Monday, May 10, 2010

TMNT Meets Archie

Heroes in a half-shell, love triangles, and a bunch of readers scratching their heads.


  1. Man Archie an the turtles get around don't they. Cant wait till you can talk about the PR in space Ninja turtles cross-over.

  2. Well, this was defently a weird read. How come there was only one story with the TMNT meeting Archie? I mean, the book is called TMNT Meets Archie, so why isn't it all about the TMNT meeting Archie?

  3. Dante's Inferno, a man after my own heart :3 Couldn't help but stifle a chuckle when Man-Ray came in, kept being reminded of the on in Spongebob xD

  4. I used to read Archie comics but yeah, they never freak out when anything strange happens like "seeing aliens" and there's never any PTSD after something terrible happens to them, it's actually rather odd how that's completely ignored.

  5. ackofgod: nice job can't wait for PR in space. and Power Rangers in space Ninja turtles cross-over was odd and good at some time.... Venus need a come back

  6. After that you have to explain your comments that The Punisher/Archie crossover is "actually kinda good"

  7. This was a well needed break after three weeks of ABSOLUTE TORTURE. Not entirely awful, but just...not good. No hair pulling, facepalming or wall punching. I appreciate that. So do my hair, face and walls.

    I was kind of flabbergasted that only one comic featured the Archie crew, though...but there weren't a lot of meat on those bones.

  8. Wow. That was a weird comic you reviewed, and I'm a fan of Grant Morrison...

    Though this DOES make me want to look up the old comic from the 80s.

    BTDubs, that was an incredible reading of Dante. Good work!

  9. There is only one way to describe what you had to review this week, Lewis:


    I loved how you quoted Dante, as well. Good to see you've calmed down a ton now know what is finally behind you.

    One week until the anniversary crossovers...ay-yi-yi-yi-yi!

    *pops Dystolic and AcipHex*

  10. Wow... You should quote poetry more often. You have a terrific voice. I got chills listening to it...

    On the subject of the comic itself... Umm... Perhaps the cow's head is powered by the Infinite Probability Drive?

    ... And... uhh... I would point out that I'm kind of confused as to how they got Raphael into such a tiny treasure chest. But I shouldn't for two reasons: One, I'm looking for logic in an illogical comic and... two, Raphael probably melted to fit into the chest.

  11. did anyone else think that mikey looked like earthworm jim in the pirate story?

  12. Well that was... something.

    Good Shredder voice you did there. ^^

  13. All I know about the Archie TMNT is that at some point, they gave Raphael a black (well, blue but it's in a comic book so it's supposed to be black) costume and I think a love interest. It started out as an adaptation of the cartoon, then original stories within the same continuity, then just its own continuity.

    And yes, Turtles Forever was awesome.

  14. ag my child hood comes back. i loved codely yes my spelling suck deal. but if he has the trutales its probably the interlude time when hes bring them home from the interdenominational/ glaciate wrestling torment were they fought lone side leather head. or after the galactic wars. the tmnt Archie sereise was actual quite good the problem the searise got cancelled during a story arc down the road. i was big fan, but good job

  15. I cannot be the only one for whom this video does not play correctly, right? Every time I try to watch it, in both Firefox and IE, it skip about one second in and the audio stays out of sync for seemingly the rest of the video, and there's nothing I can do to fix it. Anyone else getting this?

  16. LOL. I would classify this as a Big-Lipped Alligator Comic.

    Yay, another Doctor Who clip! And Pinky and the Brain FTW! :D

    *has nothing more intelligent to say*

  17. Everyone else has been saying there's audio sync issues at the very beginning, but nothing else.

  18. The moment I saw "Abandon hope all ye who enter here" I thought "Yet another trite usage of the line from the Divine Comedy". Your subsequent reading of the revelant material was very appropriate. It's nice to revel in the fact that, yes, I have read a book.

    Also, Archie Comics are selling out superhero comics? I'm just waiting for some Marvel executive to try and bank on that and start selling X-Men Digest in Winn-Dixie.

  19. I admit I used to read Archie when I was a kid. I hasn't changed at all since then.

    Oddly enough, Dan DeCarlo, who was the guy behind Archie's distinctive look, also did a short comic about Harley Quinn that turned up in the Mad Love collection.

  20. I think I might actually own that comic. Yeah, I'll admit that when I was young, that was like the one comic book I collected. I liked TMNT.

    But, yeah, now that I saw some of those pirate clips, I'm almost sure I remember that comic mostly because even young, I was saying "What in the name that is holy and ninja-esque is wrong with the turtles?!?"

    As for the flying cow head... uh... I'm gonna have to go look through my archives now. I don't remember that character, but damnit I want to know what was up with that.

    But yeah, compared to Act of God, that was a cakewalk.

  21. thanks so much for finally review a turtle comic.
    but why the archie version?
    itll just confuse the manboys who think archie is a legit comic even more.

    mirage is where its at,great writing and art,all of that.
    BUT NOT IMAGE'S VOL.3 PLEASE REVIEW VOL.3 #1,it sucks,you cant even tell what youre looking at half the time.and the writers like hated the turtles.

    the IN SPACE fight is a disapointment,the NEXT MUTATION turtles(like vol.3) were so bad theyre no longer canon.
    (..they made incest jokes..ya)
    so its the shittiest turtles meet NOTtommy NOTkimberly NOTbilly,etc.
    now,if it was MMPR v.the competent movie turtles,that would be cool.

  22. "Everyone else has been saying there's audio sync issues at the very beginning, but nothing else."

    Ah, it does seem to correct itself eventually. My bad.

    I have to ask though, were the rolled 'r's on "grim and gritty" a deliberate Sylvester McCoy impression? Either way, good stuff.

  23. dantes inferno was cool but can everybody get dantes dick out of their mouth..godDAMN,you fuckin kids compliment too much

  24. While I really can't refute anything, I rather enjoyed the comic. I like when you review stuff I actually own or have read. (Still hoping for Thundercats: Dogs of War.)

  25. Ooh, I remember the "Archie meets the Punisher" comic. I wonder how THAT came to be.

  26. Another solid review. Best part was the Pinky and the Brain reference (3

    And jeez, there's off-model drawing, and then there's the artwork in Story 2. WOW.

  27. My family owned a bookstore in the late 80's early 90s and we had a lot of comics. If I remember right the deal with the cow head and Raph's blue/black getup was that they had been abducted by some inter dimensional wrestling organization and for some reason Raph, being the rebel of the bunch, opted for a new outfit. When they were freed and/or escaped they spent a number of issues trying to get back to their home dimension. The cow head was the inter dimensional vehicle.

  28. I love this review. Who would've ever thought that a crossover like this could ever occur? I have a couple of the Archie Turtles comics, and I have no freaking idea what that giant cow head thing is. I mean, seriously, what is going on here?

    Also, the "abandon hope, all ye who enter here" sign is wrong. It should read "abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

    Also also, that is a quote from Dante's an Archie Turtles comic. WOW.

  29. My apologies for the double post, but you actually do see Shredder without his helmet at least once in the cartoon. I recall one instance of this being when he was attaching some sort of magic jewel to his helmet. I love how his voice is the same with or without his helmet. Yep, that echo of his comes from him and him alone.

  30. I don't think the intro was even from the same video as the words you spoke in the beginning, I really don't. It's not an audio sync issue, it goes beyond that.

    The last bit of the intro works though, huh. (NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: So does the rest of the review.) And the old Turtles theme, brings a tear to your eye.

    If you want a guess about what the hell was up with the Middle East line, there's actually a big scholarly battle about that, with a lot of people rejecting a history-based view of the problems in the region for reasons that I have honestly never seen laid out and hence to me smell like a big pile of doodoo. It's apparently gained some kind of serious legitimacy though.

    Eh, it's not pedophilic, unless you mean it's pedophilic about the Turtles, I'm gonna rank that one lower on the creepiness scale.


    Hey, April's not wearing yellow. Is that allowed? I do remember Man Ray from a book or something I had when I was much younger, he was from the cartoon I think.

    I give the poetry recital an 8.5.

    I give the skeletal pirate dog thinking about fire hydrants, which you didn't comment on, a 1.1.

    Turtles have really put on weight. This is art horror up there with Secret Defenders. :/

    And the art hits just keep on coming. It's like they used up all the good artists (and that term is used loosely) on the Archie bit. As for Shredder's helmet, I'm pretty sure he didn't. I guess they used up the good writer too.

  31. Wooow.. That 2nd story Turtle character art was... man. Its like someone drew a decent homage to classic horror comics, then dropped acid and went back and threw in some vague things supposed to look like the Ninja Turtles.

    A far cry from the amazing quartet of First Comics' TMNT Mirage collections. (Volume 4 is easily one of my favorite comic stories of all time. Leo gets totally owned by the Foot Clan, the rest of the crew has to help him and escape New York as April's store burns down, and they have to rebuild themselves mentally in the aftermath. SO GOOD.)

    Though if you want some more bad comics? The Wildstorm late 90s Resident Evil comic magazines. Something more goofy, confusing, and silly than the source material. It makes you want the Jovovitch movies instead. (For reasons other than the now Mrs. Anderson in various skimpy outfits.)

    Man. They are AWFUL. They don't even fit into the rough continuity of the 2-3 available games of the time, and the dialogue makes the original game sound good.

    This shouldn't be possible.

  32. Nice work.

    I was also disappointed after reading this comic (yes, I own it) that only one story featured Archie meeting the Turtles. At least when Archie met The Punisher, the comic was 64 page & the entire book was devoted to that story.

    I do like the Cuddly the Cowlick (yes, that's it full name). I remember see it/him in a TMNT comics I read as a kid & he seemed to only appear in the comics but then after reading a a number of the comics it did seem to have it's own continuity.

    Side note: I would have loved a Cuddly figure. One big enough to have your Turtles figures to ride around in. That would have been awesome!


    ... was that a link? Not sure how that got there.

    Anyway, yeah the Archie TMNT were pretty, imaginative? I always found their comics charming at best.

    Mikey's poor shrunken head is some scary s***.

  34. 1) I know you won't review it, because you said it wasn't that bad, but I would still love to hear the explanation behind The Punisher Meets Archie. :lol:

    2) I love how, on the cover, the presence of NUCLEAR MUTANT REPTILES doesn't attract any comment at all. No one seems to notice the NUCLEAR MUTANT REPTILES dancing around in the crowd at all. It's like in Rex the Wonder Dog, how Rex does all these amazing and insane and awesome things, but no one ever thinks it's all that remarkable, other than just saying "good dog!" or whatever while he Batman-swings across a jungle and kicks the shit out of a vicious cougar or whatever, and the reader just wonders "Did the artist just slip up and keep drawing this Rex dude as a German shepherd or something...?"

    3) ....I think the giant cow head spitting out turtles is the most bizarre thing I've seen in months. The hell...?

    4) So the dog can think like a human? Bitch, please--you're not Rex. D:<

    5) There's an idea for Veronica. Why not just buy Archie off and own the stupid bastard? He's pretty dumb. I bet he'd jump at a large amount of money dangled in front of his face. Betty sure as hell can't compete with that. (Though Veronica/Betty is actually my childhood OTP--along with Ben/Felicity from the American Girl series.)

    6) See? Just like I said! Apparently the presence of NUCLEAR MUTANT REPTILES doesn't draw comment in-story, either...

    7) I draw the "acceptable crossovers" line at Ninja Turtles/Psycho.

    8) Wouldn't having NUCLEAR MUTANT REPTILES in a cafe be a health issue? Or do the Turtles keep as clean as humans do? Don't turtles have some kind of really nasty bacteria or something?

    9) Wasn't there a "Man Ray" on Spongebob?

    10) I take back my remark about the bizarreness of the flying cow head. This art shall haunt my nightmares. ;___;

    11) May I take this opportunity to fangirlishly squee over the Divine Comedy "abandon hope" bit? <3 <3 <3 <3 ...shut up, don't judge me. D:<

    12) Pinky and the Brain! That show was the shit. I gotta look that up on Youtube sometime.

    13) OH GOD, THE ART. D: D: D:

    14) PSA: Don't throw dead bodies in the sewers! Dispose of them properly, with lime, or via bonfire!

    15) I don't ever remember Shredder taking his helmet off in the cartoon, but I could be misremembering.

    16) Wouldn't it be bad for turtles (as cold-blooded critters) to play in the snow like that, without, like, mittens or a scarf or something?


    Great work! :D I look forward to next week!

  35. I loved the Inferno bit, though it gave me major Mechakara chills. Rational brain knows better but can't get emotional brain to stop the squealing. Oh well, at least one of them is having fun. English majors unite!

  36. Yep, most of the Archie's run on TMNT was freakin' weird. The comic itself started out as a spinoff of the cartoon series, but eventually went its own direction having the Turtles meet up with all kinds of weird animal people. There was going to be a Turtles comic crossover with Power Rangers back when they were both published by Image, but they lost the rights to the Rangers before it went through.

    BTW, Archie did start up a relationship with Valerie from Josie & The Pussycats, which makes for Archie Comics' first interacial couple.

  37. This comic is actually a childhood favourite of mine.

    But, then again I'm an avid reader of both TMNT and Archie (and Sonic and Sabrina too), so the crossover story made ALOT more sense to me.

    And, yes they do still make the slightly more serious, more dynamically drawn version of Archie.

    There's not much to say about the other stories except that they were filler and the fact that the Archie TMNT was kinda depressing at times. The Cave-mammoth story could have been much more poignant if they had more page space to develop it (like a whole issue).

  38. I hate to be the nit-picker here, but you've got a typo in your end credit scrawl. You've got, "funny world, idn't it?" instead of "funny world, isn't it?"


    Fun review. It was pretty awesome to hear you quote The Inferno - injected a surprising shot of class in a review of a comic about giant turtle-human hybrids fighting skeleton pirates on a ghost ship.

    I admit, I like you better when you're anguished, but I guess I'm just a jerk. :P

  39. Yes, the cow head is called Cudley the Cow-lick, and he worked for crooked wrestling promoters. The Turtles ALL had new costumes for their stint with the wrestling show, Raph just REEEALLY liked his and kept it with him after they got away. ... Look, I LIKED this comic, okay? It got depressing towards the end with all the time travel crap, but it was fun.

  40. Wait... The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme was written by Chuck Lorre?
    Chuck Lorre... the same man behind "Two and a Half Men," that vile, misogynistic, unfunny, poorly-written sitcom? The same guy wrote one of the most iconic themes of my childhood?

    ...this is going to take a long time to process.

    To end this on an upbeat note (unlike the comic), excellent reading of the Inferno. That's such a powerful segment and it is a shame that it doesn't get quoted within its context more often.

  41. Another Enjoyable Review!
    At first I thought you were just being a little hard on the artist for the Pirate story for their stylistic choice of including scales, but given the stuff that goes on with Mikey's head? yikes.

    Watch Josie and the Pussycats. Unrated/ not family edited version if possible. Make it a review if you need that as an excuse to watch it. It is supposedly one of Reed Richard's favorite movies, according to one relatively recent Fantastic Four comic I read.

    Thank you NGT for pointing out the Hydrant thought bubble. I don't think those were around in the heyday of piracy on the high seas, were they?

  42. This comic was absolultly Re-Todded. (Ha! You thought we had forgotten about it, didn't you! The terrible pun will never die, Linkara! It'll haunt the day you die! Ha!)

    *ahem* Sorry. I've been waiting to use that forever. Anyway, absolutly hilarious review, Linkara. Obvuiously, there was some drag in the first 45 seconds or so. But hey, no worries. :)

    I read TMNT comics as a little kid (Though, as I recall, I only watched the TV show once or twice) and I honestly do not remember the floating cow head thing at all. Maybe I missed a few issues, or maybe I was just watching the turtles and nothing else around them, but jeez. A floating cow head is not something you easily forget.

  43. I think the turtles in the second story were supposed to be the movie 'verse turtles and that's why they looked so weird. Why I say that is April kind of looks like the actress who played April in Turtles 2 and 3.

  44. youve been watching too much PR,theyre the only action team that color co-ordiantes AT ALL TIMES

    (and in mirage they all have red masks,because its pointless to have dfferent colors anyways,like to the PR and NT in their world)

  45. "I hate to be the nit-picker here, but you've got a typo in your end credit scrawl. You've got, "funny world, idn't it?" instead of "funny world, isn't it?""

    Nah, that's intentional. I say it "idn't it," although I know it's spelled wrong.

  46. For the record you do a great Shredder impression.

  47. Horrible crossover with no concept of the characters on either end.

    HOWEVER, the Archie meets the Punisher crossover was fantastic. That took a ludicrous principle and made it work. If you ever find a comment on that, don't be hattin' on it.

  48. @Travis: That just raises FURTHER questions!

  49. I used to freakin' love the Ninja Turtles, and I KNOW I've seen that giant floating cow head somewhere. I just don't know where.

    No, not in my nightmares. Somewhere else.

  50. This was yet another great review, and as an old fan of the Turtles, anytime they have random crossovers is usually good for some sort of laugh. And like many here, I'm looking forward to the In Space episode of Power Ranger History XD

    On the topic of crossovers, I came across an older Image comic I had, of the TMNT Vs Savage Dragon...and its down right horrible, for too many reasons, and, like so many of the comics from Image at the time, as two unrelated stories within, one in the flip-over style...and its even worse

  51. I was impressed that you knew that bit from Divine Comedy by heart. You usually have trouble staying focused on the camera, but I only saw your eyes move away once. So, unless you invested in a teleprompter recently, I'm going to assume you committed it to memory. Nice job.

    I have to say, after the shock of seeing the title, and waiting a week to see this review, I feel a little let down. Not by you, by the comic. There wasn't nearly as much for you to say as I thought there'd be. For a title that promised such ludicrousness, it was decidedly bland.

    Also, you're starting to repeat yourself: (End of Xena #1 review: "This comic sucks. It's dull, it's unimaginative, and completely uninteresting. But, hey, at least it isn't Countdown.")

  52. I actually own this comic. I spent the whole time from the introduction to the first page saying 'I think I own this...' As soon as I saw the giant cow head, it all came back to me.

    I think I got it because I loved the show, but I never actually read the comics. As such, it made no freaking sense at the time.

    I still loved it. Bear in mind that I also own Captain America: The Movie...The Comic as well though.

  53. Wow, that the heck do you even review something as disjointed at that?

    But you did it and did a good job to boot.

  54. Hey guys, if you want a humorous look at Archie vs The Punisher, either for a laugh or you're interested in the comic, I suggest reading this.

  55. My favorite part was your reading of Dante. What translation were you using though?

  56. How many other crossovers did Archie have besides this and the Punisher?

  57. Awesome! xD

    I'll admit, I was never much of an avid comic reader and by large follow Atop the Fourth Wall because it makes them interesting in spite of that! (Friend of mine pointed me this way for the Amazons Attack reviews as part of explaining Wonder Woman to me, and I've pretty much been hooked since). The Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (yes..) comic was one I did follow in my youth however, and since for some reason it was always the Archie one they imported around here (this was the case with Sonic as well), for once I could point at things and go all "Oh! I know that!"

    So, I laughed. A whole lot. And I would just like to say Go Linkara, you are Awesome.

    Well, okay, a few more things. The art style, oh dear.. I recall they actually did that a lot with the Turtles comic for some reason; one issue (or even half of an issue) would have this great, absolutely stellar art, another would be some cartoony style like the show, and then suddenly they'd start with this really horrible artwork that was almost downright disturbing to look at. I remember there was one particular case (I think even Cuddly the Cowlick was involved!) where one issue ended mid-scene with this decent artwork they'd had for quite some time and then the next opened, re-iterating the most recent events of the prior issue and it was this HORRIBLE, distorted art and I remember being all "Heeey... what just happened????"

  58. Nice one. Always love your Doctor Who references but you missed out on two you could have done; one 'manray' clip of the villain from spongebob squarepants should have been played and the skeleton dog from 'Funny Bones'.

  59. @Andrew: I did a little research and it points towards the translation by Henry Francis Cary - until he reaches the line of "Abandon all hope ye who enter here".
    That one's not the one written by Cary - but I don't know which one Likara recites...

    And I feel like they had very little reference material when they drew the turtles for that pirate story...

  60. Why do you keep using the word 'story' over and over? :)
    There was not a single story in that comic.

    The first compilation of bad art had no explanations and no solution to the dimensional travel thingy. The second one did have a solution, but the explanation was also everything in between. And the last couple of panels introduced a storyline, but immediatly droped it without any investigation or solution.

    Wait, I have to leave now. I can hear my literature professor spinning in his grave. I have to stop him before he can reanimate the corpses of storywritters everywhere to send them off to kill the authors of this comic.

  61. Well, gee, the concept is nonsensical on its own, rather like the Star Trek vs. X-Men crossover, but even that had its good points. Maybe this will prove itself to be a serious conteGIANT FLOATING SENTIENT TALKING COW HEAD AHOY

  62. OT, but in regards to crossovers, Lewis, have you ever read the Simpsons/Futurama crossover comics?

  63. "He's just confused". I so would have inserted a reference to the South Park episode where Butters is "confused" and his father sends him to a camp with lots of other "confused" boys to pray the gay away. (1102 Cartman Sucks)

  64. Great episode, Linkara!

    I remember the part about the pirates and the turtles... I had that issue when I was younger... It's a middle-parter in a series where the Turtles are travelling through the Amazon, accompanying April as she is writing a piece about nature or something like that...

    Bub the Glublub or whatever he was called was a small (alien?)lobster-like creature which was in the issue just before this one, who got shot and died.

    And this was just shortly after Cudley had returned the Turtles from their stint as wrestlers in another dimension. When they were there, Raph got his black suit and for the issues where they are travelling through the Amazon, he opts to use it instead of his normal attire...

    There ya have it ;)


  66. I haven't read through the comments but I wonder if they got the Divine Comedy reference, which I must say was awesome.

  67. HAH! I am one of the few people that recognized Cuddly Cowlick :D! Though that was about the time I stoppped reading TMNT comics, as it was all about interdimensional wrestling and less about.. well, ninja turtleing...

  68. your standard of only reviewing bad comics in the scale of things is just a mindless rip-off of the nerd.(other things too)
    You obviously have talent in your own right,so why?why be a clone?

    HOPR is a badass example you can be better

  69. "your standard of only reviewing bad comics in the scale of things is just a mindless rip-off of the nerd.(other things too)
    You obviously have talent in your own right,so why?why be a clone?"

    Technically the Nerd is then a ripoff of MST3K, since they only riffed on bad movies.

    I am not a clone of the Nerd. The Nostalgia Critic is not a clone of the nerd. Every show has their own unique style, look, and humor.

    Why only bad comics? Because I honestly have no fun editing together a video that's all about praise and whatnot. I enjoy making fun of crap and trying to think up jokes about how awful it is. I praise good comics when I can and compare crappy ones to good ones that do things right.

    If you honestly think I'm a clone of the Nerd, then you need to actually watch my show a little more closely.

  70. Hey there great review,kind of funny to see archie having a crossover with TMNT and more so that it is such a popular character,i really didnt know that,well once again great review and just wanted to say thanks for getting me into Comics,and making even the bad ones so entertaining^^

  71. Why, even after the Nerd himself seemed to state that he doesn't care about such things, are there so many rip-off police on the AVGN beat?

    I mean, I sometimes consider making a series of webisodes reviewing either comics, movies or both; but how can I when I'd obviously be influenced by the guy and nine-billion fans of his would be all, "you're a ripoff!"

    That and I don't have any fancy editing equipment.

  72. funny video, and I was like OMG AHHH! when I saw that artwork in that pirate story!

    Gooft idea, but the other stories make this bad enough to be on the show I think.

    Otherwise nice change of pace after ACT OF GOD. Look foward to whats next!

    So until the TMNT band releases it's cover of "Sugar Sugar", MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  73. I've been watching your shows for a while now and there's something I've noticed; when you make abrupt comments about your comics, as though it's your first time reading them and you become surprised, it sounds WAY more funny!

    Like the part when you turn the page and go nuts over the artwork, damn that's funny!

  74. i think tmnt venus[girl turtle]should come's just not fair for her to be absent for all those years especially in the now years!so please bring venus back!oh,please,please,please!

  75. Okay... I'm a lesbian. But the Dante's Inferno recitation was seriously hot. Litgeekery FTW!

  76. Wow Linkara, you always point out the typos in comics but didn't notice the "is a funny world, iDn´it" at the end

    joking, nice review :P

  77. Let guess the reason why you watched the 2003 turtles was because it was the same voice cast from yugioh was on it? That or they were airing at the same time so you watch it.

  78. "Let guess the reason why you watched the 2003 turtles was because it was the same voice cast from yugioh was on it? That or they were airing at the same time so you watch it."

    Erm, it was because I was 16, I enjoyed watching the original series when I had been younger, and there were frequent reruns. And then eventually I lost track of it like I lost track of a lot of cartoons.

  79. Alright. I figured seance you were a fan of yugioh, I thought seance the voice cast behind the seances were the same I thought that got you into the 2003 series. I not that big of a TMNT fan either. I do agree that the art work in this comic was really bad. I think a 3 year old can draw the turtles better then the guy's that drew them. Also was there a part 2 to those comic's cause I was really confused the way it ended. Well those 87 turtles are still traveling to other worlds. In fact I Heard that in the end of season 2 of the 2012 show, they will meet the 2012 turtles. Unlike turtles forever, this time they do have there original voice actors.

  80. The Archie comic's are killing Archie off. I don't know if the Archie comics are over because of it.
    I'd say check out that comic.


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