Friday, July 15, 2011

Suburban Knights Commentary Parts 5-7

The commentary concludes!


  1. woah woah woah you've never played a zelda game 0_0. I feel slightly sad now -_-

  2. I'm with Nima on this. For shame Lewis.

  3. (Countdown to somebody writing a fic where Lewis is kidnapped and forced to play Zelda games in 3, 2, 1...)

    *puts on geek hat* The 3rd Edition iconic sorcerer is named Hennet *doffs geek hat*

    I'm a little sorry that this is over. It's just so fascinating to hear the behind-the-scenes bits, and this really has been the best of the three so far, though all three has something which is specifically theirs.

    I'm already wondering how you're going to top yourselves. Next year almost has to involve Ma-Ti's resurrection somehow (though apparently the Critic and the Bum already got the Necronomicon, so they've covered that base if they decide to go in a different direction). Whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll all do well.

  4. "I'm with Nima on this. For shame Lewis."

    Oh, bah! I was a Genesis kid. XD

  5. Out of curiosity, is there an in-universe reason why Linkara couldn't just clone Ma-Ti?

  6. This was really great to listen to, thank you both.
    I teared up at the end, of course - even though it's still a spoof or a cartoon of sorts, the characters grow on you, and there is real emotion involved. It's just sweet!

    I will say, I felt a little cheated at the end, when Linkara launches into his song and... wait what? Where's the medley/motage featuring every single site contributor, a la "I believe in Santa Christ"?
    This was a golden opportunity, missed rather badly. Or, perhaps, it was planned but proved impractical. Either way, sad.

    Still! SK is freaking awesome.

    And may I say, Iron Liz seems to have found a real niche in PA and logistics work. I know it isn't glamourous, but it is difficult, exhausting, complex, and VITAL. Seriously, I think CA & TGWTG & BT will never run out of uses for a talented and dedicated PA. Unsung heroes, Iron Liz.

    (Still - more P&P Corner? In your own time.)

  7. You and Liz did a great job with the commentary! I hope you both consider doing this again....

  8. Holy crap, you were singing that too! I never noticed that!

    Also, I have to ask: What do you mean, 'They haven't found a cure for death'? Spoony got blown into protoplasm, he got better. lol

  9. You know Navi but not about the chickens? Interesting life you lead.

    Personally I don't see the NC as a villain so much as a 'designated hero' or just a character who gets power hungry real quick.

  10. WHAT!? NEVER!? You have NEVER played a Zelda game!?



    I'm better now.


    You should be correcting this, sir. You should be doing so indeed.

  11. I love you guys. I really do XD These commentary videos (and the HOPR and AT4W that came before them) absolutely made my week. I went through each unbearably hot day at work thinking "maybe there'll be something else up when I get home!"

    It was great to hear things from the two of you, as cast and production and just generally hilarious people. I'm looking forward to the DVD release of Suburban Knights because I agree with you, Lewis, that it works much better when watched straight through (having re-watched it upwards of ten times myself).

    Liz, my sympathy for your knee that day. I love how dedicated you guys are. And Lewis is right, even if you haven't officially been recruited yet (and I stress the 'yet'), you're still part of the team, I think XD

    And this comment has stretched on for a very long time so I'll just add that my favourite parts of the movie were probably Film Brain's adorable bits, the "Inigo Montoya" line bungles (and machine guns), aaand the "Screw. This!" from Linkara followed by Cloak 3's "Oh crap!" moment when the Magic Gun came out XD Shutting up now.

  12. I don't really think Critic's exactly a villain either. He's not nice, and he's horribly fucked up (a JerkassWoobie for tropers ;) ), but fundamentally a good guy - which came across really nicely in this special. I even have to admit I had a bit of sappy pride when he was standing up to you guys against Malachite, even though it really didn't work out.

  13. More commentary greatness! I like the perspective of the logistic from Iron Liz, it really helps paints the whole picture of Suburban Knights. Although there's two weird kinda audio glitch perhaps? One at 5:33 where Bennett gets kicked and another at 18:10 when you discuss the Necronomicon, I say kinda because it might just be the two of you not having anything to say.

    Anyway, great commentary, alway nice to hear about the behind the scene stuff.

  14. I just went through all your posts (it took since the middle of June, as I don't have Internet at home), only skipping the "Let's Play"s and the "You're Such a Card"s. It's definitely fun and I'd check out That Guy With the Glasses if it weren't for time factors.

    It makes me want to start my own reviews, though I also feel I'd be redundant, as I'd want to review comics as well (though not just bad ones). It's funny that I own some of the issues already reviewed here. But I have some I'd want to reccommend for the site, at least.

    On to Suburban Knights: I did like it, and do find it better structured than Kickassia (though the latter was good, too). At least, with my conviction not to cuss, I can still say the name of Suburban Knights.

  15. I actually want to disagree with something you said in Spoony's group commentary about your having extra lines at the end. I think the Critic needed that moment at the end and someone to play off to make it work, and I think out of the cast the only other person he could have went with was Suede, maybe the Geek if he came to apologize. Otherwise, Linkara was probably the best "source of wisdom" of the cast.

  16. Linkara I was just wondering are these commentaries going to be part of the DVD extras?

  17. Ah, that parchment effect you were asking about is a Texturizer effect from Photoshop, rather easy to do, actually. Still looks good, though.


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