Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kickassia Part 2 & Fantastic Four Review!

We've got a double dose of awesome! First up is the second part of the KICKASSIA epic!

Next up, Bennett the Sage and I join forces to review Roger Corman's Fantastic Four movie!

NOTES: The next History of Power Rangers is on hold until after Kickassia concludes so as to avoid video overload.

Also, we're aware of the problem with the movie's audio. The movie wasn't properly configured for stereo, so it's only coming out of the right audio channel.


  1. Ah, now I see what you meant by video overload. I was itching to see the next HOPR, especially if it included your thoughts on the Saban buy-back of the franchise. I hope the wait's not too long.

    That said, I'm loving what we are getting.

  2. Dude, Over due for History of Power Rangers: In Space! I see I'm not alone so I hope you are working your magic!

  3. ...is it me or did the guy playing Reed Richards kinda look like a lighter-haired Spoony?

  4. When you two are talking I can hear you fine, but when the scenes from the actual movie play, I get no sound at all. Does anyone know how to fix this?

  5. ackofgod: good work. any way some help why do we have 2 The Thing . Fantastic Four and a The Thing cartoon were a kid ues a 2 rings to become The Thing

  6. Out of curiosity, are the opinions you express regarding the modern FF films your own, or is it just part of the script?

  7. I'm not so outwardly hateful towards them, but they do suck.

    Seriously, Galactus as a friggin' CLOUD?

  8. You know

    That Dr. Doom actually looked better than the one from the 00s movie

  9. Em I the only one who was reminded of the Fleischer Superman cartoon by that scene where Human Torch stops the laser?

  10. "Seriously, Galactus as a friggin' CLOUD?"

    Some people say that if he was to appear in his true form, the audience would just laugh at him

  11. FF review:
    Gawd, I saw that crapfest years ago... can't believe TGWTG reviewed it!

    *3D Lee!
    *Bum cameo!
    *"The bullets just go through the HOOOLES!!"
    *Phelous as Only Sane Man!
    and of course
    *It's a good thing there's a lot of scenery (to chew), because the ham level is OVER 9000!!!

  12. I feel inclined to ask, ARE you going to review the Dr. Strange movie? Because you and sage make a satisfying crappy stuff reviewing dynamic duo.

  13. "Seriously, Galactus as a friggin' CLOUD?"

    Huh, he looked like the normal Galactus to me. Oh course, you have to remember that his true form can not be perceived by beings like us. So his appearance changes to one we can comprehend. Not...sure why so many people perceived him a giant cloud though.

  14. Man Linkara, you must tell us how you apparently permanently defeated Dr Insano. That and how you made Spoony become his summoner or something. So is Dr Insano his Guardian Force or something?

    Great Fantastic Four review, I just bursted out laughing when I saw the Human Torch fly into the laser. I'LL STOP IT WITH MY BODY! He just spun out of control till he apparently remembered that he could create a fire shield.

  15. No-name actor? NO-NAME ACTOR???

    Linkara, I shall have you know Reed and Vic's professor was played by none other than Gregory Gaynes himself!
    That's right, Commandant Eric Lassard of the Police Academy franchise himself!
    And you called him a no-name actor!

    Shame, Linkara. SHAAAAAME!


  16. "No-name actor? NO-NAME ACTOR???

    Linkara, I shall have you know Reed and Vic's professor was played by none other than Gregory Gaynes himself!
    That's right, Commandant Eric Lassard of the Police Academy franchise himself!
    And you called him a no-name actor!"

    Blame Sage - he wrote it.

    I've never watched any of the Police Academy movies. =P

  17. ....not even the first?

    Because honestly, the next six were increasingly craptastic, but the first one was a pretty solid comedy.

  18. What editing software does Sage use? Both Final Cut and Premiere have ways of evening out the audio channels, although I can't speak for other pieces of software.


    That stole the show for Part 2. I laughed so hard that my laptop almost fell off my lap lol.

    "Take comfort in my masculine arms!"

    LMAO Priceless.

  20. So out of curiosity, who picked the music from the 1981 Excalibur movie for Kickassia? XDDDD (Grew up watching the movie as a kid, lol.)

    So does Fantastic 4 just not lend itself to movies, cuz none of them have been good so far. XD

  21. Kickassia is just amazing, and the review is awesome. I did not expect you to swear.

    Great Job. xD

  22. Saw both vids earlier today. Loved 'em. XD

    My fave parts of the Kickassia2 video would have to be you crying over a not-dead Marzgurl, the sillyness with the fence and the chase around that garden (it looked cramped in there).

    And as for the audio problem, it didn't really bother me. As long as I could could hear you and Sage, all is cool.

  23. ackofgod to Lewis Lovhaug the show call Fred and Barney Meet the Thing In the cartoon, the Thing is a boy, Benjy Grimm, who transforms into the rock-skinned superhero by touching magic rings together and reciting "thing ring, do your thing." .... it not a joke it call Fred and Barney Meet the Thing Linkara ! plz do a Review!"

  24. *grins like an idiot* These were great! Can't wait for part 3 of Kickassia, cause part 2 was awesome. My favorite part had to be you and not-dead Marzgurl; I swear, I had to pause the video and laugh for five straight minutes, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to hear the rest of the video!

    As for the Fantastic Four, you and Bennett really work well together! The review was great; can't really pick a favorite part cause it was all really funny. Kudos to you and Bennett for sitting through that truly cringe-inducing-looking movie for our entertainment!

  25. ... You and Bennet work REALLY well together. Actually, you seem to be very good at working with all sorts of people, as I've found Spoony, Nostalgia Critic, and now Bennett MUCH funnier with your addition to their shows. ... Actually, you're funnier with them too, though you're very funny on your own. I think it's the banter dynamic, especially with you and Spoony.

    Also, given your voice? You could totally be the next Scott McNeill. Just sayin'.

  26. "Man Linkara, you must tell us how you apparently permanently defeated Dr Insano. That and how you made Spoony become his summoner or something. So is Dr Insano his Guardian Force or something?"

    Well, you see, Kickassia is part of the "3 Months Later" timeskip. To find out what happened to Insano in those 3 months, you'll have to follow the weekly series "13".

  27. One thing I've always admired in your show is your limited swearing. Just out of curiosity, why is that? As a fellow Minnesotan, I realize it's not just where you grew up (because there are plenty of people here who swear), so I'm wondering why your different from most the other TGWTG hosts.

    Keep up the good work. I'm not a superhero fan (most comics I read are in the newspaper and the only graphic novel I've ever read was the Bone series), but your rants are entertaining and give me more appreciation for comic book fans.

  28. Oh, the effects budget for FF is worse than you thought. That shot of the explosion through the shuttle's window, the shuttle blowing up...they were taken from another movie. They actually came from a 1980 Roger Corman flick called Battle Beyond the Stars. Even the opening sequence comes from BBTS, they just changed the opening logo to the Fantastic Four.

    For trivia buffs, the special effects in BBTS were done by a young James Cameron.

    - Jason

  29. @Detour

    He was also in the Mel Brooks remake of "To Be Or Not To Be"; he played the role of Ravitch.

    Back on topic, I think my favorite scene in part 2 of Kickassia was either Jew Wario with the toy train, Benzai's moment with Beary before he explodes, the fence, or "SEEK COMFORT IN MY MASCULINE ARMS!"

    Also, the audio problem on the Fantastic Four video didn't bother me much since all I needed to do was turn up the volume on my laptop. :P

  30. Ladies and gentlemen, the cinematic equivelant of Countdown!

  31. I like Jay Underwood, who played my second favorite TV android (Not Quite Human series), next to Vicki from Small Wonder. Never knew he did this. Last I saw him do a dog food commerical, hwich is sereval steps above this dreck!

    Well, always look foward to any vids. I welcome the overload, but i'm patient.

    So until they release Dr. Strange & Dr. Doom: The College Years, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  32. The hardest LOL for me came after “You’re an idiot!” Also, I’m quite liking Phelous as the straight man. Considering the luck you all seem to have in the arena I’m surprised nobody lost their voice after all of the “Ahhh” you had to do.

  33. We can take video overload! Give us Power Rangers!

    (or do you mean you can only upload so many videos at a time?)

  34. @Hebe

    Nobody lost their voice because some of that audio was actually recorded after the video. They just had everyone record their screaming, and put it together with editing software.

    Also, Linkara, there are plenty of ways you could have fixed the audio in your review. The "easy" way to fix it (without spending money) would be to rip the audio from the movie, change the audio to stereo, and then join it back together. As long as you've got the hard drive space for it, I'm pretty sure you could join the audio and video completely uncompressed using VirtualDub.

    I mean, you're already going to recompress it for the FLV upload, so it's not like you'll be hurting the file size any.

  35. "Also, Linkara, there are plenty of ways you could have fixed the audio in your review. The "easy" way to fix it (without spending money) would be to rip the audio from the movie, change the audio to stereo, and then join it back together. As long as you've got the hard drive space for it, I'm pretty sure you could join the audio and video completely uncompressed using VirtualDub.

    I mean, you're already going to recompress it for the FLV upload, so it's not like you'll be hurting the file size any."

    You're of course assuming that I was the one who edited it. You may feel free to bring this up with Bennett.

  36. I haven't watched the whole review yet, but, as much as I agree with everything you said, I will point out one thing I liked:

    I didn't think the Thing suit was all that bad, considering their budget.

    Probably only slightly worse than the animatronic Teenage Mutant Ninja suits (and its probably where a lot of the money went).

    I would love to see you two do a review of the 'real' Fantastic Four movies, though :-)

  37. honestly I'd rather see History of the Power Rangers so I really hope this Kickassia thing gets over with quick.

    This kind of stuff always happens to me.

  38. Link, I don't know if you've ever mentioned this before, but is there a reason you're so diametrically opposed to the utterance of the silly superstition that is cuss words? You don't seem distraught when other people use them, even in your videos like this one or the Superman IV review, but you wont say them yourself … why?

  39. That Roger Corman movie was just....bizzarro, for lack of a better word.

    The strange 1950's esque interactions.

    Sue Storms crush on Richards....

    The Pointless inclusion of the Jewler, the minion's equally pointless kidnapping of Doom.

    And even the way the writers realized how crap some of the story was. Not totally Corman's fault there is it though?

    Like for instance....isn't the whole shuttle crash thing basically taken exactly from the origin?
    They get hit with cosmic radiation, spiral out of control, have a crash landing that totally destroys the ship but leaves them all alive, despite at best Reed being the only one with a plausible reason to survive it?

  40. For all those who want to find a way around the sound problem, listen with headphones instead of relying on the speakers.

  41. Figured out who the Jewler is supposed to be....a low rent Mole Man.

    He's an older gentlemen, they both have eye wear of a type, they both live underground, both are outcasts and both rule over freaks or monsters if you will.

    It explains the otherwise strange inclusion of the Jewler.

  42. I've always thought the Jeweller was a Mole Man expy.

    Actually, I thought this movie wasn't that bad... never great, but it had potential. And heart.

    Also, bit of trivia that should be mentioned, the young Sue Storm later on went to by Harmony on Buffy and Angel.

  43. @Tsumetai"

    "Link, I don't know if you've ever mentioned this before, but is there a reason you're so diametrically opposed to the utterance of the silly superstition that is cuss words? You don't seem distraught when other people use them, even in your videos like this one or the Superman IV review, but you wont say them yourself … why?"

    Allow me to answer that for you, Tsumetai: it's because Linkara is a disciplined guy. He only swears when it is best for the script and even then, does so rarely. He is mature and focused.

    It's class, baby. Maybe you should get some yourself.

    Furthermore, "Silly superstition"? to quote a certain swordsman, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means".

    Obscenities are quite real and quite rude in the wrong context or if over-used.

    Also, Tsumetai? Just so you know, being overly verbose and yet having clumsy sentence structure is a good way to reveal to the world how much of a poseur you are.

    I like the fact that Linkara doesn't curse too much. It means I can share his reviews with my children and show them that a mature person doesn't have to swear up a storm like some drunken frat boy in order to make a point or be funny.


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