Thursday, August 18, 2011

You Can Play This: Batman

J-Dub helps Linkara as he goes over this oft-overlooked gem from Sunsoft Japan: Batman for the PC-Engine!


  1. Ooh, are you actually doing an Article about Batman in Japan? I suppose you'll cover the Mat Manga and his unexpected appearance as a boss in one of the Shinobi games, right?

  2. Nice review!
    There were so many Batman games based off the first movie.

    NES, Genesis, PC Engine, Commodore C64, Amiga/Atari ST.

    Dang it. Now I sort of want to try collecting them all, then maybe get a hold of the Batman Returns games too.

  3. Liz gets bonus points for reading the Everquest gamebook at the end. That is all <3

  4. Interesting crossover with JewWario. It's very interesting to hear about games that never made it into the US.

    Say, have you ever played Batman Arkham Asylum?

  5. Not a fan of this episode. The host sections are fine, but the game parts are bad. I get the feeling the viewer/you are being talked down to. It also pads out the video, such as the long, slow and needless description of the controls. It's not like they are awkward or unusual. I'm not sure if this is normal having not seen his other stuff but it really dragged and padded out the video.

    One minor point, the graphics. He says they are bad, but my opinion on it (based soley on this video mind you) is that the graphics aren't technically bad, they are detailed and it's easy to tell things appart, but the art design is bland and unimagitive giving the game a dull look despite that. Although I'd have to play the game to make a proper judgement, I felt that for a video this padded that it could have been mentioned.


  6. All in all, great review of the game. Loved the cameo by Iron Liz at the end. It's okay Liz, I thought it was funny.

    Oh sweet, W's belt!... ... ...Kinda small though. I always expected it'd be bigger.

    Can't wait for the review of Climax Heroes. Hey Linkara, planning to show up in that one too, or does Kamen Rider not interest you?

  7. Really hope you're doing a video on Batman in Japan. The only thing I know about him in Japan is based on a segment from The Batman Brave And The Bold episode "Batmite Presents!!".

  8. Hey, this game has the same soundtrack as Sunsoft's other Batman game for the NES. Very nice.

  9. anonymous yes that is how j-dub does his videos, he wants people to be able to play them and thus has to teach the controls to the viewers so that they can play the game

  10. Cole, that doesn't really make much sence to me. It's not like it's unusual, interesting or confusing. That would be like reviewing a comic and telling you what order to view the panels in. I'm a big games fan, but I don't know anyone who owns/played a real turbo graphics 16, let alone a PC Engine (never got an official release here) but even lesser consoles that did like the Sega Saturn I know few people who owned one.

    Assuming someone has the will to buy one of these machines, or the technical know how to get an emulator can work out a simple maze game.


  11. HOLY SHIT DOUBLE DRIVER! I am so jealous right now.

  12. Hahaha Bat-nipples!

    Didn't Batman kll a guy in his 1st comic!?

    I never knew of this game and mostly likely never will get to play it!

  13. Hey, he might have killed people but at least he didn't spend the game asking henchmen if they were dense or retarded.

    Due to the sheer number of comic related games, would you consider doing crossovers like this again in the future?

  14. Sabre, he wants to make sure people know how to play the games and since they're in Japanese jewwario saves us time and tells us about good import games. So yes Sabre it interests importers who want to play this but don't read Japanese

  15. This actually looked like an addictive game. Love Batman, love J-Dubs, loved Lewis and Liz in this! What a treat!

    PS: IIRC from last year, I think someone has a b-day around this time. Happy birthday, Lewis! And if it's not your birthday, can keep the good wishes anyway. I've got some to spare. Take care, my friend.

  16. Hmmm, This makes me want to watch Justin's Next Review. Kamen Rider is awesome, and they recently released a DS game....
    Plus, Rider belts are ridiculously expensive. The cost of one from a series that aired even a minimum of a year ago can go for more than the average price of trying to get an original Mighty Morphing Power Rangers Morpher-With the coins. It's kind of a status symbol for rider fans to have one.
    Oh...Uuummmm...Nice Batman crossover Review. Don't know If you've played Arkham Asylum, but it is awesome on several tiers, so you might want to either try to play it or find a Let's Play of it if you haven't.

  17. Batman doesn't kill people. THANK YOU. And I don't care if he did in comics long ago, I don't care that "Bob Kane's Batman did it and he created it so, meh!" In the prime of the Batman's display, the version most people like, NOT killing people is one of his key traits.

    Thank you, Linkara. I've been SCREAMING this at my friends forever.

  18. Actually Batman does kill people. Kind of all the time, actually. If he's not doing it outright like he did in the thirties and forties than it's through negligence. You could even argue that Batman is actually responsible for everyone the Joker kills too

  19. Two random questions: What's your favorite Transformers series, and what's your least favorite Transformers series? BESIDES the Michael Bay movies...

  20. In the strictest sense, Batman doesn't kill people. Kane may have shown him doing it, but Siegel and Schuster showed Superman as being careless with his powers and not caring about whether his force is lethal. As both developed, they had the "No Killing" code thrust upon them, but they made it work and it had become intrinsic to the characters by the time the 80s rolled around.

    And in an unrelated note, as a bit of a plug, I have posted the introduction to my own review series today. The site is here: .

    I didn't post a review because I'm still cobbling the first together, but today's my birthday and I wanted to get the first post up today to forever easily remember the series' anniversary (yes, I think too far head sometimes).

    My series will be superhero media reviews, and I know I'll tead ground Linkara did better (like my Action Comics #1 review, which will be my first), but I hope to bring some different perspectives (and I'm doing the full comic of Action Comics #1, so I know I'm covering a bit dfferent of ground for at least some of it). If I flounder, so be it. If I do well, then yay. We'll see. And maybe some day I can get a good camera, proper editing skills and a better video editor.

  21. But Batman did kill people, a few times actually. a quick google search shows he hung someone.

  22. Batman didn't kill anyone in his first apperance. The guy fell to his death on his own, by accident, in the way that happens sometimes.

    Batman did Kill brainless monsters that were once people but were mutated and brain dead because they were on a rampage and he couldn't stop them with his fist and they were about to overrun the city.

    Also batman isn't responsible for the Joker. He hands him to the courts where a jury of citizens decide he's insane. It isn't batman's decision who gets to live or die.

    I think he once did shoot someone down in a dogfight though. I don't remember that issue that well but its in a collection.

  23. I love the Monty Python joke at the end. Watch this clip to see what I mean, Nice touch guys

  24. Ran into this on my usually trek through your episodes.

    Things suddenly feel more real and heavy now, even though I've known for hours what happened.

    When you do your tribute on the Gameboy #3 ep, can you link this since I don't think a lot of people saw this one?

    Hope you're doing all right, Lewis.



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