Saturday, November 19, 2011

VLOG: 11-19-11 - Cybermat Test

On twitter, I've been posting pictures of my progress in building a cybermat from Doctor Who since the toy version keeps getting pushed back. Here's the test of it!


  1. I'd be interested in seeing a how to. A shame the signal is somewhat faulty.

    But yeah, this looks awesome. Nice work.

  2. Looks pretty good for home made, infact looks more convincing than some of the older variants. It would be interesting to see a video of how you made it.

  3. So would that video be called "Lets Build: A Cybermat"

  4. sure, would be very interesting to find out you created it and inspire many of us to create stuff too. thx

  5. heck yeah just like tomb of the cybermen now all you need is patrick troughton

  6. Nice work. Camera tricks will hide the range.

  7. looks nice
    definitely would like the video

  8. I'm interested in seeing how it was made. Videos like that are pretty cool, because you get a bit more respect for the person for all the time they put into building it. At least that's what I think

  9. So, that's a cybermat, i should be google it before be excited about, at least looks better than what they craft for Revenge of the Cybermen, slightly better than the original from Tomb of the Cybermen and less creepy than the CGI version made for Blood of the Cybermen.

    I will not burst your bubble Lewis, from a pure craftsmen point of view is an achievement in the path of excellency and i congratulate you for that but from a pure adult point of view is a remote control car with a little tail.

    Daddy will not be impressed but fix the glitches and improve the visual and maybe Mom will be scared for a minute so that's probably the perfect Christmas gift for brothers of any age because is the perfect thing to scare girls at night when nobody can't see it's a toy.

    Any plans for use this in future Linkara episodes ?

  10. That is one sweet-looking Cybermat! I can't wait to see it in action on Monday. It's got that "silver rat" look to it. I would love to see a "Making of" video.

    Good work!

  11. Looks great - better than I could do. I'd love to see how you made it, but I'm also curious if you will name it Bitey. :D

  12. When will we see a new ODDS and ENDS or a 2012 railer?


  13. That is Awesome, thanks for the hint of his presence in on Monday.

    I wish every episode had storyline stuff in them.

  14. Is it just me, or when it caught on the sock did anyone else immediately imagine the Cyber Leader saying "Socks. My God."?

  15. Not bad, just need to figure out the IR signal problem. I'd be curious as to how you did this myself. I already have an idea, but I think it'd be nice to see if how I think you did that was how you did it.

    Fiery Little One

  16. Hmmm. In place of lights maybe you could find some small colored reflectors and be creative with the lighting to get similar effect?

  17. It'll be cool how to make something like that I'd like to know how to make stuff like that myself sometime.

    Also one thing I've been wanting to say for quite sometime is,Lewis if it wasn't for Atop The Fourth Wall I'd probably not be into Comics as I have been,sure I collected Sonic Comics(as a kid) and read and get Spider-Man Comics(from time to time) but again thanks to your show I've been collecting the New 52(mainly Justice League and Batman and Batman and Robin) and the newest Mega Man Comic by Archie(a very good read by the way)

    I guess what I'm trying to say here is thanks for getting me into Comics more by your show.

  18. Can't you just stand close and CGI yourself out of the picture later? I assume you have the equipment for that.

  19. I'd say you might need to find another better toy car for the base maybe a good old fashion dollar story one with the antana on the controller!
    Or if you remove some of the plastic from the toy car itself you can get the top part of it lower to the ground!
    Looks cewl though!
    I'd like to see a making of featureet! :D

  20. So, is this going to be a pet for Mechakara?

  21. Not bad for a DIY doctor who prop, lacks some of the sleakness of the current ones but that's understandable.

    Out of interest though, what gave you the idea to base it off on the current generation of cybermats?

  22. "Out of interest though, what gave you the idea to base it off on the current generation of cybermats?"

    It's the design I like the most. Oldest cybermats looked kind of goofy to me. Snake version is good an attacker, but nothing I'd really want. A good medium is the one featured in the "More than 30 Years in the TARDIS" documentary that could float and had a stinger tail, but it's an imperfect universe.

  23. Welcome to "Against the Fourth Floor", where homemade Cybermats get rug burns.

  24. Of course I'm interested in seeing how to build a Cybermat!

    As for boosting the IR signal, consider finding a way to replace the receiver on the top with diodes strategically placed in the eyes. ;)

  25. I'd be interested to see how. Heaven knows, I'm always intersted in propmaking.

  26. Interesting. Is Mechakara going to start using cybermats to do his bidding?

  27. props to you man. you built you own and it looks really good.


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