Thursday, June 3, 2010

Q&A Vlog 1: Origins

The first part of the Q&A! See the origins behind some of Linkara's likes, dislikes, and how the show got started! See him go off on wildly irrelevant tangents!


  1. This is an awesome video. It's great to learn about you and all the things you've done. Ad no matter what you say Pollo is kick ass and is adorable. I'm glad that you decided to use him.

  2. i think the last morpher you show is from Beetleborgs, another show from the people who made Power Rangers

  3. In the Arsenal of Freedom, is that a Power Rangers RPM morpher or is that the japanese Go-Onger morpher? (Japanese ones uses the electronic "Engine Soul" chips).

    I swear, Linkara, if it's the latter, you just upped my jealousy points XD

  4. Oh wow, I remember that issue with Spidy, Nova and the Tri-Sentinel! Tri-Sentinel was a left over Macguffin from the Captain Universe Spidey storyline. Good times :-)

  5. I admittedly had this on in the background why I was doing other things but it really seemed like you talked about re-writing your novels and then, no more than five minutes later, you railed against remakes. The hell?



    No, seriously, I do--I want my own copy.

    Also, I'm secretly convinced there's an Earth-Education somewhere in the DC multiverse, where El Dragon is the greatest hero in that world and everybody talks like they came straight out of the Cracktionary.

  7. "I admittedly had this on in the background why I was doing other things but it really seemed like you talked about re-writing your novels and then, no more than five minutes later, you railed against remakes. The hell?"

    There's a difference between taking a story I wrote as a 14 year-old and fixing all the junk I thought was good AS a 14 year-old and outright remaking it.

    Think of it more as a second edition that corrects the mistakes than as a remake.

    And besides, remakes CAN be good... it's just the concept of them that I find irritating.

  8. Hey theres an issue with your new flash player it wont let me skip ahead to where I was when I accidentally closed it, which was right in the middle

  9. nevermind now it worked my mistake, delete this one and the last one please

  10. I think Barroll Roll is right. It looks like a Beetle Bonder

  11. Ignore those other commentors or whatever the noun is, that's a Thunder Morpher from Ninja Storm.

    I have a Vortex Blaster from Time Force and a Turbo Morpher sans wrist-strap, but I really don't feel like giving them away. Sorry about that.

    You're awesome, plain and simple.

  12. Dont worry about evolving an idea you had when you were a teen. There are still cool things to come from older ideas, though they tend to get modernized as our viewpoints change as adults, and just the media around us.

    The massive, generations spanning story in my head since I was like 13-15 where it germinated from has been morphed and tweaked so much it sometimes it seems like a totally different person made it.

    And at your age you have plenty of time and an audience.

    Create away dude, before time catches up to you and you don't have the time to do so, only leaving you with regrets.

  13. Wow...your first comic (the Spidey/Nova/Tri-Sentinel story) was actually my second. That's pretty cool. I pretty much grew up on Mark Bagley's Spider-Man, and it all started there.

    And I totally agree about the whole "deconstructing super heroes" bit you talked's actually why I refused to see Kick Ass, and pretty much swore off Mark Millar's work a few years back. One thing I've really come to hate in recent years is seeing superhero comics written by people who so obviously hate superheroes...or at least can't take them seriously. It's my biggest comic book industry pet peeve.

    And do know that now you're gonna get like, fifty hats in the mail, right?

  14. I think the second gun you showed in your "Arsenal of Freedom" might be an M5, I could be wrong though. Like you said, Angry Joe or Spoony are probably better people to ask.

    PS- I know this is really random, but I bet if I were to try on your hat, it would cover half of my face. :P

  15. As a guy who has played and beaten Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, I can tell you that without spoiling anything that those monsters do have a meaning behind them. After that ending and once you ponder it, you officially and finally know their meaning and it is really brilliant. Also, the monsters, while remaining what they are, actually do change during the game. Different choices you make will change thier appearance, which often hints on how the game will end for you.

    The running did get tiring and annoying after awhile, but the final 2 nightmare stages make up for this by really messing with your head. I could explain more about how the game is better than it looks, but seeing and playing it are better than being told it. Just watch a let's play or check out the game and I'm pretty sure you'll find it to be pretty good.

    Anyways, a lot of good questions were answered here and thanks for answering them all. I was wondering about Pollo for a bit.

  16. I'm just like you with continuity, Lewis. I have all of the Hercule Poirot novels by Agatha Christie, and I'm a stickler about keeping them in order, even trying to fit the collections with short stories in an area that best fits the timeline.

  17. Great insight into your videos.

    Very, very weird name is Lewis, I'm 22, wear glasses, wear shirts over shirts, have a large comic collection, loved Power Rangers growing up, watch MST3K on a regular basis, and my stuffed animal which is hidden away in the closet is also named Little Foot - because it actually is Little Foot :P

  18. When I left the Midwest, I caught hell for my accent, too. I'm very migratory, but much of my language formation was done in Upper Iowa. My offense was "ruff" instead of "rewf" for roof, so I had to chuckle over "rum". Not that every other accent one could have doesn't have its amusing parts.

    Anyway, the ACTUAL point of this reply is to offer old-hand hat junkie advice. Good hats don't come from Target. Most people don't really wear hats as actual clothing, so they're not made to last. Good hats come from anywhere you might go to look at tractors from the turn of the century. If you smell kerosene and suspect you could probably score some moonshine, you'll find decent hats. My favorite is a wide-brimmed black fur felt, which was shaped to me on site at Old Thresher's Reunion. Failing an annual need to look at old printing presses and ride antiquated trains, Western stores often have decent non-cowboy hats as well.

  19. Oh man, I totally had one of those Zeo Black Power Staffs as a kid. No idea where it went, though, wish I still had it. Still, nice memories flinging it around and annoying people with the music.

    As for the Smiling Man, I've always enjoyed that type of character and name for them, like the Tall Man from Phantasm, or the... Tall Man from Yahtzee's Chzo Mythos, or Chalk from the webcomic Zebra Girl. I myself employed a similar type of character in my webcomic (although much more briefly than I would've liked). Mask-wearing or smiling ambiguous mysterious villains that have some very creepy factor about them, tends to be very cool. Your Smiling Man's motivation sounds a little... familiar though. *coughkahncough*

    And I also love Silent Hill and have never played any of them. Psychological horrors are always the best.

  20. What happened to the actual dragon dagger toy?

  21. Compared pictures of Beetle Bonders with Ninja Storm morphers....the one he has looks like a Thunder Morpher.

  22. Awesome to see this VLog, and glad more parts are on their way! I think it's very enlightening, and good for the audience to see who you are beyond what we see 'on stage', and it's great to know more about you and the behind the scenes. The Arsenal of Freedom is awesome! And that is a great collection of comics and gear! And inner childhood is awesome : )

    You did get me curious about Angel Armor, but I'll trust you and wait for the rewrite : p

    Honestly, what got me writing this up was your rant on Shattered Memories. I understand your point about the general idea on remakes, but there are exceptions to the rule. Information Geek already said much of what I was going to, so I'll just kudos toward him, and say that they put a lot of thought into the game, and the story is very tightly written, especially once you realize the whole story, and it really is a very different story. I'd list it as an interactive novel instead of a horror game - Plus, hard to say 'you weren't immersed' if you didn't play it, or even watch a Let's Play - Did you just watch Yahtzee and make up your opinion with that? Don't meant to sound accusory, but... bugged me.

    So, other than a sticky bit, awesome VLog! Again, looking forward to the rest! Also, great shirt : )

  23. Speaking of your horror fandom
    Ever played Eternal Darkness (GCN)?

    and speaking of that

    What video game systems do you own?

  24. Ahem,

    Coincidently, I'm totally reviewing this

  25. Don't you live in Minnesota? If so, why would you need a fan? Because if there's one thing I've learned from MST3K, Minnesota is the coldest place on Earth.

  26. The whole "Smiling Man" concept seems interesting. I think I smell a potential villain for future reviews...

  27. A very interesting video Some thoughts on it...

    I've accidentally adopted your way of saying room. I catch myself thinking or wanting to say it your way. It only slips out occasionally, but I think it's going to end up as a permanent part of my speech. At least it gives me an excuse to refer people to your show when they ask why I say room like a Minnesotan when I'm southern.

    Your collection of weapons makes me laugh, but at the same time I think it's pretty awesome. Looking forward to seeing how you plan to use them. On that matter, just how much do you have planned out for At4W?

    I wonder if I could get that hat flippy thing to work with a shako...

    It somehow seems fitting that 90s Kid was created for such a simple reason.

    So Linksano was essentially named by the fans? That makes me wonder, did the name Mechakara originally come from you, or was it more like Linksano?

    Heh, 14 year old you sounds kinda like 14 year old me. I was the same way with a particular novel idea, only I never really finished it, much less wrote part of a series. I'm planning to get back to it someday. The idea behind Angel Armor sounds interesting. If you ever finish rewriting it, I'll certainly buy it.

    I actually working on Shattered Memories. Ever since you got me into Silent Hill (thanks for that btw) I've been wanting to play one of the games but Shattered Memories is the only one I can get around here. It's fun to play, not as good as the other Silent Hills, but still fun. It's more enjoyable if you kinda disconnect it from the rest of the series, though it does have some amusing shout outs.

    Personally, I don't find the blue icy nightmare world calming. To me, it's more cold and unfeeling, even passively hostile. It feels like if you stay there, you will die and there's nothing there that'll save you. Admittedly, I do prefer the blood and rust version, but the ice is pretty cool.

    I've read that the enemies do begin to vary based on your choices in the game, and in the nightmare where I am, there is one guy who looks very different from the others. While I don't think that was the variation you're looking for, they do change based on how you're playing the game.

    Overall, very enjoyable game though not as good as the others.

    Sorry, I kind of rambled there. Anyways, great questions and answers and I'm looking forward to hearing more.

  28. Not to be a nitpicker, but you left out one crucial piece of The Arsenal of Freedom - Harvey Finevoice's Tommy gun! I think that's one of the best props you have, to be honest. And I definitely want Harvey to return in a future video soon! He's a great character!

  29. I can't help but be curious about the fedora. Hats are, peculiarly enough, one of my fixations. I suspect that it is made of suede or an imitation of suede. Most hats, as opposed to caps, are traditionally made of felt or a cloth, such as canvas or tweed. Hats made of leather are uncommon, but obviously not unknown.

    I'd quite like to know the brand, dimensions, size (likely in S/M/L rather than 7 1/2 or the like) and other particulars of the hat. As I mentioned above,hats are a fixation of mine.

  30. I've actually started reading the second book in your Angel Armor series. (I think I'd heard you say somewhere not to get the first one :P) I think it's pretty interesting, not to mention HOLY CRAP YOU FINISHED SOMETHING LIKE THAT AT AGE FOURTEEN?! :O I salute you and your unnatural teenage attention span.

    I loved learning the background of different aspects of your show. And it's good to know that you are in fact wearing pants during your videos XD

  31. As Campbell has mentioned, the last morpher that you held was the Thunder Morpher from Ninja Storm. About your opinion on remakes, I wonder if this extended to classic remakes.

    A great example would be the Final Fantasy for Advance series, it basically ports over the old version with a few new additions (In Final Fantasy I&II's case, they had a graphic overhaul). I feel that it is a brilliant idea as it lets those who haven't played the old version of the game have that chance, even if they didn't have that particular console.

    A question I have for you is what do you think of how Superboy Prime and Jason Todd as characters now? In Superboy's case, his Blackest Night tie-in was okay and in Jason Todd's case, he's been utilized more and as a foil to the new Batman.

  32. The Power Cannon did indeed have balls... one colored for every Ranger. And the slot on the top is actually for a Blade Blaster. You can put it in there to make the eyes of the cannon light up using the Blade Blaster's light.

  33. Interesting Lewis, I didn't know you were a Static Shock fan, most people don't even know he exists.
    In fact my first exposure to him was through the cartoon he was in, which introudced me to the hero but otherwise he's very much a unknown superhero to most people

  34. Voidburger has done a pretty good LP of Silent Hill Origins that explores many little nooks and crannies and shows various ways to do things.

    It's great to have a look behind the scenes of AT4W. Also yaay, more STO players.

    Though, damn you, I'm now browsing ebay for morphers.

  35. You're 22? I thought you were closer to Spoony's age. Like 24 or 25.

    Well, now that you do have the Silent Hill games, is there any chance of you doing a V-Log about your thoughts on the games when you finish them?

    I would love to hear your insights on the series.

  36. I am kicking myself right now, because I've seen a hat that looks exactly like yours somewhere. I know where it was too, but I doubt it'll still be there. It was on a market stall when I went out with a friend two weeks ago. Why didn't I get it? The typical reason... I didn't have the cash on me (twas an expensive clone). That and I had no idea you were looking for a spare. Sure, when I saw it I wanted to buy it, but at the time I was all: "No Mags, you got enough stuff in your room to drown in, leave it be."

    Well, I suck. XD

    Fun video man. And I too prefer to watch playthroughs of video games with commentary. It's just more enjoyable that way.

    I also cracked up when you started talking in a stereo-type accent. I like to do that too. I live in the North-East of the UK, but I don't sem to have a clear NE accent for some reason. So sometimes to amuse others and myself I'll talk in a Newcastle accent or sometimes just go all "oldschool". I do say old chap, talking like this does rather tickle one pink, hmm? Hmm. *smokes pipe* Cheerio.

  37. Ever heard of red vs blue you can find it on you tube.

  38. Linkara, Linkara, Linkara... You neglect to mention the papercraft morphers you acquired? Or is it just that you didn't print and build them yet?

    That aside: In survival horror games I want to at least attempt fighting back - if I want to play a game in which I run, I choose something like "Summer Games"...

  39. I was interested to hear your views on Shattered Memories.

    Personally, I love remakes and I really liked Shattered Memories. I wouldn't want more to be made since like you I do want to see what happens next, but I'm glad they did it once.

    I do agree that the ice world wasn't really all that effective, though. The idea of removing combat was good, but it wasn't pulled off as well as it could have been. And the monster designs were kind of bland. But I thought the story was excellent and emotionally engaging, and I really loved the heavy emphasis on exploration.

  40. If you want a good Silent Hill: Shattered Memories play-trough try
    Dark Chiron on Youtube
    He does some of the best play-troughs on youtube
    here is part 1
    honestly, in my opinion it's a very good game
    definitely superior to Homecoming
    (oh, and in my opinion Yatzee is an arrogant self-righteous stuck-up asshole)

    The monsters in Shattered Memories evolve depending on your actions in the game

  41. Honestly, I like superhero deconstructions
    Alto only a few of them are good (Watchmen, Kingdom Come, Kick-Ass)

    The thing is, our society doesn't give much space to heroism
    I thought about this allot, and no-matter how I twist it, a superhero's career wouldn't last too long before he would fall in one way or the other.

    Imagine someone getting superpowers (for example the standard superman power-set) and decide committing acts of heroism.

    First off, the police wouldn't be too excited about it!
    Vigilantism is largely illegal, and so our hero would soon have the police on his back.
    The government also wouldn't like the idea of having someone so powerful in their country who isn't under their control. No-one with common sense would. So you can count in the secret service and military.
    The media may initially replace the hero, especially if he is truly noble, but sooner or later they'll go the path of destroying the hero because negative publicity. So sooner or later the public will demand our hero's blood.

    At this point our hero has two choices. Continue his lone crusade or become a government employee so he'll have the officials off his back.
    If he chooses the later, he'll have to obey the government's every command. And you can bet that some of the stuff they'll want him to do won't be too heroic or moral.
    If he refuses, there will be force used against him and he will have to defend himself. He will have to fight soldiers and police-officers who are just doing their jobs. He may hold back but sooner or later there will be causalities.
    In both cases the hero stops being a hero.

    The only way I can imagine a superhero functioning is by having him keep a VERY low profile.
    No public appearances, no largely visible use of powers and no fancy costumes.
    A bit like the early episodes of Smallvile.

  42. Thank you so much for answering my question about Angel Armor. I'm somewhat of an aspiring novelist myself, and I only wish I could have written a novel at such a young age like you (let alone an entire series)! :D

  43. You know its funny, I'm from the southeast where the stereotypical southern accent is rampant, and I never once noticed you say "ruhm."

    One question that came to mind after you showed your bookcase, Do you own any non comic books?

  44. Really interesting video! Great to see the backstory to some of these things, I must say. :) And I reallly appreciated the Arsenal of Freedom (I've been looking for a decent picture of the magic gun for ages).

  45. Holy hell, a fellow Jabootian? HUG ME, KINDRED SPIRIT!!!

  46. My problem with this is it shows me that you seem to have done everything I want to do, and enjoyed it. Leaving me quite ashamed if I'm brutaly honest.

    I'm an aspiring writer myself with a thousand and one ideas for video reviews / projects ect and I have never gotten around to any of it. The best I've done is post a few first draft stories on Fanfiction that Bennet would laugh at.

    For more than ten years now I've had three novels planned, never really started them (I don't feel ready). To find you've not only self published your own series but are thinking of continuing humbles me.

    I'd love to track down your work but if you're not comforatble with that I'll hold of, but I do hope to hear more when you are ready. The same with Revolution of the Mask (I'm glad to see you're doing an Issue Zero to help sure up the charicters and background, being dropped into the deep end is fun but the status quo wasn't quite established...)

    Anyway, great video and some vital questions answered (if you're still looking for a good back up hat may I suggest a vintage clothes fair / shop, they often have hidden gems if you ask around)

    AKA Mountain King

    PS Don't worry about your bear. I'm 24 and I have you beat hands down, a couple of hundred of the stuffed creatures lounge about my house. they even have their own chairs in a couple rooms. Not to mention one bear that I think is yours' twin...

  47. I'm rather surprised at the amount of video games you haven't played. I knew you hadn't actually played any of the Silent Hill games, but then you mentioned that you hadn't played any of the Zelda games either, which surprised me. I highly suggest playing Zelda; they're not really top notch stories, they're exploration games, which are intended to be played and experienced.

    Actually, your rant about Silent Hill Shattered Memories sort of told me that I don't think you understand nonlinear mediums (which are a very new thing, granted; video games and maybe certain web things are the only major examples). Silent Hill Shattered Memories is not really intended to be a single story (though you can play through that way; to be honest, I only played through once, mostly because the "combat" parts got frustrating and I wasn't keen on going through those again). Or to use a better example, Knights of the Old Republic 2 is intended to nearabout be two separate games, the light and dark side versions (well if you restore stuff it's more completely that, thank goodness for restoration mods). Video games are nonlinear medium because choice can alter the story in significant ways, and while it might be a similar story there's value in a replay. You would be more familiar with comics, which are as linear as books and movies and tv shows as far as plot progression goes. It's not a bad thing to be linear, of course, it actually makes it far easier to write a coherent story. The first few Silent Hills are really pretty linear (well 2 wasn't so much, but even its endings and progression wasn't nearly as nonlinear as Shattered Memories), and those are the ones you're familiar with.

    Though, to be fair, nonlinear story telling is extremely hard for most people. Only a handful of people have successfully mastered it; I suggest looking at basically every game Christ Avellone ever wrote, but especially games like Planescape: Torment and Knights of the Old Republic. It's notable that those games are derived from role-playing games, which is another very nonlinear story telling medium (in a sense, depending on how you play) where the players do what they want and the GM must craft the story around their choices. How familiar are you with role-playing games, anyway? Did you ever play any D&D? If you aren't familiar, you might want to look at Mutants & Masterminds, which is a rather excellent adaption of superheroes into a role-playing game system using d20; it's very self-aware of the tropes and conventions of superheroes, and has supplements based on running stuff like "street level" heroes and "dark age" heroes as well as high powered cosmic stuff.

    Other games that involve nonlinearity in the story include the Baldur's Gate series (there's a neat mod that lets you play through Baldur's Gate 1, 2, and the expansion as one game called Baldur's Gate Trilogy), Mass Effect, Dragon Age, somewhat Fallout (Fallout 1 and 2 for sure, 3 not as much but it's still fun), Deus Ex (also to a degree, in that the basic story is always the same, and the three endings only depend on the last level, but you can do a lot of extra stuff depending on how you play it; the nonlinearity is more gameplay based, and really really good), and the very newly released Alpha Protocol is like this (I only just got it and played a little bit of it, but it's another Chris Avellone game, and it's about being a secret agent! Just came out on the 1st though.) I recommend not watching Let's Plays of those games but instead of actually playing them. It lets you properly experience the game as the creators intended, and it's way better and more fun that way. I'll also note that a lot of those games are even better with mods (Baldur's Gate especially has a rather active mod community, and Knights of the Old Republic 2 has the very necessary Restoration Mod).

  48. Wow, you got not one but THREE novels published at 15? And now you have your own comic? I envy you, I really do. You're living my dream. Any notes you can give for your fans who wish to follow in your self-published footsteps on how to do so?

    I also feel really old, like greymuzzle old. You're 6 years younger than I am.

  49. Yeah, I see that now. Sorry. It didn't have the medallion inside it so i just assumed. And I forgot that the Bonders don't open.

    Your weapons collection is cool. Just plain cool. It makes me miss my Power Weajavascript:void(0)pons set.

  50. You know, the monsters in Shattered Memories are actually very symbolic
    Their appearance depends on the players personality!
    During the gameplay the game analyses your behaviour, everything from a different answer to a question to the way you are holding your Wii-mote makes them and various other aspects of the game change

    From the game you can see what sort of person you are and in a way you really get an ending you as a person deserve

  51. You're only twenty-two... and yet, you say you're old. Tsk, tsk. (I'm going on 22 this summer, and I've always considered myself a young whippersnapper... Although, I tend to be much more mature than my peers and even some adults)...

    Gotta be proud of your youthfulness! Yes! :D

    Also, I never really noticed you saying the word 'room' differently than other people... Every state has its own sort of accent and diction.

    For instance, as a Missourian, I often annoy people from my neighbor state, Illinois. People from Illinois pronounce their state name without the s on the end. Whereas we Missourians have always attached the s to it. Making it sound like Illinoise...

    I think the midwest gets a lot of flack for the whole accent thing a lot more than other states. Especially if you're a little farther south. //>.>\\'...

    Also... You said you hate dogs... in videogames. But...err... You don't really hate dogs in real life, do ya? //O.O\\'... I mean... I know ya did the whole animal shelter thing... But there are some people who are afraid of dogs (and develop a dislike for them) nonetheless...

    *Has always been more of a dog person than a cat person*

  52. Its awesome how you take your time to answer fans questions. Listen can you do me a favor and follow me on my blog at your membership will allow me to get new members and i want it to be a great site. ther'e nothing now but once i get a descent camera it could be something. and i already posted a link to your website.

  53. It might just me being a bit anal but aren't the Power Cells in the Zeo Power Cannon in the wrong order. I also wanted to mention that you have some awesome PR toys I would love to find, like the Gold Zeonizer if for no other reason than it wasn't in the show.

    I wouldn't worry about being 22 and still loving your teddy bear I'm 25 and love mine too.

  54. When I heard your comment on a grinning man just plain being creepy, I just had to post this comment:

    Have you ever seen David Lynch's "Eraserhead?" There's a part toward the beginning where the father of a family either makes some comment or asks some question to the main character, and smiles, but then everything sort of stops. It's not a time freeze, or anything - the guy just freezes in place, and is smiling directly at the camera for WAY the hell too long. That was creepy as hell.

    Check out this part of the video, from about 5:50 to about 7:18.

    Tell me that doesn't creep you out.

  55. By the by, you do know that now a huge number of people have spent far too long replaying the video and trying to learn the hat flipping thing? xD

  56. I really enjoyed the video. It's really cool what you can do with tubes, electric screwdrivers, and milk cartons.

    But my question is, how hard is it to replace the battery in those screwdrivers when it's inside a milk carton?

  57. Speaking of childhood toys...
    I've had this one purple dragon toy since my first Christmas, makes the strangest sound every time you squeeze it. I never had a real name for it, because whenever I decided on a name for a stuffed animal, inevitably that name would be forgotten within the next two weeks. The only exception to the rule is my stuffed tiger, Hobbes. Calvin and Hobbes comics are a much beloved staple of my childhood, right up there with making blanket forts in the living room and catching fireflies.

    Great, I've got a whole collection of hats in varying styles and shades of green, now I'm going to go through them all and see which one flips the best. More distractions from my Art History homework! Just what I needed! Eh, not like I couldn't find ways to distract myself sitting in a cardboard box.

    Don't know if you're still taking questions or not, but if you are, here's another one. How did you get into feminism? For the past few years, I've been delving more and more into feminist theory, 'privilege,' that sort of thing, and you probably know as well as I do how a lot of people go on the defensive as soon as it's mentioned, or won't identify with the term even if they support the principles behind it. So, what's your feminist origin story?

  58. I can't imagine that it would work even then. You swoop in and save the day. How do you find out who needs saving? Police Scanner. That means from day one you'd be dodging police. I don't know if there's a profile low enough to let you sneak past the police blockade during a bank robbery.

  59. alright, you explained the hat flippy thing thanks so much for that, I was about to download your opening sequence just to watch that scene frame by frame to try and figure it out

  60. Second gun in your AoF the 2nd gun is an M16A1 with a 20 round clip. You can tell by the Triangle heat guard

  61. Here's a question for your next Q&A vlog, though it may be a bit personal so I'll understand if you don't answer it: How much money do you get paid for your videos anyway?

  62. I had no idea you had some involvement with Crossoverlord. Granted, I only read it when Al posted an update on the DrunkDuck forums, but still.

  63. The is my first time commenting here but I want to say you do some awesome videos and to keep up the good work. I too am trying to write but I feel I always second guess myself considering I been writing the same story since I was a senior in high school only to scape it and take parts from that story and evole it into something completely different. So, I understand how you feel about going back and redoing your previous books. I been working on a superhero story myself but I always come up with a cooler idea as I age I guess, but I completely understand your view of deconstruction of superheroes which I am trying to avoid. Still my work is more of a parody of Supers more then anything so I have to at least mock the fact of it. Keep up the good work man.

  64. I actually had to look up the "Power Cannon". My memory of MMPR is strong, but only of certain things and that was entirely out of my memory even after looking up the toy on ebay.

    Look like you'll need a Blade Blaster to complete it. Like may fans have stated, I'd give you mine . . . but you'd have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers. :P It and my Dragon Dagger (oh, and the Power Axe) are all I have left of my ranger weapons and the Blade Blaster is easily the best of them all. Don't get me wrong, the Dragon Dagger is awesome, but tiny.

  65. ahah everyone's giving you Silent Hill LPs that's nice of them <3

    Though I must admit your story looks a lot better then what I could of created at 14. I'm glad to hear that you got you publishing start at a young age, it's much easier to publish once you get someone to publish your work.

    I should get around to trying out Lulu, but from what I hear they don't have any editors and as a dyslexic writer that worries me.

    anyways I am loving the weapons and look forward to reading you stories when I get the chance... and since I looked up your story it's only fair to give mine ^^;

    Thank you for the insight Linkara!

  66. I could be mistaken, but I remember seeing you wielding Saba in one of your AT4W videos. How come you didn't have Saba in your Arsenal of Freedom?

  67. Nice,ever since I saw you doug and james doing your reviews I've had the inperation to do one. I dont think I'll be as good as you, but I'll try.

  68. Q when are you going to review
    cry for justice on AT4W.

    ps i just want to know when are going to do it just asking.

  69. You probably already know this, but in one of Spoony's commentary videos, he mentions Pollo. He said he actually likes Pollo a bit better than Burton because he's easier to use as a puppet. Burton is kind of fragile while Pollo is light and easily movable.

    I personally like both robots. You and Spoony should do an MS3K/Riff tracks together using Burton and Pollo.

  70. rageofkyubii@yahoo.comJune 6, 2010 at 3:07 AM

    For those interested, I found alonk to the first two of Linkara's novels. I know what he said about the third being the best, I just thought I'd offer it to those who were interested.

  71. I live this vid. Lewis you and Spoony are both the most intresting people on

  72. As a Star Trek and Doctor Who fan, you have my utmost loyalty and respect my dear Linkara! Looking forward to the rest of the Q&A!

  73. So do ALL the Outsiders comics series after the original suck? I'm reading the original right now & enjoying it, and was planning to read the other runs.

  74. Hmm, interesting. I quite enjoyed the look into the private life of Linkara.

    Though I have to say, I'm disappointed by the lack of Marvel in your bookshelf. I am generally an opponent of "company provincialism", so why the overwhelming DC majority? Even considering that the Marvel universe is a fair bit more cynical and anti-heroic, there's still plenty of great things to read - including stuff that's pretty blatantly "fun" as opposed to dark and gritty.

    By the way, since you mentioned your attraction toward superhero reconstructions... How familiar are you with Astro City?

  75. You're only 22!? I thought you were older.

  76. That was quite fascinating. I love all the weapons you have, some are really awesome. Even tho maybe a little bit too much powerrangers for me. What this arsenal needs is a weapon like this: :P I'd donate like... Half of it, , just sayin' :P

    Still, I was hoping you'd talk a bit about Dr. Who as well, as I'm an enormous fan of the series. Ah well, maybe in your next VLog. Very interesting in any case, looking forward to the next one!

  77. Nice video, couldn't even begin to explain how different I felt about Shattered Memories though as I've probably played through it seven or eight times now, even cried some tears the first time which actually was a first for me and a Silent Hill game. Still, everyone has their opinion and I respect that, for example I don't like Silent Hill 3 or 4. ^^

  78. Awesome video. That is one impressive Morpher collection.

    I agree with you so, so, SO much on the deconstruction trend and how tiresome & adolescently "mature" it's become. Stuff like "Watchmen" did it well because it was new & different, but by the time we get to "Kick Ass" (aka "Mark Millar Hates Everyone, Especially the Guys Who Help Pay His Salary"), it's deteriorated into the usual "mature content" traps and pretensions. I'm so glad I'm not alone on this one, since I usually get grief for liking traditional heroics.

    Nice reference book collection, too. Do you have a copy of "The Supergirls" by Mike Madrid? It's an excellent look at trends in female superheroes & superheroic design from a feminist perspective, and it's very interesting, especially the looks at the three Golden Age types, fashion trends, and the trend towards superheroic mothers. Good book - I'd read it if you haven't.

  79. Nice to see how you got into reviewing. I don't read comics, so seeing someone with a lot of knowledge of comics tear apart the horrible ones is tons of fun.

    Don't worry about the accent. We Minnesotans have the perfect media voice. I didn't really notice it until you mentioned it here, but then again, it sounded normal to me. :P

    Keep up the good work!

  80. Really quick note Linkara, You know that black box you have on the top of your book shelf? Well it just so happenes, the weird little symbol you have on the front of it, I have on a red fabric coaster! Crazy how things are like that. Also quick question about comics, did you ever read the mini-series Marvel Zombies? If you have what did you think of it?

  81. I would say 90s Kid is more like Poochie from Itchy and Scratchy.

  82. Thanks for pointing me to this vid

  83. are you a liberal?

  84. Dude, I've got to say that is awesome! I'm also surprised by the morpher collection. As you've said before you stopped watching PR after In Space so I was surprised to see so many morphers from Lost Galaxy and beyond.

  85. Really cool video, certainly answered a hell of a lot of questions! I have to say I think you're wrong about "Shattered Memories", it's a really good game, especially on the wii where the remote is used as the flashlight.

    You are kind of right about the frozen world though. It's annoying just sprinting aimlessly trying to get to the exit. Tbh I'd rather have had no otherworld as everytime I was caught up in the awesome story with the creepy cellphone calls and everything I suddenly got sucked into the ice world and while it was scary, it didn't add anything to the story, which was the most interesting part of the game.

    If you do another one of these videos I'd love to see your comics in more detail. I have a lot of graphic novels and TPBs myself but i'm not that knowledgable about comics so it would be good to hear what the best story arcs are, who your favourite writers are etc. Maybe you could do a top 20 batman arcs or something?

  86. Calvin and Hobbs FTW! Yes you definitely need to get more!

    Isn't steam detectives not in print?

    hn Maybe some fans should donate more Shelves to so the bad comics can be in the corner of shame.

  87. Angle armor is availible on amazon too. I wonder if you get paid for it.

  88. This is probably coming a little late, but thanks a lot for answering my question! I really thought it would get swallowed up by all the other posts ^-^. That comic book centered world from the MST3K episode sounds like a really interesting concept, and its great that you would create a story to explore its potential. Good on you!

  89. Wow you answered alot of comments for me I don't know what I'm going to ask you at daisho now. I'll have to come up with some other ideas. thanks for being entertaining linkara. You have no idea the ways you inspire the progress in my own work.

  90. If you do the mirror Linkara, don't forget the goatee.

  91. I have to disagree with you on remakes. While I don't like all of them some stories just NEED it.

    For example, the original Mobile Suit Gundam was a good show, but so many things have been added to the Universal Century that I think "Wow wouldn't it be great if they went back and took all these great concepts that came after and made like... a 'Complete' Universal Century fixing all the continuity issues.

    Or something like Shin Mazinger, which is more than an updated Mazinger Z, it is classic Imagawa which means it's about being a celebration of someones (in this case Go Nagai's) life work.

    and my final example is Digimon the little show that I will never escape from.

    Did I love Adventure? with all my heart. Was the fact that it was conceived as a 13 episode tv show, extended, then extended again a detriment to the show? hell yeah! What about 02? was it an absolute atrociously written piece of garbage that only had a great music score going for it? you betcha!. Wouldn't it be great if all the awesome concepts the show had introduced and could have gone with (Oh hey a Dark World that's not connected to the Digital World or Analog World run by Lovecraftean horrors, nope lets go and utterly fail for the rest of the season)

    And what about Ryo Akiyama, AKA the Digimon Multiverse version of Access, I mean he even had a game where he worked with ENIAC which basically amounted to THE MONITOR OF THE MULTIVERSE.

    He connects all the seasons together, he was actually BORN in the adventures universe and was KEY in the creation of the Digimon Kaiser/Emperor/What ever. He was Veemons original Tamer, he was declared DEAD and thus represented a very real threat of failure for the Chosen Children. Wow maybe instead of 02 being made of fail, 01, the Ryo Storyline and 02 could be made to work together.

    Also Digimon is just one of those shows that benefits from Hindsight, I mean when Adventure first came out for 20 episodes they had no idea they were crafting a 50+ episode epic. Look at the Digimon Expanded universe now. There are SEVEN DEMON LORDS with SEVEN CRESTS OF DEADLY SIN.

    Hmm there were originally 7 children each with a crest representing the positive aspects of humanity. Could these two forces possibly come into contact? Could pride be the downfall of courage? Lust of love? Greed of knowledge?

    So I understand where you are coming from and i definitely see your point but my lord shows like that simply benefit from a remake or a re-imagining.

    Although... I'm probably a little biased having spent the better half of two years carefully plotting and scripting a documented re-write of the Digimon Adventuers universe, and then a Conclusion to the Digimon Universe as a whole with a big Crisis Crossover like CoIE, featuring a (canon) Digimon who can only be harmed by beings who have literally NEVER sinned in there entire lives... am I shamelessly plugging my crap on your blog?

    Anyway. So yeah in short. I respect your position but kindly disagree, here's why.

  92. Hmm, I never had you figured for a Steam Detectives fan... then I remembered Narutaki's gun ;P . I really should try to track down the other books; I've only got 1, 5, and 6.

  93. So I'm not the only one who noticed you pronounce "room" like "rum." Don't worry it, I think it's cute.

  94. To the Anonymous guy who said Yahtzee was an arrogant self-righteous stuck-up asshole. We share something in common. Yeah Yahtzee is basically that plus a closeted fanboy with an immersion fetish. Not once since his Force Unleashed review has he EVER given Nintendo credit where it's due.

    Sorry Linkara but Yahtzee is a hack and slowly reaching Quesada levels of hackdom in my eyes. Sorry I had to get that off of my chest.

    Here's a question for your next Q & A to make up for that: Are there any comics that you haven't read yet but show some interest in reading?


  96. The more videos of this sort that I watch, the more I realize that you're a man after my own heart, Lewis.


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