Monday, December 26, 2011

Top 15 Personal Favorite Jokes of AT4W

Take a look back at Linkara's favorite gags from the last few years!

NOTE: I'm aware of the audio de-synching hiccup during one bit. Fortunately, it's only that one part. This last month has been rough on making episodes - I've had to save episodes in chunks in order to get them out and completed and this one was no different. This week is going to be tough because of all the prep I need to do for Magfest, sooo I'm not prioritizing fixing it. However, I did get a shiny new computer for Christmas DESIGNED for editing, so needless to say we shouldn't have any issues like this in the foreseeable future.


  1. Your hatred of Frank Miler still seems weird to me but I guess every one has a writer they can not stand, for me it is Grant Morrison

    Will you ever do a review of one of his comics; he almost made me give up X-men with his ridiculous Plant X story line. Luckily Chuck Auston was able to salvage the series (yet you still used one of his comics). Also I gave up on batman after he had the raped the dark knight to create his homicidal Mary Sue Damian.

  2. My comments by the numbers:

    13. "My wife would like that..."

    11. All the more good reason why you spent the most time on "ProStars", a concept which exemplfies why the major broadcast networks now avoid kids' shows altogether. Looking back at the "Laser Bat", I'm all the more thankful that Cartoon Network at least has the good sense to pick up "Regular Show". Also, they made a GOOD "Scooby-Doo" cartoon for a change.

    08. You know, I once came across such a screen on a Redbox kiosk of all things! There's a reason they call some panics the "Heroic Blue Screen of Death".

    05. I didn't even think of that when I first saw the video! That may make you the master of "Getting Crap Past the Radar".

    04. Tell Bippo I said Hello!

  3. Wow, that bit where you put all your running gags into one joke was hilarious! Normally, I'm not a big clip show fan, but I really enjoyed this. Thanks for another year of awesome content, Linkara! :)

  4. I would've put the combined running gags bit as my favorite one of your jokes

  5. Hey Ho,

    well, I guess, I got something wrong there. I thought, that you would present... well... jokes.
    But you presented situations and comments, that ... well - to be honest - I didn`t find them very funny. I smiled about a few of them, laughed about one, but all in all... well it was interesting, that it was most definitely, but not really that funny.

    But on the other hand, the video is titled "the personal favorite Jokes" and not "the funniest jokes", so ... well - it was nicely put together and had a nice score, but... well - like I said, I found it rarely funny. But that is just me, I am sure, others found them quite good. ^^



  6. Ha, I suggested the number 1 joke!!

  7. Wow... Gotta say, Linkara, you surprised me here. I wasn't sure how this was going to work, seemed like an odd concept... but you pulled it off, and nicely. :) Made me want to go and re-watch all those episodes

    Oh, one thing. Err... any chance at a That's All I'm Saying, this week? Last of the year, and everything

  8. Boner! Classy comedy can bite my behind, boners bring the big laughs!

  9. Batman Holy Terror is an elseworld right?

    The one were America is a theocracy?

    and Frank Miller wrote it?

    ... don't tell me, there are prostitute nuns?

  10. Well, after viewing that, I can certainly understand that my song suggestion would have been really stupid, so I'm glad it was discarded (can't actually remember if I posted it on the Odds And Ends post and it didn't turn up or if I only thought I posted it and closed the browser. If the latter, ignore this and- hey, look out the window!)
    Seriously though, great list, and commentary is always nice (it's my favourite special feature for TV Shows and movies too, as is alternate endings. Slightly off-topic, my fave alternate ending is the one for 28 Days Later, the storyboarded one. And the Army Of Darkness one, of course)

    I wasn't even aware Holy Terror! was out, I assumed it was in development Hell, along with his next Sin City novel (don't hurt me for liking the Sin City stories!) At least there, Frank can create his own characters and do what he wants instead of making Selina Kyle a prostitute every damn time (seriously Frank, what exactly do you have against her? Especially with what he did to her in The Dark Knight Returns).

    Anyway, last thing: after seeing the Ultimate universe clips in the list, makes me kinda sad since we probably won't get to hear much of Iron Drunk in 2012. Oh well, I enjoyed him while he was here. Iron Drunk, we hardly knew ye. Mainly because you kept vomiting on our shoes and we didn't want to know you after that.

    Anyway, cheers again for the great year of reviews!

    (P.S I'm going to assume you've seen the latest Dr. Who Christmas special and also assume every man and his dog has been asking, so I won't)

  11. I recall the time I awkwardly came up to Spoony and told him how awkward it was to come up to him and how I hated the idea that all people care about is them spouting off their catchphrases and running gags. I don't know if that actually happens frequently that people are always bugging James, or Spoony, or Doug or the others to just say their lines and that's it. I always figured that if I got to talk to somebody for more than a second, I'd want to know more about them or at least know more about what they enjoy. Mind you I am hardly nerdy so I couldn't carry a conversation worth beans, especially on something like comic books.

    At least with AT4W I do feel like embracing some things a lot more, like Star Trek. I always hated Star Trek, but now I really see the appeal it has. If I get the chance I need to check out Wrath of Khan. Just want to express my appreciation for the role AT4W has in changing my own perceptions of what I have for some things.

  12. Anyone who can tell me what review that matrix reference in number 6 is from? Link maybe?

  13. "Batman Holy Terror is an elseworld right?

    The one were America is a theocracy?

    and Frank Miller wrote it?

    ... don't tell me, there are prostitute nuns?"

    Nah, just "Holy Terror," which was originally GOING to be a Batman story but DC eventually pulled the plug on it, presumably because it's a piece of crap that's also rather racist.

  14. "Anyone who can tell me what review that matrix reference in number 6 is from? Link maybe?"

  15. I'm looking forward to finding Polo next year.It's been a good three years of reviews Linkara. As for the list, although not all my suggestions didn't make it. Only Snowflame and I didn't had just one joke in mind it since I admit it's been sometime since I saw the episode . I did liked the joke you chose. Looks Up Marville. Ah,according to its a wiki page its suppose to be a Satire.We'll see how "funny" its suppose to be in January. Also, Miyazaki for the win.

  16. Good list. However I would love you to tackle a good miller book like year one batman., I think it shows that miller started off good. I would love u to read southland tales.

  17. @Anon/Linkara; There is a Batman; Holy Terror book, however, just to make things more confusing! :D

    It's got nothing to do with Miller, and, from reading the synopsis, actually looks kinda interesting... though one sequence has me groaning. Don't know enough for sure to say either way, but still...

  18. "I recall the time I awkwardly came up to Spoony and told him how awkward it was to come up to him and how I hated the idea that all people care about is them spouting off their catchphrases and running gags. I don't know if that actually happens frequently that people are always bugging James, or Spoony, or Doug or the others to just say their lines and that's it. I always figured that if I got to talk to somebody for more than a second, I'd want to know more about them or at least know more about what they enjoy. Mind you I am hardly nerdy so I couldn't carry a conversation worth beans, especially on something like comic books."

    I feel the same, about feeling too awkward to approach someone like him or Lewis or anyone else, and the running gag thing. Hell, look at what happened with Dave Chappelle, the repetition of his "I'm Rick James, bitch!" gag (which I never found funny to begin with, but then I think it's amusing how it sounds like he calls Charlie Murphy "Shaaarlie Murphy" like he becomes drunk when he has to say the name Charlie). Dave even had people coming up to him and saying it when he was with his family, and that partly lead to his disillusionment with his show.

  19. Well, a good deal of the ones I thought would be on here are on here, but some I forgot all about!
    I still say the Voice of the Lantern was a good one and should've been in there!

    BONER! boner, boner, boner, erection! = comedy gold!

    Oh, SnowFlame with all DC's resurrection of old and long forgotten characters and story arcs why haven't you returned!?

    Oh, boo-hooo!!! We all got problems!

    On the number one my mind went a whole different place than yours and I'm a terrible person for that! XD

    Marville? I've looked it up and it sounds weirder than expected! I thought a literal Marvel version of Smallville! A comic about a super hero in a teen drama tv show style setting... not an anthology of bad "what if" ideas!

  20. Nice. I do so love the lists...

    That said...

    Your lack of references to Snowflame's lack of pain... displeases me. You must now be destroyed.

    The ninja are en route. Do submit to them. It will make things far less messy on the whole.

    Good day, Mr. Linkara.

  21. Some of the best things are recycled. Jokes and plot-twists among them.

    Who knew a God of Cocaine could be so respectful of the dead? Snow Flame should have lived longer.

  22. Nice to see you revisit your favorite jokes from AT4W.

    Can't wait for next year. I'm going to pray for you as you prepare for Marville . . . and Frank Miller's Holy Terror . . . and various bad stories and runs from before Flashpoint/New 52 such as Titans Villains for Hire, Superman Grounded, and Wonder Woman Odyssey.

    PS: Have you considered doing more tribute episodes to characters or wirters/authors?

  23. "Oh my God! He ate too much pudding!" And the laughs keep on rolling.

    Happy New Year Lewis and I'm already looking forward to the start of the New Year. I can tell you that the Robocop Vs. Terminator #1 review is the one I look forward to the most for the month of January.

  24. Classy episode there and good choices. BTW: I loved the "strange poses" bit Snowflame does too, thanks for reminding me of that bit since I always crack up whenever you did that. And when I saw #1 was from Ultimates 3, I almost thought it was going to be "DEAR GOD, WHAT HAPPENED TO HER SPINE!!!", so happy you made it the pudding bit. And yeah...doors.

  25. Hey look at that, my suggestion got on the list, thats pretty cool.
    Awesome video dude, and I'm glad that you put in an appearance from 90's Kid to appease people. Can't wait to see more in 2012!

  26. I think when we all did that Multi-Reviewaverse collaboration (done in AT4W style, new version in a different reviewer's style currently setting up) someone reviewed Marville. This is indeed going to suck.

    And does anyone else think Linkara looked like he was hit by Joker gas when he mentions Holy Terror is coming?

  27. Spokavriel (Daniel Thomas Stack)December 26, 2011 at 8:09 PM

    Would you believe that my internet has been crapping out so much it took 5 hours to actually get to see this whole video tonight. I noticed it shortly after you posted it.

    I knew as soon as you had that Matrix parody Warrior scene that my suggestion wouldn't be in there. The entire Warrior series of reviews just had so much going on. I'm kinda surprised though that you anticipated blow back over the jokes. ITs YOUR favorite jokes not Fan Favorite jokes. There is no way for you to mess up a list like that.

    I think we need some Fan Art for Bippo. You know something that gives an outline... They manage it for the imaginary pink unicorn why not the Monkey?

  28. Excellent review. I know sometimes people complain about clip shows being the result of laziness, but it is obvious that you put a lot of hard work into this. I appreciate it. I hope you had a merry christmas and i hope you have a great new year.

  29. Spokavriel (Daniel Thomas Stack)December 26, 2011 at 8:19 PM

    / quote
    Your lack of references to Snowflame's lack of pain... displeases me. You must now be destroyed.

    The ninja are en route. Do submit to them. It will make things far less messy on the whole.

    Good day, Mr. Linkara.
    \ quote
    Running gag jetstream. It didn't seem to fit into the montage. And really I would have been surprised if it had been worked in there. Then again its kinda like McCarthur or Bees or even the F'in Batman. Just not sure how it could have been worked in.

  30. I do gotta wonder how seeing your old burnt out body on a shelf would be like even to a robot!? I'm guessing rage and fear!
    How many takes did it take to get that Running Gag mash-up right!?

    15.) I love the darker humor! More of that kind of stuff! That's an alternate reality idea for Spidey! Him as a serial killer because he received his spider bite too late and the high school trauma got to him! Play him off as Steve Buscemi from Billy Madison!

    14.) Well all the clowns would survive! Fit about 20 just in his chest compartment! (ok that was a lame joke)

    13.) Boner! Hahaha penis jokes funny!

    12.) I do like the idea of in-between stories in comics. Like an issue 250.5, but an Issue 1/2 is a bit weird!

    11. Or, a Boom-Stick! I think laser bat I think of a Godzilla like monster!

    10.) Doom just forgot to lock his Castle's front door! I do got more complaints with this comic than just the bad errors within the issues them selves it's the stuff it got wrong from the other comics in the Ultimate universe like Dr. Doom has a healing factor on par with Wolverines and he doesn't have Blood! His whole body in that world is made of living metal! And it was stated he was more than physically powerful enough to fight the Thing!

    9.) I'd said toilet paper but to each his own! :D Also, brown is a mixture of a bunch of much prettier colors! :D

    8.) A savvier brain fart! And a start up error left you with numbness in your feet later!

    7.) Just send her that video and ask her the question! I'd love to hear you tell that story of her reaction to your review of the "funny books"!

    6.) Was that a burn on the Snob or MarzGurl!?

    5.) I like the more risque humor to go along with the darker stuff! To be fair the character did give off that vibe... that or more a pedo one he was a terrible person either way!

  31. 4.) Are you Channeling Adam Sandler!? I'd like more of Beppo! I got to admit when I 1st heard of miller writing a Batman story set in the Afghanistan War I was interested, but I flipped threw the resulting book the other day at the local book store and wasn't impressed! I haven't read a single page yet but would still like to just to see where all the complaints are coming from! I can't find a single plot outline anywhere to give me an idea of what exactly happens in it!
    Also, yeah Batman: Holy Terror is a different Elseworlds title I haven't red it but have read summaries of it and it sounds like an ok story! But very depressing and bleak story! Has nothing to do with terrorist more to do with Despotism and religion(Catholics)!

    3.) Damn you were skinnier! SNOWFLAME!!! As I said in my last post I think they should bring this guy back to life! They're revived every low rent character they've ever invented or plot from the silver and golden age and brought it back in some form or fashion why not this guy!? Examples: The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh, Ten-Eyed Man, ect.

    2.) Here's where one of my old favorite jokes would come in! (holds hand up rubbing thumb against index finger) "What's this? The World's Smallest Violin and its playing the World's Saddest Song, 'My Heart Beats Purple Piss for You'! Oh, oh, here's my favorite part!" (hold hand to ear. and grips chest with other hand) "Awww, it always gets me right here!"
    Another choice for this same joke's slot could've been that whole "Oh, we're fixing to discuss Wolverine's past?" and you grab the violin and start playing! That was a blast, but it was in I think the Ultimatum review which was already on the list here twice! :D

    1.) I'm a more terrible person than you as I thought Bukkake 1st as a joke! I don't know what it is about comic books and art that make it hard to depict some one that's just vomited or is foaming at the lips!?

    On Marville "The series revisited several existing points of Marvel continuity in a completely irreverent and contradictory manner. For example, the issue titled "Originville" (referencing Origin) visited a prehistoric setting in which Wolverine was a mutant Neanderthal. Despite this, the series' main character, The Marvel (Kal-AOL Turner, the son of Ted Turner, who came from the future) made a cameo appearance in the Marvel Universe series GLA and received a profile in The All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z." Is this the issue you're reviewing I'm just curious of what to look forward to? Caveman Wolverine or Ted Turner Jr!?

    "Batman's Greatest Boner" = Best WTF moment in comics ever!

    PS: which of ya'll came up with this 1st the Snob or you!?

  32. OK, one last thing and I'll leave you alone!
    Also, I noticed that copy of the Super Dictionary on your book self! Those are worth like $75+ on eBay! I've heard of that book and I'm curious if you'll be reviewing it SOME HOW in the future!? I know it's not a comic and not a book in that it doesn't have a story, but it's just so damn weird and random you gotta some how show it off and make fun of the "What the hell were they thinking" when they wrote this book! Just asking! XD

  33. The joke about the brown bunny made me laugh. Nice job making a potentially boring episode funny and interesting.

  34. I'm only 2 min in and my head just exploded on how you epicly and hilariously manage to roll all of your running gags into one...that.was.brilliant!

    I will now collect the remaining fragments of my brain and finish this video.

  35. I don't have much to say but Happy New Year Linkara. Also marvelle next week. Ugh.

  36. Holy Terror?

    You're going to review HOLY TERROR?

    Oh boy oh boy oh boy I can't fucking wait.

    If you've read this festering pile of hore shit, then you know why. If you haven't? Well... Gente viewers, you are in for a treat, as this is Miller at his MOST insane.

    Yes, I know what I'm saying. Trust me on this. Holy Terror blows even Dark Knight Strikes Again out of the water. It makes All-Star Batman look sane.

    Truth be told, I was going to email you about it, Lewis, but I wasn't sure you'd review it. Let it be said, I'm glad you are. Glad, and proud to be a fan of yours.

    I can wait. But only barely.

  37. Linkara's smile when he said that more Frank Miller was coming terrified me to my very soul.

  38. I'm seriously giggling like a little girl at these jokes again. I totally forgot about the last one! My personal favorite would have to be from your DK2 reviews. It was a part about the Superchix and you started singing "whores whores whores, protitutes." I just died laughing. Heck, I even sang that song just last week.

  39. That montage of running gags is now my favorite joke. There aren't many that flow together like that.
    So that's the story behind the porcelain objects. Now all we need is Bear's backstory. Or would that count as a 'It's the bear, it's what he does' thing?
    Laser bat: It's a bat made of laser! Wait. No, it's just a regular bat.
    Paraphrasing what you said in the HOPR Time Force recap; It's a clip show, but it's a clip show done well.

  40. this was a lot better than I thought a clip show would be. So good job.

    Also, I love the silver age.

    Happy New Year, Linkara!

  41. "Your hatred of Frank Miler still seems weird to me but I guess every one has a writer they can not stand, for me it is Grant Morrison

    Will you ever do a review of one of his comics; he almost made me give up X-men with his ridiculous Plant X story line. Luckily Chuck Auston was able to salvage the series (yet you still used one of his comics). Also I gave up on batman after he had the raped the dark knight to create his homicidal Mary Sue Damian"

    1. He also wrote All-Star Superman, Animal Man, 52, Batman and Robin, Arkham Asylum and JLA.

    2. Ive heard A LOT of complains about Damians character, but I never heard anyone refer to him as Mary Sue. What is your definition of Mary Sue? Do you know what is a Mary Sue, or do you just use it for things you dont like, like people use emo, or fanboy?

    3. If you gave up Batman because of Damian, thjen you have missed one of the most intelligent and multileveled comic book runs ever put out.

  42. I love Frank Miller

    Everything he does is just so explicitly MANLY

    His MANLINESS causes testosterone poisoning of the finest kind

    He's a throwback to the good old days when MEN were MANLY, and knew how to treat a woman

    The pathetic manboys of today hate Frank, because they feel intimidated by his pure and awesome MANLINESS! (that makes him just AWESOME)

    It is a sad day that kids can no longer appreciate his EPIC MANLINESS!

    maybe except for this guy
    and this lass

  43. @Anonymous
    December 26, 2011 4:09 PM

    Please, Grant Morrison's run was one of the few instances the X-Men were readable in the first place, and he managed to finally pull Batman out of the gutter

  44. @that Anonymous who apparently loves Frank Miller works :

    quoting : "I love Frank Miller, Everything he does is just so explicitly MANLY."

    Manliness ? Really ?? Everybody is entitle to stand for their own opinions but Jesus Christ. - an people call me crazy for being a shameless Millerist.

    No offense but i like Miller because he is an artist doing and going where the righteous and the politically correctness don't allow us to go anymore, your passionate defense of "HIS MANLINESS" make you sound like a embarrassed 90's Kid (by the way the Miller Joke and 90's Kid cameo was the only part that made me chuckles a little bit, the pair weeks are probably your weakest days of the month Lewis and i second Mein Herr CaptainCalvinCat on his opinion about this week show...Meh for you Sir) and Real MANLINESS is stand by yourself and defend your believes without the need to hide your identity despite the fact me, CaptainCalvin and even Linkara does that while wearing costumes or in the rarest occasions in drag if the season allowed.

    About Holy Terror i really can't wait so see what "the infidel" a.k.a. Linkara a.k.a. Lewis Lovhaug has to say about one of the greatest masterpieces of propaganda against Al-Qaeda (not against real muslims - there is a huge difference between annoying religious people and terrorists, don't forget that) ever made since Joe Quesada made Peter Parker and Mary Jane made a deal with the devil - which by the way is an allegory about the american voters and the Bush administrations in my honest opinion.

    And That's All I Saying So Far unless anything else drags my attention back to this place again.

    End Manly Credits - Pitbull - Bon, Bon (warning: nsfw music video if your parents are really concerned ones)

  45. Peaceful young races with fires on their houses,
    Millions of voices all silenced like mouses
    Watching the cowards bow toward their new king,
    These are a few of my favorite things...

  46. Oh, by the way, one Joke, that you could've pulled, but didn`t...

    In the Video, which was the last before the pokémon-thingie, where you dealt with Spiderman, Venom and another race of symbiotes...

    When they went through a portal, that was shaped and even called a "stargate", I have to admit, I was a bit surprised, that you didn`t use at least a clip or the music of SG-1. Because all the things to comment on, where there.

    Just something, what came to my mind.



  47. "I wasn't even aware Holy Terror! was out, I assumed it was in development Hell, along with his next Sin City novel (don't hurt me for liking the Sin City stories!) At least there, Frank can create his own characters and do what he wants instead of making Selina Kyle a prostitute every damn time (seriously Frank, what exactly do you have against her? Especially with what he did to her in The Dark Knight Returns).

    Funnily enough, Frank Miller later said that what he did to Selina Kyle in DKR was one of the only mistakes he made in writing that book.

  48. By the way, was that the Dragonzord toy on the shelf when you were placing Pollo's original body on the shelf? It was on the far right, I think.

  49. I miss Bear. Whatever happened to the Bear? I thought that was a funny joke that didn't get used enough.

  50. It was fun to see these jokes again, but what I really liked is that you made the episode as much a behind-the-scenes commentary as a clip show. I'm always intrigued by creators' writing processes, so it was cool to see how you came up with particular jokes, or why you like certain types of jokes.

    And the montage of running gags was hilarious.

    Looking forward to the 2012 reviews - Happy New Year, Linkara!

  51. @Jarkes

    Actually, Frank has no problems with Selina

    He just loves prostitutes

  52. @Sake

    I thing he was being sarcastic.


    See, it's true. Everything is better with Laser Screwdriver! :D Since we already know that the Seventh Doctor is your fav Doctor (mine's the Eighth, thanks to the audio dramas), who is your favorite Master?

    Still, good list. I'm glad you explain why you enjoy the joke instead of just cut n' paste it together.

  53. "See, it's true. Everything is better with Laser Screwdriver! :D Since we already know that the Seventh Doctor is your fav Doctor (mine's the Eighth, thanks to the audio dramas), who is your favorite Master?"

    Anthony Ainley. Sure, he could ham it up, but he sold it. Delightfully evil, a great laugh, and could be truly menacing when he needed to be.

  54. "Anthony Ainley. Sure, he could ham it up, but he sold it. Delightfully evil, a great laugh, and could be truly menacing when he needed to be."

    Yeah, Ainley was great. Infact, all of the Masters were great. (Even Roberts, if only for the So Bad Its good "Drezzzz for the occasion" line). The one however I wish was the Master longer was Derek Jacobi. He was only the Master for about 10 minutes, but they were a very powerful 10 minutes.

  55. @Ken Godberson

    Yeah, probably but most of the annoyingmous faceless commentators are just a bunch of ridiculous kids in my opinion.

    Nice blog you have made, i will followed and used as an example for what my messy blog must become in the future.

    May i dream about we team up in the future ?

  56. "Anthony Ainley. Sure, he could ham it up, but he sold it. Delightfully evil, a great laugh, and could be truly menacing when he needed to be."

    What about Jonathan (not sure if that's how you spell it) Simms?

  57. Loved this one! The Ultimatum and Rise of Arsenal jokes are probably among my personal favorites, though I definitely see why you put the Ultimates 3 one in the top position. Your delivery of that line was perfect.

    I can't help but notice that a majority of your running gags are Batman related, and that amuses me.

    "LASER BAT?!"

  58. "Funnily enough, Frank Miller later said that what he did to Selina Kyle in DKR was one of the only mistakes he made in writing that book."

    Maybe one day we can get an apology for all but the three things that suck about ASSBAR (those three being the art, Frank's writing on Plastic Man not sucking and issue 9, if I remember correctly, where and he Robin paint a whole room yellow just to fight Hal Jordan. It's hilarious, though on what level I have yet to figure out).

  59. I never watched the old Whos but there is just something that bugs me about the old Master: the beard and the clothes. I mean, he might as well have a sign that says "I am evil" on it. Plus, what was his motivation? Ok, he's evil, great, but beyond it? I guess I was glad that RTD gave SOME kind of reason for the Master's insanity. If not, there is no way I could sympathize or begin to accept that him and the Doctor were once friends. I know that there are people out there who don't like the direction the Master was taken. But the thing is soemtimes a villain being evil for the sake of it can be fine (I.E. The Joker). When it doesnt work, it REALLY doesn't work. Anyway, sorry for the rambling, just wanted to put my opinion out there.

    And just so I don't go completely off-topic, I liked the video and I don't think it is self-indulgent like some others accuse it of being. I understand you are busy and you need to be granted some creative leeway now and again. :)

  60. The first Master for me. Just look at him. He looks like most times a movie wants to depict the devil as a human.

    Also Linkara, I really liked the running gag montage at the beginning. Well done.

  61. @ 13th Doctor:
    "Ok, he's evil, great, but beyond
    it?" Does one always have to have a motivation for being evil? After all, I think, that there are people, who are just... evil. They have no motivation, they have just a twisted world-view and think, that they are the big cheeses around. It is not, because they had a messed up childhood, it is not, because they do not get the apropriate money for whatever job they are doing... they just are evil.

    Or are there always motives?
    Well, if the Master of the old who and the master of the new who are the exact same person, we know, what happened. The untempered schism has made him mad. Twisted sense of reality and of course the revenge, he wants to have.

  62. Hey, I just realized that we have not seen That's All I'm Saying in a couple of weeks now. Is it because of personal stuff, the holidays, or you just needed to focus on your AT4W stuff?

  63. What episode of Doctor Who is that Laser Screw-Driver from again?

  64. "Hey, I just realized that we have not seen That's All I'm Saying in a couple of weeks now. Is it because of personal stuff, the holidays, or you just needed to focus on your AT4W stuff?"

    All of the above, really. I DO want to continue doing it, it's just I haven't had any time with everything else going on around here.

  65. "Or are there always motives?
    Well, if the Master of the old who and the master of the new who are the exact same person, we know, what happened. The untempered schism has made him mad. Twisted sense of reality and of course the revenge, he wants to have."

    The schism origin was an invention of Russel T. Davies so some interpret it as a retcon. A good retcon, IMO, since it explains how a perfect society like Gallifrey can spawn a murderous psychopath unchecked but a retcon nonetheless. As I stated before, people don't always like it when you try to explain insanity. A prime example of this would be Rob Zombie's abysmal Halloween remake.

    "What episode of Doctor Who is that Laser Screw-Driver from again?"

    "The Sound of Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords" from the end of Series 3.

  66. "The schism origin was an invention of Russel T. Davies so some interpret it as a retcon. A good retcon, IMO, since it explains how a perfect society like Gallifrey can spawn a murderous psychopath unchecked but a retcon nonetheless."

    Erm, the Timelords weren't anywhere near a perfect society, and we saw them quite a few times in the classic series. They were arrogant, dickish people with many corrupt individuals in the highest levels of government. They actually had a separatist faction who lived outside the city and operated more like a barbarian horde. They RARELY intervened in the affairs of other lifeforms publically (and they had a division called the Celestial Intervention Agency that did the Timelords' dirty work) and only became involved with the Daleks when they foresaw a time when the Daleks could conquer the entire universe.

    And bear in mind, the Master is not the only renegade Time Lord. The Doctor has encountered him, the Rani, the Meddling Monk, the War Lord, and probably more than just the ones the Doctor encountered.

    That society could easily spawn the Master.

  67. @ Linkara:
    "Celestial Intervention Agency "

    Uhh, nice pun on CIA. But - erm... is that the same Agency that had hired Jack Harkness or is that another one?

    And I am sure, the Timelords saw themselves as a perfect society. By the way, I like your tries to immitate the seventh doctor when saying e.g. "Risque" ^^

    The Timelords [...] "only became involved with the Daleks when they foresaw a time when the Daleks could conquer the entire universe."

    That was the thing with the fourth Doctor and the question, if he could annihalate the Daleks, right? I saw it on the list of good episodes at Radio Dead Air and at sfdebris.

    "And bear in mind, the Master is not the only renegade Time Lord. The Doctor has encountered him, the Rani, the Meddling Monk, the War Lord, and probably more than just the ones the Doctor encountered."

    Sorry, I am a rather new guy at the concept. My first Doctor was Christopher Ecclestone, my first companion was Billie Piper and although we apparently had the seventh doctor episodes in germany, somehow I confused that Doctor with another Doctor I absolutely don`t like - namely David Banner. (Yes, I know, he is called Bruce.) I do not like the Hulk, but... never the less, I will watch "the avengers" ^^

    So - my question is: Could the behaviour of the Time Lords be compared to the now all-holy Prime Directive in Starfleet? Well meant, but extremely poor handled?

    Oh, and talking about Star Trek:
    I am curious: Ever heard of the Spaceship "Orion"? ^^



  68. "Erm, the Timelords weren't anywhere near a perfect society, and we saw them quite a few times in the classic series. They were arrogant, dickish people with many corrupt individuals in the highest levels of government. They actually had a separatist faction who lived outside the city and operated more like a barbarian horde. They RARELY intervened in the affairs of other lifeforms publically (and they had a division called the Celestial Intervention Agency that did the Timelords' dirty work) and only became involved with the Daleks when they foresaw a time when the Daleks could conquer the entire universe.

    And bear in mind, the Master is not the only renegade Time Lord. The Doctor has encountered him, the Rani, the Meddling Monk, the War Lord, and probably more than just the ones the Doctor encountered.

    That society could easily spawn the Master."

    Yeah, I kinda knew the Time Lords were made of pure douche, to quote Nash. I used the term "perfect" VERY loosely. Also, I didn't take into account the OTHER renegade Time Lords. It was rather flimsy logic on my part in my attempt to defend the retcon. When you put it THAT way, I guess an argument can be made that it is unnecessary. But since I don't watch the old series, I will stick with what I know.

  69. Not to mention that the Doctor himself is a renegade. A different, not murderous kind, but still a renegade who dislikes the Gallifreyan society a lot. Hence why he absconded with the TARDIS.

  70. I guess we'll get HOPR as a New Years Eve gift, Thank you Linkara

  71. While on the subject of Doctor Who, what is your opinion about that the Doctor and the Master being the only two Time Lords left. I ask this mostly because you constantly say on your show about your dislike of killing off characters. Especially since there are such lovable characters from Doctor Who you were Time Lords (Romana and the Doctor's granddaughter).

    Also, could you consider a Top ten of your favorite Doctor Who moments. Most of mine come from the Key to Time Saga( "pot luck" and playing matador with a rock).

  72. ""Celestial Intervention Agency "

    Uhh, nice pun on CIA. But - erm... is that the same Agency that had hired Jack Harkness or is that another one?"

    It's a different one. The Agency for the Timelords was basically their black ops group that tended to command far more power than they should ever have been able to have, often employing techniques and technology forbidden by law. They're probably more akin to Section 31 in Star Trek terms, but well known to the public.

    "And I am sure, the Timelords saw themselves as a perfect society. By the way, I like your tries to immitate the seventh doctor when saying e.g. "Risque" ^^"

    Rolling "R"s is fun. =3

    "That was the thing with the fourth Doctor and the question, if he could annihalate the Daleks, right? I saw it on the list of good episodes at Radio Dead Air and at sfdebris."

    Yep yep. The episode is called "Genesis of the Daleks" and it's a really good one. It can be considered the start of the Time War, though open war didn't really break out until right before the ninth Doctor.

    "Sorry, I am a rather new guy at the concept. My first Doctor was Christopher Ecclestone, my first companion was Billie Piper and although we apparently had the seventh doctor episodes in germany, somehow I confused that Doctor with another Doctor I absolutely don`t like - namely David Banner. (Yes, I know, he is called Bruce.) I do not like the Hulk, but... never the less, I will watch "the avengers" ^^

    So - my question is: Could the behaviour of the Time Lords be compared to the now all-holy Prime Directive in Starfleet? Well meant, but extremely poor handled?"

    Indeed it could, though unlike Star Trek, Doctor Who has always seen the Timelords' non-intervention policy as morally reprehensible and against the Doctor's own ethics. Star Trek has always seen the Prime Directive as an enlightened philosophy, even when it runs counter to human decency.

    "Oh, and talking about Star Trek:
    I am curious: Ever heard of the Spaceship "Orion"? ^^"

    Rings a bell, but don't know what it is.

  73. "I guess we'll get HOPR as a New Years Eve gift, Thank you Linkara"

    Don't thank me so quickly. I WANTED to get a HOPR out by New Years, but unfortunately with everything else I need to do in prep for Magfest, that's unlikely to occur. =(

  74. "Yep yep. The episode is called "Genesis of the Daleks" and it's a really good one. It can be considered the start of the Time War, though open war didn't really break out until right before the ninth Doctor."

    So, that means, that I didn`t miss existential parts of the war, when I just started to watch the doctors adventures with the episode "Rose"? Thats good. ^^

    "Indeed it could, though unlike Star Trek, Doctor Who has always seen the Timelords' non-intervention policy as morally reprehensible and against the Doctor's own ethics. Star Trek has always seen the Prime Directive as an enlightened philosophy, even when it runs counter to human decency."

    Let me get this straight. While Prime Directive says "Don`t intervene, until it is absolutely necessary, because you don`t know the outcome", the Timelords say "Don`t intervene at all, even if billions and billions of lives are at stake"? *laughs* Well, perhaps Janeway is a timelord. After all, she forbade Tom Paris to let those aliens (in episode 3 of the first season, those who were killed by some kind of explosion) know, they were about to be killed.

    Oh, and the space-ship Orion...
    well - at first, it is a cruiser in Stargate... then they are planning of launching a "Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle" in space... apparently, that is a fancy new name for "Space Shuttle".
    And there is a german sci-fi-show, called "Space Patrol - or: The fantastic adventures of the spaceship orion". Made in 66, black and white and with special-effects that are absolutely cringeworthy and trashy. But kinda fun.

    So, if you ever might stumble at youtoube or wherever about that show, give it a shot. ^^

    Anyway, back to the doctor: What do you think of Matt Smith? Is he holding up to the others? I mean, you saw a couple of them, right?
    And what about this years christmas-special. I was cheering at the end, because I absolutely love the role of Amelia Pond. I like the actress (a cute redhead), I like her husband and I like the fact, that the doc has a family, now. Hopefully they don`t screw that up, although I read, that Karen Gillan and Arthur whatshisname want to leave midseason 2012.

    And I am kinda curious, because that blue guy definitely had some interesting information: The fall of the eleventh.... hmmmm....



  75. "Wow, that bit where you put all your running gags into one joke was hilarious!"

    Nostalgia Critic did it years earlier in his review of "Suburban Commando".

  76. "well, I guess, I got something wrong there. I thought, that you would present... well... jokes.
    But you presented situations and comments, that ... well - to be honest - I didn`t find them very funny. I smiled about a few of them, laughed about one, but all in all... well it was interesting, that it was most definitely, but not really that funny.

    But on the other hand, the video is titled "the personal favorite Jokes" and not "the funniest jokes", so ... well - it was nicely put together and had a nice score, but... well - like I said, I found it rarely funny. But that is just me, I am sure, others found them quite good. ^^"

    That's nothing, you should see Brad's list. He put punching Lupa in the face, one of the most controversial things he did, as his best "joke" of 2011. And Brad's fanboys still don't get why that's wrong.

  77. "What is your definition of Mary Sue?"




    The biggest, most obvious example of a male Mary Sue I can think of.

  78. "That's nothing, you should see Brad's list. He put punching Lupa in the face, one of the most controversial things he did, as his best "joke" of 2011. And Brad's fanboys still don't get why that's wrong."

    To be fair, that's not "Top Cinema Snob JOKES," it's the Top Cinema Snob MOMENTS.

  79. "The biggest, most obvious example of a male Mary Sue I can think of. "

    Jack Sparrow? What about Wesley Crusher. If he is not a Mary Sue...

    well - I wouldn`t call Damian a Mary Sue. I liked him in the Scenes with Stephanie Brown.
    "Stop staring at my breasts."
    "What breasts?"
    "I hate you".

    I love Stephanie, the birds of Prey and the gotham city sirens. ^^ I like ass-kicking women. ^^



  80. "That's nothing, you should see Brad's list. He put punching Lupa in the face, one of the most controversial things he did, as his best "joke" of 2011. And Brad's fanboys still don't get why that's wrong. "

    To quote the Doctor: "What? WHAT? WHAT?!" Punching someone in the face is the best joke - or moment? Erm... not really. I don`t like women being punched, knocked out or something and in especially not, if it is played for laughs. *shudders*

    Oh, by the way, I saw, that we have ASBAR Number 1 at our comic-book store. My, aren`t we fast in publishing it? *rolls eyes*

  81. "To quote the Doctor: "What? WHAT? WHAT?!" Punching someone in the face is the best joke - or moment? Erm... not really. I don`t like women being punched, knocked out or something and in especially not, if it is played for laughs. *shudders*"

    To quote the mice from "Ratatatoing": "PRECISELY!"

    The people who are laughing at this moment/joke are the same people who yelled at agustinaldo for laughing at the same exact moment/joke back when it first aired.

    So yeah, Brad's fans are a bunch of hypocrites.

  82. "I love Stephanie, the birds of Prey and the gotham city sirens. ^^ I like ass-kicking women. ^^"

    DC has more of that from where it came from.

    Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, Wonder Girl, Supergirl, Raven, Starfire, Elasti-Girl (or Elasti-Woman, whatever), Liberty Bell, Zatanna...

  83. ...then again, as I just found out, Brad replies to those who disagree with his opinions with childish insults and schoolyard bully tactics, while Linkara replies to those who disagree with his opinions in a civilized, polite and educated manner.

    I don't think I recall Linkara ever saying "your opinion makes no sense and has no merit" when people disagreed with his criticism of The Maxx.

  84. "CaptainCalvinCat said...
    "That's nothing, you should see Brad's list. He put punching Lupa in the face, one of the most controversial things he did, as his best "joke" of 2011. And Brad's fanboys still don't get why that's wrong. "
    To quote the Doctor: "What? WHAT? WHAT?!" Punching someone in the face is the best joke - or moment? Erm... not really. I don`t like women being punched, knocked out or something and in especially not, if it is played for laughs. *shudders*
    Oh, by the way, I saw, that we have ASBAR Number 1 at our comic-book store. My, aren`t we fast in publishing it? *rolls eyes*
    December 30, 2011 8:54 PM
    The Exiled One said...
    "To quote the Doctor: "What? WHAT? WHAT?!" Punching someone in the face is the best joke - or moment? Erm... not really. I don`t like women being punched, knocked out or something and in especially not, if it is played for laughs. *shudders*"
    To quote the mice from "Ratatatoing": "PRECISELY!"
    The people who are laughing at this moment/joke are the same people who yelled at agustinaldo for laughing at the same exact moment/joke back when it first aired.
    So yeah, Brad's fans are a bunch of hypocrites.
    December 31, 2011 1:34 AM"

    Ok, I'm going to explain my beliefs here so bare with me. For what seems like most a back and forth "Feminist" heavy conversation is coming off to me as the reverse. The ideal is that all people are equal. No group is better than another be it man and woman, gay or strait, black or white, Jewish or Muslim or Christian, blah, blah. But, you are all contradicting this very simple and basic ideal by putting Lupa or any woman on a pedestal as something so fragile and weak that showing them being struck by a man, in this case a complete and utter accident, is like an all out sin comparable to if he was striking a defenseless child. Once you can see just two people fighting and not see a man and a woman fighting you've truly reached one the ultimate goals of "Feminism" as I understand it.
    Brad Jones's video was funny because if you think like me, as a person who sees people as people and not as the basis of their outward description, you'd just see one person mistakenly hitting another person filming a skit for a video. It'd been just as funny to me if it were two guys, two girls, or if the genders were swapped.
    Basically get over it you're back tracking a cause.

    I'm posting this as "Anonymous" because because I know how people are all around these place and people will troll the living hell out of me if I posted this response as my true self. Also, I've basically voiced my point in full here and will not be replying to whatever people got to say back to me.

    Sorry Mr. Lovhaug if for posting this if this in anyway offends you or your own personal beliefs. And please tell me so if you do and feel free to not post this, but do explain why. That's all I ask.

  85. “To quote the mice from "Ratatatoing": "PRECISELY!"”
    What is “Ratatatatoing”? The movie about the cooking mouse? We call it “Rattatouille”. ^^

    “The people who are laughing at this moment/joke are the same people who yelled at agustinaldo for laughing at the same exact moment/joke back when it first aired.”

    I don`t understand it. How can one laugh about such things?

    “Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, Wonder Girl, Supergirl, Raven, Starfire, Elasti-Girl (or Elasti-Woman, whatever), Liberty Bell, Zatanna...”
    Are Donna Troy and Wonder Girl not the same person?
    Well, yesterday I saw at one of the station-kiosk I am looking for new comics to pick up, the comic “Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom” where apparently Darksides wife or wife-to-be appeared.

    However: I bought “Ultimate Spider-Man 47 – 53” (Containing two stories – at first “Unfair” and then “Claws”) which are both quite good. Black Cats first appearance.
    Black Cat , Mary Jane, two strong characters, which I like, too.

    “..then again, as I just found out, Brad replies to those who disagree with his opinions with childish insults and schoolyard bully tactics, while Linkara replies to those who disagree with his opinions in a civilized, polite and educated manner.”

    Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Brad is not able to take critizism and takes it personal? Hm, I guess, then he shouldn`t be doing video-reviews, because isn`t there an english saying “Cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen”?

    And who is Agustinaldo? Is that the guy, whose position and function I didn`t get – he twitters about some behind the scenes stuff and people – the ordinary kinda people, not those, who actually looked at the stuff – take his kind of oppinion seriously? He tweeted, that it was good, that the Wonder Woman movie (the live-action one) wasn`t made into a series etc. I think, he also wrote, that the ending of BSG was crap.
    Or is that another one…



    Oh, and in case, we don`t see each other this year, happy new year to you - the exiled one -, happy new year to you, Linkara and to you, Lewis, happy new year to all the personell of "TGWTG" and have a good year 2012.

  86. "“To quote the mice from "Ratatatoing": "PRECISELY!"”
    What is “Ratatatatoing”? The movie about the cooking mouse? We call it “Rattatouille”. ^^"

    No, no, trust me - he meant Ratatoing.

    Look it up. It exists. Film Brain reviewed it. DX

  87. "No, no, trust me - he meant Ratatoing.

    Look it up. It exists. Film Brain reviewed it. DX "

    Hm, I guess, I will be doing that.
    When I hear it correctly, he has either a british or a scottish accent. And he is funny as hell.

    I liked the review of the spirit. Might it be, that there was just the episode with the weeping angles and cute Amy Pond, where Linkara ripped of the speach of "There is something you don`t put in the trap... and that is me."?



  88. Linkara, how did u get ur name in the 1st place? At first I thought it had something to do with Link from Legend of Zelda, but then realized it must've been some inside comic geek joke like the title of your blog. Honestly I at first at no idea what the 4th wall was before watching you.

    PS I got a 3DS and despite everyone's low opinion of it, it's actually quite good. cheers!

  89. shit I feel unintelligent posting sentences while everyone else seems to be giving you two-page essays. I feel bad you have to read through all this crap :(

    at least they're not sending you porn or link's to the My Little Pony Fanfiction 'cupcakes', which although in text format is WORSE than two girls one cup.

  90. A computer designed for editing? How would that differ from any usually mid-high end PC?


  91. "A computer designed for editing? How would that differ from any usually mid-high end PC?"

    Probably not too much, but there isn't going to be a lot that's put on it. It doesn't have any CD/DVD drive of any kind, it has 24 gigs of ram, several 2-terabyte drives (only one right now, but that's because drives are expensive at the moment), Quad Core 3.4 GHZ Intel Core I7-2600K with 8MB cache (unlocked), it's running 64-bit Windows 7, and the primary software that's going to be on it is strictly for editing. It's not for web-surfing, it's not for Skype, it's not for doing anything but working, and has Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 installed on it right now.

  92. "For what seems like most a back and forth "Feminist" heavy conversation is coming off to me as the reverse. The ideal is that all people are equal. No group is better than another be it man and woman, gay or strait, black or white, Jewish or Muslim or Christian, blah, blah. But, you are all contradicting this very simple and basic ideal by putting Lupa or any woman on a pedestal as something so fragile and weak that showing them being struck by a man, in this case a complete and utter accident, is like an all out sin comparable to if he was striking a defenseless child. Once you can see just two people fighting and not see a man and a woman fighting you've truly reached one the ultimate goals of "Feminism" as I understand it.
    Brad Jones's video was funny because if you think like me, as a person who sees people as people and not as the basis of their outward description, you'd just see one person mistakenly hitting another person filming a skit for a video. It'd been just as funny to me if it were two guys, two girls, or if the genders were swapped.
    Basically get over it you're back tracking a cause."

    And where was this attitude back when everyone pretty much demonized agustinaldo for laughing at it?

    I don't recall anyone saying "we shouldn't put women in a pedestal, he's entitled to find it funny".

    By the way, Linkara was there when that particular flame war started, so he should chime in with his opinion on this.

    And yes, I meant "Ratatoing". Am I the only one who remembers when Film Brain reviewed it for "Bad Movie Beatdown"?

  93. "Are Donna Troy and Wonder Girl not the same person?"

    Not anymore. Donna Troy is Donna Troy, and Wonderl Girl is Cassandra Sandsmark.

    You can tell because Donna Troy is a C-cup brunette and Wonder Girl is a B-cup blonde.

  94. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Brad is not able to take critizism and takes it personal? Hm, I guess, then he shouldn`t be doing video-reviews, because isn`t there an english saying “Cannot stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen”?"

    Not when replying to comments out-of-character.

    The ones who "takes it personal" is the Cinema Snob character, NOT Brad Jones.

  95. Also, Spider-Man as a nerdy murderous psychopath is nothing new:


    In recent years (Ultimate Spider-Man, "Spectacular Spider-Man 3", "Spider-Man 3"), Venom has been portrayed as a dorky, nerdy kid who, after being bullied and push around one time too many, becomes an insane murderer with all of Spider-Man's powers.

  96. happy new year lewis hopefully 2012 will be better than ever for you

  97. “And where was this attitude back when everyone pretty much demonized agustinaldo for laughing at it?”
    Maybe I missed that point in time, might be, because I am extremely new at this website, but who is agustinaldo and what happened there?

    “And yes, I meant "Ratatoing". Am I the only one who remembers when Film Brain reviewed it for "Bad Movie Beatdown"?”
    Linkara did. ^^

    “Not anymore. Donna Troy is Donna Troy, and Wonderl Girl is Cassandra Sandsmark.
    You can tell because Donna Troy is a C-cup brunette and Wonder Girl is a B-cup blonde.”
    AH! You mean that cute girl that was snapped at by the sexy brunette, because she cried, when she saw that shopping mall, where Genocide was running amuck, yes?

    I am talking about “rise of the olympians” and – erm… by the way, Linkara, didn’t you say, that Gail Simone knew how to write a story?
    I couldn`t help but being sometimes utterly confused. Wondies boyfriend in this comic, erm… Blondie… Tom Tresser, I think, is his name. I don`t have any idea, how he got hurt so badly, he needed to go to the hospital, why Donna thinks, that Wondie killed her family and sons… maybe it is, because I was JUST buying “Rise of the olympians” but… I was confused.



  98. Lewis, will you ever take a look at any manga comics? They're technically the same as North American comics except for the art styles and the fact they're read from right to left, although not entirely form Americans as they've been translated so we can read it. I would love to see you tear into Zelda or Pokemon, seeing as they're both god-awful comics.

  99. "Lewis, will you ever take a look at any manga comics? They're technically the same as North American comics except for the art styles and the fact they're read from right to left, although not entirely form Americans as they've been translated so we can read it. I would love to see you tear into Zelda or Pokemon, seeing as they're both god-awful comics."

    ...You haven't been watching for very long, have you? XD

    Waaay back in my Top 15 Comics I'll Never Review, I listed manga on there, but I broke that rule on Halloween by reviewing Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu #1 as well as doing Spider-Man: Mangaverse #1 for my Live Show in November. XD

  100. @Lewis

    quoting : "Waaay back in my Top 15 Comics I'll Never Review, I listed manga on there, but I broke that rule on Halloween by reviewing Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu #1 as well as doing Spider-Man: Mangaverse #1 for my Live Show in November". XD

    So is no longer a rule anymore or are you going to be punished by some kind of Channel Awesome Internal Affairs guys like the ones who flogged you because of that bad pun during "The Spirit" movie review ?

    Or on an easy way out : didn't the universe punish yourself already ?

    Happy New Year. XD

  101. We all have our own personal favorite ANYTHING from your show. It's actually rather revealing to see the personal jokes that you yourself enjoy the most. (Beppo is personally MY favorite.)

    But please, heed my warnings, Linkara! DON'T read Holy Terror! It''s AWFUL. I mean it. It's actually WORSE than DK2! WORSE than All-Star Batman and Robin! It's self-plagarism, it's incredibly racist, it's horribly drawn, I don't think your sanity could survive if you tried to review it. Hell, I barely survived it, and I did a whole journal on Thatguywiththeglasses devoted to all things wrong with it.

    Still, I doubt I can convince you not to. careful about what you say. The book addresses Islam and terrorism, and that alone can be a dangerous ground to tread. Simply discussing it can open up a whole flame war in your comments on just how dangerous Islam is or isn't, etc, etc.

  102. @MichaelGrey

    Non-sense, there is nothing remotely serious about Real Life Islam on Holy Terror even if that was actually a bad comic book.


    Go ahead Lewis, Holy Terror is awesome, people have the right to disagree but after reading that comic i didn't saw anything wrong in it.

    Is anti-Al Qaeda, is not anti-Islam, serious religious people will never even consider take a second look on this. Is made for pop corn fans.

    Too much noise about too little, serious guys, the Islamophobia should be over at this point.

  103. Can you tell me you P.O. box address. I don't know how to mail stuff to you and I've had a donation to you collecting dust for over a year now cause I don't know how to mail it. Please reply as soon as possible.

  104. "Can you tell me you P.O. box address. I don't know how to mail stuff to you and I've had a donation to you collecting dust for over a year now cause I don't know how to mail it. Please reply as soon as possible."

    Well, for starters - you send an e-mail to me and explain what you'd like to send and then I say if I'm interested in receiving it and then I give the PO Box number. ^^

  105. Fine, if that's what I need to say. I have a couple of Power Ranger tradings cards that I think you'd like and a copy of the comic that came with Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Now I know you can't just send the P.O. Box on here, and unfortunately I'm 16 and doing this on my own. So I guess I can't make any donation, sorry.

  106. Hey Lewis, I wondered if you could review either Civil War (the thing who led to many thing wrong with Marvel for a while) or The Unfunnies (both are Mark Millar's comics) if not can you tell why?

  107. "Hey Lewis, I wondered if you could review either Civil War (the thing who led to many thing wrong with Marvel for a while) or The Unfunnies (both are Mark Millar's comics) if not can you tell why?"

    I'm always kind of on the fence about reviewing something like Civil War because a lot of it boils down to politics, which is always an iffy subject to insert into reviews.

    As for the Unfunnies, I've certainly considered it. If Marville is bad comedy, the Unfunnies is just unpleasant in every regard, from what I've heard.

  108. Lewis, can u review a comic called the Amazing Spider-ham? Just look it up at google to see why it's perfect for this show. They're very cheap comics. Do you want me to try to get you a copy?

  109. "As for the Unfunnies, I've certainly considered it."

    That is the worst comic I've ever read, but be warned:


    Since you like to keep this so clean, it's not really possible to review the Unfunnies, given that half of it revolves around paedophilia and mass murder. You'd have an easier time reviewing Lost Girls.

  110. "You'd have an easier time reviewing Lost Girls."

    Hey! I LIKE "Lost Girls"! Any comic that puts my sexual fantasy of 30 ft. tall nude Alice on print is a winner in my book!

    You wanna talk about a BAD giantess comic? Check out "Melty Blood, Act 2". The whole things feels unpleasant, because the "heroes" are a bunch of perverted assholes who put innocent Akiha throught hell just so they can laugh at her.

  111. Ragna the BloodedgeJanuary 4, 2012 at 3:55 PM

    There were a lot of ones that I disagreed with and a lot that I think should've been on the list, obviously. (Like anything from the Transformers comics. I still go back to watch those, occasionally.) But hey, it's just my opinion, and I loved what you chose for #1. You were right: That was perfect in terms of tone and volume and it made me laugh out loud.

    Aside from that, I did like your explanations of the jokes. That was pretty interesting. ^_^

  112. Not having read Ultimates, I have to wonder: Did they specify he meant 'How did you get in this room'?
    Because 'How did you get in here?' could also mean 'How did you get past my security, through the locked door into this fortress, up those stairs past dipitty-zippity-darmedguards, to get to the open door that leads into this room?'
    In which case it's a perfectly reasonable question.

  113. Linkara: "Oh don't worry, Beppo. Frank Miller's Holy Terror WILL have it's day on this show..."


  114. I figure the Holy Terror review won't be out for a while, but when you get around to it do you think you could use the "Crazy Steve" voice for the parts involving The Fixer? You know since he was supposed to be Batman and all.

  115. I'm sorry, Link, but I believe we're going to have a falling out. As a Frank Miller fan, I always looked forward to another point of view on his works. The reviews were fun to watch because everything seemed to be in good fun. I detected no hint of actual malice.

    Now, however, you've crossed a line; you've accused Frank of being a racial bigot, and really seem to harbor hatred towards the man on a personal level. If this is the sort of thing I can expect in a review of Holy Terror, I don't think I can watch it. It's one thing to accuse him of being a bad writer; it's another altogether to make serious accusations of racism. When you accuse someone of racism, you accuse them of being a horrible person.

    Why do I mention this? Because, as far as I'm concerned, all accusations of racial bigotry aimed at Miller are completely unfounded. There is nothing in Holy Terror (or 300, for that matter) that is the least bit racially motivated. Holy Terror is about religious fanaticism, and acknowledging the race and ethnicity (of which there are many) of said fanatics, even for propaganda purposes, is not an act of racism.

    Also, you may not see it this way, but when you accuse Frank of being a racist because of this work, you accuse all of us who also like it (which, for the record, includes Mark Millar, Dave Gibbons, Jim Lee, and Kyle Baker, among others) of harboring racist attitudes as well. And don't try to say that we misunderstand, or don't see what Miller's really trying to say - we know what he's trying to say. He's been quite outspoken about it for years without a hint of subtlety. And we admire him for it.

    Knowing this, I don't think I can watch another episode of Miller Time ever again. It's not fun anymore. You've brought in an unfunny subject by way of a nasty accusation; one which, from my view, holds no water. Sorry if this seems confrontational, but, as a fan, I feel the need to defend Frank from baseless accusations of bigotry. Sorry, but you're wrong about this one.

    I won't be watching the Holy Terror review. Sorry.

    I will be looking forward to HOPR SPD, though. Later.

  116. Severen, I wouldn't worry about it.
    If you read the comments section of the Captain America review on this very site, you can pick the exact moment when the word 'racist' forever lost all meaning.

    Why does LiveJournal posting no longer work?

  117. 20:10 Linkara's going to rape you.


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