Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Watchmen? More like BOTCHmen, am I right? Eh?



Anonymous said...

I wish i had a giant blue wang.

Premier Blah said...

I want your wig.

StacyHD said...


My God, it all makes sense. . .

Lester B. Bum is Chester's Earth-2 counterpart! The pseudo-1940s trenchcoat confirms it!

Could this be a sign of another threat to the multiverse entire?!

Nah, just another kick-ass review. Awesome stuff Linkara, it completely broadsided me. Though I fear I must hate you now; the carbonation from nearly snorting my soda burns so. ;p


Cooper said...

If Lester is the earth-2 counterpart, does this mean there is a Ultimate Universe Chester? Or even better... a Red Son Chester?

Kate Holden said...

That was Fantastic. I couldn't stop laughing the whole way through.

Ah, this is my favourite internet day of the year!

Queen Anthai said...



Cyberwasteland said...


Seriously this was awesome. Really funny.


Anonymous said...


I'm a bit saddened this wasn't a full-on "April Fool's!" Linkara review, but funny nonetheless...

Your 'Bum' is spot-on, by the way

Blake_Parker said...

*no emotion* "I'm leaving you too." hahaha!

I love how Lester B. agrees the movie wasn't ambiguous! Ambigooey!

And Lester's version of the "Of course!" gag

Really, I love all of it. Watchmen rules!

Anonymous said...

Ahahah, love it!

The Rorschach impersonation almost make me fall from the chair... "prostitutes"


Unknown said...

the "OF COURSE!" is perfectly played, love it

Lord Seth said...

Funny video, but I'm a little confused. Near the end you say that Watchmen was overall a good movie, but I came away from your first review of it with the idea that it was just an average movie at best. Did you change your mind or were you not being serious with the remark about it being a good adaptation or did I just come away with the wrong idea from the first review?

SynjoDeonecros said... I'm sorry, but this didn't do anything for me. I half-expected you to like, get kidnapped and have Dr. Insano do the review in your place or something, but...a (forgive me for saying this) half-assed impersonation of Chester A. Bum? No. You just can't pull it off as well as the Critic can, in my opinion. Plus, it didn't make any sense for you to do such an impersonation. Don't get me wrong; as a review, it was decent (not as good as your others, but decent, nonetheless), but as an April Fool's falls flat.

And before you go complaining to me that I didn't get the humor in it or I can't take a joke...I just don't like April Fool's Day in general. I'm more into the logical irony humor (again, like if you had Insano do the review); I can appreciate the standard jokes and improv, if I can find them humorous, but I just found this review a big BLAM. Sorry if that depreciates me as a fan, in your eyes.

Truce Weston said...

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!! I haven't even watched it at all yet, but once I saw the title, It confirmed my theory, about when it was gonna come out, from your 2009 preview. Ok, i'm gonna watch it now and re-comment again.

Truce Weston said...

Now that was funny! I wasn't sure what to epxect, which is good I guess, but I wasn't expecting this at all. I can see this character coming up again talking about good stuff like Blue Beetle, in this style.

So hey, awesome work! And until someone finds out that little orphan Annie was the cause of Youndblood's Disease, MAKE MINE LINKARA!

rizzo said...

I laughed much more than I thought I would at that. Good job!


You will address me as SIR! said...

I must say, sir, when I first saw this video, I laughed and laughed and laughed.

De-Ji said...

The only thing I can ever think of whenever somebody mentions the watchmen comic or even the movie is the guy with the same name as my maiden name. 8D It's pretty awesome, I'm not gonna lie. I've never seen that name anywhere else but in the watchmen and in my family.

And Linkara, stop being so dang cute all the time. I'm starting to develop a crush on you. ^///^