Monday, February 14, 2011



It's the double-sized finale of the Vyce Arc! Will Linkara prevail against the interdimensional conqueror?

Youngblood #3

Doctor Who Classics #7

And since there's still time...!

Also also: Masterthecreater, Atop the Fourth Wall's title card artist, needs your help! Please go to THIS ADDRESS THAT IS ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS SO YOU CAN MORE EASILY SEE IT and vote for his drawing of a character for the Stan Lee create-a-superhero contest!



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jpbsimpson said...

Ok a couple of questions to ask, and then on to the actual story arc:

1. YOungblood action figures, seriously, was this garbage so damn popular that it really needed to produce action figures?

2. Where the hell did u find that HC edition for $5, because i found it on my local comic book website, and the cheapest they had it for was like $20 bucks.

3. Do u think eventually u'll get to the power rangers comic u planned to review?

4. What are your thoughts on Christopher Eccleston's portrayal?

And on to the actual arc, I really enjoyed it, though i only got into it around October last year, but thanks to a lot of research and video watching, i got caught up on the Mechakara Arc, and then managed to enjoy this one. This definitely was awesome and i cant wait for more episodes and another arc.

Tom Soares said...

Hey Linkara, if you like the 7th Doctor, I think you'll like this.

Sylvester McCoy doing a reading of the 11th Doctor's speech from The Pandorica Opens.

The Mad Scientist said...

Rewatching this, and it's STILL awesome! I have to say, though, every time you pull out the double Sonic Screwdrivers, I keep expecting you to say, "Hey Vyce, SCREW YOU!" I know that would have been totally obvious and maybe a bit cliched, but it still would have been epic and hilarious (at least, in my brain, it would have).

Anonymous said...

About the "divining rod", you said it only finds water... mostly true, but I've used similar rods that can find whatever you are thinking of... granted every time I've used it I have had a fairly good idea of where the thing I'm looking for is.
My point is that divining rods can find whatever you want.

I have no idea how it works.

Hannah said...

how does this storyline relate to Doctor Who? because i don't get it
maybe it's just because i've only seen the 2005-present show(my fave is 11)!

also- fave ep of the 2005-present series?
and when the Master returned how did YOU react?

Lewis Lovhaug said...

"how does this storyline relate to Doctor Who? because i don't get it
maybe it's just because i've only seen the 2005-present show(my fave is 11)!"

Only in that with Power Rangers, traditionally it's all about brute force that eventually eliminates the bad guy. In Doctor Who, there is usually a clever, more thought-out plan and trap concocted to defeat them, as was shown here - there was a tricky, elaborate plan in place to take Vyce on and instead of killing him, he's exiled.

Alexander Gordon Jahans said...

I'm still picking out the more notable reviews from your backlog. Your reviews are so focused I feel awkward watching an episode about a comic I've never read, am not likely to read and starring characters I'm unfamiliar with so I'm afraid I just watched the Doctor Who Classics #7 review.

This is so awesome. Really it feels silly to find it so great that a reviewer likes what I like but I still could not help grinning ear to ear throughout the whole thing and the lovely bit of plot at the end was wondrous.

I loved the science behind how Vyce is defeated. Yeah, it rings a little of deux ex machina in the way it's revealed so suddenly but the physics stands up so I'll gladly buy it and I love exposition.

Now I have to ask are you planning on doing anything for the fiftieth anniversary of Doctor Who? I realise it's not really what your show is about but I'd be interested none the less.

Jermey said...

Hey Linkara seance you did a comic from the fifth doctor back when you posted this, I was just wondering what did you think of the mini episode when the fifth doctor met the tenth doctor? If you haven't seen it look up the episode called time crash.

Anonymous said...

Re: The Doctor Who TV movie

I agree that the TV movie/"The Enemy Within" was silly and not very deep, but an enjoyable watch. In point of fact, though I'm not a huge fan of the concept, I love the set up with the Doctor having to tell the guy at the atomic clock ceremony his "big secret": "I'm half human, on my mother's side."

Oh, and seeing as how a couple of people have already chimed in to correct you on how to pronounce "Glousctershire," I won't bother adding my voice to the chorus.

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