Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kickassia Trailer

Oh, and then there's this.


  1. Damn this is feeling like a comic book event. I have to get all the tie ins

  2. Wow...

    Am I wrong for hoping for a remix of this preview set to that song from "The Expendables" trailer?

  3. This is either gonna be the greatest thing ever, or something none of y'all will ever live down for years to come. :P

    I'm almost more excited about this than finally getting to play Titan Legions tomorrow after having owned the game for 14 years.

    Can we expect some commentary tracks?

  4. Sweet. Mother. Of. FUDGE.

    The trailer ALONE blows any TGWTG "special" ever made right out of the water. The TRAILER.

    My G-d, what will the actual full version be like? Will it destroy the Internet???

    I mean... wow. Just--WOW.

    There are no words! (So I better shut up... and wait for a week... just one week....)

  5. The Nostalgia Critic is an Imperial Commissar?

    Oh crap. It's like Ciaphas Cain with attitude.

  6. ...You EVIL PEOPLE. You guys release the trailer now?!? We can't wait a week! This is way too awesome for that! So many questions!

    This like a mini-52. Where are the awesome not-pointless-miniseries that explain all this? How on earth did you permanently defeat Insano? When did you read his book? When did Doug become a cosplayer? I expect plenty of tie-in Linkara!

  7. Founder of the Soldiers of Kickassia here. This...is...AWESOME.

    Not since Cloverfield has a trailer spawned so much fan effort!

  8. So, we get teased for several weeks about the special by Doug, to finally get a release in the form of...

    ... a trailer. Telling us to come back next week.


  9. NGT, that's actually M. Bison. With Doug's face on his hat symbol.



    I can't describe how excited I am to seeing this thing! You guys make the best trailers.

    Heh, there was a lot of shaking people and telling them to get a grip in that trailer. And I had no idea Film Brain was going to be in this too, awesome. Some fans may be sad that there are less people involved in this video compared to last year, but I think the reduced number works. Last year's special was awesome, but it was quite crowded and hectic and I can only imagine how hard it was to organise and film.

    But anyway, this thing looks like it was a lot of fun to film. Can't wait to see it!

  11. I am blown away by the awesomeness that is this video.

    So, does that mena that Dr. Insano is actually just another personality of Spoony? But you were fighting Insanso when Spoony was dead, or did I mis something? ^^

  12. This. This is gonna be AWESOME!!! Seriously though, even if it doesn't end up living up to the hype I love how everybody looks like they're having fun and that's what's important.

  13. Crush Molossia!
    Drive your enemys in front of you!
    Listen to the lamentations of their woman!
    Do it now!

  14. NGT said...

    The Nostalgia Critic is an Imperial Commissar?

    You're just now figuring that out? :)

    That's actually a pretty good M. Bison costume. Just from the trailer, I'm ready to move to Kickassia.

    Someone at TGWTG.com pointed out that is a real place.


    On the local news page, the invasion is mentioned but there may be spoilers.

  15. Holy crap.

    What the hell.

    This is awesome

    Very awesome.

    I can't believe it.

    I won't believe it.

    Goddamn it.

    This thing.

    It's got me talking.

    Like Frank Miller.

    Holy crap.

    Holy crap.

    One week.

  16. look great but there that one guy i hate, i still can't belive Doug let him in.

  17. OMG That is pure awesome.

    You guys really out did yourselves based on the trailer alone.

  18. Am I the only one that heard "Cardassia" instead of "Kickassia"

    Ahh well I hope "the book" was worth it because all I have is visions of Linkara doing a Rimmer in the Red Dwarf episode Wax World.

    For those who missed it Rimmer ends up on a planet of robotic waxworks (bear with me...) with the good guys, including Elvis and Ghandi at war with th bad guys, hitler, ceaser, ect. As the only one there that's read a book on tactics Rimmer takes charge of the Good wax works and sends them on a suicidal charge. Killing everyone by melting the wax.

    Still, what ever happens this should be fun to watch. "I would wish you luck, but you can't take it with you..."


  19. Beyond tie-ins, I can't wait to see what crossovers happen as a result of this, maybe the long prophesied Linking up with Linkara?

  20. I agree with everyone who says they can hardly wait for next week. Man, this looks so cool. This event is most likely going to be the highlight of my week next week.

    Also... I looked up the Republic of Molossia because I had no idea where it was. It's in Nevada... They call things like that micronations. Micronations sound so awesome! I totally want to make my own micronation now! It shall be called... Pugnation!

    Also... The Republic of Molossia has its own website. It talks about the invasion. There seems to be a couple of minor spoilers, but nothing too big. Certainly not enough to ruin the whole thing... I'm still psyched for this event. (If anything, reading about the invasion made me even more excited)...

  21. Never before has the entertainment of so many rested in the hands of so few. Fight on, you magnificent bastards. Fight on.

  22. It must have felt so good to finally reenact the "I read your BOOK!" line. Congratulations on another awesome crossover!

  23. And just when I thought the original brawl was the pinnacle of bad-assitude... THIS APPEARS.

  24. Is it just me or does President Baugh look like he should be the end-boss of a fighting game?

    Seriously, he looks like a badass. I could totally see him having a muay thai fighter, a Mike Tyson impersonator, and a yodeling spanish ninja as his servants.

  25. You know what would be hilarious?

    If Linking up with Linkara turned out to be a Gameboy Color or Gameboy Advanced Pokemon trading marathon... via the game link cable.


    Hmm... I dunno about a Linking up with Linkara event... It just seems like it would be... out of character... I mean, Spoony's character is a little more rough around the edges, so you could kinda believe it.

    Then again... I remember that team-up Linkara did with MarzGurl...

    "I thought you were a feminist..." - MarzGurl...

    "I am. I appreciate the female body (low voice, strangely seductive look)" - Linkara...

  26. Ya, Yogurt, I think that's kinda the point.

    Can't wait to see you go Patton on our asses... Or is it Kirk?

  27. Man I was cranky this morning. I actually did watch the trailer now and... Film Brain? FILM BRAIN?! Are you serious? He lives in England! What's he doing here? This is awesome! He's like my favorite That Guy regular!

    I mean, yes, you have the "Big Three," Doug, Lewis and Noah, and you can make an awesome video out of just these three. Wait a second... You have!

    I was going to watch this anyway, but now? I'm kinda looking forward to it. ...

    The biggest mystery is how they got Molossia's leader to agree to this...

  28. That was awesome. This looks great and looks to be better than the year 1 event.

  29. Okay, I thought last year's Brawl was amazing - and it was! - but this... This just looks even better! I didn't think that was possible! Can't wait!

  30. This may just be.............


    Well, second best, since the full review of Power Rangers is the best thing ever.

    And something tells me that the 3-year anniversary will trump this lol

  31. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    *babbles incomprehensibly until this starts*

    :D :D

  32. There's a news post on Mollassias official website and it's a bit spoiler-y.

  33. The Dr. Insaneo side-plot looks the best. I can't wait. Also, the Molossian website is already fully up-to-date with the hostile takeover. Its been documented as part of the nation's history, which makes me wonder a few things: (and since Linkara is the expert of cannon events I figured you're just who to ask)
    Does this mean that:
    A. The dictator of Molossia played along with the saga, therefore it was all an act, therefore he considers his country just a game and not a serious/real matter.
    B. He never agreed to the takeover and this was just shot in real time with no redos.

    It just doesn't make sense that he would document his country as being taken over but in reality the country's government agreed to stage a takeover/war.

    lol, yeah I know this is all for fun. Sorry I took it a bit serious.

  34. Someone posted the flag for Kickassia, it's hilarious (and it reminded me of Bhargov's interview on Transmission Awesome). My sister and I are VERY excited! :D

  35. With Ensign Monroe on their side, how can team TGWTG fail?

  36. Meh. You know. Some thing or other. Not like anyone cares or maybe it's OH MY GOD THIS IS THE GREATEST TRAILER I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!

  37. I already like this better than Kick Ass. Of course that's kind of a low bar considering I'd rather have a root canal done than read anything by Mark Millar. But seriously... this looks awesome!

  38. So… You were near Dayton, NV recently?

    I hate you, Lewis. Why didn't you tell me?!? I could have stopped by and said… "Hi!"

  39. This looks awesome, and I'm glad that Linkara gets to play a big part of it. In fact a six part epic means there's going to be a lot of potential for character stuff. Seeing the all star cast interact is gonna be amazing!

  40. all I can honestly say is...bad ass nothing more is needed to explain

  41. Kickassia > Kick-Ass

    'Nuff said.

  42. I am so there. Well, I was already so there, but the trailer was still exciting.

    And, since it’s been brought up, I’ve always pictured “Linking Up With Linkara” as something along the lines of Linkara walking into the room, getting a massively bewildered look on his face, and saying, “What are you people doing in my bed? Get out of here!”

  43. Good Gravy!

    I was wondering what could have topped last year's brawl. This is one heck of an answer!

    So, your "alternate outfit" is your Starfleet uniform? Nice, though I think that for next year, perhaps we loyal viewers should start a fund to get you a custom-made Power Ranger costume. :)


    Or... More disturbingly... Maybe it could be a thing where everybody is hitting on poor, confused Linkara... *lol*

    It'd make sense... considering how many fans write erotic fiction about him and whatnot...

  45. Why don't you post at herochat Linkara?

  46. oh.my.goody.goody.gumdorps!
    it will be the clash of the titans floks.....do you think the nerd might show up?

    its going to be epic

    also where the hell was HOPR this week?
    i guess the more time taken the better quality-wise(which the next 2 seasons deserve),but its a top notch series and im eagerly awaiting new videos from it.


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