Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reminders about contacting me

Hey once again, just wanted to make a little update on this front since it's been a while since I made a post about this:

First of all, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONTACT ME ON SKYPE OR AIM OR MSN OR ETC. I use Skype for TGWTG-related business and frankly it's kind of weird to just have random fans contacting me. It's nothing personal, it's just I prefer to keep it for business use.

If you want to contact me, do so over private messages on forums or over e-mail. Which brings me to somethng else: contacting me over e-mail.

...yeah... that made sense as a sentence...

Anyway, the point being that while I will try to answer every e-mail sent to me, sometimes I'm very busy and just don't have time to answer questions about who I think would win in a fight or blah, blah, blah.

Another reason you may not get a response to me on e-mail is because you're using an e-mail service related to AOL or Comcast. I have no ill feelings whatsoever with either of those services, but sadly they seem to have a problem with my e-mail server, and subsequently any time I try to respond to messages from them they get rejected and never reach their destination. That just happened with two people contacting me about donations and I am always interested in receiving donations. As such, it's best to send me e-mails through other e-mail servers, particularly Hotmail or Gmail.

Otherwise I have the Blog set so that I have to approve every comment made which means I see every comment posted, so if you want to try to say something to me, feel free to comment. Unless it's some sort of spam advertisement, I don't reject any statement. Even if it was some sort of racial slur I'd let it through, but mostly just so that everyone can point and laugh at the racist person.

Also, in case you hadn't noticed, there is now a Twitter on the lower right side of the page. While I don't post hourly updates, I'll usually put something on there at least once a day, be it show-related or just something random.

Also I do not have a facebook nor will I ever have a facebook.

And one last thing - I'll give a bigger push to this soon but just as a little hint for something that's to come, check out this happy little blog run by an awesome person who makes props, dolls, and cosplay materials. ‎


Khan said...

Finally another person in the world who doesn't have Facebook. Just when I thought I was the only one left. :)

Anonymous said...

"Also I do not have a facebook nor will I ever have a facebook."

Quick question: What is your opinion on someone creating a fan page for AT4W on Facebook?

DerKork said...

Actually, that makes us at least three people without fancy Facebooks. (Why would anyone want a book with their face at all? ;-) )

Dg said...

:3 I saw the video of you at Youma with Doug. It was hysteeeeeeeeerical XD <3 I love the Dude off (I was sooooo scared you were gonna lose for a second there. I have noooooooo clue how you keep the breath).

Anyway keep being awesome <3 Seeya. Hope your holidays are good.

MFlorian said...

Wow, you're up as late as I am. Do you have a swing shift job, too?

Still, No Facebook for me either. I wouldn't have Myspace either, but I attempted to contact a friend I haven't seen in years with it. He hasn't logged in since. Waste of time.

Unknown said...

Lewis Lovehaug is a sexy ass name. Just wanted to say it. Its a damn fine name. The kind of name that you write in romance novels and people say to themselves, "That guy gets a lot of pussy."

. . . probably.

BatDanNight said...

I don't have Facebook either!
It's like we're a select few stuck in a post-apocalyptic world trying to survive the Facebook users and their constantly changing weapons in the guise of applications.

Alan Gains said...

Wow...more people who refuse to get a Facebook. I never thought I'd live to see this joyous day. :)

MetFanMac said...

Hey, a No Facebook Party! I wanna join! :)

cjhitchcock said...

While I also hate Facebook, its the only way my friends will keep in touch with me. Kinda sad.

Anyhow, I think you do an awesome job of keeping on top of responding to e-mails. After all you did, respond to me. Which reminds me, did you ever get that book I sent you?

Green Ninja said...

"Also I do not have a facebook nor will I ever have a facebook."

I said that once too. :)

Okay, since you brought the whole mail issue up, here's a question I wanted to ask you anyway but I forgot to ask it after the Maximum Clonage Review, so I'm going to ask it in the comments:
Apart from the fact that the Clone Saga isn't exactly remembered very fondly by comic fans in general, what is your personal opinion about the Character Ben Reilly. Me and my brother always thought he was almost a better Spider-Man than Peter. Also, his costume rocked!

John S. said...

While you may not have Facebook, you do have a fanclub on it, with (at current) 536 members

日本文化のマニアック said...

As someone who has been the grateful recipient of your answers to her I'm sure sometimes annoying emails, I love how quickly and kindly you respond to any questions. Thanks, Linkara! :D

I only recently caved and got a Facebook account. I barely use the thing, but once in a while it's useful; when my aunt fell ill, I got updates for my family quickly through my cousin's Facebook account, for example.

Anonymous said...

You would honestly allow comments with racist/sexist/bigoted/prejudiced comments so people can laugh at them?

Properly noted and you sir are awesome.

TJOmega said...

Yup, Facebook sucks. Easily connecting to people is overrated. (I swear that is not sarcasm)

As someone you've responded to in e-mails I was always very grateful that you took the time to do so, it really helped out. And since you pay attention to comments around here, there's a new article on Cracked you've no doubt been linked to already, but just in case:

Azerth said...

I normally only like 90s Kid in small doses but he was pretty cool at Yuma Con

Anonymous said...

....DAMN IT! I read every word you said in the voice you use for your reviews. Which is probably the same voice you use in real life. Which means I'm a moron and should probably hit publish your comment before I further embarass myself.

Unknown said...

I also saw the Bum Youmacon video! Very impressed at the Dude-Off.

You screen these, so while I know you've heard this before, I'll say it anyway. Please keep politics out of your videos. I like you. You're funny with very few undertones of douchebaggery, and it's always cool when someone is unafraid to admit to being feminist.

But that whole "Nuclear weapons = magic talisman of peace!" sentiment in the review with the Critic really set me off. Not everyone with their hand on the launch button is Stanislav Petrov.

Lewis Lovhaug said...

You'll notice that I never said they were an automatic magical source of peace, only that their presence HAS decreased the scope and scale of wars.

Though I am thankful that someone like Stanislov Petrov WAS at the controls that day.

Lewis Lovhaug said...

"Quick question: What is your opinion on someone creating a fan page for AT4W on Facebook?"

They can go right ahead. ^^

Anonymous said...

I was on facebook back when it was cool and exclusive to Univerisites :(. Still, good way to get into contact with the old friends.


I don't usually recommend anything to my favorite reviewers, you guys clearly know what you're doing or you wouldn't be my favorites.

However I was wondering if you had any plans to do a review of 'Liberality For All'? It appears you generally like to stay out of 'political comic' reviews, but this one is just so hilariously bad that I think it would make a great AT4W even with zero political commentary.

I hate myself so much for making a request >_<

Green Ninja said...

Just wanted to say: The youmacon video with you and Doug was hilarious. Maybe 90s kid should get his own show. ;)

btw.: when will we finally see some artwork for Bloodgun? ^_^

Anonymous said...

*holds upp guilty flag* yesh, i am also an anoying email sender.
I'm also on facebook XD (though i do admit facebook can be too intrusive at times)


Mags said...

I gave up on facebook months ago. Too many errors and apps on that thing. People can find you easily there too, so I don't blame you. XD

I too will comment on the 90's kid antics with the Bum. It was AWESOME! I didn't like the 90's kid much when he started appearing in your videos... now I've grown to like him. Just one more thing, will we see more of Harvey Finevoice? I'm a sucker for that accent.

JamesKirsh said...

Dude, seriously, if people are bugging you on IM, just log in as invisible. Posting stuff like that just makes you sound like a haughty jerk.
(Not saying you are or anything, just that's how it comes across; I should know, I did the same once and the resulting backlash was suitably in the 'fuck you' kind of vein)

Rhomega said...

I do have Facebook, but I don't blame you for not having it. After all, I didn't have it until I learned I could keep in touch with extended family and friends from my old job.

Anyway, I sent you an email months ago, and you replied back, so I'm good.

SpaceMonkeh said...

I emailed you once before about finding a good Harley Quinn book (which was fantastic by the way!), but forgot how I did it. I tried the "Email Me!" on your page, but it just led to more issues x.x; I may be just stupid and not see your exact email address, but can you tell me it anyway? :D

Lewis Lovhaug said...

The collected edition from her solo series - "Harley Quinn: Preludes and Knock Knock Jokes."

Hapshetsut17 said...

Hey I clicked on the part where it sayd your email adress but it wont show your adress. Could you possibly email me? My email is
Or email me on tbhis one.
Do you know a guy called Little Kuriboh?

Lewis Lovhaug said...

The address is