Hey, everyone! Well, I'm putting together the list of 15 more Screw-Ups of AT4W. While I've been keeping a tally of mistakes I've made (usually the stuff that gets the most comments on it), I've added it up and it seems I only have about 13 or 14 that I thought were worthy of comment!
Well, because it's possible that I missed out on something or forgot something I made a horrible error on (or just something that bugs you about how the show is being run, I am once more opening the flood-gates. What are some mistakes I've made, be it historical, misinterpreting lines, or just things that I should have seen coming that you think I need to apologize for.
So, on this Christmas Eve, contemplate my failures, let me know here, and be sure to watch the Christmas episode that's right below this one! =D
Monday, December 24, 2012
What are AT4W's biggest screw-ups?
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
2:46 PM
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Not sure if this counts as a "Screw-up" but it always bugged me a but that you didn't bring up the scene with the suicidal girl in "All Star Superman" as a comparison for how the scene in Superman 701 could be done well.
In case it's not on the list or because other people will mention it anyway, One More Day should have been burned. I know you wanted to burn it and ran out of time, but if you want to us to give our opinions, then I'll say it here.
So wait, you (possibly) screwed up counting the screw ups? That's almost hilarious.
I'm not sure if this does count, and you've probably already thought to address it, but in your KISS comics review, 90s Kid talks about propping up Kurt Cobain's corpse, when in fact, Cobain was cremated.
Well there was one minor time when you compared Avengers Arena to the Hunger Games when the cover art for Avenger's Arena #1 is actually a reference to Battle Royale, which has an identical premise.
Well, I didn't post this in the actual review since I wasn't sure it had been mentioned before and didn't have time to go through all the comments to check.
In your Superman #701 review you briefly summarized the events of Superman #700, where you said you couldn't remember any instance of Superman using his X-Ray and Heat Vision to perform brain surgery such as removing a tumor. Superman has actually done this twice. First in Action Comics #775 ("Whats so Funny about Truth Justice and the American Way?", later adapted into the animated "Superman vs The Elite") to remove Manchester Black's brain powers. He demonstrated this again in Batman #619 at the end of the "Hush" arc when Clark burns off a tracking device in Bruce Wayne's skull.
Granted both times Supes mentions that its incredibly dangerous and only used as a last resort.
Not really a screw-up so much as a general flub. I was just surprised that a big continuity hound such as yourself didn't mention either, especially given how you have mentioned both stories in previous reviews.
why do you keep reveiwing comics that you say are good???
because you said that you only reveiw bad comics but you've reveiwed several comics on the show that you've said are good!!!
for example: Secret Origins Month you say that the books are good but you reveiw them!!!
There is the thing where you called a Chinese spear with red hore hair a Rocket in The Invincible Four of Kung Fu & Ninja #1, or from the same episode not knowing what a Kirin (or Quilin)is from that same episode.
My fellow Canadians may have pointed this out already, but despite your best efforts in the Captain Tax Time #1 review, neither you nor your Twitter followers managed to grasp what "mandarin" means in Canadian English. "Mandarin" means a high-ranking federal bureaucrat. Whoever identified it to you as British slang for a government adviser is only partly right; that is how the British use the word, but "mandarin" is used in other Commonwealth countries, and in Canada's case the word has extra baggage. Canadians can use "mandarins" as a catch-all term for official Ottawa, sometimes with pejorative connotations -- the way an American might describe Washington bureaucrats as "fat-cats" or "bean-counters" -- which is the sense in which the word is used in Captain Tax Time.
I don't fault you or your Twitter followers for not knowing this, as "mandarin" is a bit of an old-fashioned word you don't see much anymore outside of the city of Ottawa (which is where I'm from) or Peter C. Newman books. I'm a newspaper copy editor, and "mandarin" is too stuffy-sounding even for my tastes.
Screw - ups: (or nitpicks)
1. you never gav us your opinion on having Doc Ock as the superior Spider-Man/ hi jacking peters body and killing parker
(in Ocks body). AND Did not seem to burn OMD or BND. I honestly think the actully killed Spider-man Frist was OMD second was issue 700 with the whole switching brains and bodies. I know its a 60's plot but come on spider-mans 50th annveristy felt, flat honestly. and this just adds the nail to it, not jsut with OND's bad taste in mucking with cannon, or Ock as Spidey because he "always wanted to be spider-man" BS. but also USM the tv series (which i'd love to get you opinion on, sicne you didn;t broguth that up in your spidey retospective for OMD) and the terrible TASM film/reboot.
2. When well you thank your Jewish audience members? (yeah i'm half Jewish but just hearing some one say happy Chanukah would make it at least feel like an equal. you know instated of just the standard"oh hey hi, okay bye." kinda feeling.)
3. Your recent video of Batman Noel, what was that skeleton clip? is that suppose to be the joker or something? and why is it called batman Noel?
thats it really. oh and what are your thoughts on spectacular spider-man?
Doctor who 50th Annviersty, You seem to love the 7th doctor but i don;t think you ever gave us a real reason why you love him so much do you like new who then?
i think a few things with HOPR but i can;t think of much now, other then excited for megaforce and the last episode for samurai was amazing :P
Er, actually Erik superman was lying to Manchester Black when he said he'd used his heat vision to take away his powers. He actually just gave him a simple concussion.
In your Tales of Suspense #39 review, you were wondering why the coat that Tony picked up could fit him. That is the same coat Tony wore before he put on the armor, so it would've fit him anyway.
In your review of the New Kids on the Block Christmas comic; you say that one of the dears is named "May," yet the comic's text says that her name is Amy.
The only the real screw up I can think of is less a screw up and more of a missed opportunity. Basically all times of the Black Baron in Battle for Bludhaven (especially when it's revealed he's a pimp) and not once do you make a reference to THIS GUY:
Yeah I know I've brought that up all the time during that review but c'mon, THEY HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON! How were you able to resist making a joke?
In Godyssey #1, you said the Greek Gods were old hat during the Roman Empire. The Greek Gods and the Roman Gods were equivalent. If they were still being worshiped as the Roman Gods, then they were being worshiped as the Greek Gods,
A minor screw-up, but in your review of One More Day, the second alternate universe version of Peter Parker is holding a champagne flute, not a wine glass. Believe it or not, there is a difference.
I get what you were saying about "counting" infinity in the 200th episode, but the fact of the matter is, you CAN count subsets of infinity and define them as being one thing or another. In an infinite multiverse of infinite planes, defining 10% of them as being worlds of nothing but shrimp will result in anyone counting them to see nothing but shrimp for one out of every ten worlds. Mephisto likely wouldn't have needed to count EVERY world within his reach, just give enough a onceover to pick out a trend. Something like Peter Parker having a 1% success rate in terms of romance would be statistically noticeable across a multiversal survey assuming vastly similar universes don't clump together. Heck, most uses of the term "infinity" outside of a mathematical/physical context are hyperbole anyway; I don't know how the Marvel multiverse works in its scope, but I assume it likely isn't perfectly infinite in terms of reality or timeline.
Bottom line: You CAN define fragments of infinity, even if they themselves are infinite in scope.
There were numerous errors in the Transformers Genearation 2 #1 review, as catalogued by Nevermore here: http://atopfourthwall.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/transformers-generation-2-1.html?showComment=1333499161329#c9193262230448355536 They could probably just be lumped together as one screw-up.
The biggest error, obviously, is your lack of closing parenthesis in the second paragraph. You have never made any mistake larger than that.
You've had this stupid hat on in every damn review... :D
Love the show! (Especially HOPR.)
You should be proud, admitting to your mistakes is good and all but not having enough to admit to is fantastic. Just postpone it and wait till you screw up two more times and then make the video.
Hey, Merry Christmas, Linkara. If there is one screw-up off the top of my head I can think of, it's during your "Star Trek II" Part 2 review where you say the 2009 movie had Kirk say "I don't like to lose" rather than "I don't believe in the no-win scenario". I watched that movie a bunch of times and I am positive it was the other way around. If I come up with anything, I will let you know.
I put this on Tumblr last time you asked, but I have no way of knowing if you've saw it, so here's my thoughts.
I’ve always thought it was a bit hypocritical how you say you won’t review a comic over continuity problems, but you’re more than willing to review adaptations of things you like and, er, scream at them over the continuity problems and bits they left out or changed.
I understand that things like Star Trek and Power Rangers are important to you, but the Trek comics you reviewed weren’t that bad on their own. And, while bad satire is something worthy of being criticized, a lot of your complaints about that Power Ranger comic were ways it didn’t line up with the original. And when you do stuff like that, it’s no easier to follow than if you were reviewing something based on interbook continuity.
I mean, either the problems with a work being solely rooted in its relation to another work is a problem, or it’s not.
The second problem I have with a lot of your stuff recently is that you’re quick to anger and slow to actually make jokes. This is a big problem with the Marville episodes especially. While this has changed recently, I feel like that’s more due to the subject matter shifting in a goofier direction what with Secret Origins Month and Christmas and all. I’m not saying this is a constant problem—if it wasn’t, I probably would’ve stopped watching entirely—it just makes certain episodes hard to enjoy.
I’ve been holding that back for months now, on the basis that unsolicitedly telling you what I dislike about your show seems like kind of a dick move (especially when I enjoy so much of it), but here you are, asking for it. So that’s my piece.
Not watching Young Justice is clearly the greatest mistake you have made this year.
Ok fine I'm only half serious. I really don't have anything else to add, though...I enjoy your material too much to keep track of what you mess up. :)
I don't know if this is on the list, but for me, I read on one of the reviews with the Holokara storyline that the live-action version of Margaret doesn't look like the one in the Silent Hill storyline...also, who did play Margaret in human form?
I'm assuming "West of New York" is already high on the list, clever save in post-production notwithstanding.
I will also agree with the other commenter that the burning of One More Day is overdue. I've figured you were saving it for a special occasion but I hope it's soon, for closure's sake if nothing else.
One that bugs me more than it probably should is the "gWerrilla" mispronunciation from Tales of Suspense #39. Maybe it was the number of times it was repeated, or maybe it was the lost opportunity for "Guerrilla Grodd" puns.
The only other one that comes to my mind, and I'll grant you this is really a reach, but if you're desperate to fill out fifteen somehow, is the discussion about AIDS in the New Guardian comics. Not because you got anything wrong from a 2012 perspective, but because arguably you were a little needlessly harsh on someone writing with a 1988 knowledge of the subject, when there was a lot of misinformation going around. I guess you could counter-argue that maybe they shouldn't have made such a poorly understood subject a key plot point, but that's another matter.
Not sure if you count this as a screw up or a missed opprutunity, but when you first mentioned Cry for Justice, you missed a rather good idea to add the clip of Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back where Jay shouts Justice's (His Love Interest's name.) When he thought she blew up and the choir song played after. "JUSTICE IS DEAD, OR SO JAY THINKS!!!"
In Superman's Christmas Adventure, you took time out to take shots at Golden Age Superman using material from Superman #701 despite Kal-L (Golden Age Superman) being very dead (having been beaten to death by Emoboy Prime) by the time Superman #701 was written. As much crap as the Golden Age Heroes get, that was just uncalled for.
Also, while not properly an error, as someone who grew up with an alcoholic uncle and a number of alcoholic grand-relatives, I find "Drunk Face Tony" to be offensive. You might find it hie-larious to do, but for those of us who've grown up around that crap, not so much.
Iron Man Error. There was a MASSIVE Ad Campaign promoting Iron Man and those images are PUTTING THE ARMOR ON. Not taking it off. The question of the Campaign was Who is Iron Man.
And in case you got that one I'm still irked that you got that cover completely backwards. Even with the first couple pages really just being another presentation of that campaign.
I suppose probably my only real complaint is that you didn't burn One More Day. I understand you were busy, but it's something I'd like to have seen happen; given that comic honestly deserves it.
I actually got a complaint that is quite dated, going back to the 'Ultimates 3' review.
Its the comment about comparing the incest relationship between Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to Superman and his mother. Couple things wrong with this:
1. You never specified which of Superman's mother he would be in said relationship with (his Kryptonian mother, Lara, or his Earth mother, Ma Kent)
2. Said relationship would similar to an Oedipus Complex, except for the killing of the father (in either case, both would already be dead)
3. Would also need to throw in 'necrophillia' as well if we're dealing with Lara-El, since, well, she's dead.
Outside of that complaint, if you have any interest and spare time, check this out: http://deviantuniverse.deviantart.com/
you thinking that you could release history of the power rangers on a regular schedule
"Well there was one minor time when you compared Avengers Arena to the Hunger Games when the cover art for Avenger's Arena #1 is actually a reference to Battle Royale, which has an identical premise."
Except Linkara is right. The first issue of Avengers Arena, Arcade, the villain, admits he took the premise of the book from Hunger Games.
"I got this idea from a children's book in the pen."
So Linkara is right. It is stealing from the Hunger Games. Sure, there are parallels to Battle Royale, but the book mainly is taking "Kids being forced to kill each other in the jungle."
...god, Linkara needs to review issue 1 of that book.
"3. Your recent video of Batman Noel, what was that skeleton clip? is that suppose to be the joker or something? and why is it called batman Noel?"
The skeleton guy was Lord Death Man.
"The only the real screw up I can think of is less a screw up and more of a missed opportunity. Basically all times of the Black Baron in Battle for Bludhaven (especially when it's revealed he's a pimp) and not once do you make a reference to THIS GUY:
Yeah I know I've brought that up all the time during that review but c'mon, THEY HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON! How were you able to resist making a joke?"
Oh, well that's simple:
I don't play Madworld. I know nothing about Madworld. To make such a reference would require me to know something about Madworld.
"you thinking that you could release history of the power rangers on a regular schedule"
Except it was NEVER on a regular schedule.
I never thought it would be.
And I'm not asking for History of Power Rangers screw-ups. Different show, different mistakes.
Well, the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is with the Superman's Christmas Adventure, I'm surprised you didn't bing up the Fortress of Solitude which would kind of make Superman and Santa neighbors
This is a big one for me! You never talked about what you thought about the Villains in Power Rangers Wild Force! That was the only time you didn't and it sucked because in all honesty, Wild Force is my favorite season!
I'll just complain about you'r occasional hypocrisy
On one hand, you rage about comics killing-off characters, yet on the other hand, you demand them to kill-off characters that you don't like (mostly Jason Todd, but I remember you doing that to other characters as well), completely disregarding the fact that those characters have fans who care about them as much as you would for you'r favorite characters
It really just comes down tho the "I'm right, and everyone who disagrees with me should burn in hell!" attitude that ultimately got Spoony kicked-out (yeah, I know it was more complicated than that)
Still, as far as critics on TGWTG go, you rarely do this yourself, but I always cringe when you do that
(I just HATE self-righteous people)
I don’t have any screw-ups or errors to point out, but I would like talk about the issues which bug me about the show. I’ll admit up front, I am a fan who watches more for storylines and characters than for actual comic reviews, and while I know the plots come second to the reviews, I wish a few things would be further considered so that these storylines would become easier to follow and more enjoyable to watch, in my opinion at least.
First, I wish the rules of this world would be better defined and explained, especially in regards to magic. I understand that these rules are being created as you go, but I feel it would benefit the plots if magical events that don’t seem to follow the rules were given explanations as to why they could suddenly occur. For example, I wish there were an explanation as to how the spirit of the girl in the Magic Gun was suddenly able to manifest in the living world and speak directly to Linkara. I feel it was supposed to have occurred because that other wizard unlocked the full potential of the gun, but that wasn’t adequately explained so I’m not certain. Also, I’m unclear on whether the spirit is still able to manifest even today, or if she can’t manifest on her own and needs another boost from a magic-user, or if she can’t manifest at all but can still talk to Linkara if he perhaps touches the gun or something, or really what is the current status of her and her abilities. I feel that giving explanations for magical events and items will help strengthen the world you are creating on your show, so while I know you are busy focusing on other aspects of the stories, I hope you will consider this for the next time something important in regards to magic happens.
My second issue is with using your characters. I understand that you feel some characters are only second-tier characters in comparison to others, but there are many who disagree with this sentiment and wish we could at least see more cameos of them when a joke makes itself available. While my personal favorite character is 90s Kid, I wouldn’t mind seeing a little less of him popping in to just say ‘Dude!’ in favor of allowing Ninja-Style Dancer or Boffo or Nimue to do something instead. Also, I wish these characters would at least be mentioned by Linkara or one of the first-tier characters when they are all, say, going to karaoke or Dairy Queen together, so it doesn’t seem like they are being left out of team events. Unless this is being done specifically for storyline purposes, it seems a bit unfair. Perhaps that seems silly to say, but I’m watching this show as if it were an actual TV show and I’ve grown to care a lot about the characters. I’m glad it seems that they are being further developed from their roles of quick gag-makers as seen in earlier episodes.
I’m also glad you’re starting to follow up on the aftermath of these storylines and how they’ve affected the characters. Seeing how Harvey was affected by the ‘The Thing’-inspired event was much more satisfying than the lack of aftermath we got from other events, such as ‘The Entity’ storyline, where no one seemed to be bothered by the fact that they lost large chunks of time thanks to being captured, least of all 90s Kid, who apparently lost a year of his life because of that mess. It bothered me how no one talked about what had happened after they were back home, or even seemed shaken or disturbed that much, so I’m very glad these newer storylines are going to show us how the characters have been changed thanks to these events. I hope we will continue to see the characters develop and grow as time goes by.
Thank you for taking the time to read all this and thank you for putting out such an excellent show each week.
Well, its not huge but...
That Transformer on the cover you couldn't name was Sledge, the Stegosaurus Dinobot. He doesn't turn into a vehicle mode like you suggested and the Dinobots themselves are more prone to violence anyway so his gun is bit more plausible, I guess. I guess that always bugged me because he was a very recognizable member of the Dinobots but I forgave it because of the Grimlock stuff in the episode.
By the by, if you ever do another Favourite Joke episode that's my vote, the Grimlock shakespeare stuff.
How about the times you were caught swearing in some of the crossover videos you did. I know there not really screwups on your part, but I think there still worth a spot on the list.
How about the one, way back, when you commented on X-men 424, Holy war. You went on and on about how an unknown mutant called Angelo was introduced and killed off in the same panel, without realising Angelo where a founding member of the New Mutants and his death probably was the biggest lasting effect of the that whole storyline.
Take your pick of the nitpicks I pointed out in your review of Transformers: Generation 2 #1
Also, @Lizard-Man, that Dinobot's name is "Sludge", not "Sledge".
Hmmm... could depend on your definition of 'screw up', as I saw it the last screw-up video wasn't so much 'top things I did wrong' as it was 'top things that people thought I did wrong' – the things that attracted the most comments, even if they weren't mistakes as such (your accent, for example). In the latter category, there always seems to be a lot of criticism of audience contributions to the live shows (putting it in the latter because its not a mistake, its just something that is, and personally I like the audience comments).
The only other things I can think of are kind of tied together. There are times when you've feigned ignorance for a joke and multiple people have tried to educate you in the comments (again, in the latter category)... but there are also times when you genuinely questioned something when the answer would be relatively easy to find. You've sought information on some quite complicated things (via, twitter, for example), but then don't research some really simple ones. I don't mean the times when you thought you knew what they were talking about and got it wrong, but the times when you've said that something confuses you, but the explanation would be easy to find - via a simple Google search, for example. The 'eye teeth' proverb comes to mind (sorry, I can't remember which video it was from), but there have been others, too. It's not a big deal when it happens, it bugs me but it certainly doesn't spoil the show for me or anything, Only mentioning it because you asked. And,thanks for asking.
The only one that comes to my mind is mispronouncing "Hippolyte" -- the e is pronounced, making it almost exactly like Hippolyta (a different spelling of the same name).
Damn it, the Stegosaurus is Snarl, crap. Sorry about that, didn't meant to confuse you. Yeah, the Dinobot you couldn't name is named Snarl, real big mistake by me. I hope that doesn't become an issue or anything.
I have a few suggestions for screw-ups:
1. In your Archie comic review, you said you found it unusual that people were bundled up but found it odd that there was no snow on the ground. It is possible for it to warrant winter wear and not have snow.
2. In your three Marville reviews, you never once mentioned the last issue of the series contains submission guidelines instead of an actual story.
I erased this from my earlier comment on this because I had mentioned it on the review for the video. But it still irks me so I'm finding myself tortured by not saying it again. Still in the Iron man intro Review. Tales of Suspense 39.
HE is smoking with a cigarette holder not smoking a paint brush. It was introduced around the same time as Virginia slims were so people could let the smoke cool before inhaling so they could enjoy the flavor more.
All it really did was make it so that people using it got higher concentrations of tar in their trachea instead of deeper in their lungs.
"2. In your three Marville reviews, you never once mentioned the last issue of the series contains submission guidelines instead of an actual story."
I actually keep saying "It's six issues... well, sort of seven but I'll get to that."
I prefer to keep that bit a surprise when we eventually reach it.
From the Doctor Who comic:
"Synthesiser". Yes, it IS a British thing. Or rather, it's an American thing to replace "s"s with a "z". At least that's what I was taught in school - not a native speaker here. (realise --> realize for example)
I know it's minor, but you kept mentioning it throughout the entire review and it just... bugged mee, especially since it can't be that hard to look up.
Overall though, I thought I'd take this opportunity to mention how much I enjoy your show. It's always something to look forward to on mondays : )
Do History of Power Rangers mistakes count? If so, there's a couple mistakes there:
1. Your "History of Power Rangers: Mighty Morphin Season 3" suggests that "Friend in Need" was the first time they had American Megazord footage. Actually, a few episodes late in Season 2 also had American Megazord footage (though I can't remember which ones).
2. You never talked about the Time Force suits in the Time Force video. This is less a mistake and more something you simply forgot to do.
3. Some people seem to be under the impression that you dislike the Super Sentai source material. Perhaps you could set that straight.
Of course, I suspect that since this is about Atop the Fourth Wall's screw-ups, the screw-ups made in your other series don't count.
I have no clue if it counts but not mentioning the fact that father time possibly being uncle same was an elaborate red herring in the battle for bludhaven
Also the whole thing about Travellers host thing I brought up a while back in a comment on power and responsibility
Also from the recent christmas superman story. You mentioned about Clarks parents when in that point of history they were very dead.
It's a minor nitpick, but I noticed that after Linkara decks himself with the holly in Teen Titans #13, the holly is visible on the couch in the lower left corner for the next few shots before inexplicably disappearing.
Also, I guess maybe the continuity issue with the recent Archie review not really fitting properly into any spot in the AT4W could kind of be considered a mistake. Actually, if it were pretty much any other show I would've just shrugged it off or maybe not even noticed, but knowing how much of a stickler Lewis usually is about continuity... it just struck me as more unusual than it would have otherwise.
I hope the list will contain your lack of research on Archie for the Archie christmas issue review. I hate to repeat myself, but I thought I'd remind you of what I said "I'm sorry, but this review was very poorly done, and I know why. I get that you don't read Archie, which is fine, but it looks like you didn't do any research for this episode either. Really, this was EAXCTLY like a bad Nostalgia Critic review."
In your Flash #1 review, your said that "hard water" meant ice, but hard water is water that contains calcium and magnesium ions. You should consider this your #1 because not only is this a screw-up for you, but for DC comics because they changed it to "heavy water" because they thought it meant ice too.
Boy you must feel great about how many people are pointing out your screw-ups huh? Then again this is the internet which after supplying porn and a place to yell into is designed to be a place to mock the ideas released into it, after that its a place to release ideas into.
Anyway, I can't think of any major screw-ups but there was one goof that I did catch. In Teen Titans #13: A Swingin' Christmas Carol, you wondered why Robin was wearing one boot...and his boot was literally inches away on the fireplace. Kinda staring you in the face there.
"Anyway, I can't think of any major screw-ups but there was one goof that I did catch. In Teen Titans #13: A Swingin' Christmas Carol, you wondered why Robin was wearing one boot...and his boot was literally inches away on the fireplace. Kinda staring you in the face there."
Why is he hanging his boot on the fireplace?
Here's another mistake:
There was a version of A Christmas Carol where the Ghost of Christmas Future did talk...it was the version starring Micky Mouse and Scooge McDuck.
Spiral Zone : The marks on the characters face aren't facepaint, they're side effect of the mind controlling thingie. Since I actually rememeber the cartoon (and feel old because of that), it kind of ruined some of the jokes of the review.
Marville : while I like your rants and reviews, you sometimes make criticize points that actually make sense while missing inconsistencies. #3 : Mickey's "one fat pious, self righteous cow" refers to Lucy (who can't stop preaching) and not Rush Limbaugh. In #2, Al is well read about Stan Lee but doesn't know anything about Marvel in issue #1.
The mother of all missed opportunities : In Battle for Bludhaven, you rant about Monarch and beg whoever at DC could bring him back not to do so. The following week, you give Dan Jurgens (who pencilled Monarch's first appearance in Armageddon 2001 as well as Battle for Bludhaven.) a cameo but don't mention Monarch. The filming chronology of the reviews and the conventions probably prevented you to do the connection (and you most likely prefered talking about a beloved character than a terrible villain), but I found the coincidence hilarious.
In the credits to your Archie Giant Series Magazine #452, you made a comment wondering why Archie never seems to age despite being around since 1941. I'm not sure this is an error exactly, but it's certainly inconsistent that that should bug someone who likes Superman and Batman as much as you since neither of them has aged in a comparable amount of time, and Batman doesn't have the excuse of being a solar powered alien. (OK, there are reboots, but nobody aged between 1938 and 1986, or between 1986 and 2011).
> and why is it called batman Noel?
Noël is an old-fashioned word for Christmas; it's still the word for Christmas in French.
"Why is he hanging his boot on the fireplace?
Well there could be two explainations for that:
A.) Stockings were not introduced to DC Comics until after the Silver Age...which leads me to think of the Futurama clip with Fry asking, "What smells like boot feet?"
B.) The Silver Age doesn't take place in America like we all thought but rather the Netherlands where the put out their shoes for Santa.
That or sometime in DC comics past the Dutch took over.
I personally think the Kurt Cobain comment was the best, and should be added to the next top 15 screw-ups. I didnt realized that until now. Also One more day not being burned, and you can make that up to us the viewers by doing so Lewis :)
"Also, I guess maybe the continuity issue with the recent Archie review not really fitting properly into any spot in the AT4W could kind of be considered a mistake. Actually, if it were pretty much any other show I would've just shrugged it off or maybe not even noticed, but knowing how much of a stickler Lewis usually is about continuity... it just struck me as more unusual than it would have otherwise."
This episode had the Nostalgia Plothole. His sheer presence must have retconned continuity.
I don't know if this is one you've already counted, but in your review of Spider-Man: One More Day, you said:
"In a recent issue of Avengers Academy, a group of teenage super-heroes thought of several ways how he could capitalize on being Spider-Man without revealing his identity to anyone."
Except it wasn't from an issue of Avengers Academy; it was from The Amazing Spider-Man #661.
In your "Batman Noel" Video, you failed to mention Leob and Sale's Batman related adaptation of Christmas carol set on Halloween. Titled "Ghosts" it uses Thomas Wayne as Marley, Ivy as past, Joker as present, and a more traditional future.
Seems like an obvious thing to bring up.
"In your "Batman Noel" Video, you failed to mention Leob and Sale's Batman related adaptation of Christmas carol set on Halloween. Titled "Ghosts" it uses Thomas Wayne as Marley, Ivy as past, Joker as present, and a more traditional future.
Seems like an obvious thing to bring up."
That's not really a screw-up, that's just me not mentioning something I wasn't aware of. I can't be expected to name EVERY SINGLE THING that's somewhat similar or tangentially-related to a comic. That's the reason Phelous started making the "AND THIS PERSON WAS ALSO IN THIS MOVIE" joke.
"I'm not sure if this does count, and you've probably already thought to address it, but in your KISS comics review, 90s Kid talks about propping up Kurt Cobain's corpse, when in fact, Cobain was cremated."
Actually, remember how that scene was later used to reveal that 90's Kid had been taken by the Entity, since not even 90's Kid would be sick enough to suggest that? I think what you pointed out was also supposed to be a hint, since logically, 90's Kid would know that detail.
"That's not really a screw-up, that's just me not mentioning something I wasn't aware of. I can't be expected to name EVERY SINGLE THING that's somewhat similar or tangentially-related to a comic. That's the reason Phelous started making the "AND THIS PERSON WAS ALSO IN THIS MOVIE" joke."
Fair point. I guess I"m conflating a "screw up" with a "missed opportunity". My bad.
"Fair point. I guess I"m conflating a "screw up" with a "missed opportunity". My bad."
It's fair enough and I do intend to do another "Missed Opportunities" list down the line. ^_^
Okay, I'll try...
-> In your Top 15 Favourite jokes, you said that saying "boner" made people laugh, whereas what made people laugh was the way you summarised what the review of Batman 66 would be by repeating the word several times.
It's not really a screw-up, and it may have been intentionnal... But it always bugged me.
As a Pokémon fan, I also have several nitpicks about your Electric Tale of Pikachu review :
-> You say there was not any innovation since the first games aside from tag battles. This is technically true, but the battle system actually went through a LOT of changes : special abilities, physical/special split, addition of Dark and Steel types, wheather, hold items...
Again, I know what you meant, but when I play Pokémon Blue nowadays, I find its gameplay ATROCIOUS. Sorry Gen I whiners, but I'll stick with Pokémon White, thank you very much.
-> This one has already been brought up in the comments for that video, but I can't help pointing it out again : MissingNo is not the result of the sprite being stored in an empty slot, but of the name being stored.
In fact, that's probably why YOUR MissingNo looked like a Kabutops skeleton : it's because of the W in "Lewis". It's just a huge coincidence. The letter in the third, fifth or seventh slot can trigger an other form of MissingNo : w = Kabutops fossil, x = Aerodactyl fossil, y = Lavender Town Ghost.
-> You may not have known, since, has you have said, you don't know much about how mangas are published in America (and I wouldn't either : I'm actually French), but I can tell you one thing : in reality, you didn't review the first volume, but the first chapter of the actual first volume.
The original first volume had 3 other chapters, and it's too bad you didn't review them, because my god does it include some nightmare fuel (Onix and Gyarados...).
-> While on the subject of missed opportunities due to American releases : the Japanese version was ECCHI. VERY. It's actually a case of censorship I AGREE with : thank you internationnal releases, for covering these traumatic images. Not to mention, the artist SUCKS at drawing boobs. Even when considering how crappy the artwork is to begin with. But I'm getting off-track.
One quick last one :
-> In your previous screw-ups list, you mentionned several reasons why you didn't want to review European comics. But there's one I wonder why you didn't mention : There's not a whole lot of them being published OUT of Europe. Heck, I think every French-Belgian comic I've seen published internationally were good ones !
Aside maybe from the early Tintin comics (Like the infamous Tintin in Congo... But there's not really enough material for a review : he kills animals, he's racist, and he has super luck. End of story) I don't think any bad comics were published out there.
Hey, even in Europe, the only comics I think sucks are ones that lost their way due to new writers... Want a bad French-Belgian comic in my opinion ? The two last Iznogoud were atrocious ! Oh wait, you don't have them in America... Well, the two first Spirou made by Velhman and Yoahn are pretty bad ! Oh right, you need to know about the series first to fully get why they're so bad...
See the problem ? I'm really surprised you did not mention that issue.
Sooooo... Looking back at my comment, I accomplished nothing, because what I pointed out were either nitpicks, not real mistakes, or missed opportunities which have nothing to do with screw-ups. And I probably made a thousand mistakes myself due to English not being my main language. Damn.
I better not post it.
Too late.
This is something that's been driving me crazy for a while, but I'm not sure if it'll count because it was from a crossover that was from two years ago. In your Spirit review with Film Brain, you said that Sand Saref was a physicist and a surgeon in the comics, when in actuality it was Silken Floss, not Sand, who did those things.
The only consistent "screw-up" I've noticed is the way you hold your magic gun. Specifically, if you are holding her and not immediately firing, your index finger shouldn't be on the trigger - that is a massively dangerous no-no for guns (real ones obviously). You should keep your index finger on the trigger guard until you are going to shoot it.
"Ball with horns" from last review, but that review alone was a crappy screw-up joke bandwagon anyway.
"so the three ghosts were actually just cholesterol?"
Or maybe a bit of beef, blot of musterd, or a crumb of cheese. Perhaps there is more gravy then of grave--- *gets a tomato thrown at face*
Great episode! Nice twist on the classic tale and great job on Harvey's origin!
"I don't know if this is one you've already counted, but in your review of Spider-Man: One More Day, you said:
"In a recent issue of Avengers Academy, a group of teenage super-heroes thought of several ways how he could capitalize on being Spider-Man without revealing his identity to anyone."
Except it wasn't from an issue of Avengers Academy; it was from The Amazing Spider-Man #661."
I forgot about that one, but yeah, that wasn't Avengers Academy, it was a Spider-Man issue. (Which was written by Christos Gage, the Avengers Academy writer)
I totally blanked on remembering that one.
In the Southland Tales crossover, Film Brain being pulled up from behind the bed is sort of ruined a bit by the camera angle- he is quite clearly visible right before.
Being perfectly honest, I consider your star trek wrath of khan comic reviews to kind of be a fail in and of themselves. And don't get me wrong, I respect the fact that it's your show, and appreciate that you don't automatically pander to your fans. But personally, if there was an episode that demanded the continuity alarm to be present, that'd be it. Speaking as a very casual fan of the movie, most of your criticisms felt more like minor nitpicks of what they changed from it. You said at the end how the comic was crammed and never had silent panels, but I never really got that impression. It just seemed to mostly be continuity errors about what was changed from the movie and/or show. This is just a personal gripe of mine, but if that opening joke from star trek 4 is to be believed, then it's probably a complaint you've gotten more than once.
And as a counterpoint to that, he's another complaint: You still haven't gotten an award for your One More Day review!
Here's a quick last minute response: In Superman's Christmas Adventure, they were mostly likely referring to a luxury apartment building. Hope this helps
This one has bothered me ever since I watched the pair of reviews on it. In your Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham videos (Which one slips my mind right now) you say that no one would be afraid of a cat.
One, I'm not sure about this, but I don't think you'd want to face a tiger or leopard by yourself, would you? Those ARE cats, after all.
Two, there's such a thing as ailurophobia, which is a fear of cats of all sizes. While the most notable example of it, the title character of Ranma 1/2, has it, in that series it's played for laughs. However, aside from the one I already mentioned from history (who was, arguably a bad example) there ARE people today that possess this condition.
In the Electric Tales of Pikachu you were confused when Ash was dreaming about leaving Palet Town. This is probably more a result of you not being as familiar with manga as with comics, but in manga the reader is often informed when a character is having a flashback or dream. In modern manga this is done by shading the gaps between panels black, though in the past this was generally a bit more flexible, and in the scene itself the panels showing the dream were bordered by bubbles instead of traditional straight lines. Still a great episode, though, I think that was the one that got me to start watching the show from week to week.
Something I just thought of that bothers me a little. A weird something from the History of Power Rangers series (don't worry, it's not about thier infrequency XD). In your Ninja Force review, you stated how you rolled your eyes when they talked about made up video games and how it makes the nerdy gamer guy sound like an idiot, yet in your Time Force review, you seemed to be ok with your headcanon that a year takes longer in the PRverse to facilitate how a season can last a year with no overlap with the others. I ust find it weird that you can accept things like a longer calander year or the moon having an atmosphear in this universe but not that diffrent video game titles and concles from our own can exist. Nothing big, just something I find weird.
I got a 25+ pound Maine Coon who can jump over five feet from a standing start who'll put the fear of Bast in ya!
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