Saturday, December 24, 2011

Channel Awesome 2011 Holiday Video

Over 20 producers for Channel Awesome send you their holiday greetings!


  1. And its bugged. No worries there though. I'll watch it later... or somewhere else lol

  2. There's an error message when trying to view it, but I did see it on Blip, and you did an excellent job editing it all!

    Happy Holidays.

  3. Hey Lewis, I'm having a problem with the video on here. I'm getting an error message where the video is, saying there's a problem with the URL for the video.

    I'm not sure if you posted it wrong or not, but I'm not getting a video player or some other form of error message that shows where the player should be.

  4. Lewis, I want to thank you and all the other contributors and staff at Channel Awesome, not just for a heartfelt and well put together video but for everything you guys have done. And from Australia, currently celebrating Christmas as we speak, I wish you a Merry Christmas from the WORLD OF TOMOOOOOOROW! (And for a Christmas carol, just play the song from A Tale Of Two Santas "We are free and fairly sober with so many toys to build..." and you know the rest). And I also wish a Merry Christmas to all the Channel Awesome contributors, the staff and the respective fanbases, this one included.

    Looking forward to your next video and your output next year. Stay safe, everyone!

  5. I thank you, and everyone at channel awesome for that amazing video.

    And I wish all of YOU a Merry Christmas too - I know it sounds a little strange/stalkerish but through watching your videos for all these years I feel like I've gotten to know you guys a little bit and I really hope you all have a wonderous holiday. :)

  6. I enjoyed watching that here. And best wishes back at you all form this random Fan.

  7. I always enjoy watching these videos; thank you for taking the time that you really didn't have to be the one to edit it together this year, Lewis, since we all know about the problems that kept Doug from doing it.

    Happy Christmahannukwanzaakahs to you all! (Oh god, I think I left someone out of there...)

  8. Hey, on an unrelated note, what happened to those Alternate Endings for the Halloween video. I'm not complaining, I'm just making sure you haven't forgotten about them.

  9. "Hey, on an unrelated note, what happened to those Alternate Endings for the Halloween video. I'm not complaining, I'm just making sure you haven't forgotten about them."

    Unfortunately, there won't be any this year. Normally those alternate endings would go up on Halloween and quite frankly I've had ZERO times to put together anything like the alternate endings. The Holiday video I was able to put together because it required very little effort on my part, plus I was already filming in the living room for tomorrow's episode.

  10. Heya, just a short question by me: That guy at the beginning, who sang "Glorious", did he already cut the video, so he would appear singing with three other versions of himself that song, or did you have to cut it that way?

    By the way, a nice variety of people, contributing to the video.

    Merry Christmas to you and all your readers and viewers. oh! And merry Christmas to bear. ^^



  11. @Lewis

    quoting : "quite frankly I've had ZERO times to put together anything...The Holiday video I was able to put together because it required very little effort on my part, plus I was already filming in the living room for tomorrow's episode."

    And that why if in any time in the future i became a reviewer i will limit my self to text or voice only because i my opinion the audience is already addicted and overwhelmed by video, that's why you have an herculean labor Lewis.

    Your text is even better than your streams, nothing express professional prowess better than this.

    Merry Christmas you and everybody from Channel Awesome as well my fellow commentators.

  12. I want to thank you and everyone else at Channel Awesome and That Guy With the for this video.

    I wish you a merry Xmas, happy holidays, and a happy new year.

  13. Marry Late Christmas and Happy New Year!

    I must try that drink of Sage's!

  14. What comics did you get for Christmas!?

  15. Bear is Back!!! (I love the Bear.)
    Why didn't I watch this before I commented on the lack of Bear in the Jokes video?
    Good job on this video, Linkara. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

    P.S.: Does the Bear happen to have a name?

  16. Wow can Doug Walker sing or what! And Brad totally got me with that one hahaha The whole thing was hilarious and then he tells us he's only acting at the end. I believed him!!

    buttt to be honest I did, around 16:30, have my doubts about him really being hungover because he was moving around too fast. I loved the Snob's one :)

  17. Thank you for making my new years eve.
    Especially with Todd in the Shadows singing N sync. Its a great end out for the year.


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