Tuesday, November 9, 2010

VLOG: Here's what I wore today

So, behold what my fans on twitter pestered me into buying!

Pictures behind the cut of all the pieces!



  1. That is six different shades of epic.

    Who of us, having grown up watching Power Rangers, has not at one time or another wanted to own a Ranger costume? You're living the dream, man.

    Also, I must say: *NICE* setup over on the wall and cases there.

  2. I just think its funny that your shield is better quality than the one used in the American footage on the show.

  3. But you're a lovable dork, and that's why we love seeing these awesome videos! Never been much of a Power Ranger fan. I've watched the show when nothing else was on. But, by my memory, that costume looks 100% accurate. Great score you got there! Keep 'em coming!

  4. For the record, I never pestered you on Twitter about buying it. I will admit I am a bit jealous that you have the costume because of the current times in Power Rangers history.

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, what Bulk would look like if he had ever actually BECOME a ranger!

    Nah, just messing with ya, Linkara. Cool buy there. The only nerd buy I have really...well, I have two. One's a replica wrestling belt, the other that I'm waiting on is a replica of the Master Sword from Legend of Zelda.

    That trumps those though.

    And now I have to figure out how to make that an alternate attire for the you I created in WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011.

  6. I am so jealous of you right now. It looks awesome!

  7. That isn't dorky, it's fun, and anyone who has fun without caring what people think of them (as long as it's legal) is awesome.

    Great buy, and should be interesting later and I bow to your bravery getting it. The most I've ever got like that is a Unicron toy and a masterpiece Grimlock.


  8. Now I want one :(

    I'd settle for Zeo Ranger 4, though.

    Fat man like myself needing a costume, don't wanna pay extra for a shield on top of Spandex....

    Also, i like Zeo <_<

    Linkara, you are a king.

  9. Bah. No good chest shields so no Green Ranger outfit for WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 Linkara. :P

  10. Oh... My... Gawd... I can't believe the fact that everything's there. The only shame is that some of it has some wear on it, but that aside, I love it. Use it or don't as you see fit in the future.

    And if I every think about complaining* about a vid, I'll remember this and shut up.

    *Not that I ever have. In fact I was the one who told the others the other day that if they needed an HOPR fix to re-watch the older stuff.

  11. That is awesome and I bow to you sir.

  12. Most awesome thing that ever was awesome.

  13. I wonder if you can get a mannequin to put the costume on for display purposes. A quick sweep of Amazon has some fairly inexpensive ones at $125. You know, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

  14. And now to get twitter to pester you in to buying all the other Tommy suits.

  15. Not gonna lie, it is most certainly dorky, although I will admit to being a huge Green/White Ranger fan back when I was a kid... and I'm a Pokemon fan still today (and do have my own pokeball as well, though it's actually a handheld game, not the model you have).

    Anyway, I remember that tweeting session and was among the masses who coerced you into buying it. Even remember the price! Though I won't give that away, you seemed to avoid that I noticed. But yeah, I don't regret assisting in getting you to get it. Can't wait to see what you do with it in the videos.

  16. I used to have a Power Rangers constume too, the Red one, when I was 5 or something. I loved that costume, in fact, I think I miss it now after seeing this.

  17. "I used to have a Power Rangers constume too, the Red one, when I was 5 or something. I loved that costume, in fact, I think I miss it now after seeing this. "

    Well, if you're willing to invest the money either slowly or all at once, there are plenty of prop and costume makers to get a new suit. ^^

  18. Yeah, cause it took SOOO much convincing for you to get that costume.

    Seriously though, had I the time or inclination to invest in one, I would be rockin the Power Rangers costume myself. Hell I'd have it on display.

    Although personally I'd probably go for either the Green Ranger as well, or the Blue Zeo Ranger.

    A conquest for some other time perhaps...

  19. awesome sweet!

    I will get disapointed if that doesn't somehow end up in next years team TGWTG anniversary special, or one crossover.

    though I fell like making a. Mehehe, see, this is actually one of the upsides to being a small girl, I can actually go down and buy the largest costumes of the kiddy costumes in the toy store and fitt it :3
    I have dressed up both as Darth vader and Spiderman that way, so next time people make fun of me because I can't reach the cupboard despite being 20, I just reminds them that I can go down and buy cheap cosplay that fits.. or.. never mind.
    Anyhow, awesome as I said.

  20. "though I fell like making a. Mehehe, see, this is actually one of the upsides to being a small girl, I can actually go down and buy the largest costumes of the kiddy costumes in the toy store and fitt it :3"

    DAMN YOUR SMALLNESS! *Shakes fist*

  21. You are a dork, the lovable kind of course! Man, you have awesome swag Linkara, the only thing that I have is a wooden life-size Dark Excalibur from Fate/Stay Night. I look like a chump compared to you!

  22. There is no way in Hell that you CAN'T get lucky at a bar by wearing a Power Rangers getup!

  23. You may be a dork but nothing can be more epic than that getting to wear that costume. I prefer the term geek to dork though personally.

    Oh and is it just me or do you have a black eye in this video?

  24. Psh! Yeah, total dork. Don't we love it, though? The quality of that costume is intense, man.

    I too did not pester on twitter... I used my mind powers. Mwahahahaha!

  25. Linkara, you are a dork, and that's why we love you. :)

    Excellent costume, glad you've made such a great purchase. Are you gonna have a Batman-style glass case for it?

  26. Weeheeheeheehee, I can see your bellybutton!

  27. Mr. Linkara, I'm green with jealousy. I want one! Or, better yet a Red Ranger costume from In Space. Actually, I'm not picky.

  28. Awesome!

    But by the time you get suited up, Rita Repulsa will have already conquered the Earth.

  29. If I were you I would strongly consider putting the Green Ranger suit in a glass case. Like the Bat cave.

  30. Looking good in the green spandex there, sir ;) It's so awesome you've gotten yourself that costume, and there's nothing wrong with being a dork. It works fine for me and my husband lol.

  31. Yes, yes you are a huge dork. But all that pales in comparison to the epicness of that purchase! Hope you manage to find a better fitting helmet.

  32. That is just awesome, Lewis. I have a feeling your new outfit will come in handy in the fight against Lord Vyce.

  33. Heh...we're all dorks, dude. And we all love it.

    I think my favorite part of that whole set is actually that briefcase. I can imagine someone in a business suit (and of course, a green tie) carrying that thing around Wall Street. Sweetness.

    So, after the inevitable appearance on AT4W, are you gonna invest in a mannequin of some kind to display it on, a la the Power Chamber?

  34. That is not dorky, that is awesome! You have looked cool in the past, but never as cool as you look right now!

    If I may make a suggestion for an official Atop the Fourth Wall transformation: Do with your hat what kamen Rider Skull does with his hat when he transforms:


  35. You, sir, are actually not a dork. You see, dorks don't realize that their dorks. Therefore you may only be a dork until you acknowledge that you are a dork, in which case you become a geek.
    What? I'm a nerd, I'm supposed to know these things.

  36. Yeah, but you're OUR dork! *grins*

  37. You know, I'm almost tempted to get one myself, but then I would be 'that guy'. Better stick to costumes with my body type... like Bulk.

    You know, that could work, the world needs more Bulks...

  38. Okay, it's offical.

    Linkara is the king of geeks right now!

    I'M SCUM!

    Seriously though, that is badass.

  39. You can use the shield as a Battlizer armor. Love to see you fight Vyce in it.

  40. Awesome, I hope you enjoy this most amazing buy!

  41. That's totally awesome. And looking at that shield and remembering the HOPR for Mighty Morphin', that seems like it's actually a much better quality shield than the one used in the show.

    Also, was that an intentional "ReBoot" quote when taking off the helmet? (From the "Nulzilla" episode where they parody Power Rangers...man, I feel like a dork now :P)

  42. Dorky as this may be, it's still freaking awesome. Evil fanfic writer brain is in overdrive on how you could use this in your show, but still... So jealous.

  43. ....SWEET!

    That's really cool. =D Yay for being dorky/nerdy/geeky/whateveryoucallit!

  44. Now to only have Liz try it on.

  45. Very dorky... but a good kind of dorky. X3

    Come on, own up... Liz helped you put the helmet on. There's no way you got something that tight-looking on by yourself. *snickers*

    I so want one of these now... but I'm not sure what kind or ranger I'd like. I might like an original design to personally match me. Sort of like a "what if I was a ranger" kinda thing. When I was a kid, me and my friends made up our own ranger characters to play as (all pretend of course, lol). I was the purple ranger (the 6th ranger in our group), because there was never a purple ranger and I love that color! I think my animal/zord was a snake. I was the only girl in the group too. We had no pink ranger because none of the boys wanted to be pink and I hate that color. XD

    ...Great now I'm being a dork. Good dork or bad dork, I'll let you decide.

  46. Okay, it's official. You are now one of the Kings of Nerds, next to Lord British and the guy who invented Star Trek. Someone get this man a crown. ^^

    Seriously, though, this is all degrees of awesome and you officially win. :)

  47. At the very least, you could review another Power Rangers comic, and use it for a Tommy Oliver cameo.
    Or hell, maybe you could use the Zeonizer you played around with in that one episode to use the Green Ranger, and pull the Quesada answer to explain away why that shouldn't work.

  48. If I could get the Iron Man armor, I totally would, so there's nothing wrong with a Power Ranger costume. :)

  49. Dork, well sure. But that's why we love you! That's why we keep coming back to watch all these videos, because you're crazy enough to actually go the whole hog and buy a Power Ranger Costume (or make a pyramid head... or invent alternate versions of yourself from parallel universes... or take over a small country wearing a Star Wars shirt and an army helmet) If nothing else, we admire the dedication :)

    And heck, I can't talk. I don't really like dressing up but I do have a little collection of toys going from my favourite film, including a model 10 Sonic Screwdriver (it had to be a 10, I prefer the design to the 11. I seem to like blue lights over green as well, which is why when faced with buying a lightsaber, I go out of my way to make sure it's an Obi-Wan, not a Qui-Gon or a ROTJ Luke -much as I adore him- I just like em blue!) ANYWAY, it took me an age and a half to find because they'd switched seasons already and stopped making them, but finally I tried my local Nerd shop, where they hide all the cult merchandise, and TA-DAH!

    I spent the first day I had it scanning pretty much every single item in the house. I kid you not. I even worked out a flip-catch to get it out of my back pocket. So yes, allow me join you on the Pedestal of Dork, Linkara. We all do it, you've just got enough love/guts/stupidity to show it off to the world!! :D

  50. Yes, but you're an awesome dork. I've actually been considering a blue space ranger/Megablue costume, myself. You'd be surprised how hard is to find any In Space/Megaranger type costumes.

    Also I must point out the funny tidbit about your shield being of higher quality than the american green ranger footage.

  51. Wow, cool. I wish I had that. I had a Blue Ranger costume from the same era once, but it was a Halloween costume. I remember the Sword of Darkness, and it was awesome.

    If you do use this in AT4W, will you please use the "Blue, unexplainable Org of Power" that Tommy used in the first episode of Green with Evil? Maybe that super cool Dagger & Shield combo he used in the episode of the GWE arc? Those should have been used more.

    I'm a nerd too for remember these things lol. Well props for getting the costume and good luck with coming up with a way to use it in the show. I'm sure MechaLinkara won't be happy to see if;)

  52. the word you're looking for isn't dork... it's awesome! plus seeing you in one of my favorite rangers suits....you've made my day- no, year! you'll make very good use of it, i'm sure. :)

  53. Of course you realize, now I'm plotting to kill you and claim that costume for myself...

    ...Nah, too much paperwork. I'll settle for feeling both impressed and jealous.

    Anyway, if you're looking for helmets, there's a guy in Thailand who makes lifesize replicas of the helmets from Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Metal Heroes. They're quite expensive (About $240 for a regular helmet, plus 30 if you want a light-up version, and this is BEFORE shipping), but I'm afraid I don't know if the quality is such that it warrants the high price. If you're interested, his account name is "model4hobby". Yes, he does have the Green Ranger (two versions actually, one TV accurate and one with silver accents on the dragon's "nose") as well as an incredible assortment of stuff.

    So, congratulations, and CURSE YOOOOUU!!

  54. Linkara use it on a fight against MechaKara. Oh and don't worry you are not a dork, you are awesome just for having that costume! Dude i wish i had a power ranger costume and could use it without my friends making jokes about it.

  55. Wow.. you Lewis, are a really lucky dork..

  56. Congratulations. You probably just broke the Treehouse.

  57. You should totally wear at the next TGWTG Brawl. Morph and kick some major ass! >:D

  58. Please, please wear that to Power Morphicon next year. Please.

  59. Since a certain trollish individual has attempted to post his little theme song redux here again (claiming it to be a "new version"), I'm sure he'll be checking this thread for it. As such, I regret to inform him that while my patience for asshattery may extend to posting it once and all of us getting a good chuckle at his 12 year-old antics, I lack the good humor to see why it needs to be posted once again.

    You may try again if you wish, but it isn't going to change anything.

  60. Wow, Im so insanely jealous right now. Thats the best thing ever. Linkara you have ascended.

    You have an apartment, a girlfriend [your dating her, arent you?] a super successful internet show, and now a green ranger costume, your awesome dude. I wish so bad I had your set up man, lol.

    I dont care what any one else thinks, that is the coolest thing ever, your the Green Ranger! I cant wait for the Green Ranger to lay the smackdown on Lord Vyce.

  61. haha that looks fucking awesome... i wanna buy one.. but a red ranger costume though lol

  62. Someone has already made a awesome Linkara Green Ranger video


  63. GAME.

    Lewis, you win at life. Being a dork is something to be proud of, and you have everything a dork could want! Go you!

  64. Man Linkara now I need to get me a costume like that... course I've wanted one for awhile now. Like Kamen Rider Den-O or maybe ShinkenRed/Red Samurai Ranger because damn that looks cool.

    Who made the costume per chance? I'd like to peruse the users Ebay account.

  65. "Anyway, if you're looking for helmets, there's a guy in Thailand who makes lifesize replicas of the helmets from Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Metal Heroes. They're quite expensive (About $240 for a regular helmet, plus 30 if you want a light-up version, and this is BEFORE shipping), but I'm afraid I don't know if the quality is such that it warrants the high price. If you're interested, his account name is "model4hobby". Yes, he does have the Green Ranger (two versions actually, one TV accurate and one with silver accents on the dragon's "nose") as well as an incredible assortment of stuff."

    Their helmets are terrible. Bloated sculpts that look nothing like what they are actually supposed to represent, not to mention, they overcharge for their terrible helmets. If research is properly done, you can find many people on boards selling stunt cast helmets, or fan-made sculpts that are a million times more accurate, and worth your money.

    As far as ranger helmets go, you have Jess on eBay, Aniki, Sushiya, or a myriad of other choices. eric_0101 of Rangerboard does KR and PR/Sentai helmets. Just stay very, VERY far away from model4hobby/tjhappytoys/rogue's chest. I feel very bad for anyone who has bought helmets from them.

    Anyone who wishes to look further into the topic can ask around on any PR/Sentai/KR related message boards, like Rangerboard. I happen to be a member on there as well.

  66. awesome purchase, sir! That is win, not dorky!

    I do agree with who said your shield looks better than the one in the US Power Rangers footage!

    So until one figures what the parking space would cost for dragonzord, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

  67. I don't care what you say. You are a god to us nerds and I will give my life and kill for you. Just joking!!!!! But seriously,that was awesome!!!!!!!

  68. now all we need is Iron Liz to buy a Pink Ranger Costume. I that would be so cute to see you two fighting putties together on AT4W. Love your show dude!

  69. "Their helmets are terrible. Bloated sculpts that look nothing like what they are actually supposed to represent, not to mention, they overcharge for their terrible helmets. If research is properly done, you can find many people on boards selling stunt cast helmets, or fan-made sculpts that are a million times more accurate, and worth your money."

    Really? Well, thanks for the follow-up. I didn't want to lead Lewis or anyone else down the primrose path, but model4hobby was the only seller I knew off hand. I was actually thinking about getting a helmet myself (probably Kamen Rider Double), but knowing that his stuff is junk saves me a nice chunk of change, so thank you for that too.

  70. That's Killer!

    The Detail on that costume is superb! I always liked the Green ranger as a kid,it sucked when Tommy lost those powers and became the White Ranger,dragons were always cooler than white tigers imo, but what ya gonna do,lol.

    Plus since it's already been said,You're an awesome dork. :)


  71. Looking snappy, Lewis!

    I hear you. I never pestered you into it (found out about it after the fact) but you never know what treasures show up on eBay and when they do, you gotta act quickly. When something like that comes along, you just have to make the sacrifice sometimes.

    I was just browsing eBay one day awhile back and happened to find an entire binder full of model cels, animation reference sheets and PR design notes used during the production of my favourite cartoon show growing up. I nearly fell out of my chair. It set me back a little, but I would never have been able to live with myself if I didn't jump at it. I'm still ecstatic: It's hard to believe I actually stumbled across it. We're all dorky about something or another!

  72. That is cool! I'm glad you managed to get a complete one! If you're gonna do it, do it right, after all.

    And the best part is, I'm a little more motivated to get myself into better shape and find myself a decent TOS-era Trek movie uniform.

  73. I agree with Aaron - you're a lovable dork! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with dorkiness! I mean, come on - I'm a total Harry Potter nerd who owns a replica of Hermione's wand and her time turner necklace (because I have the most awesome fiance on the planet who encourages my nerdiness and got them for me as presents! :) *grins and glomps her fiance*) And yes, I have carried them/warn them in public - it was on Halloween though.

    So yeah, power to the dorks/nerds!

  74. This may be a contradiction in terms, but you, sir, are one of the coolest geeks on the planet, and possibly off it as well.

    I must say, the costume seems to fit you well. Much better than I'm sure it would look on me. Aside from the fact that I don't know if the helmets can accommodate a beard, I subscribe by the rule the if I don't like seeing it in the mirror, other folks probably don't want to see it in spandex.

    Hmm...I wonder if this will start a trend of other web-reviewers buying Power Ranger suits? Who would make up Power Rangers: Channel Awesome?

  75. You need to wear that at daisho con during your free time. Hell enter the cosplay contest in it. It would be friggun great.

  76. Kinda wish you had this back at powermorphicon man.

  77. I was watching this in the background and thinking, "Yeah, you're a total dork."

    Then I accidentally stabbed myself and remembered I was sewing a cosplay outfit.

    Well played, Linkara.

  78. Now that is awesome, Louis. A really great costume, I look forward to what you do with it in the show. And while we're on 90s shows and nostalgia, I have to ask: Will you ever do anything related to Digimon, since it's also a Saban product and you do have a toy associated with it. I know it's an anime and Jesus Otaku is doing reviews of it but I think you might bring a different view to the table regarding it. Plus, there was a Dark Horse comics adaptation of the series-Maybe it's bad enough to warrant a looksee?

  79. I like Servo's big glass case. My grandmother keeps porcelain dolls in cases like that.

    If you want ideas on utilizing cosplay in your AT4W, you should ask Phelous. How many times has Sub Zero appeared on his show?

  80. That. Is. AWESOME!

    I was wondering which kind of ranger costume you would eventually get, and I think you picked the all time best (in my opinion). If you wish to expand your collection I did see some fairly inexpensive Zeo and Ninja Storm ones on Ebay a while back.

    The people who assembled that really new their stuff too; it looks better than the original North American Green Ranger costume!

    Oh, and if I spot the Dragon Zord on Ebay You'll be the first to know. ;)

  81. now all you need to do is maybe get a piece of the underside of the costume autographed by jdf. only then will you be a true king of nerds!

  82. Linkara, I bow to your superior fanboy level. I look forward to seeing this used someday in AT4W.

    If you ever do get the Sword of Darkness repaired, it could be a weapon for Mecha-kara to act as a counter to your magic gun (not to mention he did want a magic weapon in the first place).

  83. Linkara, I must admit I am envious of you....very very envious. But anyhow I can't really complain seeing as how I just recently got me a Richter Belmont costume with all the trimmings, yet no good whip really. But anyhow that's not why I must post. I'm posting because I want to unofficially invite you to a convention here in Layton, UT Anime Banzai! Now I know what you're thinking, why would I want to come all the way to Utah of all places just to go to a weekend convention? Well for one thing its a place where you can wear that Costume, it's going to have a lot of not just anime but all sorts of nerdy stuff, and to top it all off I got 5 words for you.

    Silent Hill themed Haunted House.

    Perfect in time for Halloween! (the con is on October 21-23)
    If you (and any other readers) want to know more go here www.animebanzai.org

    Hope to see you there!

  84. Oh God, nebosuke's idea is like the most terrifying thing ever XD I just re-watched the Mechakara saga and I'm tellin' ya, if we let that guy near magic, we're all boned. Every single one of us. TERMINALLY BONED.

  85. Don't worry Linkara, you may be a dork but you are an awsome dork, with an awsome costume to boot.

    Then I'm also a dork too, you should see my anime/manga collection...

  86. I know it's a late comment, but that costume is AWESOME! You are a dork of the very highest caliber and I salute you for it :D

  87. Lewis, you and I share a need for costuming and props I see. Kudos on the purchase, you got a good quality Green Ranger costume, seeing as how your shield isn't made of mushy fabric. I am currently working on building my own proton pack from Ghostbusters.... it's going to take a lot of time. Anyways, just wanted to say keep up the good work and take all the time you need to keep making awesome stuff for all of us.

  88. Awesome costume. I've been wanting to get a Green Ranger costume for a while now. ... And White... and Gold.

    A little off topic, but has anyone seen the suits for next year's sentai? Fucking space pirates. Yeah, space pirates.

  89. Wow this is almost as good as a wight ranger costume that I saw in a natsucon 2010. I don't know if he made it himself or not but it was really awesome. One difference between the two was his helmet opened like it did in the show.

  90. I bow to your nerdiness. You, sir are awesome. I also geek out from time to time. (Harry Potter FTW! I have cosplayed as her, and have also worn her outfit in public. I even have the wand, time turner tie and robe. Nos nempe claustrum geekiness.)

  91. I would like to ask a question. This is something I have been curious about for a while now.

    What are the exact dimensions of the Power Coin used on the show? Thickness, diameter, how much the design is raised from the surface, things like that.

    Bit of an odd thing to fixate on, I know.


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