Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kickassia Part 3

The Kickassia Epic continues! See what the video producers' new roles are in this great new nation!


  1. Awesome. I'm sure if you were the leader of the REAL FBI, Rob Liefeld would mysteriously be detained, along with all copies of JLA: Act of God...

  2. So, Linkara, what was it like being incharge of the FBI for an acre of land?

  3. Is Nostalgia Chick playing Sarah Palin?

  4. Linkara is terrifying! He could be standing behind you right now, and you'd never know it...

    *dramatic chord*

  5. Wow.... Howd you do that Linkara? You pulled a Jumpcut almost like in Red Sonja.

  6. Funny... I'd always thought you would be the surgeon general, not Sage, haha!

    But the role you have- *Slap* -works too.

    See? I can learn too. :D

  7. One More Thing!

    You guys are funny.

    One More Thing!

    Can't wait until this is many parts are there to this?

  8. You're aware once your invasion enters into The British Commonwealth, you'll be up against the Escapist and their army of imps.

    Still, good to see you moving up in the world Linkara.

  9. Finally, the "OF COURSE!" line XD

    And methinks something is rotten in the State of Kickassia...

  10. To the tune of “Crawling” by Linkin Park:

    Crawling in my skin
    Linkara has turned evil
    Invading countries
    Tying bears to ropes

    Linkara doesn’t seem the sort to go and invade
    A country, that’s not his
    It’s more like something that Dr. Insaneo would do
    So evil

    I can't seem
    To see Linkara doing that
    Molassia was nice
    (Linkara is a good guy he is a man punches bad guys right in the gut)
    He’s always seemed so good
    And not evil

    ...And so on. I'm not committed enough to finish the whole song ^^;

  11. Lee-from-still-gaming-sucksMay 19, 2010 at 5:11 PM

    Linkara, Spoony, Nostalgic Critic, and Cinema Snob are all what makes this awesome

  12. Y'know, Linkara.

    If you had these stealth abilities before, Mechakara would've been a lot easier to deal with.

  13. I was still disoriented from being knocked around and punched a whole lot!

  14. The Chick's part wasn't very funny. Not only was it cold Tina Fey quotes, but there wasn't any joke beyond "HA HA SHE IS ACTING LIKE PALIN".


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