you have missed it?

    Or something of the like.

  46. The Llarn remind me of the Thirsties from the Kool-aid comic.

  47. The Llarn remind me of the Thirsties from the Kool-aid comic.

  48. Isn't The Wanderers the one with the guy who turned into a Proto-bird to pass of his genes for radiation resistance to the dinosaurs of some planet so that they would have birds as well?

  49. @ShadowWing Tronix

    The Insano goggles? I found some of those at a local Halloween store this past October, so I'm guessing they're not all that rare. (...I bought them because I'm a sad, sad little nerd.)

    Also, Linkara: I forgot to say I love the serious hat. XD It looks warm.

  50. Linksano. You know, you've really got to be careful with this. This could either be the coolest villian since Mechara, or it could be just a pointless story line. I like the idea and all, but just take your time with writing the story, Ok?

    As for the review itself, I thought it was one of the better ones. The waffle line at the end made me laugh the hardest, however. (Seriously, I had to rewind the scene like five times!) If I were to offer any constructive critism, it would be to lay off the jokes just a hair. It's not really a problem, but it seems like you can't read three lines seriously for a second, and then do the joke. Then agian, that's just me. You're the genious here. :D

  51. HA! Dr. Linksano. I expect good things from this you better not get my hopes!

    BTW, thanks for commenting my blog. Glad you liked the sketch. :)

  52. We said "I love that sequence" at the same time. Heheh, I love that you're a Power Ranger.

    Linksano, huh? Ha! As if Dr. Insano is going to sit still for this for one minute. Seriously, steer the two of them into each other and you can have your epic battle without getting hurt this time.
    Also, I want "Time to make waffles!" on a t-shirt. :)

  53. Actually Linksano's going to be a more comedic storyline, sorry. ^_~

  54. 7 minutes in and I immediately hit the pause button:

    The eyes on that robot look EXACTLY like the ones from that Walt Disney Movie: The Black Hole. Remember the robot in that?

  55. This comic is so stuck in the silver age; even the silver medalists were bitchin' about it.

  56. Wow, a radiation head in story 1. Wouldn't a specific radiation head, like let's say an x-ray-head make a bit more sense? Not to mention that omega radiation probably is not too good on the people between the robot's base and the location of the aliens...(But what is omega radiation? Is it generated by the Omega particle from Voyager?)

    Oh, and nice serious hat, Linkara.

    Story 2: Even The Doctor would say "Timelines do not work that way" to those people. But then again they're silver age pulp stuff, written probably for 5$ and a donut or two.

    And the third one feels like a stretch - or a bad Buck Rogers (in the 25th century) story.

    And now: Time to eat the remaining birthday cake.

  57. I have to agree with Mel on using "Robot Parade" for showing Robots in a good light. Also there's Data from Star Trek TNG, although I suppose he's more of an android... and don't forget H.E.L.P.e.R. from the Venture Bros.
    Wonderful review and great acting skills.

  58. I'm surprised you didn't make a Watchmen joke with regards to the ending of the robot story. Avoiding future nuclear war by forcing all nations to work together to repell an alien threat? Sounds similar to me.

  59. Great ep.

    Is it me or was "Now nations will unite against the alien threat" had a missed Ozymandias joke opportunity?

    Also, saw your cameo with CR. And I have to ask, where you playing the AVGN theme-song on the dagger?

  60. Nice review, but you can have the most medals without ever winning the gold. It just means that you didn't always lose out to the same person. Take the Olympics for example, right now Russia has 11 medals to Canada's 10, but Russia has just two gold medals while Canada has five. Poland has three silvers and a bronze while Great Britain only has one medal, but it's a gold. That could also be why they're sending the second place guy to save the universe. He may keep falling short of first place, in any one competition, but he could be their most consistent officer.

  61. Wait - wouldn't these aliens be anti-Al Gore? After all, they want a guy to give up solar power and, presumably, switch back to good old fossil fuels to save the world!

    Very nice review otherwise, though. It's refreshing to have some Silver Age silliness every once in a while. It's bad, but it's a charmingly innocent kind of bad rather than in-your-face offensive. It would be great if you scheduled a Silver Age comic in on a regular basis for precisely that reason.

  62. Serious hat! <3

    Oh dear, Linksano. That ending was hilarious. Yay, waffles!

  63. Another terrific episode. The Silver Age, as mentioned by others, is usually good for a chuckle, and this was no exception. Perhaps you are familiar with the (sadly now defunct) "Uncle Cheeks' Silver Age Comics" web-site? There is an archive of the articles from it around, and I would recommend reading a few of them, as the gentleman behind it was both smart and funny.

    If you need something to substitute for bandages, rather than toilet paper, might I suggest pillow cases and sheets? I believe, when folded properly, they may give the effect you wanted.

    Speaking of effects, I would love to learn what software you use for producing your episodes, as well as the hardware, though perhaps that is a discussion for a different forum.

  64. I'm a "in general, technology is good" guy so I appreciate the more positive look at robots.

  65. I think my favorite was the solar car one. Just because I'm unsure HOW the world didn't face horrible catastrophe due to everything falling from a dozen stories up when he did land the thing, judging by how high they showed all the stuff going up.

    Whale, horse, car, and people craters EVERYWHERE! All the survivors would be people inside, who were stopped from getting too high due to low ceilings, and even so concussions and broken limbs and noses throughout the lands.

  66. @bakafox

    Not to mention that poor bowl of petunias. "Oh no, not again." :P

    But seriously, good point. I'll bet all the birds were laughing their feathers off at those silly humans plunging to their dooms.

  67. weird comic. I love all things robots so i did enjoy it.

    Also now i have to go watch the Bestest friend episode of invader Zim because of the waffles line.

  68. Wait a minute!

    The car's going to nullify gravity, right? So, why would their timeline not be destroyed anyway?

    The minute he gets his license renewed, he's going to start the car again.

  69. What!?! No Astro Boy in the good robot category!?

  70. ...You know, I'm sure it's just because of how I'm looking at my screen or something, but Dr. Linksano sort of looks like he has blond highlights in the front.

    Someone else please tell me they see it, or I'm getting my eyes checked.

  71. was the waffles comment at the end suppost to be a GUR moment?

  72. That was really funny, Gotta love the Silver Age. And Linksano is awesome! He needs to team up with Dr Insano. Could he be the lost Shlumper Brother from Spoonys Party Mania?

    Were did you and Spoony get the Insano Goggles?

  73. The only reason why you might want a radiation head is that you can use destructive interference by emitting radiation at the same frequency and wavelength, but 90 degrees out of phase, thus canceling each other out.

    In a way, that makes sense (ignoring the whole issue of having an insanely complex anti-radiation device like that) since you probably don't want your Doctor/Teacher/Judge robot giving everyone radiation poisoning from the nice glow it got hunting through the radioactive remains of cities looking for survivors.

    Though why you would build such a function into a single head (or even have multiple, replaceable heads in the first place) remains a mystery.

    Good effect, hitting Linksano in the face with the door.

  74. Oh man, the Silver Age. Of course evolution can be reversed through a combination of radiation and solar flares! The really ridiculous part is the design of that flying car. I am not sure that a how "don't feel bad for coming in second" is best expressed through a story whose moral seems to be "because that life of mediocrity might, at random, give you just the correct metal you need!"

    Yes! Linksano! I am awaiting this with so much glee. Though, dang, how many people are living in Linkara's house? Is Linksano taking Mechakara's old room? I will not be surprised if it's revealed that Chester A. Bum and his entire illegitimate bum family are living in the attic.

  75. There's also the good robot made of solid gold; that would be Ambassador Magma aka Goldar!

  76. "Actually Linksano's going to be a more comedic storyline, sorry. ^_~"

    With an Insano duplicate, would it be anything else? :D Besides, a little comedy might be a nice change of pace from the Mechakara arc.

    (Now if my theory is right about most of the Mechakara appearances being connected to "robots run amuck" stories--posted so when I did a Mechakara timeline on my blog--what would be the theme that brings out Linksano? Bad science?)

  77. Waffles? Can I get some too?
    Linksano beware Linkara has waffles.
    Its WAFFLE TIME!!!

    Good timing with the joke by the way.

  78. hey lewis AWSOME vid but when ya doing to do ultimatum ?(also what do you think about blackest night?)

  79. i just tought of something didnt the alarm break before the warrior review?(i might be wrong)

  80. No, no it didn't.

  81. You said you had a work schedule where they already tapeworms ordered the comics were going to post in the coming months, Where can I see it? I would love to know when you going to talk of Thunderstrike, I have been waiting for that since last June.

  82. hahhahah i really laughed at the door in face part. and then the blooper at the end! i nearly fell over!!

  83. "Optimus Prime, Johnny 5, Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, K-9..."

    Aww, no love for Gypsy?

    Or R2-D2?

  84. I know you want to touch the sexy serious hat. It is only natural to want to touch a hat so sexy.

  85. Serious hat... not very serious akshully.

    The alien isn't a tactical genius, he's just an ass who likes tormenting hapless robots.

    Glee! Linksano! <3

  86. Nice to see you do an old Silver Age comic.

    The part where Linksano first appears only to be reduced to a minor annoyance whose sole role is to be humiliated -- one of the funniest moments in the show.

  87. "Time to make waffles!" :D

    That bit killed me! XD

  88. addition to the morally ambiguous robots: G.I.R from Invader Zim!

  89. Wait--Crow wouldn't loot my stuff just 'cause he wanted to?

    ...I feel so guilty for blaming him for my missing CDs now. :)


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