Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Oddless and the Endless

As always, here's a whole bunch of stuff that I'm cramming together in one post!

GCF Talk 1 Year Anniversary Podcast

This one is VERY belated, and my apologies to the people at GCF Talk for that, but a while ago I was on their show for their 1-year anniversary and I plum forgot to post it up! As such, enjoy!

Schedule for Upcoming Episodes

And, of course, what would an Odds and Ends be without the schedule of upcoming episodes?

7/25 – Comic Book Advertisements
8/1 – Star Trek #2 (Gold Key)
8/8 – PSA Hell: Captain America: Return of the Asthma Monster!
8/15 – NBComics #1
8/22 – 150th episode
8/29 – Kamandi at Earth’s End #1
9/5 – Marvel Super Hero Island Adventures #1
9/12 – Twilight Zone #9
9/19 – TRS-80 Whiz Kids: The Computers that Saved Metropolis!
9/26 – Street Fighter #1 (Yes, the Malibu Comics one)

As always, the schedule is subject to change, but here's what we've got going for the next two months.


A lot of people have been upset that I haven't answered their e-mails. I do apologize for this, but it's the nature of the beast - I'm busy A LOT and September through December is going to be especially difficult because of some of the stuff I have planned. Still, I'll try to get to your e-mails as soon as possible. As of this post, I have 66 unread e-mails sitting in my inbox. I may not respond to them at all - sometimes there's just nothing to respond TO - sure, I love getting thanks and praise and I do READ every e-mail sent my way, but it feels empty if I just respond with a "Thanks for the kind words!"

I'd also like to remind people that I sadly am completely unable to respond to e-mails from Comcast or AOL. Long story short, my parents' e-mail server (which I still utilize) was hijacked several years ago by spammers, the server was blacklisted, and despite it all having been dealt with, we're still blacklisted and thus AOL and Comcast reject e-mails from us. I've made some attempts on my own to try to correct this, but I haven't had any luck. It's not a priority for my family because they have alternate e-mail addresses that they more frequently use, anyway, so it isn't a problem for them.

As such, I do want to apologize if you have an e-mail that you think should have gotten a response but flat-out I was unable to respond to. I HAVE considered switching over to something like Hotmail, but it's just one of those things that I'm lazy about and never gotten around to.

Lightbringer and Revolution of the Mask

Both of my comics shall be returning! Sou-Zou has been hard at work cranking out pages weekly for me and is 50% done with issue 3. Lightbringer will also be making a return and I do have a new artist signed up, but I don't want to set an official day for its return until we have enough buffer to at least finish off the current storyline.

But yeah, neither project has been forgotten and they shall continue.

Thank you all for your continued support of the show and the rest of my work!

Warrior #4

Warrior #4 is being edited by Spoony. It's not the highest priority, unfortunately, because he wants to get his Final Fantasy X-2 review finished before ConBravo. Plus he was unsatisfied with how some of the shots turned out and is considering ways of doing reshoots for certain segments. However, it will be done, but we have no date for which it'll be released.


  1. Oh, how I wish I knew you were going to do odd advertisements.

    I came across one WEIRD one in an old issue of Green Lantern for shoes. Said shoes, apparently, gave a guy powers. Which powers is uncertain, but definitely a danger sense and superstrength were included.

    This being the 70s, the setting was a disco contest, and the villain of the piece is an old hippie who hates disco. The hippie THINKS about attacking the disco contest currently going on.

    The shoe superhero is NOT telepathic, just senses danger from the hippie. His response... without any further investigation, he literally kicks the hippie into space.

    If you can find that one, you are the man.

  2. I'm looking forward to the Star Trek review and especially the one on comic book advertisements. Any chance we'll get to see you make fun of Captain Tootsie?

  3. 8/8 – PSA Hell: Captain America: Return of the Asthma Monster!
    You mean the Asthma Monster was around before?

    8/15 – NBComics #1
    ...How do you pronounce this?

    8/22 – 150th episode
    Never thought of this. I'm excited about what's going to happen, both comic-wise and story-wise.

    9/12 – Twilight Zone #9
    The Twilight Zone is one of my favorite TV shows. I'm looking forward to this!

    9/19 – TRS-80 Whiz Kids: The
    Computers that Saved Metropolis!
    What, was Tandy Computer not good enough anymore?

  4. I count (1,2,3) three comics designed as advertisements. One for those TRS-80 Whiz Kids, one for Marvel theme park attractions (oh, the irony), and one for NBC's last Saturday morning stand in 1991.

    "NBComics #1" should be a good one. It's your second Harvey comic (making Archie look like fine art), and that lineup had shows about Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, AND Macaulay Culkin (The Nostalgia Critic can speak an earful about his movies).

    And remember how corny Yogi Bear cartoons and their contemporaries were? (Even if I admittedly have some nostalgia for them, thanks in part to the Cartoon Network.) Well, there was also a show called "Yo, Yogi", and it offered the exact makeover you're thinking off. I'll just allow that one a minute to sink in.

    The other ones also look ripe for review, from the comic that bore "Superman At Earth's End" to the Malibu Street Fighter comic. Further, which "Twilight Zone" are we covering I wonder? The 80's remake from Now Comics?

  5. Thanks Linkara for the list of upcoming episodes. :)

    Episodes I'm really interested in:

    7/25 – Comic Book Advertisements
    8/15 – NBComics #1
    8/22 – 150th episode
    8/29 – Kamandi at Earth’s End #1
    9/26 – Street Fighter #1 (Yes, the Malibu Comics one)

    Especially Kamandi at Earth's End will be an interesting one since that was the comic that inspired Superman at Earth's End. XD

    Will definitely wait for Warrior #4 review when it's ready.

  6. I have two comments for you Linkara:

    Will you include advertisements for Red Circle, Heroic Publishing, or ASpen MLT books in the Comic Book Advertisements video?

    and Which Twilight Zone #9 are you reviewing: The 1964 Gold Key version, or the 1992 Now Comics version?


  7. Finally, a Street Fighter comic book. Lewis, you could have reviewed Mortal Kombat (Malibu version) but I digress. I actually find the worst comic book you couldn't resist. Could you please review the following:
    - Marville
    - Trouble (Marvel)
    - Ultimate Adventures
    - Hitman #18
    - Spider-Man: Sins Past
    - Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil Men Do
    - Image United

    About the Rise of Arsenal, it's not bad. It is depressing.

  8. I expect the Comic Book Advertisements to be very entertaining. Definitely looking foward to that one.

    Could we see some Hostess Ads? Thor hocking Twinkies is comedy gold. Also, for those wondering, no, I'm not kidding.

  9. I don't envy your workload, man. Seem the next few months are going to be quite hectic for you. I am excited to see the return of Lightbringer! Especially after how the last bit ended. It's a great series. Don't push yourself too hard, though. Upcoming comic reviews are also great choices. Just keep the focus and we as fans will be here every step of the way!

  10. Wait, why did you sign up a new artist for Lightbringer?

  11. Yes! "The Computers That Saved Metropolis!" Man, I had ALL the TRS-80 comics when I was a kid...and I think I still do, somewhere in the Longboxes Of Infinite Holding.

    Looking forward to that. And also being able to buy RotM #3. :)

  12. So... about Lightbringer... where should I start reading? You've said time and again that early Lightbringer sucks, so what's a good starting point that I can just jump into it without having to worry about a) continuity, and b) crappiness.

    Also, does the name Lightbringer have anything to do with Final Fantasy, or is that just a coincidence?

    Also, is the 150th episode going to resolve the current storyline?

    Also (Rule of Three there), do you ever plan to do a Miller Time episode that ISN'T about a crappy Batman comic he did? I mean, I'm sure there's some other crappy comics he's done that don't involve Batman...

  13. Interesting episodes coming up as you build up to this year's big October review. Though i found it peculiar that you have Kamandi in the midst of (sees "...At Earth's End", the same universe that brought us "I AM A MAN" Superm...er, Bearded Idiot and Twin Clones of Hitler)...never mind.

  14. Interesting line up for the next little bit, even if you have to switch some of them around for whatever reason. None that have me scratching my head, which is good... I guess.

    Fiery Little One

  15. Wait, you're gonna review Marville? Good God man, you're only human! No one should have to read Marville! That book is outlawed by the Geneva Convention!

  16. Hey, you're doing a Twilight Zone comic! Cool! ...although I think #79 would've been a better choice.(Posterman, anyone?)

  17. Ah good more Star Trek to come! Oh, and "Marvel Super Hero Island Adventures"! I remember that had that as a promotional give away at the local movie theater when the first "Spider-Man" movie came out! I probably still have it in my closet.

    Comic Book Ads ought to be interesting. I was actually at a gallery show down in Columbus Ohio last summer were they had classic comic book ads from the 50s to early 90s up in frames. Charles Atlas Technique, Live Animal Send Aways, X-Ray Specs, Hostess Fruit Pies, the works!

    The ad that drew the most attention had to be one "The Blow Up Doll" from the 50s, which advertised a five foot tall lifelike female doll with a picture that was obviously an actress and not the actual doll, and promised "your daughter will have all kinds of fun."
    As Crow T Robot once said "Hey thats not a doll, thats a sister!"

  18. YAWN More shit. You need to reinvent yourself or actually get entertaining or something or change shit up. Because alls you do is the same old shit. Same Old Shit. Rinse,Wash, and repeat.

    P.S. Quit forcing your girl on us she is nothing to write home about.

  19. Hey, Linkara: Could you please review the following:
    *Steelgrip Starkey
    *Christian Archie comics
    *Mother Teresa of Calcutta
    * the Billy Ray Cyrus Comic
    *Angel Love
    *DC Challenge
    *Count Duckula #6 (The Geraldo issue)
    *The upcoming revival of CrossGen's Mystic (for next tear; When Marvel Describes the book as 'Mean Girls meets Les Miserables', it is in trouble!)
    *Any bad books from Heroic Publishing (aka Hero Comics, aka Hero Graphics)
    * Karate Pig, Ninja Flounder, and the 4-D Monkey
    * The Action Files
    Amazing Spider-Man #661 and #662 (for next year: Goofy team-up with the Avengers Academy!)
    *The Killer Instinct and Primal Rage comics.
    *Marvel's WCW comic.


  20. "YAWN More shit. You need to reinvent yourself or actually get entertaining or something or change shit up. Because alls you do is the same old shit. Same Old Shit. Rinse,Wash, and repeat.

    P.S. Quit forcing your girl on us she is nothing to write home about."

    YAWN. Your comment bores me because it lacks any depth about what exactly it is that I'm doing that is stale to you, and I'm not exactly sure how I'm "forcing" Liz upon you, especially since she's not exactly in every episode.

    Do you even watch the show or do you just feel like bitching?

  21. Ok seriously, why the long gaps between issues of All Star Batman & Robin?

  22. Hey, Lewis. I got another batch and you have to review them:

    - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (comic book version)
    - Action Comics #901
    - Timecop #1 and #2
    - Superman: Our Worlds at War
    - Fantastic Four #281

    Are you in? BTW, you'll gonna burn that Kamandi comic book, won't you?

  23. YAWN More shit. You need to reinvent yourself or actually get entertaining or something or change shit up. Because alls you do is the same old shit. Same Old Shit. Rinse,Wash, and repeat.

    Ah, Look! The common internet troll in their natural habitat. It seems he is performing his seasonal ritual of presenting its brightly colored anus before scurrying away to its dark burrow.

    Actually I think that your recent "Rise of Aresanl" review disproves this point, as it features analysis of how the story could have been good but was sidelined by ineptitude, which requires greater preparation and critical thinking rather than just saying "This sucks!" every other sentence, which is an easy trap to fall into.

    Don't let hit-and-run comments get you down Lewis. Continue the good fight against ignorance!!!!

  24. Well at least the problems don't sound as bad as they did with the Superman 4 Review.

  25. I don't know your e-mail address. Oh well.

    Quick question about twilight zone. I'm a big fan of the TV show, but I'm only 100 episodes in. (50 left in the B/W series plus the 80s series to go) so if the review has any spoilers for the TV show I'd like to know so I can skip it until I have finished with the original series. I'm sure you understand.

  26. "Quick question about twilight zone. I'm a big fan of the TV show, but I'm only 100 episodes in. (50 left in the B/W series plus the 80s series to go) so if the review has any spoilers for the TV show I'd like to know so I can skip it until I have finished with the original series. I'm sure you understand."

    If I recall correctly, it's not an adaptation of an episode, so you should be fine. ^_^

  27. hey linkara I would like to suggest using the battle for mutara neblua 8-bit for your credits in the upcoming star trek review as I think it would be cool.

  28. Hey there, Lewis. Please try to review World's Finest Comics #142. I'm sure you'll be fine after that.

  29. Would you want to cover an issue of Cerebus? It might seem dangerous, but if you leave yourself to the task at hand and say "read the earlier stuff", I think you could be safe with an issue running from #186-300. Or would it have appeared in the "comics I'll never review" if anyone requested it?

  30. hi likara can you review sonic 147-155 they are some of the worst sonic comics out there.

  31. Trouble: Doesn't deserve in-depth review. Could be touched on in Marville due to the last issue being submission guidelines.
    Hitman #18: Sounds wacky and possibly quite funny.
    Ultimate Adventures: ASBAR, the better version?
    Sins Past: Eww. Good snark bait.
    The Evil Men Do: Watch his Action Comics #592 + #593 reviews to see why he wouldn't want to do that.
    Image United: It's a six issue series. Wait until it concludes.
    Steelgrip Starkey: Sounds bizarre. Interesting.
    Christian Archie: Possible, but I think he's trying to stay away from politics/religion.
    Mother Teresa comic: Unless it's really bad, I think he'd probably stick with the Bluewater version, coming soon.
    Billy Ray Cyrus: Maybe.
    Angel Love: No way. It sounds like a good ironic joke, and not bad enough for this show.
    DC Challenge: Attacking a round robin experiment is way too easy.
    Count Duckula: It's #8, not #6, but the sentiment's right.
    Mystic: The fusion sounds a bit like a cut rate version of Phil Foglio's Girl Genius. Good idea for a review.
    Karate Pig, Ninja Flounder and the 4-D Monkey: Ladies and gentlemen, the new Brute Force.
    Heroic Publishing: Interesting.
    Spider-Man 661 + 662: Possible.
    Killer Instinct + Primal Rage: Hmm. This may be a while.
    Marvel's WCW comic: Again, he may do it, but it could take a while.
    Bill and Ted comic: Why do we need that?
    Action Comics 901: Is it really bad enough?
    Time Cop 1 + 2: Adaptation of a confusing bad movie. Good.
    Our Worlds at War: Do you want Linkara to be uncomfortable again?
    Fantastic Four 281: WOW. Another sleazily generic John Byrne villain.

  32. *Count Duckula #6 (The Geraldo issue)

    @Jeremy A Patterson: I remember in the "Manimal" commentary, Linkara mentioned looking into maybe the David Letterman issue of the Avengers...but I guess Gerardo is just much worse than that. Heck, find some Oprah comic and we can have "comics with talk show hosts" month.

    And to the one who mentioned FF286, I think he did do a tiny bit of that in "Worst heros becoming villains" review...heck, at this point I could see Byrne with his own segment as Frank Miller. We could call it "Byrne Notice"...nm.

  33. Smart Lonely LeaderJuly 20, 2011 at 9:06 PM

    Sorry for waiting so long to ask you this, but for some reason your videos, as wells as Spoony's, the Critic's, Lindsay's and a handful of others from TGWTG, won't load fully they just go black with the loading circle. This has been going on since about May. Any advice?

    I would E-mail you but everytime I try to get your address it won't allow me.

    I hope you could give me advice or a solution. Maybe its my computer or something.

    Peace and I love your work.

  34. "Sorry for waiting so long to ask you this, but for some reason your videos, as wells as Spoony's, the Critic's, Lindsay's and a handful of others from TGWTG, won't load fully they just go black with the loading circle. This has been going on since about May. Any advice?

    I would E-mail you but everytime I try to get your address it won't allow me."

    I'm sorry to say I have no explanation for you. Your best bets are to: go to Blip directly to watch them, update your flash drivers, load from a different browser, or just download them via the RSS feeds available on blip.

    Sorry that I don't have anything else to offer. ^^;

  35. All this talk of movie adaptations reminds me of a book Linkara could very well end up doing one day. Marvel Paramount Comics' "Mission: Impossible" #1, from 1996. It was a prequel to the first Tom Cruise movie... and it was drawn (in part) by Rob Liefeld.

  36. I almost forgot. I bet you'll review DC's Swordquest Trilogy.

  37. Aside from Swordquest Earthworld, Firewold and Waterworld, I am looking forward to your review on Alpha Flight #22.

  38. Lewis, I recently discover another hilarious ones for you to review:
    - Batman: The Abduction
    - The Badger 1 and 2
    - The Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #28
    - Bruce Lee (Malibu version)

  39. I know you probably don't want to do it cause you're afraid you'll loose e-mails from more than just fans, and it'll be a hassle getting things right again to boot, but you really should probably consider moving to a new e-mail service if the one your on was hacked and still has issues.

    I see you're not using a web based e-mail. Harder to hack, but sounds like it's also harder to fix. I would say stop opening e-mails from folks you don't know... but where would that get you? Regardless of the slightly lower security, have you ever considered a web based e-mail?

    Sorry, I'm a techie, I like to try to help with these things.

  40. Bryan -
    "I am looking forward to your review on Alpha Flight #22."
    How dare you, sir?!?

    S'rously, why's that one worth reviewing?
    I really like it - not the best of Byrne's issues, but there are much worse issues of AF out there.
    (Yes, Byrne's Alpha Flight is easily my favourite comic book evarrr!!!)

  41. "S'rously, why's that one worth reviewing?
    I really like it - not the best of Byrne's issues, but there are much worse issues of AF out there.
    (Yes, Byrne's Alpha Flight is easily my favourite comic book evarrr!!!)."

    Good point but did you know that Linkara critizes horrible storylines, Liefeld-like drawings, underwhelming character development and continuity with no direction. Read Alpha Flight #22 carefully and you will see one character that is ridiculous.

    For you, Lewis, care to review Shadowhawk (Image version) and Wolverine'96?

  42. @Torkuda: It sounds like Linkara's issues are related to a single incident that's in the past and might not even be his fault. The only piece of advice that might help is moving to web-based e-mail. There's trying to help, and there's trying to help with advice that's completely useless (and obvious).

  43. @Bryan -

    I honestly caln't tell who you mean; the Liefeldest one there is My Lady D'Arbanville?
    The cover character is ridiculous, but I think in a fun way.
    I'm not sure if the whole issue is juicy enough for Linkara to get a review out of, but his tastes are different enough to mine that he might.

    Still, it would be kinda cool...

    Linkara, you up to the challenge?
    (If only we could get you the issue - I only have one copy an' you ain't gettin' it!)

  44. Linkara, ever heard of Jackie Chan's Spartan X: The Armour of Heaven? I bet you'll review these three issues.

  45. Can't wait to see the 150th episode. I hope we get to see the Entity very soon.

    I'm a bit disappointed that Warrior 4 hasn't been completed, but I understand. I'll wait for the day when the beat-down is finished.

    BTW, you should do Titans Villains for Hire and WWE Heroes.

  46. I think you should look at a Chaos Comic. Especially the Lady Death stuff.

  47. I know I'm not really the type for requests, but one that intrigues me from what I've heard about it is "Avengers 200". Talk about character derailment: they celebrate this massive milestone by ruining Ms. Marvel to the point that she ends up having a saving throw...by having her powers absorbed by Rogue a short time later! I grew up knowing so little about Carol outside Rogue stealing her powers (which was even done in the 90s animated X-men series, with Carol one of the really few non-mutants that showed up on the show) but when I read why it happened...it just felt so terrible on it's "we never will speak of it again" that it felt like something you would bring up. (then again it's just one of those weird comic book continuity things that happen and no one wants to admit to...like Malice for Sue Storm...or the red and blue Supermen)

  48. NBComics? Oh goodie! Is it a News related comic?! Are we going from Newspaper to Comics now?!

  49. Hey, Linkara, big fan of the show and I want to leave this comment to show some respect for a comic book legend.

    Also, I would like to issue a warning. I have a lot of shitty comics that are so bad, they could incapacitate you in a minute, well if Liz wasn't there to back you up. I woudn't dare have you review these, so I will myself (much ike many 3rd-party Wii games I plan to do).

    If you're curious to see if I have reviewing stuff, I have some reviews on my blog, but I can guarantee you I have the balls to read these comics multiple times.

    The comic's names? Geomancer #1 and UK excusively Nikki Doyle: Wild Thing #1. If you see these comics you should run and scream and clone your magic gun before they get you.

  50. Hey, Linkara... I remember, a long time ago, reading a Spider-Man PSA comic that was published in four issues of Boy's Life. I'd recommend it for you to review, but there's three problems with that. 1, I can't remember what it was called, 2, I can't even remember exactly what the PSA was (I vaguely remember some sort of mistaken identity plot regarding an action movie star and one of Peter's coworkers... yeah, it was weird), and 3, I have no idea if it was actually published outside of Boy's Life. Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?

  51. hey linkara how about when you do your intro for the goldkey star trek review how about you do it in the style on the original series
    insted of the gunsliger theme.

    here's how it could go: comics the final frontier these are the voyages of starship comiccron(or whatever you named your ship)its ongoing mission to seek out bad comics and to boldly go where no reviewr has gone before.(then the classic star trek theme plays as the comiccron swishes by the intro credits).

    anyway this just a idea I had to make the goldkey review just that more special.

    I hope that you will reply to this comment with your thoughts on the idea.

    banjo tooie

  52. "YAWN More shit. You need to reinvent yourself or actually get entertaining or something or change shit up. Because alls you do is the same old shit. Same Old Shit. Rinse,Wash, and repeat.

    P.S. Quit forcing your girl on us she is nothing to write home about."

    Oh hai, troll comment!

    ...seriously, if you feel like bitching, do it somewhere else.

  53. Linkara,

    I enjoy your reviews and have started watching Iron Liz and find myself getting into her reviews as well.

    I can't wait for Warrior 4 but I will be sad to see the annual multiverse storyline come to a close since there is no more warrior comics left.

    Looking forward to the Malibu Comics Street Fighter review. Could I interest you in some Mortal Kombat comics?

  54. Hey, Jarkes,
    "Hey, Linkara... I remember, a long time ago, reading a Spider-Man PSA comic that was published in four issues of Boy's Life."
    ... I don't know, but there was a multi-parter Spider-Man anti-marijuana PSA that ran through Marvel comics. Sounds like it could be that (I never read it, so can't be much more specific).

  55. Any mood for Marvel Team-Up #74?

  56. hey linkara for your upcomming captain america psa, please use the song Star Spangled Man from the captain america movie in your credits for that episode it would be perfect.

    banjo tooie

  57. I hear that you replaced the review for next week, as it is now US-1 #2!


  58. The other day, I saw a trade paperback collecting Spider-Man's anti-drug PSA's.

    Thought everybody should know.
    (It was brand new in the store, so shouldn't be hard to track down.)


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