Monday, November 8, 2010

New Revolution of the Mask Artist!

Well, it didn't take a long time for me to find a new artist! I'd like to introduce you all to Souzou, the new interiors artist for Revolution of the mask!

Check out her DeviantArt page HERE!

What's that? Interior artist? Well, that's because we also have a cover artist for the book, as well! Say hello to BJC, who might not have a DeviantArt account, but has previously done absolutely AWESOME fanart of Iron Liz and I that you can see


And also this little ditty with us as Mr. Miracle and Big Barda!

Oh, and just in case you're thinking that this just means it'll take a really, really long time yet again for Issue 3 only for nothing to come of it, here's the inked first page of Issue #3.


EDIT: And oh yes, I'm hoping to actually release the books in a paper format for people to actually have a physical copy of. We'll see where it goes from there, but I wouldn't mind hearing from people about whether the individual issues should be color if we should wait for the trade for the color versions.


  1. "Souzou" is actually my e-sis, and I know how excited she was to apply for the role of artist...

    Finding out that she was actually selected is even BETTER news. You've got yourself a great artist, Linkara!

  2. wooh congrats on the new hired henchmen.....err I mean artists Linkara and good luck with working with them, maybe you'll get issue three out before you turn 50 and lose your hat after all

  3. An excellent choice indeed! Thanks for including the DA link.

  4. It looks really awesome! Congrats on finding an new artist!!

    It's way better than how I would have drawn it.

  5. Congrats for you and the new artist!

    Makes me wish I have an artist for my written stuff! Much good luck on the whole thing!

  6. Some nice artwork. Hope it works out this round.

    As for the color vs. b/w, I actually think the comic works find in black and white, with color covers. Not that it wouldn't look cool in color, but that would also be more expensive.

  7. I'd congratulate you and Souzou, but, by now, that's too clichéd. So I will throw a watermelon into the air.
    *does so*

  8. Congrats on finding a new art team!

    As for the question of colors, I'd personally go with colors for the Trade. Maybe a light greyscale for the individual issues, but they would be cheaper to print as BW, and the color as well as maybe a bonus story would also add to the want for a trade.

  9. Holy WOW. That looks FANTASTIC. Can't wait to throw my quarters at you! (You may want to duck. Those can sting.)

  10. If i remember correctly, didn't your last issue introduce a colour-themed character at the end? Colour might me a helpful addition then? XP

  11. Also re: inked page, i cannot help but imagine that she has just dramatically removed that mask she's holding to reveal... ANOTHER MASK. DUN DUN DAAAAAA.

  12. For the record, I will be buying a trade if/ when you release one.

  13. I'd love to have a color version :3 Though Black and White is fine too.

    Observation: Why do all superhero (Western and some foreign) women wear lipstick? Don't tell me it's not lipstick, because the men certainly don't have colored lips.
    Is that to make the more "womanly". I never see it pointed out ever when people critique the women in superhero comics.

  14. Wow, New Gods...interesting choices.

  15. did you find out what happened to the previous artist in the end?

  16. Personally, I would prefer to have Revolution of the Mask in color, but I'm sure there are other people who would prefer it in black & white, so I guess that maybe you should release the single issues in black & white (considering that they already are), and have the tpb released in color. That way, you can satisfy both demographics, as well as give people another reason to buy the tpb format, giving you more money.

    Please work on issue 3 soon, Revolution of the Mask is one of the most interesting comics I've read in a while and I would love to see more of what's to happen.

  17. What happened with Revolution of the Mask in the end, is there a #3? I can't seem to find anything past #2 (on DriveThruComics and Lulu), but I did find artwork for #4 on DeviantArt, so I'm confused.


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