Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Linking Up With Linkara

The video the people demanded!

For the record, I told Liz about the idea ahead of time and she was totally on board with it. Speaking of which, still want to know who Iron Liz is? Then check out her blog:

Iron Liz's Foundry!

Oh, and I've never been to Tibet.


  1. It's about time! Now the shippers can move on.

  2. "Now the shippers can move on."

    You clearly do not comprehend the frightening persistence of shippers.

  3. Oh my God my vagina is so confused right now.

  4. Haha you guys are the best people in the entire world. This was hilarious.


  5. I think this will make the shippers move on at all. If anything it will make their stories dirtier.

  6. AWESOME, they look just plain sexy,nice video.

  7. Sean, Sean, Sean. You misunderstand shippers. They will never move on, but only become a greater polity of factions. Now there will not only Linkara/Marzgurl groups, but Marzgurl/Nostalgia Chick and Linkara/Nostalgia Chick and Linkara/Ma-Ti where they "console" each other after Marzgurl and Nostalgia chick reveal what happened and Linkara/Camera Guy because the internet is full of pervs. Then, of course, there will be a Linkara/Marzgurl/Nostalgia Chick love triangle. Shippers can never, ever, move on. It is not what they do. They merely multiply and become violent fundamentalist sects.

  8. Nostalgia Chick and MarzGurl are horrible, horrible people! They should have given the cameraman TWO dollars! :P

  9. Lol, denied.

    Also, how the HELL did you talk both Nostalgia Chick and Marz Girl into doing the cookie bit!?!?

  10. O: HOLY CRAP!

    That was awesome! Poor poor Linkara.

    And bad bad Marzgirl and NChick for messing with jailbait Ma-Ti

  11. "It's probably good thing. I don't think Gaia would approve"

    Comedy. Gold.

  12. Ha ha, brilliant! Well done! Spectacular! Awesome! Various other happy-sounding words!

  13. Damnit Linkara! you, Lindsey and Marzgurl owe me a new keyboard and a new nose, I laughed so hard I shot grape soda out of one all over the other

  14. ~Can't stop laughing~
    Oh man, Lindsay stole the show there

    That was great you guys hahaha

  15. I am strangely disturbed by watching this. Disturbed in ways Spooning with Spoony cannot compare to O.o Very funny but o god XD

    The sad truth: when I first clicked the vid, I just hoped you were being very silly about the title of that question answering blog you were going to do. I was very surprised, needless to say.

  16. Marzgurl and the Nostalgia Chick just said they were going lesbian for each other. NO WAY IN HELL the shippers are gonna let any of this go by.

  17. Oh, so THAT'S your girlfriend! I was wondering whether you had one or not. She seems really nice; hope to see more of her in your future videos!

    And no, the shippers will not move on. YOUR MATERIAL ONLY MAKES OUR FANFICS STRONGER! XD

  18. Staten Island Helicopter should be the name of my band.

  19. I have officially died of laughter.

    I'm typing this as a ghost.

  20. So Lewis, how did you become so well-versed in the Mexican Carwash? Only fifth-level practitioners are familiar with incorporating Tibetan monks into the process. Also, do you use Velveeta cheese or Ro*Tel Queso in your Mexican Carwash?

  21. Oh god, that was funny.

  22. 1) This video was long overdue, but well executed.

    2) Whats next? Cuddling with the Critic? Snuggling with Sage? Bedtime with Benzaie?

    3) At least it wasn't Spoony that raped you. You two have been through enough already: 4 of the 6 Warrior comics, Alone in the Dark, ADAMANTIUM RAGE!, and you learning of him being Doctor Insano. Which you took rather well I must say.

    Congrats on the relationship by the way. I figured thats what it was when she first showed up.

  23. Muhuhuhahahahahaha!

    That split my drunken face from ear to ear.

  24. That might have been the funniest thing I have seen in a long, LONG time. NOW, we just need a cross-over between Linking up with Linkara and Spooning with Spoony. That would be gold.

  25. It's funny that this sort of thing pops up. I actually had an idea for a character for you called "Lewis, the LUUUUUVVVHOG." You would be in a bathrobe and talk in a deep Barry White tone. Since you're a feminist and all, I kind of figured it would be an opportunity to mock chauvinists who see women as sex objects. Kind of like what you do with the "extreme" over-masculine stupidity of media like you do with 90's kid.

  26. Here I was wondering how Linkara could be such a bastard like Spoony is in the Spooning With Spoony... and it turned out to be even funnier and more amazing than I could have imagined.

  27. Dang! I wish Nostalgia Chick and MarzGurl would play a joke on me! ^_^

    Great job, guys! Stellar job as always! I was anticipating another Spooning with Spoony, but this was much better than what I expected! :D

  28. Funny stuff. Naturally this will lead to videos such as "Bending with Benzaie" and "Snogging with Snob." Though if it does, I wonder if Lindsey and Kaylyn will still have enough peanut butter to perform all those Mexican Car Washes.

    Iron Liz seems pretty cool. I think you two make a great couple. Though I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Link/Marz Gurl shippers suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

  29. It just occurred to me... Please please tell us there are outtakes. I can't imagine how many times you must have cracked each other up trying to do this. Also, sorry for the double post.

  30. well...I'm not going to stop giggling for the rest of the night now. Long overdue, but worth the wait.

  31. I am ashamed I watched this.



    *clicks play!*

  32. The shippers will NEVER move on, especially not the Linkara/Spoony shippers.

    By the way, Lewis, this was a groovy vid. My hat is off to you, and Lindsay, and Kaylyn. Oh, and Bhargav. And I guess Bennett too. And 8-Bit Mickey. How many takes did this require?

  33. Oh my gosh I was laughing my butt off! XD

    Will Linkara get his sanity back? Maybe not. Give or take a few hundred years.

  34. LInkara you looked so... devastated. Cant say that I blame you either.

    I never knew Marzgurl could be that sexual, or cheap. Lol. Poor Sage.

  35. - We need commentaries, bloopers, and making ofs NOW! NOW! NOW!

    - How in the world did you get through this without DYING of laughter?

    - I think Spoony's twisted lifestyle may have rubbed off onto Lindsay (take this statement ANY direction you want people).

    - Was this written by Frank Miller as some sort of revenge upon you?

  36. XD I couldn't stop laughing!!!
    Oklahoma city Taco? Puerto Rico Telephono? Geez, those Hispanic poses... XD.

  37. Lewis, would you like me to send you a scan of "Sam and Max On the Road" for a backup in case there's another schedule change in the future?

  38. The day I see Intercourse with Insano, starring Linkara, is the day I quit the Internet.

  39. O.o!!! OMG Linkara! You are one lucky SOB! lol! I laughed so hard at this video I think I woke up people. Even if you are the victim of evil (yet hot) sirens-GRATS! I think that skit gives you a one-up on Spooning with Spoony now! You lucky, lucky man. Make this into T-Shirts; Ill buy one!

  40. Gaia wouldn't approve? MaTi's talking about the same woman who had kids with her first born son (Uranus), her grandson (Zeus), and however many other kids she's had... I don't think Gaia would have cared...

  41. hahahaha that was really funny. lucky linkara!

  42. Man... Liz, you're lucky. According to those girls he knows some crazy stuff. Buy yourself some strawberries!

    jk, but still Liz you're lucky, because you have a great guy

  43. you missed some (lame)jokes
    -oh,linkara,you ARE a man
    -and that magic gun shots like a bazzoka

    wait a sec
    spoony and scarlett
    lewis and liz
    amor aliterado!(alliterative love!)

  44. 0.0

    That. . .that. . .-that-. . .

    . . .was AWESOME. ;p

    Funny stuff indeed. You are indeed a man of strength not to bust out laughing during that shoot Linkara. Kudos to you, Marzgurl, Lindsey, and the crew. :)


  45. It was totally awesome... but Ma-Ti didn't say his line!

    "I DIDN'T DO IT!"

  46. Ewwwww! Ewwww! Ewwww! Ewwww!
    Consensual sex! Ewwwww!


  48. That was... just... PURE AWESOME !

    But I think that what people want... and fear... to see... is... Spooning with Spoony... staring... Ask That Guy With The Glasses.

  49. I managed to watch this just before heading off to school(I'm commenting from a classroom, which is probably stupid). Now I'm going to be laughing all day. So thanks for that XD

    Great job, all of you. I don't know how you weren't cracking up.

    Mating with Ma-Ti... So wrong, yet so hilarious. All the TGWTG people need a version of this show, yes? :P

    Banging with Beary... Augh. Mental images. Bad. D=

  50. All those times Linkara told us that HE IS A MAN!...Well, here's your proof.

    Funny as hell. Thanks.

  51. haha yes it finally happend :-)
    and man wasi great :3

    now the only thing thats missing is

    linking up with linkara vs spooning with spoony

    I would love to se spoony getting andry over the competision ;D

  52. Oh dear that was cruel.
    It apperes that Spoony's dieveant ways have infected poor innocent Nostalgia Chick (I just broke the sarcasm machine again, didn't I)

    Lord only knows what will come from this, please don't let any one try a Linking with Spoony crossover as that might just cause pain..

  53. ohhh my god no, you just feed the shippers!!! they will never stop!!! THEY NEVER STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!1

  54. *lol* This is great... I'm glad that Linkara was kept in-character... *When I saw this, I was worried... I have a thing about in-characterness*

    Orlando Dolphin Flip... *LOL*

    I loved the confused look on Linkara's face.... *lol* It was... "very cute..." Although, not as cute as that little kitten was in that previous review... :)

    By the way, congratulations on the girlfriend, Linkara!


    I've been waiting for this since the first Kickassia came up. And it's even better than I could have ever hoped! (I'll forgive the lack of Spoony. My inner slasher is happy enough with that cookie bit...) <3 NChick and MG are gonna turn me into a lesbian one of these days, I swear. And if your girlfriend is as awesome as her name makes her out to be (I'm a HUGE Iron Maiden fan), my husband's gonna be shyte outta luck. xD

    Great job, all of you! This made my day!

  56. Am I the only one not surprised that Bennett was the cameraman?

  57. Why is it that one of my thoughts coming out of this is the 'What? What?!' bit reminded me of the tenth Doctor Who? This can't possibly be a good sign...

  58. Your girlfriend looks like Carrie Fisher.


    Just throwin' that out there.

  59. @ThePaperLady

    Don't worry, I thought it too. ...Actually, yeah, worry XD

  60. Ah every guys dream, waking up between 2 hot girls. To bad it was all just a big joke, was still cool though.

    All you were missing was Spoony and it would have been even more awesome.

    Lets face its only a matter of time till everyone who apart of Channel Awesome has been Spooning with Spoony.

  61. Hilarious, although perhaps my favorite part is Ma-Ti saying "Pain Go Bye-Bye Juice" (Patton Oswalt reference FTW!).

  62. Did spoony's girlfriend put you up to this? I remember in spoony's comentary for the spooning with spoony video he said his girl friend said that next aniversery there was going to be a linking up with linkara video. and there was XD

  63. Lindsay is pretty :P *dumb goofy smile*

  64. Hey Linkara,
    I'm one of those silent witnesses to your work...until now! Okay, enough with the weird humour from me. To just let you know, I'm a big fan of your AT4W series, and that, like every one of your fans out there, I have a recommendation;
    Batman: Orphans
    It's a very recent 2 part BM story. I just finished reading it, having initially bought the first issue when buying several BM comics given the launch of BM:Incorporated, it's not connected to that series, but my allegiance to the Dark Knight won through.
    Now, I know you receive many, many recommendations, and you have often had to remind us that AT4W is for bad comics. Well, I can't say for sure if BM:Orphans does suck in my own opinion, or whether I expect your reaction to be that it sucks. However, something about the story seems primarily wrong for BM.
    So, if you happen to notice it in a comic store, please give it a read and if it meets AT4W's standards I look forward to its mocking.
    Thank you for your time, and thanks again for all the great work.

  65. dickgraysonisbrucewayneasbatmanMarch 29, 2011 at 8:47 PM

    Just realized i have that robe....er...Um..."I AM A MAN!"

  66. ...

    So... People asked for this, 'eh?

    I... see... That was different... (elipses)


    So... any way we might edit out Linkara and Ma-ti? I'm just saying, maybe going a different direction with the whole thing... yeah... *cough*


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