A most non-bogus comic about two excellent dudes!
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Monday, April 28, 2014
Bill and Ted's Excellent Comic Book #1
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:00 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2014
AT4W Movie: I'm Working On It
Soooo at Midwest Media Expo, I made a little announcement! Namely that I am working on an Atop the Fourth Wall movie. Here are the things I can tell you right now about the project and what I can't tell you:
1. I cannot tell you what the plot is.
2. I am planning on launching an IndieGoGo/Kickstarter for it... WHEN I'M READY. I decided to officially announce it to start getting some buzz and interest in it early, especially since I have a few more conventions this summer that I can talk to people about it.
3. I'm planning on filming it next year. Because of the amount of time it will take to film, edit, and put together the thing, it is likely that there will be no storyline next year. And that's actually fine by me, since the storyline I have planned out after the Machinations of Worms arc will be VERY involved, very difficult to write, and require a lot of time and preparation for me to get right and there's no way in hell I can do both at the same time.
4. The current stage of development is that there is a script for the movie. It is in its second draft and all relevant parties are reading it and offering me critiques/notes/refusals to have anything to do with me and my idiocy.
5. No, this project will not be on the scale of the Angry Video Game Nerd movie. It will be more equivalent to a TGWTG Anniversary film or the Cinema Snob movie, though centered mostly around AT4W.
6. Subsequently: yes, there are plans for other Channel Awesome producers to be in the film, perhaps even in major roles. Atop the Fourth Wall's storyline has always tried to keep itself strongly tied to the greater Channel Awesome "universe" (for lack of a better term) and the movie would be no different. However, the focus will be on characters of Atop the Fourth Wall for the most part and the other producers will help inform and advance these characters.
7. No, I will not tell you who is in it.
8. I do not know as of yet what the budget will look like for the crowdfunding. I first had the inspiration to work on this project last year and had hoped to film it in 2014, but that obviously is not happening. I got very busy with everything else around here. I'll be taking time during the summer to assess the various costs for what I'm working on. I wouldn't mind some helpful suggestions for groups in Minnesota who do set construction for independent films or something like that, as well as space that could house such sets.
9. I have not decided yet if the movie will be released online first or go straight-to-DVD. While potentially more profitable to go straight to DVD, there is certainly something to be said about keeping people excited about a movie's approach and immediate release that could work well in my favor. I'm open to insight from all about it.
10. I have not yet figured out perks for the crowdfunding. Signed DVDs or special edition DVDs are likely, but other things need to be decided upon later. I am, again, open to suggestions.
11. It will not be a prequel. Linkara's origins are documented in the first DVD.
12. It is entirely likely that all of these things I've talked about will change. I've probably got another year before I hit record for the first time on this and possibly even more if things end up falling apart unexpectedly (and when it comes to movie production, it most likely will).
In the meantime: start talking, start considering, and if you want to help, start telling me stuff to do.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
9:15 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Midwest Media Expo Schedule
Hey, everyone! So I'm at Midwest Media Expo this weekend, so for anyone else who's going to be attending, here's the schedule!
Friday, April 25th
Main Events 1 (Renaissance Ballroom - Cabot)
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
I'll be doing a live show! What will I review? Come to it and found out! I'll also show the episode for next week, make a MAJOR announcement, and film some stuff for an upcoming episode!
Autographs (4th Floor West Foyer)
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
I'll be selling merch and signing autographs!
Saturday, April 26th
Autographs (4th Floor West Foyer)
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
I'll be selling merch and signing autographs! Again!
Main Events 1 (Renaissance Ballroom - Cabot)
10:30 PM - 12:00 AM
I'm doing my very first 18+ panel! Will I swear a whole lot? MAYBE! What will definitely be happening is that I'll be showing off one of the videos of the upcoming Atop the Fourth Wall volume 2 DVD! It features porn! And lots of people angry about porn! Also: more people filmed for an upcoming episode!
Other things of note:
-I'll probably be attending Team Four Star's panels (not really on them, just watching)
-I theoretically will have a booth in the vendor's room, so if you can't otherwise make the autograph signings, head to that to get stuff signed or to buy stuff!
-I'm bringing my Pokémon X/Y trainer cosplay and my Suburban Knights costume!
-I will be distributing Pokémon on Pokémon X and Y! Specifically I'll be giving away all Johto and Hoenn starters, females, in different pokéballs! That's right, if you wanted, say, a Cyndaquil in a Premiere Ball, I'll be giving it away! NOTE: I'm still in the process of breeding them and it takes forever to get a female out of it (since it's only a 12% chance), so I may not have the SPECIFIC one you wanted, but I'll be working on it to try to get as many as I can (limit 1 per person).
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
9:33 AM
Monday, April 21, 2014
Athena #2
Place your bets! Which will there be more of: Athena's ass or her talking?
NOTE: Storyline resumes this episode!
The Previous Athena review can be found here!
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:00 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Let's Play Pokémon Omicron: Episodes 17 and 18
In this episode, Linkara gets an egg for breakfast!
In this episode, Linkara does not say boner.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
5:44 AM
Labels: LPPO
Monday, April 14, 2014
Red Hood and the Outlaws #1
Red Hood and the two other characters who get screwed over.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:00 AM
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Let's Play Pokémon Omicron: Episodes 15 and 16
In episode 15, Linkara ain't afraid of no ghosts!
In episode 16, Linkara's ever-growing list of job titles continues while he discovers Team Olympus' latest plot!
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
12:45 AM
Labels: LPPO
Monday, April 7, 2014
SCI-Spy #5
Remember when SCI-Spy was about spy stuff? Yeah, I don't either.
Previous SCI-Spy Reviews:
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:00 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2014
VLOG: 4-6-14 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Watch Linkara and his brother ramble about pretty much everything except the movie!
NOTE: I was confused about characters. Baron Strucker and Baron Zemo are not the same people.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
5:36 PM
Friday, April 4, 2014
VLOG: 3-27-14 - Robocop Remake
Meant to put this up last week, but been busy with lots of stuff and there were a whole bunch of other cameos and videos I wanted to put up sooo, here's Liz and I from last week seeing the Robocop remake 2 months after it came out or whatever.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
9:37 PM
Labels: vlog
State of the Wall: 4-4-14
As always, here's the current state of things on the show!
Check below the cut for the list of upcoming episodes and more!
Upcoming Episodes
4/7 – SCI-Spy #5
4/14 – Red Hood and the Outlaws #1
4/21 – Athena #2
4/28 – Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey #1
5/5 – Zolastraya and the Bard #1
5/12 – PSA Hell: Superman: For the Animals #1
5/19 – Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos #2
5/26 – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: The Movie #1
As always, the schedule is subject to change if real-life events should force it or if I just change my mind. The storyline should be resuming some time in April. When? YOU'LL HAVE TO WATCH EVERY VIDEO UNTIL THE END TO FIND OUT! ...But most likely closer to the end of the month. I have to get my taxes together, plus stuff featured below, so that takes time from editing and whatnot.
History of Power Rangers
Here's the good news: it will definitely come out after this point! ...Yeah, here's the thing I've been holding out on. See, my contract as a member of Saban's Power Force stipulates that any videos I release featuring Power Rangers footage requires that said footage come from a legitimate source, in other words the DVDs. As such, I've been waiting on the release of Operation Overdrive on DVD so I can get the footage from there. I'm still not done with the script, but there hasn't been any rush to complete it because I couldn't make the video anyway. Fortunately, said DVDs have arrived, so they can DEFINITELY be released now. Current progress is about 4 or 5 episodes into Overdrive. Still no signs of improvement in the series. And yes, I've seen Once a Ranger (not counting those in my 4 or 5 episodes in marker). That's a not sign of improvement.
On that note, I'm still getting requests of "are you continuing this series?" The answer is always YES. I started this damn thing and I'm going to finish it. The only things that will keep me from finishing it is death or prison. Trust me, if I decided to stop doing it, I would make a big damn show out of it. But let me throw something else out there: History of Power Rangers is a side series, which means it doesn't get my full attention every week because I've got an actual weekly show to put out and THAT takes priority.
I want this damn thing done and over with and I wanted it over and done with last year. So let me throw out an idea: would people prefer I take, like, a month off of AT4W (post-300th episode in June) and just finally do all the series that I can and put them out weekly? I can probably marathon each season in a two days, writing as I go, record, and edit in two days each, and release them in place of AT4W. Would that be something people preferred I do so this doesn't continue to be an annual event?
AT4W Website
Progress! Mainly that a very rough idea of how the website will look has been put together as well as a general color scheme. We're hoping to have the website finished and launched in May, though of course I'll keep everyone up to speed on important updates. The important thing about the site is mostly for the purposes of archive-binging or watching old episodes. New stuff will always premiere on the front page and hopefully you'll be able to find any video you want to see with a minimum of effort.
DVD Volume 2 Update
The bad news is that no filming has commenced yet for the DVD, so it's not coming out when I wanted it to. That makes me a sad bunny because I don't get the extra money for taxes that I wanted. The good news on that front is that means I shouldn't be directly competing with the Cinema Snob DVD that's been released right now. I'm still really, REEEAAAALLY hoping for the DVD to be ready by Midwest Media Expo later in April, but we'll see. DVD contents have not changed since the last State of the Wall post - 2 new AT4Ws, 2 riffs, and 3 new Longbox of the Damned videos.
On the subject of Volume 1, though, shortly after I announced the Amazon deal with Kunaki, there was apparently some snafu with Amazon and they've taken down the option of ordering it there. It annoys me that they did so, buuut hey, maybe they'll fix it all soon enough (they keep claiming they will).
Pokémon Omicron
You may have noticed that the flow of episodes has slowed. Mostly that's because I haven't had a good time to do another stream, so right now I'm sitting on about six remaining episodes that are edited and I need to get to work editing some more. I don't want to run out and have another situation like with History of Power Rangers where it's months (or sometimes years) without material. That's just not a good way of doing business.
AT4W Episode Guide
Unfortunately, not much progress to report in that area for the time being. There's enough of a demand for it, so I'm proceeding with the project, it's just that rewatching, writing down thoughts and ruminations, and etc. is time-consuming and I'm trying to focus my efforts on other stuff at the moment, like the DVD or the impending storyline. I still want the project to go forward, and I'll probably be devoting more time to it later once the second DVD is out. The good news is that there IS progress, since Al has been working on the "Classicards" as he calls them, with new title cards for older episodes from before he was my title card artist. You can check them out at his DeviantArt HERE.
Revolution of the Mask
I feel like this update is mostly just "I've been busy, that's why there's no progress," which just seems like an odd oxymoron. It IS true, though. I am WORKING on things. I am spending my time on these things. And as I said last time - issues 3 and 4 of Revolution of the Mask are DONE. Finito. Ready to be released. It's just my "lazy" ass that hasn't gotten around to finally publishing the things. I'm definitely thinking they will be printed in limited numbers and sold at conventions, though, so for those interested in having physical copies, hooray!
The Road to 300
Atop the Fourth Wall is starting to approach it's 300th episode! I think I might actually be the first among my compatriots to have a continuous series actually reach the 300th episode. And naturally I'm not saying what it is, but I will say it's something highly-requested. Like with the 200th episode, I wouldn't mind some ideas for ways to get the fans involved and excited over it.
One idea that my brother has been pushing is a live stream (and possibly a fundraiser for certain future projects, but I'm getting quiet about THAT right now), which I'm actually very much in favor of. He thinks it should just be me, him, and some friends BSing around and doing improve games to entertain and whatnot (with the aforementioned fundraising). I am more in favor of a general celebration stream, possibly with prerecorded bumpers and, more importantly, an Atop the Fourth Wall Viewer's choice kind of thing. I used to LOVE Viewer's Choice stuff on TV - I remember Star Trek, for one of its big anniversary years, held a marathon of the Top 10 Next Generation episodes as voted by fans and I'd be in favor of that, as well. My brother thinks people don't want to watch stuff they can already view on the web, but I'd like to hear all of your thoughts to see if it's something you guys would be interested in (particularly if, perhaps, we premiere the 300th episode (or a new episode) to you on the same day).
Convention season is coming up! Yaaay! As I said, I'm hoping to have the second DVD ready by Midwest Media Expo, but if not by then, then definitely by Animinneapolis. At the very least, I'll still have copies of the first DVD, plushie cybermats, badges, and prints ready for MME. As always, just remember that if there's a convention you want me to attend, you need to get the convention to invite me - I just don't have the money or time to go to conventions simply for my own enjoyment (aside from a local one or two that are more business trips for me to find new material to review). There may be another convention or two to announce later, but here's the definite list right now:
Midwest Media Expo
April 25-27
Detroit, Michigan
May 23-25
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Anime Midwest
July 4-6
Rosemont, Illinois
July 18-20
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
September 19-21
Orlando, FL
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
12:51 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Mobile Suit Gundabridged Episode 7
The long-awaited seventh episode!
Linkara as Amuro, Kai, Old Guy 3, and Ryu
Little Kuriboh as Narrator, Char, Garma, and Old Guy 2
Nowacking as Sayla and Random Woman
Takahata101 as Captain
Lanipator as Old Guy 1, Marker, and Mr. Popo
KaiserNeko as Bright
Megami33 as Mirai and Fraw
MasakoX as Omar
NOTE: Originally an April Fool's Video labeled as a History of Power Rangers video. Rest assured, I only relabeled it for easier archive searching now that April Fool's Day is over.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
9:02 AM