This show was alright but sometimes Live the interaction with the crowd during the show is really annoying. I can find it funny when someone shouts out something as a response. But this time there was this guy that do this after every line Linkara says. And he’s NOT funny a single time. Often he do it at the same time Linkaras speaking. This did that the episode was almost unwatchable! Other than that it was great.
Yeah, that one guy who kept trying to be funny wasn't very funny, but that's certainly not any fault of yours, Mr. Lovhaug. Awesome vid, as always!
Also, I'm currently having an issue with the ads: they're not playing. Not in Firefox, where I don't have AdBlock. Not in Chrome, which has AdBlock but Blip and are whitelisted. And it's only Blip, ads on YouTube and such work fine. Any ideas?
That was really annoying. I know for a fact the entire third row with the Batman villains were snarling at him to shut up. I was already po'd going in (thanks to the staff at the con as opposed to the actual con) and that didn't help.
Please go to Magfest. I was planning to attend this year and it would be really disappointing if you weren't there since you're my favorite producer. I know it's expensive but we all really want to see you.
Actually, the sign says "utaihoudai", which means "sing all you can!" (Like "tabehoudai" is "eat all you can.")
Hmm, I watched Blake's 7, but I didn't get the "Maximum volume! Maximum power!" reference. Who said that? By the way, thanks for telling us about it, it's a great show! :)
I was surprised you didn't make a Joke about 'The Drums In The Master's Head' in 'Doctor Who', when Nega-Tristan begins to hear his own Heart Beat! That was a perfect opportunity to say that.
I have to agree with a Post above, the person shouting a joke after every line did get a bit awkward and at points, I couldn't hear you over the sound of others yelling random jokes. Now, Sometimes the Audience can make good jokes and they can be enjoyable, but then you get some who try too hard for a laugh.
Still, Neat Review, Linkara. Looking forward to seeing more from you. ;3
Great as always! Next year (or next time you go to an anime convention) you should review the GX manga, especially since you own it and wont need fan translations.
"Also, I'm currently having an issue with the ads: they're not playing. Not in Firefox, where I don't have AdBlock. Not in Chrome, which has AdBlock but Blip and are whitelisted. And it's only Blip, ads on YouTube and such work fine. Any ideas?"
Not sure. I say give it a few days or refresh the page after trying once to see if it's just a glitch.
I was there, and yea the guy that was trying to be funny is very annoying as he was in the live show at metacon, and Animinne last year as well. "facepalm" I know I enjoyed the show still. Keep up the good work, and I'll see ya at Metacon.
"Also, I'm currently having an issue with the ads: they're not playing. Not in Firefox, where I don't have AdBlock. Not in Chrome, which has AdBlock but Blip and are whitelisted. And it's only Blip, ads on YouTube and such work fine. Any ideas?" might be a location thing. At least that's what I was told by blip a few weeks ago. I used to get some ads.Now I get NONE,It's been at least a week.
Yeah that guy was beyond annoying, not sure what he was trying to accomplaish besides being a douche. I can deal with some audience participation but at least show you some respect and not heckle. these live shows are not my fave to watch but this was still cool. Maybe someday I will see one.
I enjoyed the Live show very much but like others, I was annoyed by the unfunny jokes of the off-screen "commentators" who kept interrupting you. (Bullseye is never around when you really need him!)
Also, who was that sorry individual who took a cheapshot at "Macho Man" Randy Savage? Savage was not only one of the greatest in-ring performers ever, he was awesome on the mike. He "freestyled" many of his interviews without cue cards and could improvise on the spot, as I saw him do on non-wrestling related talk shows! He did use drugs on occasion but his interviews were brilliantly hysterical because he was brilliant! That "sorry individual" just doesn't know what he's talking about.
I have watched several of Randy's interviews and they were NEVER as "hard" as listening to your buddy for even two seconds!
"How big of a part will you have in the anniversary this year?"
Not much of one. I'm in Welshy's documentary and that's it.
As I stated on tumblr, I was offered the chance to make a short for it, but with the DVD, conventions, and other projects I'm working on, I declined due to how little time I would have.
Dear everyone who has no idea how to act at anime conventions:
Learn proper convention etiquette. Anime cons really need to crack down on this crap. People get away with it so often that it's pretty much just accepted now. As bad as it is to hear this in a video, actually BEING there is even more cringe inducing. I have run panels before and have had people removed for this. I have also co-run panels and not been able to do anything about it and it completely ruins the flow. We only have a limited time to go through our panel. Your interruptions means we lose time for talking about what the panel is about.
Soooo, you didn't want to stretch 3 episodes worth of material into 4? Wow, you're like the Anti-Bendis. By the way, I'm crossing my fingers for an Age of Ultron review.
I actually disagree. I like both the live show and the audience reaction.
Also if I have your permission to be nitpicking: Ore is actually pronounced oh-reh, though I do agree that putting that in the translation notes is really pointless. Yet again you have mentoined several times that you don't speak Japanese, even on Longbox of the Damned. Though ironically, Moarte got a few of the prouncations right
Good episode but...for the love of God people, Linkara's the one on stage, let him say the funny stuff.
Applaud, laugh, cheer. Those are your only duties. Anything otherwise is just noise. OK, well boo if you don't like something but anything AFTER that is just noise
In Japanese, there's a lot more subtlety in the language. While we use the same pronouns across all sorts of ages and social structures, in Japanese there's a lot of different ways of saying things like "he," "she," or "I," each reflecting a different sort of self-opinion or relative place in the social structure to who you're talking to. Boku is used generally when talking to someone higher in social standing than you and is more polite. Ore is much more brash and is used to indicate masculinity or superiority.
"Good episode but...for the love of God people, Linkara's the one on stage, let him say the funny stuff." Dude that ruins the purpose of a live show. When it comes to live, anything can happen.
Looking back on the early chapters of Yu Gi Oh, I realize that this is just the same story. Asshole makes the mistake of pissing off Yugi, Dark Yugi comes out, Shadow Game between Dark Yugi and Asshole ends with Asshole going insane.
Part of me was glad they started going into the mythology of the Millennium Items . . . and of course Duel Monsters and assorted games. Mostly Duel Monsters.
I was at this, that guy was sitting two rows in front of me and everyone in our row wanted to punch him.
I do recommend going to a convention and meeting Linkara because he is very generous to his fans! He was a really nice guy when he saw me! (If your reading this Linkara, I was the Clark Kent cosplayer!)
Ugh. The cringe-inducing audience "humor" always makes these so hard to watch. Same thing with Spoony's recent videos.
The problem is hobbies like Anime and gaming attract a lot of socially awkward people, and when you put them together in a large group at conventions they get... emboldened.
If you think you're so witty that we should all hear your commentary, then star your own video review show and work your way up like Linkara did.
And if you're at one of these shows and some neckbeard keeps doing this. A good, loud "Shut the hell up and let Linkara do his show!" will likely elicit applause and nip this crap in the bud.
@Shanethefilmmaker: "Dude that ruins the purpose of a live show. When it comes to live, anything can happen."
The purpose of a live show is certainly NOT to promote anti-social behavior - like refusing to shut up and even going so far as to interrupt the host of the live show.
I enjoy these live shows. Getting a good camera shot AND audio capture can be hard at live events, and Linkara seems to be the best at both among the Channel Awesome staff (usually the only audio that's muffled is the crowd, which is often a good thing given some hecklers).
While sometimes the hecklers in the audience may kill a joke or two of Linkara's or throw off his momentum, the Live shows also give us some great blooper jokes.
"All night solo love show" was the funniest joke in this review (in my humble opinion, at least), and being a flub it never would have happened in a regular pre-recorded episode.
So in summation: You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have, Atop The Fourth Wall Live.
"Hew Lewis, just to let you know. McAfee think your site is malicious and dangerous and block it. You might want to try and do something about that."
I've tried. McAfee has one of the crappiest customer service systems ever and the person I spoke to on the phone did not speak English very well and didn't seem to understand the problem.
Yeah, didn't get very far in that before I gave up. First of all - I approve all comments, so if you want to address something on the adblock video, address it in THAT comment section. I'll see it regardless.
Secondly, I'm not paying attention to the youtube comments. At all. I did at the start, but it's a waste of time to try to argue with some of them and I feel no need to try to justify myself in a place where I don't regularly post videos.
Thirdly, the trolling posts I received were in reference to TGWTG and the blog's comments, which I can assure you there has been deliberate trolling, unless it's considered rational to call me "immoral" and that I should "go boil my head" because I made a calm video explaining how this is my job and that advertisements pay my rent.
Fourthly, there was a miscommunication on the matter and I was confusing the Archfiend with Asalieri. Things were cleared up with the Archfiend quite a while ago over twitter.
That was about as far as I got. If you want to direct criticisms at me, feel free to do it in the appropriate threads.
I can't say I'm too crazy about Megaforce. I think it'll be interesting to see where the Robo Knight plotline goes and I like their weapon attachments. It's just the name...Megaforce...did we really need another title with "force" in it?! It just sounds like a bad fanfic title. Also I think Saban is trying to be nostalgic on purpose and I don't think it's working.
We seem to be back to cardboard cutout characters and I think Power Rangers has long since out grown that. I thought the Samurai rangers were better actors. Still we know where the budget went.
And how exactly do we know that you approve every comment that comes your way, Lewis? Do you have some kind of evidence to prove this statement or can we just take your word for that? Coming from a person who openly admits to IGNORING hundreds of comments because they're on Youtube, a place that is apparently below your brilliant self now, your word doesn't mean very much here.
Apparently you've already proven that you don't read everything that comes your way, which you are always so quick to claim that you do, otherwise you may have reached the end of a post that makes perfectly valid points, just not ones that you necessarily agree with. This makes that point you labour on so to be at best misleading or at worst dishonest.
A very important point he brought up which I shall here is the discrepancies between your video and your consequent blog post. The video made it sound like you need the extra money the people were denying you before. Turns out you didn't, you just WANTED it. Yeah, actually I think the term "immoral" could be justified, the word "unethical" certainly is. The video was presented in a deliberately misleading fashion at best, an outright dishonest one at worst. And after that, you have the cheek to brag about how many cons you'll be attending. I wish I could afford to do that.
We as an internet community also really need to stop it with this "troll" nonsense. It's gotten to the point that any argument made against anything you say, worded in any other way than what you you consider "civil" is automatically the work of a troll. It's nonsense, used by people to ignore comments so they don't actually have to address a legitimate concern.
Back to the Youtube thing: "it's a waste of time to try to argue with some of them and I feel no need to try to justify myself in a place where I don't regularly post videos."
This was where the "feet-kissing" comment from the fella you're responding to comes in. You only want to respond to comments where you regularly post videos. In other words, you only want to reply to comments in places dominated by fans. Of course feedback from your video was going to be mostly positive on TGWTG or your blog, because almost all of it will be coming from FANS. Youtube is comparatively neutral ground, hence why you don't want to listen to comments there and why this suggests a far more negative reaction to your video than that on your blog. Once again, it's either misleading your audience or being outright dishonest. Starting to notice a pattern here? And it isn't just the repetitive wording ;).
Finally, if you actually do read every comment, why does it matter where they are placed? As I understand it, you have to look at all the comments to approve them, alongside which it displays which post the comment is in response to. It isn't as if you're not going to be able to find said comment then, is it? So why bother restricting it to one topic? Oh that's right, it's so that you can ignore any posts on this matter made here and then ignore the post put in the correct section because you "don't often visit it any more".
But to bend to your will and make this relevant to the video in question, I watched the video, with Adblock on obviously (I prefer not to line the pockets of somebody unwilling to take on board comments because of their sheer snobbishness). Do these Live shows increase your revenue at all (that is, do you receive a significant increase in traffic from attending these cons)? Unless the answer is yes, I fail to see how these could be expanding your "business" or doing anything other than stroking your own ego. I mean, you failed in bringing some of your merchandise along, which is a perfectly legitimate way of expanding ones income, so why waste the money in going at all?
"And how exactly do we know that you approve every comment that comes your way, Lewis?"
I'm approving comments like this or the aforementioned ones seen IN that comments section, right? You do see those negative reactions that ARE occurring? I admit, you don't have 100% positive proof that I'm doing so, but you likewise don't see lots of blog posts or reactions of individuals elsewhere saying "He won't let my well-argued critique go through!"
"Apparently you've already proven that you don't read everything that comes your way, which you are always so quick to claim that you do, otherwise you may have reached the end of a post that makes perfectly valid points, just not ones that you necessarily agree with. This makes that point you labour on so to be at best misleading or at worst dishonest."
I DO read every comment on the blog. I have to in order to approve it. Reading them on TGWTG is considerably more difficult since I don't get e-mailed an update on every comment posted. And because I'm putting out a new video weekly, I can't continually check the comments on the 200+ videos on the off-chance that someone in the last week has posted something new. I actually wish I DID get some kind of update every day on it to keep up with comments. I think it's important for a creative person, especially if they're making money directly based on their audience, to interact with the audience and hear all their feedback. The internet is the most direct method of receiving feedback for content as quickly as possible.
"A very important point he brought up which I shall here is the discrepancies between your video and your consequent blog post. The video made it sound like you need the extra money the people were denying you before. Turns out you didn't, you just WANTED it."
Noooo, the reason I created the video was because it appeared to me that I was IN DANGER of losing my primary source of revenue because of adblockers. It was a precautionary measure. If I didn't make that clear in the video, that IS my fault, but I did respond to others in the comments and informed them as such - that it looked like we would be getting to a point where adblockers would take away our ability to provide the service that so many people seem to like.
"Yeah, actually I think the term "immoral" could be justified, the word "unethical" certainly is. The video was presented in a deliberately misleading fashion at best, an outright dishonest one at worst. And after that, you have the cheek to brag about how many cons you'll be attending. I wish I could afford to do that."
They called me "immoral" because they thought the video was anti-capitalist. Seriously. And as for trolling, since the video, a few individuals have gone into subsequent episode comment sections on TGWTG ONLY to post a single comment, repeated over and over in multiple posts within those videos. It's not a response to the episode in question, the post is simply "Adblocker is awesome." In one or two cases, they made entire paragraphs with the phrase copied and pasted dozens of times. How is that NOT trolling?
And where in the hell did I BRAG about going to all those conventions? I'm actually DISTRESSED that I'm going to that many. It's difficult to produce mutliple pieces of quality content in a short amount of time AND deal with the stresses of self-employment AND travelling. Yes, I chose to do it, but I'm not BRAGGING about it, I was saying it because it was going to be a tricky thing to do.
"In other words, you only want to reply to comments in places dominated by fans. Of course feedback from your video was going to be mostly positive on TGWTG or your blog, because almost all of it will be coming from FANS. Youtube is comparatively neutral ground, hence why you don't want to listen to comments there and why this suggests a far more negative reaction to your video than that on your blog."
Fair enough point. However, I still don't think youtube is all that great a place to have discussions on the issue.
"Finally, if you actually do read every comment, why does it matter where they are placed? As I understand it, you have to look at all the comments to approve them, alongside which it displays which post the comment is in response to. It isn't as if you're not going to be able to find said comment then, is it? So why bother restricting it to one topic? Oh that's right, it's so that you can ignore any posts on this matter made here and then ignore the post put in the correct section because you "don't often visit it any more"."
Mostly because I know other fans read the comments and newcomers are going to be confused as to why a conversation from somewhere else is being continued HERE and not in the place it originally was in response to.
And if you also refer to comments elsewhere and why I don't read them on other blogs and locations, that should be obvious: the internet is a big place and there are only so many hours in a day.
"But to bend to your will and make this relevant to the video in question, I watched the video, with Adblock on obviously (I prefer not to line the pockets of somebody unwilling to take on board comments because of their sheer snobbishness). Do these Live shows increase your revenue at all (that is, do you receive a significant increase in traffic from attending these cons)? Unless the answer is yes, I fail to see how these could be expanding your "business" or doing anything other than stroking your own ego. I mean, you failed in bringing some of your merchandise along, which is a perfectly legitimate way of expanding ones income, so why waste the money in going at all?"
I find it head-scratching that you do not wish to "line my pockets" even though it costs you nothing but time. No money of yours was actually removed for this process. The time cost was 30 seconds. 30 seconds for a 37-MINUTE video that did not contain a midroll.
Yes, the live shows increase revenue because it's an additional video I'm putting out for people to watch and subsequently have an ad played beforehand. I've also had people inform me that they went to the panel wanting to learn what it was about and becoming new fans of the show from it. I also find it gets fans more excited and happy to come to conventions if they're getting more entertainment value than a simple Q&A.
As for merchandise, while I didn't have the DVDs on hand (like I WANTED to and paid extra shipping in the hopes that it WOULD be), I DID have plushies on hand to sell and I made a profit as a result.
Now let's address the "wasting the money to go." See, I CAN'T afford to go to conventions just for fun, with the exception of Fallcon and Springcon, which are local comic conventions that only cost $10 to go in... and even then, it's a business trip since I'm usually looking through back-issue bins for new material.
I CAN'T afford to travel to all these places. The convention pays for hotel and airfare. That's all I ask for. If they wish to pay me an appearance fee or a per diem, that's their perogative, but I don't demand it (despite several people telling me I should). Hell, I'm still considering cutting MagFest next year because that's the only major convention I go to that I pay the entire thing out of pocket for and it's expensive as hell and I don't make back the cost of going. The ONLY reasons to go to it are to see all my fellow producers and to see fans.
You might not make it to Magfest next year? NOOOOOOO! I couldn't make it to this past one because I had no money, but I went to the past two before that just for you! And the video games... But mostly you! I'll still try to make it this year regardless, but it just wouldn't be the same without you. Well, you just do what you gotta do. I'll just keep watching the show without adblockers and purchase a few things and hope that enough of us fans do the same to keep you showing up around here.
As far as the show itself goes, I think we've all established that douchey guy was douchey. The worst line was the "Worth it" after Joey lifted Tea's skirt and got punched for it. Sure, when guys have their ass exposed to the world against their will, it's either because somebody's bullying them or getting comeuppance, but when it happens to a gal, well, it's all in good fun. Well, he sure showed his ass to the world, even if he wasn't on camera.
Thanks for not being that guy, Linkara. Your review was just fine and dandy.
Some cultural notice to expand on Kolonel's explaination. Japanese Karaoke is not set up quite the same as it's counter art in the US or the UK. Generally a group of friends hire out a small "studio" (like the one that Yugi and the Bully are in) that is part of a larger complex. It's not a "public display" like in the US, you do it together with your friends. The tamborines etc are provided so you can accompany your friends and add to the party atmosphere.
Normally you pay a set fee for the studio for a certain amount of time and you pay seperately for any drinks you order that are delivered to your "studio" by a waiter.
Many Karaoke bars offer a "nomi-hodai" package where you hire not only the studio for a flat fee but also you pay for a "bottomless glass" for the same amount of time. Sometimes there'sa limited selection of drinks that will be available on the nomihodai list. Adding hodai to the end of the verb means as Kolonel said "VERB all you can". Restaraunts sometimes offer tabehodai (pay a flat fee for an hour's worth of access to a buffet). So the sign means "Sing as much as you can" or "unlimited singing".
Great Live show, and yes, I swear I will go watch some of Blake's 7 ASAP!
So sad to hear in the Q&A that you may not be at MAGfest. I've loved the chance to see your Live shows in person there and to be able to talk with you is so fun because you're such a nice guy. I hope your plans change and you're able to make it, if not next year then some years to come.
Good luck at your many cons coming up soon! I know you've said the Live show videos don't bring you as many views as an AT4W episode but I still love to watch them. In fact, I plan on having a Live show marathon for myself very soon now. Yep, just decided that :) Safe travels to you, sir!
"Why not review the show. Its not bad and there is some moments you can make fun of."
Because quite frankly I find original Yu-Gi-Oh to be quite dull compared to GX, most of my jokes would have already been done by Little Kuriboh, and I'm not taking on another retrospective project when History of Power Rangers still exists.
Alright fine. But the original was not dull compared to GX. I thought both shows had there own ideas. GX was trying to be more on the modern times. The original was trying to be more sympathetic, and trying to show kids to like history. I thought you might review it seance your also doing pokemon.
"Alright fine. But the original was not dull compared to GX. I thought both shows had there own ideas. GX was trying to be more on the modern times. The original was trying to be more sympathetic, and trying to show kids to like history. I thought you might review it seance your also doing pokemon."
The dullness or not dullness of a series relates to personal opinion and to me, it's not as good as GX and it has a harder time holding my interest.
And I'm not doing Pokémon. SUEDE is reviewing the Pokémon movies, which I am contributing to, but will no longer be doing so after another movie or two because I haven't seen them after that point.
I'm looking at the comments here and all I got to say is if you think that GX is better then review it after the history of power rangers, its your choice.
Looking again at the comments you are right GX is way better. My only problem is that Bastion kept on getting written out. I liked that charter it just bugged me. You said that you didn't see 5ds before, well it is also really good, check it out. Well yugioh is 14 years old now and another series is coming in April lets just hope its good.
I love both classic and GX though the fact that season 4 of GX was never dubbed leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It's weird that there are 2 dubs of Zexal though admittandly there are 3 of the classic series. While 4kids were dealing with the lawsuit, another company decided to work on a new dub which had Johnny Yong Bosch as Yuma and Vic Mignogna as Shark. Apparrently they work very closely with the Japanese who sent them the show with the mouth flaps unedited so they could synch the animation to the English voices and thus putting less strain on the VA's and script writers. Also scenes that 4kids would have cut were re-animated to be acceptable to the US TV networks. Sadly since 4kids didn't lose the rights, it had to be shelved.
I agree with you SnowWolf about the fact that GX season 4 not being dub was a bad idea. Greg Abbey who played Yusei said that they had 5ds already to go so they just did it to make sure that Japan wouldn't get that far a head of 4kids dub. It was still a bad idea being GX season 4 was way shorter then the first 3 seasons.
It would have been better to have Johnny young Bosch do the voice of Yuma, but I'm just glad that Zexal was dubbed to begin with.
As for you Linkara just if you like GX go a head and enjoy it no one is stopping you, but I also say check out 5ds you won't be mad about it.
If you ever want to review the show like a history of yugioh (see what I did there) go a head have a good time with it, your History of power rangers, Suede's pokeomon reviews as long as your on it, and every comic you can think of no body is stopping you.
I agree with both you lee and snow wolf about GX season 4 should have been dubbed. As for you Linkara yugioh is a good show, and if you want do a review like lee said. Who would have thought a power ranger could have been a main charter in yugioh. I'd say you did a good job with this monga. What's quite ironic thought that Kaiba and Bastion were voiced by Eric Stuart also did Brock and James in pokeomon seance The 4 charters have nothing in common. It would be funny to see all 4 of them just being in the same room and using that joke you did with yami and the evil clown. I f this comment is bad I'm sorry.
I guess you won't review Yugioh arc v. The first episode aired. I'd say zexal will end in america in February of 2015 cause I notice there trying to keep an 11 month difference between America and Japan's air dates. That's if 4kids finish dubbing it this time. Seance they stop dubbing GX and 5DS I don't think they will finish. Also being in how the show is turning 15 years old I was wondering if you seen the bounds beyond time movie. If you haven't because you don't know the 5ds plot you should know you don't need to know it. The do tie it in by the end of the show but you don't need to know 5ds to watch it.
This show was alright but sometimes Live the interaction with the crowd during the show is really annoying. I can find it funny when someone shouts out something as a response. But this time there was this guy that do this after every line Linkara says. And he’s NOT funny a single time. Often he do it at the same time Linkaras speaking. This did that the episode was almost unwatchable! Other than that it was great.
Yeah, that one guy who kept trying to be funny wasn't very funny, but that's certainly not any fault of yours, Mr. Lovhaug. Awesome vid, as always!
Also, I'm currently having an issue with the ads: they're not playing. Not in Firefox, where I don't have AdBlock. Not in Chrome, which has AdBlock but Blip and are whitelisted. And it's only Blip, ads on YouTube and such work fine. Any ideas?
That was really annoying. I know for a fact the entire third row with the Batman villains were snarling at him to shut up. I was already po'd going in (thanks to the staff at the con as opposed to the actual con) and that didn't help.
Please go to Magfest. I was planning to attend this year and it would be really disappointing if you weren't there since you're my favorite producer. I know it's expensive but we all really want to see you.
Yeah, that dude in the audience was annoying...
And this chapter's bully was... lame. He looks awesomely stupid, but he acts like one of those more forgettable Silver Age villains.
And there will be a crossover with Welshy. Awsome O_O !
I got the Blake's 7 joke! And clearly nobody in this audience has seen your Frankentsein vs the Space Monster review!
Actually, the sign says "utaihoudai", which means "sing all you can!" (Like "tabehoudai" is "eat all you can.")
Hmm, I watched Blake's 7, but I didn't get the "Maximum volume! Maximum power!" reference. Who said that?
By the way, thanks for telling us about it, it's a great show! :)
I was surprised you didn't make a Joke about 'The Drums In The Master's Head' in 'Doctor Who', when Nega-Tristan begins to hear his own Heart Beat!
That was a perfect opportunity to say that.
I have to agree with a Post above, the person shouting a joke after every line did get a bit awkward and at points, I couldn't hear you over the sound of others yelling random jokes.
Now, Sometimes the Audience can make good jokes and they can be enjoyable, but then you get some who try too hard for a laugh.
Still, Neat Review, Linkara.
Looking forward to seeing more from you. ;3
Great as always! Next year (or next time you go to an anime convention) you should review the GX manga, especially since you own it and wont need fan translations.
"Also, I'm currently having an issue with the ads: they're not playing. Not in Firefox, where I don't have AdBlock. Not in Chrome, which has AdBlock but Blip and are whitelisted. And it's only Blip, ads on YouTube and such work fine. Any ideas?"
Not sure. I say give it a few days or refresh the page after trying once to see if it's just a glitch.
"Hmm, I watched Blake's 7, but I didn't get the "Maximum volume! Maximum power!" reference. Who said that?"
Servalan said it in Terminal, where she raises her hands up on the Liberator and proclaims, "Maximum Power!"
I was there, and yea the guy that was trying to be funny is very annoying as he was in the live show at metacon, and Animinne last year as well. "facepalm" I know I enjoyed the show still. Keep up the good work, and I'll see ya at Metacon.
I always love seeing these, it definitely brings a small con experience for those of us who can't afford to travel to them.
I knew it! I knew that he based the Gunslinger off Yuber!
"Also, I'm currently having an issue with the ads: they're not playing. Not in Firefox, where I don't have AdBlock. Not in Chrome, which has AdBlock but Blip and are whitelisted. And it's only Blip, ads on YouTube and such work fine. Any ideas?"
might be a location thing.
At least that's what I was told by blip a few weeks ago.
I used to get some ads.Now I get NONE,It's been at least a week.
Yeah that guy was beyond annoying, not sure what he was trying to accomplaish besides being a douche. I can deal with some audience participation but at least show you some respect and not heckle. these live shows are not my fave to watch but this was still cool. Maybe someday I will see one.
I enjoyed the Live show very much but like others, I was annoyed by the unfunny jokes of the off-screen "commentators" who kept interrupting you. (Bullseye is never around when you really need him!)
Also, who was that sorry individual who took a cheapshot at "Macho Man" Randy Savage? Savage was not only one of the greatest in-ring performers ever, he was awesome on the mike. He "freestyled" many of his interviews without cue cards and could improvise on the spot, as I saw him do on non-wrestling related talk shows! He did use drugs on occasion but his interviews were brilliantly hysterical because he was brilliant! That "sorry individual" just doesn't know what he's talking about.
I have watched several of Randy's interviews and they were NEVER as "hard" as listening to your buddy for even two seconds!
-Leader Desslok-
The eternal problem with live events.
I would have IDed Nega-Tristan as The Hair Guy myself, but to each their own jokes.
How big of a part will you have in the anniversary this year?
"How big of a part will you have in the anniversary this year?"
Not much of one. I'm in Welshy's documentary and that's it.
As I stated on tumblr, I was offered the chance to make a short for it, but with the DVD, conventions, and other projects I'm working on, I declined due to how little time I would have.
Dear everyone who has no idea how to act at anime conventions:
Learn proper convention etiquette. Anime cons really need to crack down on this crap. People get away with it so often that it's pretty much just accepted now. As bad as it is to hear this in a video, actually BEING there is even more cringe inducing. I have run panels before and have had people removed for this. I have also co-run panels and not been able to do anything about it and it completely ruins the flow. We only have a limited time to go through our panel. Your interruptions means we lose time for talking about what the panel is about.
Soooo, you didn't want to stretch 3 episodes worth of material into 4? Wow, you're like the Anti-Bendis. By the way, I'm crossing my fingers for an Age of Ultron review.
I actually disagree. I like both the live show and the audience reaction.
Also if I have your permission to be nitpicking: Ore is actually pronounced oh-reh, though I do agree that putting that in the translation notes is really pointless. Yet again you have mentoined several times that you don't speak Japanese, even on Longbox of the Damned. Though ironically, Moarte got a few of the prouncations right
One Nega Tristian was cured using a very painful ear transplant, he appeared as a German terrorist in the mega blockbuster Slenderman.
Wow, I never knew Egyptian Pharaohs liked Rock and Roll. Makes me wonder if Yami is giving Batman the finger.
Good episode but...for the love of God people, Linkara's the one on stage, let him say the funny stuff.
Applaud, laugh, cheer. Those are your only duties. Anything otherwise is just noise. OK, well boo if you don't like something but anything AFTER that is just noise
In Japanese, there's a lot more subtlety in the language. While we use the same pronouns across all sorts of ages and social structures, in Japanese there's a lot of different ways of saying things like "he," "she," or "I," each reflecting a different sort of self-opinion or relative place in the social structure to who you're talking to. Boku is used generally when talking to someone higher in social standing than you and is more polite. Ore is much more brash and is used to indicate masculinity or superiority.
"Good episode but...for the love of God people, Linkara's the one on stage, let him say the funny stuff."
Dude that ruins the purpose of a live show. When it comes to live, anything can happen.
Are you going to put up Nostalgia Critic's Turbo movie review with you in it any time soon?
Looking back on the early chapters of Yu Gi Oh, I realize that this is just the same story. Asshole makes the mistake of pissing off Yugi, Dark Yugi comes out, Shadow Game between Dark Yugi and Asshole ends with Asshole going insane.
Part of me was glad they started going into the mythology of the Millennium Items . . . and of course Duel Monsters and assorted games. Mostly Duel Monsters.
Hew Lewis, just to let you know.
McAfee think your site is malicious and dangerous and block it.
You might want to try and do something about that.
please read this:
Was the ending to that contest an homage to (pronounced 'rip-off of') The Telltale Heart?
~ Mik
I was at this, that guy was sitting two rows in front of me and everyone in our row wanted to punch him.
I do recommend going to a convention and meeting Linkara because he is very generous to his fans! He was a really nice guy when he saw me! (If your reading this Linkara, I was the Clark Kent cosplayer!)
linkara souled review something from jack t,chick
Ugh. The cringe-inducing audience "humor" always makes these so hard to watch. Same thing with Spoony's recent videos.
The problem is hobbies like Anime and gaming attract a lot of socially awkward people, and when you put them together in a large group at conventions they get... emboldened.
If you think you're so witty that we should all hear your commentary, then star your own video review show and work your way up like Linkara did.
And if you're at one of these shows and some neckbeard keeps doing this. A good, loud "Shut the hell up and let Linkara do his show!" will likely elicit applause and nip this crap in the bud.
"Dude that ruins the purpose of a live show. When it comes to live, anything can happen."
The purpose of a live show is certainly NOT to promote anti-social behavior - like refusing to shut up and even going so far as to interrupt the host of the live show.
I enjoy these live shows. Getting a good camera shot AND audio capture can be hard at live events, and Linkara seems to be the best at both among the Channel Awesome staff (usually the only audio that's muffled is the crowd, which is often a good thing given some hecklers).
While sometimes the hecklers in the audience may kill a joke or two of Linkara's or throw off his momentum, the Live shows also give us some great blooper jokes.
"All night solo love show" was the funniest joke in this review (in my humble opinion, at least), and being a flub it never would have happened in a regular pre-recorded episode.
So in summation: You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have, Atop The Fourth Wall Live.
Could you review the Robotech comics by DC and Wildstorm?
"Hew Lewis, just to let you know.
McAfee think your site is malicious and dangerous and block it.
You might want to try and do something about that."
I've tried. McAfee has one of the crappiest customer service systems ever and the person I spoke to on the phone did not speak English very well and didn't seem to understand the problem.
"please read this:"
Yeah, didn't get very far in that before I gave up. First of all - I approve all comments, so if you want to address something on the adblock video, address it in THAT comment section. I'll see it regardless.
Secondly, I'm not paying attention to the youtube comments. At all. I did at the start, but it's a waste of time to try to argue with some of them and I feel no need to try to justify myself in a place where I don't regularly post videos.
Thirdly, the trolling posts I received were in reference to TGWTG and the blog's comments, which I can assure you there has been deliberate trolling, unless it's considered rational to call me "immoral" and that I should "go boil my head" because I made a calm video explaining how this is my job and that advertisements pay my rent.
Fourthly, there was a miscommunication on the matter and I was confusing the Archfiend with Asalieri. Things were cleared up with the Archfiend quite a while ago over twitter.
That was about as far as I got. If you want to direct criticisms at me, feel free to do it in the appropriate threads.
Gotta love the live shows!
I can't say I'm too crazy about Megaforce. I think it'll be interesting to see where the Robo Knight plotline goes and I like their weapon attachments. It's just the name...Megaforce...did we really need another title with "force" in it?! It just sounds like a bad fanfic title.
Also I think Saban is trying to be nostalgic on purpose and I don't think it's working.
We seem to be back to cardboard cutout characters and I think Power Rangers has long since out grown that. I thought the Samurai rangers were better actors. Still we know where the budget went.
Gotta stop before I go even further into a rant.
And how exactly do we know that you approve every comment that comes your way, Lewis? Do you have some kind of evidence to prove this statement or can we just take your word for that? Coming from a person who openly admits to IGNORING hundreds of comments because they're on Youtube, a place that is apparently below your brilliant self now, your word doesn't mean very much here.
Apparently you've already proven that you don't read everything that comes your way, which you are always so quick to claim that you do, otherwise you may have reached the end of a post that makes perfectly valid points, just not ones that you necessarily agree with. This makes that point you labour on so to be at best misleading or at worst dishonest.
A very important point he brought up which I shall here is the discrepancies between your video and your consequent blog post. The video made it sound like you need the extra money the people were denying you before. Turns out you didn't, you just WANTED it. Yeah, actually I think the term "immoral" could be justified, the word "unethical" certainly is. The video was presented in a deliberately misleading fashion at best, an outright dishonest one at worst. And after that, you have the cheek to brag about how many cons you'll be attending. I wish I could afford to do that.
We as an internet community also really need to stop it with this "troll" nonsense. It's gotten to the point that any argument made against anything you say, worded in any other way than what you you consider "civil" is automatically the work of a troll. It's nonsense, used by people to ignore comments so they don't actually have to address a legitimate concern.
Back to the Youtube thing:
"it's a waste of time to try to argue with some of them and I feel no need to try to justify myself in a place where I don't regularly post videos."
This was where the "feet-kissing" comment from the fella you're responding to comes in. You only want to respond to comments where you regularly post videos. In other words, you only want to reply to comments in places dominated by fans. Of course feedback from your video was going to be mostly positive on TGWTG or your blog, because almost all of it will be coming from FANS. Youtube is comparatively neutral ground, hence why you don't want to listen to comments there and why this suggests a far more negative reaction to your video than that on your blog. Once again, it's either misleading your audience or being outright dishonest. Starting to notice a pattern here? And it isn't just the repetitive wording ;).
Finally, if you actually do read every comment, why does it matter where they are placed? As I understand it, you have to look at all the comments to approve them, alongside which it displays which post the comment is in response to. It isn't as if you're not going to be able to find said comment then, is it? So why bother restricting it to one topic? Oh that's right, it's so that you can ignore any posts on this matter made here and then ignore the post put in the correct section because you "don't often visit it any more".
But to bend to your will and make this relevant to the video in question, I watched the video, with Adblock on obviously (I prefer not to line the pockets of somebody unwilling to take on board comments because of their sheer snobbishness). Do these Live shows increase your revenue at all (that is, do you receive a significant increase in traffic from attending these cons)? Unless the answer is yes, I fail to see how these could be expanding your "business" or doing anything other than stroking your own ego. I mean, you failed in bringing some of your merchandise along, which is a perfectly legitimate way of expanding ones income, so why waste the money in going at all?
"And how exactly do we know that you approve every comment that comes your way, Lewis?"
I'm approving comments like this or the aforementioned ones seen IN that comments section, right? You do see those negative reactions that ARE occurring? I admit, you don't have 100% positive proof that I'm doing so, but you likewise don't see lots of blog posts or reactions of individuals elsewhere saying "He won't let my well-argued critique go through!"
"Apparently you've already proven that you don't read everything that comes your way, which you are always so quick to claim that you do, otherwise you may have reached the end of a post that makes perfectly valid points, just not ones that you necessarily agree with. This makes that point you labour on so to be at best misleading or at worst dishonest."
I DO read every comment on the blog. I have to in order to approve it. Reading them on TGWTG is considerably more difficult since I don't get e-mailed an update on every comment posted. And because I'm putting out a new video weekly, I can't continually check the comments on the 200+ videos on the off-chance that someone in the last week has posted something new. I actually wish I DID get some kind of update every day on it to keep up with comments. I think it's important for a creative person, especially if they're making money directly based on their audience, to interact with the audience and hear all their feedback. The internet is the most direct method of receiving feedback for content as quickly as possible.
"A very important point he brought up which I shall here is the discrepancies between your video and your consequent blog post. The video made it sound like you need the extra money the people were denying you before. Turns out you didn't, you just WANTED it."
Noooo, the reason I created the video was because it appeared to me that I was IN DANGER of losing my primary source of revenue because of adblockers. It was a precautionary measure. If I didn't make that clear in the video, that IS my fault, but I did respond to others in the comments and informed them as such - that it looked like we would be getting to a point where adblockers would take away our ability to provide the service that so many people seem to like.
"Yeah, actually I think the term "immoral" could be justified, the word "unethical" certainly is. The video was presented in a deliberately misleading fashion at best, an outright dishonest one at worst. And after that, you have the cheek to brag about how many cons you'll be attending. I wish I could afford to do that."
They called me "immoral" because they thought the video was anti-capitalist. Seriously. And as for trolling, since the video, a few individuals have gone into subsequent episode comment sections on TGWTG ONLY to post a single comment, repeated over and over in multiple posts within those videos. It's not a response to the episode in question, the post is simply "Adblocker is awesome." In one or two cases, they made entire paragraphs with the phrase copied and pasted dozens of times. How is that NOT trolling?
And where in the hell did I BRAG about going to all those conventions? I'm actually DISTRESSED that I'm going to that many. It's difficult to produce mutliple pieces of quality content in a short amount of time AND deal with the stresses of self-employment AND travelling. Yes, I chose to do it, but I'm not BRAGGING about it, I was saying it because it was going to be a tricky thing to do.
As for "affording" it, I'll address that below.
"In other words, you only want to reply to comments in places dominated by fans. Of course feedback from your video was going to be mostly positive on TGWTG or your blog, because almost all of it will be coming from FANS. Youtube is comparatively neutral ground, hence why you don't want to listen to comments there and why this suggests a far more negative reaction to your video than that on your blog."
Fair enough point. However, I still don't think youtube is all that great a place to have discussions on the issue.
"Finally, if you actually do read every comment, why does it matter where they are placed? As I understand it, you have to look at all the comments to approve them, alongside which it displays which post the comment is in response to. It isn't as if you're not going to be able to find said comment then, is it? So why bother restricting it to one topic? Oh that's right, it's so that you can ignore any posts on this matter made here and then ignore the post put in the correct section because you "don't often visit it any more"."
Mostly because I know other fans read the comments and newcomers are going to be confused as to why a conversation from somewhere else is being continued HERE and not in the place it originally was in response to.
And if you also refer to comments elsewhere and why I don't read them on other blogs and locations, that should be obvious: the internet is a big place and there are only so many hours in a day.
"But to bend to your will and make this relevant to the video in question, I watched the video, with Adblock on obviously (I prefer not to line the pockets of somebody unwilling to take on board comments because of their sheer snobbishness). Do these Live shows increase your revenue at all (that is, do you receive a significant increase in traffic from attending these cons)? Unless the answer is yes, I fail to see how these could be expanding your "business" or doing anything other than stroking your own ego. I mean, you failed in bringing some of your merchandise along, which is a perfectly legitimate way of expanding ones income, so why waste the money in going at all?"
I find it head-scratching that you do not wish to "line my pockets" even though it costs you nothing but time. No money of yours was actually removed for this process. The time cost was 30 seconds. 30 seconds for a 37-MINUTE video that did not contain a midroll.
Yes, the live shows increase revenue because it's an additional video I'm putting out for people to watch and subsequently have an ad played beforehand. I've also had people inform me that they went to the panel wanting to learn what it was about and becoming new fans of the show from it. I also find it gets fans more excited and happy to come to conventions if they're getting more entertainment value than a simple Q&A.
As for merchandise, while I didn't have the DVDs on hand (like I WANTED to and paid extra shipping in the hopes that it WOULD be), I DID have plushies on hand to sell and I made a profit as a result.
Now let's address the "wasting the money to go." See, I CAN'T afford to go to conventions just for fun, with the exception of Fallcon and Springcon, which are local comic conventions that only cost $10 to go in... and even then, it's a business trip since I'm usually looking through back-issue bins for new material.
I CAN'T afford to travel to all these places. The convention pays for hotel and airfare. That's all I ask for. If they wish to pay me an appearance fee or a per diem, that's their perogative, but I don't demand it (despite several people telling me I should). Hell, I'm still considering cutting MagFest next year because that's the only major convention I go to that I pay the entire thing out of pocket for and it's expensive as hell and I don't make back the cost of going. The ONLY reasons to go to it are to see all my fellow producers and to see fans.
You might not make it to Magfest next year? NOOOOOOO! I couldn't make it to this past one because I had no money, but I went to the past two before that just for you! And the video games... But mostly you! I'll still try to make it this year regardless, but it just wouldn't be the same without you. Well, you just do what you gotta do. I'll just keep watching the show without adblockers and purchase a few things and hope that enough of us fans do the same to keep you showing up around here.
As far as the show itself goes, I think we've all established that douchey guy was douchey. The worst line was the "Worth it" after Joey lifted Tea's skirt and got punched for it. Sure, when guys have their ass exposed to the world against their will, it's either because somebody's bullying them or getting comeuppance, but when it happens to a gal, well, it's all in good fun. Well, he sure showed his ass to the world, even if he wasn't on camera.
Thanks for not being that guy, Linkara. Your review was just fine and dandy.
Some cultural notice to expand on Kolonel's explaination. Japanese Karaoke is not set up quite the same as it's counter art in the US or the UK. Generally a group of friends hire out a small "studio" (like the one that Yugi and the Bully are in) that is part of a larger complex. It's not a "public display" like in the US, you do it together with your friends. The tamborines etc are provided so you can accompany your friends and add to the party atmosphere.
Normally you pay a set fee for the studio for a certain amount of time and you pay seperately for any drinks you order that are delivered to your "studio" by a waiter.
Many Karaoke bars offer a "nomi-hodai" package where you hire not only the studio for a flat fee but also you pay for a "bottomless glass" for the same amount of time. Sometimes there'sa limited selection of drinks that will be available on the nomihodai list. Adding hodai to the end of the verb means as Kolonel said "VERB all you can". Restaraunts sometimes offer tabehodai (pay a flat fee for an hour's worth of access to a buffet). So the sign means "Sing as much as you can" or "unlimited singing".
Great Live show, and yes, I swear I will go watch some of Blake's 7 ASAP!
So sad to hear in the Q&A that you may not be at MAGfest. I've loved the chance to see your Live shows in person there and to be able to talk with you is so fun because you're such a nice guy. I hope your plans change and you're able to make it, if not next year then some years to come.
Good luck at your many cons coming up soon! I know you've said the Live show videos don't bring you as many views as an AT4W episode but I still love to watch them. In fact, I plan on having a Live show marathon for myself very soon now. Yep, just decided that :) Safe travels to you, sir!
Man that was still really funny even when I watch it again almost 4 months later
Why not review the show. Its not bad and there is some moments you can make fun of.
"Why not review the show. Its not bad and there is some moments you can make fun of."
Because quite frankly I find original Yu-Gi-Oh to be quite dull compared to GX, most of my jokes would have already been done by Little Kuriboh, and I'm not taking on another retrospective project when History of Power Rangers still exists.
Alright fine. But the original was not dull compared to GX. I thought both shows had there own ideas. GX was trying to be more on the modern times. The original was trying to be more sympathetic, and trying to show kids to like history. I thought you might review it seance your also doing pokemon.
"Alright fine. But the original was not dull compared to GX. I thought both shows had there own ideas. GX was trying to be more on the modern times. The original was trying to be more sympathetic, and trying to show kids to like history. I thought you might review it seance your also doing pokemon."
The dullness or not dullness of a series relates to personal opinion and to me, it's not as good as GX and it has a harder time holding my interest.
And I'm not doing Pokémon. SUEDE is reviewing the Pokémon movies, which I am contributing to, but will no longer be doing so after another movie or two because I haven't seen them after that point.
O.K I din't mean to get you mad. Good luck in all your future projects.
I'm looking at the comments here and all I got to say is if you think that GX is better then review it after the history of power rangers, its your choice.
Looking again at the comments you are right GX is way better. My only problem is that Bastion kept on getting written out. I liked that charter it just bugged me. You said that you didn't see 5ds before, well it is also really good, check it out. Well yugioh is 14 years old now and another series is coming in April lets just hope its good.
I love both classic and GX though the fact that season 4 of GX was never dubbed leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It's weird that there are 2 dubs of Zexal though admittandly there are 3 of the classic series. While 4kids were dealing with the lawsuit, another company decided to work on a new dub which had Johnny Yong Bosch as Yuma and Vic Mignogna as Shark. Apparrently they work very closely with the Japanese who sent them the show with the mouth flaps unedited so they could synch the animation to the English voices and thus putting less strain on the VA's and script writers. Also scenes that 4kids would have cut were re-animated to be acceptable to the US TV networks.
Sadly since 4kids didn't lose the rights, it had to be shelved.
I agree with you SnowWolf about the fact that GX season 4 not being dub was a bad idea. Greg Abbey who played Yusei said that they had 5ds already to go so they just did it to make sure that Japan wouldn't get that far a head of 4kids dub. It was still a bad idea being GX season 4 was way shorter then the first 3 seasons.
It would have been better to have Johnny young Bosch do the voice of Yuma, but I'm just glad that Zexal was dubbed to begin with.
As for you Linkara just if you like GX go a head and enjoy it no one is stopping you, but I also say check out 5ds you won't be mad about it.
If you ever want to review the show like a history of yugioh (see what I did there) go a head have a good time with it, your History of power rangers, Suede's pokeomon reviews as long as your on it, and every comic you can think of no body is stopping you.
I agree with both you lee and snow wolf about GX season 4 should have been dubbed. As for you Linkara yugioh is a good show, and if you want do a review like lee said. Who would have thought a power ranger could have been a main charter in yugioh. I'd say you did a good job with this monga. What's quite ironic thought that Kaiba and Bastion were voiced by Eric Stuart also did Brock and James in pokeomon seance The 4 charters have nothing in common. It would be funny to see all 4 of them just being in the same room and using that joke you did with yami and the evil clown. I f this comment is bad I'm sorry.
Hey yugioh arc v will be coming to japan this April. Will you review the first episode when it comes out? Who knows it might be good.
I guess you won't review Yugioh arc v. The first episode aired. I'd say zexal will end in america in February of 2015 cause I notice there trying to keep an 11 month difference between America and Japan's air dates. That's if 4kids finish dubbing it this time. Seance they stop dubbing GX and 5DS I don't think they will finish. Also being in how the show is turning 15 years old I was wondering if you seen the bounds beyond time movie. If you haven't because you don't know the 5ds plot you should know you don't need to know it. The do tie it in by the end of the show but you don't need to know 5ds to watch it.
@carlos 4kids will finish the dubbing for zexal it was confirmed.
I heard you haven't seen 5Ds. Why not a yugioh 5Ds v logs like the way Doug walker did with avatar and is doing adventure time?
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