Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oddsing and Endsing

Tandy Computer Whiz Kids
In case you didn't see my twitter, Q-Unit #1 proved to be so irritatingly BORING that I couldn't find anything good to make fun of and would've made for a poor episode. Instead, I shall be reviewing an issue of the Tandy Computer Whiz Kids, which is hilariously awful.

Testing a new Flash format
Alrighty, quite a few people in the past have told me that they're having difficulty seeing my videos on Blip. As such, I've offered some solutions in the past:

-Update your flash software
-Try using a different browser (IE Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.)
-Download the FLV file directly from Blip. It's not too hard to track down a specific video's link.

However, I understand that the problem may be on my end. The thing is, back when I was saving in 640x480, Blip was able to convert my videos for me and did a pretty good job of it... but for some reason it errors out when attempting to convert my widescreen videos. As such, I have to save the videos on my own, usually doing so in Adobe Premiere Elements... a process that can take up to three hours, much to my annoyance if it turns out I have to correct an error or something.

As such, with the assistance of some peeps on Twitter as well as my fellow TGWTG producers, I've found a converter that seems to work pretty well and cuts the time it takes to make an FLV down pretty well. However, what works on my machine might not work on other people's machines, as such I have uploaded a new version of the Dark Knight Strikes Again Part 3 and I would like people to test it for the following:
-If you've had no problems with the videos, whether this new version works just as well.
-If the quality seems to be up to part with the other version (pixelation and the like should be pretty easy to spot)
-If you've had problems in the past viewing my videos, whether or not this corrects it.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

History of Power Rangers


Believe it or not, watching 40 episodes of a TV series, especially when I've already got my own life, a weekly show, and various other projects to work on is NOT an easy task. Let me just break it down for you:

-Watch Power Rangers season.
-Summarize as I go along, often having to pause the video to give my thoughts and note any motifs or character bits that come to mind.
-Finish off my thoughts and the analysis.
-Edit that analysis, checking my sources for any additional information I can find.
-WAIT TO FINISH THE NEXT SEASON. Yeah, believe it or not, I'm NOT releasing a season until I've finished watching the season after it. This makes sure that I'm still always one step ahead of the reviews and you don't have to wait even LONGER for the videos.
-Record the review.
-Edit the review, inserting clips.
-Publish video, upload to Blip, place on this blog.
-EVENTUALLY it will end up on That Guy With the Glasses. The site is growing every day and there aren't as many video slots as there once were and as such the schedule is very tight and I may not be able to fit it in close to the same time I post it here.

Just to give you an idea of the time measurement - the average Power Rangers season has about 40 episodes in it. Now that I'm out of the part that I have nostalgic memory for, I now have to watch much more closely to these seasons and, as a result, most likely wtch every episode, resulting in about 13 hours to watch the entire season... except, as I said, I don't watch these in a single day because of all the other things that happen in my life. In addition, the time it takes to summarize and analyze, then record, then edit.

So the answer as to when the next History of Power Rangers episode is going to be? WHEN IT'S GOOD AND READY, SO STOP ASKING. I honestly am not trying to be angry, since I love my fans and I love that the fans care about this project, but seriously? I said it RIGHT in the introduction video that there isn't a set schedule for it and I meant that. I'm going to start getting harsher about this, much as I dislike doing so, but this series is supposed to be fun, both for me and for the fans, but if people make it into a chore for me, I'm going to enjoy it less and less and it'll be even LESS likely that you'll be seeing new episodes. As such, allow me to make this clear:

-If you e-mail me and ask when the next episode will be out, I will start by responding with this post and in the following weeks I'll stop responding whatsoever, even if you have good questions or wish to donate something or the like. I am THAT tired of getting this question.
-If you ask why it's not on TGWTG, I will ignore you.
-If you tweet to me about it, I will ignore you.
-If you comment on the blog asking where the next one is, your comment will be REJECTED, including this post, even if you're joking. I am seriously that tired of this.

Again, I honestly don't want to come off as a jerk, but it's honestly getting on my nerves a bit.

Revolution of the Mask

We are now going to be releasing an Issue 0 before we move onto Issue 3. This involves me writing a fresh script, which I will hopefully be completing by the end of the week, as such it will be a bit before you see the next issue, but like before, please be patient and there WILL be more issues. Thanks again!


  1. I'm sorry you're getting such flak over the Power Rangers thing. I think some people forget that not only are you having to do all the items you listed to get those videos out, but you're also providing us with a comic book review every single week without fail. I imagine that takes considerable time, too. It's a shame that the Internet seems to create a lot of entitlement issues in otherwise very nice people :(

    Also, I look forward to more Revolution of the Mask and I await it with eager yet patient anticipation :D

  2. Hey man, no shame in setting some ground rules. Don't worry about being perceived as "harsh".

  3. In one of those e-mails, I may have mentioned not being able to wait for the next Power Rangers video, but that was just the signature.

    I can wait. Totally. o.o;;;

  4. As a Power Rangers fan, I feel the need to apologize for the behavior of other fans. I know from running my website that the PR fandom, in some spots, is not always the most patient lot. Heck once I was asked why a Toy Review I was doing was not up yet, and it had only been an hour since I had gotten the toys.

    I say try to ignore the pests, enjoy the positive ones, and just do things the way you want & at the pace you want. I enjoy and appreciate all the work you, Doug, Noah, Joe and everyone do. You guys make me laugh everyday, and thus make my life more enjoyable.


  5. Sorry. That was unnecessary. ^^;; Please don't mind my comment.

  6. People bother you that much about PR? Well, I guess it's natural, seeing as more people would know PR than some of the comics you do. To a person who only buys occasional comics, AT4W becomes a 'What not to buy' show and more infotainment than straight comedy like the Critic or AVGN. Better show for it too.

  7. Holy 13 hours per season? how do u even find the time?

    i tired rewatching some seasons (thanks to you) and i could barely do it in a month let alone even contemplate doing it while making notes, reviewing, and scripting for HOPRs.

    dude youre a machine.

    You deserve as much time as you want.

  8. on the batman video, i've had no problams before and this is exactly the same, quality wise.
    not sure if thats helpful but its probably worth saying

  9. It probably takes about 2-3 weeks just to marathon a season of PR and then review it. At least in the next few seasons you can pretty much shoot through them without having to take time on Bulk & Skull's "development".

  10. I've never had problems with the videos in the past but this one won't play. :(

  11. Just read your comments on needing critique for the new flash format and, whilst I can't claim to speak for everyone, I can assure you that the new format is actually slightly better for me. I've never had any problems playing previous episodes, however the new format's frame rate seems to be a little smoother. Not really much to add on this since the rest of the quality isn't noticeably changed.

    As for the constant nagging you've been getting regarding the next power rangers episode - I can only apologize for those of us who are too impatient to appreciate the time and effort that clearly goes into them. I have a certain amount of nostalgia for the Zordon years (less so for the rest of the series due to the lack of continuity) but watching every episode back to back would drive me nuts!

    Sincere thanks for the dedication you show to your fans :)

  12. Thanks for your hard work. That's it.

  13. I'm trying to catch up so please do take your time because right now your on lost galaxy while I have to sit through 40 more episodes of turbo, but I know how long it takes just to get through one season, but you have to summarise and get clips and what not, recently you've been doing once a week which is great for us fans but must be killing you.

  14. Yikes. I knew the internet was full of impatient people, but there had to be quite the swarm of fan-gnats to crack your normally calm, if not firm demeanor. Yeesh.

    I've repeatedly praised you for your eloquence in the face of stupidity, impatience, and willful ignorance; that does not change with this. Nothing wrong with laying some ground rules. You have to do what you have to do, and sometimes you gotta turn up the heat in your words.

    Keep up the excellent work, Lewis. I'll wait a year for your next installment of HOPR if need be.

    New RotM? Sweet!

  15. Tandy Computer Whiz Kids?!? I just Googled it and I can't believe my employer made a comic to promote it's ancient computers! This is gonna be a good one!

    An issue 0 of Revolutions of The Mask, eh? Awesome! I look foward to that when it comes, along with all of your other stuff!

    Nothing wrong with setting some rules, it's fair. I don't think anyone will dispute that!

    I took a look at the other Dark Knight vid you put up, and I have no problems seeing it, nor did I have any issues with the first one. Great video all the way!

    So until The Smurfs meet Avatar happen, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  16. I mainly just want to see that opening montage and hear the awesome theme song again with new content after it, really.

    As for the video, quality seems as up to par with old videos if not better, although I didn't have problems with the videos before.

  17. I feel bad for wanting the next episode so much now :(, having said that good things come to those who wait and I am more then willing to wait for something as amazing as your rangers series. And end of the day Quality of Quantity so take your time and make it the best you can. But 40 eps a season must be a pain, bet you can't wait till you get to the later stuff where it gets to 32 eps a season.

    Good things about your Power Rangers is its gotten me back into the series, started watching some RPM to see what the series has become am really enjoying it thus far. But yeah I can't wait for the next History of Power Rangers video but I am willing to do so if it means a job well done.

  18. I wasn't having problems with the videos before, and they look pretty much the same now.

    It doesn't look any different on watching, at least not to me.

  19. I'm loving the PR History series and as much as I am enjoying, I'll admit I'm just who checks the sites regularly for updates....I feel bombarding the creator is just a hassle for the person writing and the creator. It's stupid and pointless.

    But I think that you do a great job with the AT4W and the great job you've done with everything through PRiS the PR fanbase is just anxious and excited, keep it up, take your time and don't worry about them.

  20. Good thing you said not to joke about it, because I was planning to. :) Actually, I don't mind the wait, since it gives me time to catch up with the posting on my own blog. And all I have to do is jot down the memories of a guy who was in high school when the show started while you do the hard part. (Kind of appropriate, if you think about it. :D )

    Wait, your doing a #0 of Revolution? Didn't you complain about #0 comics once, or was it just the fraction number?

    Anyway, keep being awesome. As long as AT4W stays weekly, and we get stuff like the crossovers now and then, I'm happy.

  21. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time out of your life to do the history of the Power Rangers. Looking forward to the next one, whenever it comes out. It's always definately worth the wait. It has been very entertaining :D So thank you!

  22. The new quality's working just fine for me. The old kind did too, except on some days when blip itself didn't want to work, but that wasn't really a problem with you or something you could fix.

    Keep up the good work, Linkara!

  23. FINALLY! The video works! I haven't been able to watch a single episode since the change without getting a headache from the lag. But now it works. Could you please do the same your other videos as well?

  24. hi i can wait for the next Power Rangers so take your time and i know some fan boys are a-hole troll. Power Ranger is more nostalgia any thing after suck. and i thank u doing a good job on your reviews

  25. for a minute I will admit I was pissed, when I first read, the HOPR thing, but I gave myself a couple of minutes and thought about it, you put 20-30 hours just into watching the show probably another 10 hours into writing and 10 or more hours into locating episodes editing and uploading.

    Even though I didn't vocalize it I am sorry I got mad. I understand what you do is hard. When I posted that tweet yesterday I didn't think about how many tweets just like that you have received.

    Some people in the comments suggest that the people who asked have "entitlement issues", I don't believe that's true for a majority of us. I believe that we are just a bunch of fans who lets our hands think before our brains do. I hope you understand that.

    Yes there are asshats out there who probably did say stuff like "Stop being lazy, and post the new HOPR" but that is not the majority of us, most of us are ultimately big fans of you.

    Also by explaining the process to us, anyone who asked you on twitter, probably won't need to ask how far you have gotten in the video process, because you always post updates on when your done watching a season, or writing or whatever.

  26. Hey, I'd be the same way dude. It's sort of like Spoony with the whole "You're standing in my spot" thing.

    Look on the bright side, at least people care enough to ask over and over and over agian. But, yeah, I actually caught on early that it wasn't a set schedule. (You've said it, what, over a million times now? Both on Twitter and on your blog?)

    I might be one of the few, but I do appriciate all you do. A comic review every week without fail, this great PR show, and not to mention writing your own comic, I'm starting to wonder if you even sleep.

  27. By the way, yes, the video does work better for me. My computer has the problem of slightly dragging the videos durring the transitions from comic book to reviewer. (A problem it only has with the widescreen.) I actually didn't notice it much, but watching the video in it's entirety without any drag makes a huge diffrence.

    I'm not sure how it works for other people, but it works great for me. Thanks!

  28. I'm sorry you're getting pestered so much. Sad as it is, some people are just too damn impatient. You have so much on your plate already, what with the PR reviews and still working hard on AT4W every week.

    Sometimes a little harshness is needed to put the idiots in their place. I don't think you're being mean at all. I know if I was in your place I'd lash out at the idiots sooner or later.

    Keep doing what you're doing. I'll sit and wait patiently for your lovely videos, no matter how long that takes. c:

  29. No rush Lewis. Take your time. Take a break. It's summer after all.

  30. DUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!! Issue 0? Wow, it's like a Issue #1, only it's a 0!!!! XDDDD

    But yah, I can see why the Power Rangers reviews are such a lengthy process; I can't imagine sitting through an entire season of a show in a compressed time period and then poring over all of the details.

    Still, looking forward to all of it. (Especially the Wild Force review, for obvious reasons. ^_~)

  31. ignoralos, tomate tu tiempo, todos tus videos son geniales, que sigan asi, señor linkara usted es un grande entre los grandes, saludos desde el puerto de veracruz,mexico xD

  32. I've never had any problems loading any of your videos, but this new FLV converter seems to be an improvement, as movement is far more fluid than any other blip video I've seen. It looks like there's far more frames per second than usual, which is a good thing!

  33. I'm too busy waiting for the weekly shows and consider PR a bonus. You won't hear a peep from me.

  34. A problem I have with the new format is that I can't jump to any spot in the video that hasn't loaded yet. In the 1.0 version of DK2P3, I could instantly jump to the Battilizer ending of epic-ness. In 2.0, I have to suffer through the horrible comic each time.

  35. Sweet, I hope you end up with an RotM issue you're happy with.

  36. Need more time for Power Rangers?

    At least I'll get more time for my Sentai Research!

  37. Lewis, take your time with the history of the power rangers, man. And don't worry about seeming harsh, cause you don't, even if it might be warranted. Well, keep up the good work.

  38. I can understand what you are going through Lewis. While I can't say my fan base is as big as yours. It sucks when you are practically the only show of its type as well. I've gotta countless request to do Godzilla films and only done one in over a year and a half. Hopefully your fans don't get to you too much. Your a busy man and I commend you for all the shows you manage to do. I consider your HOPR videos to be a pleasant surprise. I'm looking forward to them but nothing I can't wait for. Keep up the good work sir.

  39. As far as the video is concerned, it played fine for me and seemed to be a better revolution than some of your other ones.

    As for the Power Rangers, I am thoroughly enjoying your work on these seasons and am happy to wait patiently for new ones and I am sorry that people have harassed you about when the next one is coming out.

  40. Sorry to hear that people are flogging you with these questions, man. You've made your point quite clearly in the introduction videos and to all that want the next part, just rewatch the other episodes. I know I did :)

  41. Yo. You've been doing a great job on your Power Rangers videos (I'm surprised at how many seasons I've seen upon retrospect). XP

    I have a feeling you are going to LOVE Power Rangers RPM. It's like Power Rangers meets GARO, or, to get less obscure, Power Rangers meets Buffy or Doctor Who.

    I don't know if you know what Death Note is but Dr. K is an expy of L from that manga. I would tell you more about Tenaya 7 but that'd involve spoilers :x

  42. may I please refer you to the "leave Brittany alone" video on youtube just replace all the brittanys with Linkara, and all the her/she with him/he.



  43. It is much easier to watch it like this.

  44. "Wait, your doing a #0 of Revolution? Didn't you complain about #0 comics once, or was it just the fraction number?"

    I'm not fond of the concept of "Issue #0," but I can live with it. FRACTION issues, on the other hand, are completely idiotic.

  45. If it's any consolation, the seasons after Power Rangers Wild force,tended to have not as many episodes, not sure if it will help or not, but just saying.

  46. nothing wrong except next time you
    upload a video to blip please make sure it works perfectly and there are no errors in the video please lewis.

  47. For us watching the videos, I'd recommend Miro for watching. Not only can it play FLV well, as it reads RSS feeds it can automatically download the movie file from Blip when the Blip account updates.

  48. Oh come on Lewis! The world need a "Revolution of the Mask 39/56"

  49. I've been inspired by the HOPR videos you have made to look into the prospect of making similar videos for the Gundam franchise (about the only thing I know that much about), and I have to say that even though I haven't started and have nobody pestering me about anything, you have my (and obviously other's) very well deserved sympathy. Just the idea of combining Power Rangers with AT4W and any number of other special videos you collabarate on, I'm extremely impressed. We will patiently (most of us I hope) await your next episode.

  50. Reasonable fans won't react negatively to not being able to ask when the next HotPR is going to be. Sometimes you have to tell people you need space.

  51. The only difference I had between the old format and this video was that it seemed to load slower, but that doesn't bother me.

  52. I don't suppose you're also sick of people asking your opinion about the upcoming Power Rangers Season 18, are you? I know you know it's going to happen, but I was interested to know your thoughts regarding the Rangers based off of the casting call. If it IS one of those questions you've gotten a million times, go ahead and disregard this; I certainly mean no offense, especially considering you provide free and consistently entertaining videos week in and week out.

    And yes, I am eager for the next part of HOPR, but I can wait. I would like to point out, however, that these videos got my girlfriend interested in your site, so at the very least they've added one more member to your ever-expanding legion of fans.

  53. Didn't you say in the Doom's 4 1/2 review about the use of "issue 0"?...

  54. I'm sorry to hear that people are harassing you about the Power Rangers videos. It's a damn shame some people feel the need to hound you about it!

    I admire how much research you put into it and how each video shows the time and energy you spent watching the series/producing the video. It's really a wonderful nostalgia trip, and like many others, I'm even amazed at how much of PR I've forgotten when the first thing I nostalgically remembered was how big a fan of the series I was in the first place.

    In any case, screw the haters and keep up the good work! I can't wait to see your take on Mystic Force. It was the first time I'd watched Power Rangers since the end of Zordon and I was kinda impressed. Whatever your take on it, I'm sure I'll enjoy it too.

  55. On the next AT4W: I do enjoy you tearing apart PSA and comics that are little more than long advertisements for the companies that sponsored them. Truth be told though, I think I prefer your reviews of a particular series like "Act of God" or "DKSA2". All the same, please keep up the good work Louis. As long as you keep it entertaining, I'll watch it. Even if you have to review comics on dental hygiene.

    On History of the Power Rangers: I'm sorry to hear you've gotten nothing but emails from people bugging you to get out the next episode (though admittedly, I wouldn't mind experiencing that for myself once or twice). Like anything else, the people find something they really enjoy and want more. Don't take it too hard though Louis, the majority of your fans will be patient, we promise. Enjoy your life-It is what made you who you are, after all, and why you started this show. Denying you it would be cruel to you, and crueler still to us.

  56. Some people just have no respect, do they? Your frustration is completely justified, Linkara, especially with all the videos you put out on a timely basis. Your hard work is greatly appreciated.

  57. If people are having a hard time waiting for the next HoPR, I'd recommend watching the seasons as well. It's a good time killer and might make for better discussions. With Lost Galaxy, I'd recommend watching the Magna Defender episodes, since the first Magna Defender is easily one of the best characters on the show. Also, the team up episodes are really good as well.

  58. I didn't watch the whole video (because I saw it already), but it seems to be running OK for me. Then again so did the old one.

    As for the TRS-80/Tandy Computer Whiz Kids, I just want to point out that Archie (who produced the comic for Radio Shack, while DC had previously done crossovers with Superman and Supergirl, the former being the introduction of Alec and Shanna) had a habit of recycling scenes and maybe even whole panels. The comics were a seasonal or annual release, I don't remember which, but for freebie comics showing kids fighting crime with research, you couldn't complain as a kid.

    I lost my Supergirl team-up, but I do have Superman and 3 issues of the Tandy comics (plus the original TRS-80 one, making a total of four, at least that I own). I like weird things. :)

  59. Thanks for breaking down what it takes to make a history of the power rangers episode, I'm honestly surprised to see you got this far so quickly as i assumed each episode would be forever apart from one another if continued at all. Do what you need to do for those reviews and if that means taking your time than so be it, I also watched up till in space and because of that I really feel like were both taking this journey together (even though I'm not doing all the hard work) keep it up man.

  60. Video works alright for me. The only difference is that seeking to an unloaded part isn't working.

    I looked up Q-Unit #1 out of curiosity, and I have to ask: The XTREME cover promises the reader a "Layered Reality Cybercard". What the flying Funk and Wagnalls is that?

  61. Great read on what you are up to! I do have one question: I have been looking for a good FLV converter myself and I am wondering which one you are using here. Thank you in advance!

  62. keep up the good work and any advice on createing a power rangers fan series? and did you know that saban will make a new power rangers series in 2011

  63. should take the rabid anticipation as a testament youre doing great reviews,giving the power rangers a good name when for the most part theyve been forgotten.
    besides its just typed words.

    i think people are asking so much after in space because i remember as kids we all anticipated the next season more than any other after in space got us all back into Power rangers

  64. I just checked out the new video, and the quality actually looks a little better for me than some of the previous videos. The loading is smoother too.

    I'm guessing, though, that this has to do with the fact that my computer is ancient and needs a defibrillator shock every so often just to load the internet. (Kidding, but only just barely)

    And as a fan of the HOPR vids, I can safely say that I'm content with you taking as much time as you need to for the new vids, because that just makes them even better when they come out! Also, it gives me more time to procrastinate on my Power Ranger Countdowns that are due to appear in my own video series, The Television Traverser. I've already decided I'm waiting until you finish HOPR before I start those, so by all means, Lewis, TAKE YOUR TIME!

    Looking forward to all the new stuff you have lined up for the future!

  65. The sound in the new Batman video is different. Otherwise, I have not noticed any difference.
    Everything worked so far. On TGWTG, Spoony, ATFW, Angry Joe and on every other side.

    I am one of this people that stick to IE, btw. Never got any problems with it.

  66. Totally understand the frustration with the questions. And as such, if I was ever one of those folks, I apologize.

    And also for the premature geek out I had during your season three vid (I think that was the most I ever tweeted on one subject in such a some time frame). I was a bit excited at finally understanding why that ship looked familiar {It's the "Super Kreis/Crisis Fortress" from Kamen Rider Black RX (the rider for '88-'89) and makes it's return in the '09 rider series and movie "Decade"}

    Anyhoo, yeah, the your re-post of Dark Knight Strikes Again part 3 works. Never had a problem with your vids before, and that seems to still be the case for me. All is well on my end.

    Thank you for all your hard work. You've brought a lot to the table on comics and Power Rangers and continue to be fun to watch.

    Looking forward to each new video.

    Take care.

    till next...

  67. Linkara, on behalf of all us PR fans, take your time with the reviews. I'd rather wait a few weeks for an amazing review, then get it in on a normal basis, and have it be half-assed. Keep up the amazing job, brah.

  68. That's much better than it's been for me since you went to widescreen. It runs nice and smoothly. And I don't see any major loss of quality, or anything.

  69. I can't believe that people are pestering you this badly. You put out regular, frequent content on your own, you make other online appearances (podcasts, the forums, the cameos, being punked by the Nostalgia Chick and MarzGurl), you do RotM whenever you can, and somewhere in the midst of all that you have a life. Lewis, I'd like to thank you for spending all of this time on a pack of complete strangers. It is much appreciated, and I don't think you hear that as often as you should.

  70. I was wondering about the whole Power Rangers thing. Glad to know how it works. (I figured it was a lengthy process). Sorry others pushed you into a state of rage. I think we've all gotten spoiled with the sheer quantity of review-y goodness coming out in the wake of Kickassia.

    And wow, sorta weird the string of unreviewable comics you've gotten lately. Has this happened as frequently in the past and I just didn't notice it, getting it from Nostalgia Critic's site instead of the blog?

    Also, I would like to thank you for all of the work you do to amuse us. I'll gladly and humbly accept the power rangers review when it's good and ready.

  71. You've always seemed like one of the coolest reviewers on TGWTG, so for you to get so worked up must mean the bombarding was pretty bad. I certainly don't want to see the videos vanish, so whenever they get done is when they get done. I, and most others, were fans before you started the series. We can wait.

    Also, the Dark Knight Strikes Again Pt. 3 video works fine, just like the old one did.

  72. Take your time. I've watched plenty of shows in bulk, several of them I didn't like, and I am fully aware of the fatigue associated with overloading on one thing. Don't burn out and don't bum out. :D

  73. I certainly believe you should take your time if necessary when working on Power Rangers--in fact, the slower nature may be what's making me enjoy them more than the regular Atop the Fourth Wall episodes.

    However, what might help out your viewers a little is if you were a little more transparent about your progress. What I mean is, maybe in some blog posts you could throw in a sentence saying how far you are, such as "I'm almost done watching the season" or "I've just started on making the video". Information like that (which doesn't require you to rush at all) would probably cut down on the questions as to when they'll be out.

  74. i feel like i should apologize, i don't nag ya for your next power ranger review but i pretty much come to your blog to see if you posted another episode each week, which classifies me as impatient.. what can i say, this HOPR thing is very interesting, you mention in these reviews something that we don't know about the series, well not me anyway, please take your time

  75. Lord Seth, he does have the Twitter feed on the side. I don't use Twitter myself, but I docheck his feed on the sidebar when I visit the site.

  76. The new whatever you're doing with the videos seems to be better than before. Good things!

    I'm rather impressed by your Power Rangers analysis, so it's kinda sad to see people bothering you about the next one when you've got a billion other good things you're doing.

  77. Linkara, you may be epic fries dipped in awesome sauce, but you're still only human. Do what you gotta do to maintain your sanity, standards and satisfaction.

  78. WOW. After reading this wall of text I just have one thing to say: thanks for all your hard work.

  79. you don't seem like the kind of person to wear there pants "on the ground" but have you/would ever wear you pants "on the ground"? also people should be happy that you doing something that you don't even have to do id say if people continue to bug you about HOPR you should "threaten" to stop it.

  80. new vid works fine (then again for me the old one did too). I didn't notice any quality difference.

    Good luck with the power rangers series. I hope you can now continue working on it in peace :)

  81. Hey, the new format for the videos works great. Please continue to use it in the future. I really love your reviews but I have trouble watching them because I have an older computer. It just can't handle your older format and it scrambles the picture. So this new format is really great for me. Thank you so much.

    I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time about Power Rangers. I think the only reason that is happening is because your review of the series is very good. Seriously. I was not a Power Rangers kid. Your review of the series is giving me a new found appreciation for it. And a lot of that has to do with the fact that you take your time to make the video good. So your not going to get any complaining from me.

    Also, great work on Kickassia and the anniverary videos. I especially enjoyed the Crisis of Infinite Insanos. And after watching your video, I was inspired to watch the Spirit and oh, my God! Crazy crazy Miller. It's like Egg on my face.

    Anyway, keep up the good work.

  82. Im glad to see you standing up for yourself with HOTPR. Your take on In Space was 100% spot on, couldnt agree more with you on the points that you made. Dont let the hecklers get to you tho, and i certainly hope now that, since you've called them out on it, they will back down. If not, they frankly dont deserve to watch your hard work.
    Keep doing what you do, those of us who get it really, really appreciate it.

  83. Take your time man. I can wait

  84. For what it's worth, I'm amazed you got the episodes you have released out as quickly as you have, pretty much for all the reasons you listed. If anything, I'd say you're well ahead of schedule (if there was one that is).

    A part of me is curious to know how the Q and A vlog is coming along, but I feel like asking now would make me look like a giant schmuck so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and leave well enough alone. Yep, that sounds like a good plan.

  85. Hey dude Richard here
    I agree with Yogurt, constantly bugging you about the releases is a bit much. They need to look at all the rest of the stuff you do, even just weekly, and appreciate the fact your going on past In Space at all and be happy.

    I'm a Fan fiction author and i get the same thing some times so i can sympathize a bit.

  86. ouch, sorry to hear Linkara, the "dance monkey dance" type fans, I can only imagine,

    and no, you're not comin across as harsh, but you are coming across as stressed out,

    one thing that is very admirable in you is just HOW much you can put on your plate AND be successful at it, from writing two comics, AT4W, the Lets Plays, the HoPR, prop making for all your vids, your RL job and who-knows-what-all-else you do, and yet still make quality work is nothing short of impressive, but it does take a toll

    hell, I'd even make a call to your fans on a "ask not what Linkara can do for you but what you can do for Linkara" to give a little of that love back

  87. I've notice a trend these late reviews, when it always comes to the part of Captain Marvel in a shitty comic its always the best part of the comic, maybe miller should have written captain marvel instead =X

  88. Sorry to hear that you been pestered so much about HoPR, but I believe the reason is that they are so good. Nonetheless, you should be allowed to take your time to create these videos. You are only human, so we understand if you need to take things slow for a while, Kickassia would exhaust anymore.

    On the new converter thing, the video plays as good as before, probably because I had no problems before.

  89. Video compression: Quality seemed okay, there appears to be occasional interleave error there causing spastic "throb" in the video feed, a common problem with compression most evident in distressed watcher videos on TGWTG site. I think frame rate adjustment or alternate interleave options might help the situation but I am no expert.

    Power rangers: Yeah, I bet it must get annoying to hear the nagging from dozens if not hundreds of people (I hope not from thousands). You are allowed to be as much of an ass you want to asshats like that anyway. Impatient fools used to instant gratification and treating other people as servants deserve nothing more than repeated kicks to shin.

  90. I'm one of those having the problems with, and this was perfect, Lewis. Great quality and no lag. Will their be any others getting redone in this coding?

  91. Regarding the new FLV:

    I have never had the truly dire problems that others have with your videos, so I cannot attest to whether this fixes them, but I experience no problems watching the new format video. The quality is at least as good as your previous one, and I will add my voice to those who feel it looks better in some capacity, though I can't put my finger on what.

    Also, I compared playback of the old and new versions of DK2-3 on a decrepit laptop I have, and the new FLV seems to run more smoothly and hiccup less often on that underpowered machine. Overall, I think the new compression is a success.

    Keep doing what you do great! The silent majority out here patiently awaits each of your works.

  92. Just to add, in case you haven't seen it: s_d has posted your and Spoony's Warrior vids.

  93. I agree with many about the History of the Power Rangers. I have been enjoying your comic reviews and the Power Rangers videos almost since I first saw them on TGWTG.

    I suppose some advice I can give is keep your head up and don't let some people who can't wait get you down.

    I am quite sure you're extremely busy with your reviews, but if need be, take a little break.

    I have had this happen to me before as well (in the sense of losing the 'fun' of something you enjoy).

    To me, it's just nice sometimes to relax and get away from all the voices and refresh your love and perspective of things.

    Sorry if I rambled, but I just want to let you know I appriciate your hard work.

  94. I don't usually comment on this thing but if it helps, then here you go.

    I can't say anything about the quality. The new vid works fine, but I did have to use the same method I have to use for a lot of other people's videos which I have never had to use with yours previously. The process goes something like this: hit play, watch annoying ad that malfunctions half the time, hit pause, brew tea, pet cat, sketch for a while, check email, hit play.

  95. There's also the factor of GETTING the episodes. Those things take money and time to acquire, and when you consider that we're talking about a 15-season TV show here, with 40 episodes a season...that's just insane. Kudos to you for keeping your rational brain throughout.

    Incidentally, do you have any plans as to how you're going to cover the final SPD (it was purposely filmed as a missing episode of Dino Thunder to be aired as a promo)?

  96. About the video---I was having some problems with your newer videos from time to time, and whatever you did in that video seemed to fix it! And the quality looks good.

  97. I had major problems viewing your Atop the Fourth Wall videos starting with your switching to widescreen (though the History of Power Rangers ones worked fine) and this one worked waaaaaaay better. Thank you.

  98. the way I see it, AT4W is the video to expect on a regular schedule, bar problems, with PR being a pleasant bonus surprise that shows up sometimes.

  99. Seriously, you have my undying respect for even doing all of this.
    So if you even decide to just quit the HOPR, it's totally OK.

    Thanks for being awesome.

  100. Only you can make watching Power Rangers seem like a chore. lol.

  101. I don't know if i've asked or not but I do apologize if I did.

    It really goes to show how much we like it, but in truth you have so many other things, not to mention your own life that fans should learn to be patient i'm sure you've heard this a thousand times but i feel the need to honestly say sorry if i did this

    anyway I enjoy whatever i get from you and look forward to it

  102. I don't know if i've asked or not but I do apologize if I did.

    It really goes to show how much we like it, but in truth you have so many other things, not to mention your own life that fans should learn to be patient i'm sure you've heard this a thousand times but i feel the need to honestly say sorry if i did this

    anyway I enjoy whatever i get from you and look forward to it

  103. Your videos tended to run slow on my computer, and the new format is much better. It runs much smoother now. Thank you!

  104. New Flash is best Flash. I used to think you were uploading in HD or something, considering how choppy your videos were (ye gods, especially in widescreen), but I didn't complain because it meant it was easy to read the comic book text. This new version, though, muuuuuch better. Very smooth.

  105. great review.thanks for the free entertainment.

    You missed an opportunity in the dark knight strikes again review.

    ever since this comic first came out the wonder woman/superman relation and certain justifications used in it always reminded me of a few conversations from mallrats,does frank miller have brodys same brain?
    (sexual organs,"it would have to be someone like wonder woman" etc.)

    also you made me think of something.
    by the end of the comic frank millers twisted mind reduced supes and batman TO THE M.O. OF THEIR MOST STEREOTYPED AND COMMON VILLAINS.
    (i.e. superman ended up an alien trying to conquer the world,and batman a costumed villain with henchmen willing to kill for his insane beliefs of the week.)
    by the end there were no superheroes. thats frank millers spit in the comic book buyers face.
    son of a taint

  106. Thank you for fixing the video format. It works much better now.

  107. Oooh a prequel to Revolution of the Mask. Always a welcome update to hear news on my favourite indie comic.
    As an amateur film maker myself I feel your frustration, it is so easy for people on the net to forget how long original and semi original content takes to make.
    As long as I get my weekly AT4W fix I'll consider the occasional diversion into bikers fighting men in rubber suits a bonus video.

  108. Regarding your alternate flash format video. Compared to the regular ones (which I experience lag on most of the time) this new format performs wonderfully! :)

  109. You have every right to be harsh, which I don't think this was, re the PR history. I would, however, like to thank you for breaking down your process for making these videos... I find it fascinating. Especially the bit about moving onto the next season and getting that one done before posting the current. I'd never considered that, but it's a great idea for thematic analysis. So, thank you!

  110. Sorry linkara, really, i love the power rangers reviews since i watched it a lot when i was a kid, and your reviews are so great that i'd get overexcited about it as well, although i never asked about it.
    Just keep doing what you're good at, do the reviews as best as you can and just ignore the questions, don't get mad at us :D.

  111. Regarding the HOPR reviews, no hating from me -- from what I can tell reading about what you, Doug, Spoony, Lindsay and the like have to go through for a regular review, I'd have metric tons of difficulty doing that, let alone the added work that reviewing an entire series front to back would entail.
    Like most people I'm not paying for it (yet, I hopefully add) so I have no reason to complain about the creation of the content. I can't do this. I seriously wish I could, but I can't. So take your time, Lew. Doug, Spoony, Lindsay and TODD could keep me entertained even without AT4W every week, even.

  112. OMG! It works, nice. Haven't seen a video of yours in a long time because of my stupid computer (I couldn't even whatch the videos in my notebook, that usually works better with

  113. Wow.

    It's amazing that some people actually complain that someone who makes videos on his own time, purely for the enjoyment of people who visit the blog, is not getting videos out quickly enough.

    We really do live in an entitlement generation. And it's getting worse.

  114. Since I'm watching this from a ebook instead of from my usual computer, I couldn't tell you for sure if the video's quality went up. Either way, I have no problems watching it :)

    Take your time with the Power Ranger review. I'd much watch something you enjoyed making. After all, it benefits me as a fan, too, since humor comes more easily when stress isn't giving you an ulcer. Anyone who doesn't get that should find something better to do than complaining about it.

  115. I had no problems with the video. It worked just as well as all of your others :)


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