Join Linkara, the Last Angry Geek, JewWario, Oancitizen, and Holly Brown as they discuss the making of To Boldly Flee!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Thursday, September 27, 2012
To Boldly Flee Cast Commentary
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
9:10 AM
Labels: commentary, Crossover, To Boldly Flee
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If I may comment on Linkara's least favourite scene in the movie...yeeah I can see why it was offensive (being an implied Rape joke) but at the same time I can't because:
1. All I took from that scene was Mechakara is drilling a hole into Chick's skull then planting some weird device into it while the other reviewers make stupid sex jokes, just like all the other times Doug Walker's written in stupid sex jokes in his movies/NC episodes (Personally I only find sex jokes funny if they're being used to insult somebody like in the AT4W Gameboy #1 review).
2. It's Mechakara, he hates humans. He would rather give himself a Blue Screen of Death than sexually assaulting a human even if it makes them suffer, he's not a villain from Bible Black.
3. I've seen far, FAR worse and less subtle implications of Rape jokes, like for example: The alien hive level from Duke Nukem Forever where Duke comes across a group of captive women seemingly being violated by the aliens and then Duke goes "Well, looks you just got...F***ed"....yeeeah, really offensive isn't it?
I am coming across a weird audio glitch. From part 3 onward, the regular audio plays fine, but the dubbed-over commentary is cut out. Here's the kicker: it only happens when I have headphones plugged it. Yes, I have tried multiple sets, still same issue. Is this just something on my end, or a video/Blip issue?
"I am coming across a weird audio glitch. From part 3 onward, the regular audio plays fine, but the dubbed-over commentary is cut out. Here's the kicker: it only happens when I have headphones plugged it. Yes, I have tried multiple sets, still same issue. Is this just something on my end, or a video/Blip issue?"
If I had to guess, the problem is on your end - what's happening is that JewWario recorded the audio for all of us. However, his recording software records everyone else on one audio channel and himself on the other. Now I have the capability of combining them for mine, but not everyone does. Chances are your headphones are only picking up the left or right channel, so you're only getting Justin's part of the commentary.
Hello Linkara, just thought i should let you know there seems to be an issue with part 8. It doesn't seem to want to play the video and says " this has just been uploaded recently please try again soon"
apologies in advance if this a problem on my end, either way i hope it's fixed soon
"Hello Linkara, just thought i should let you know there seems to be an issue with part 8. It doesn't seem to want to play the video and says " this has just been uploaded recently please try again soon"
apologies in advance if this a problem on my end, either way i hope it's fixed soon"
Yeah, there's been a problem with it all day. Kyle is uploading a new version even as I post this. ^_^
Excellent commentary! I really enjoyed hearing input from everyone. It was nice getting some more technical insights from Holly, and I liked the early draft tidbits you gave. Thanks for putting in the effort and getting all these people together to record this. It was a pleasure.
I've been listening to Spoony's commentary as well. Very insightful and fun comments from a different perspective.
Of course, I hope Brad & Phelan do their own commentary like for "Suburban Knights." That was some entertaining stuff. I'd love to hear Phelan talk up his role in the movie. He's got some of the funniest material in it.
So there is part 3 and 4. I was wondering what happen to them. Of course I was expecting them on blip like the other 6 parts.
This is still a fun and awesome movie. Last 20 or so minutes still has me teary eyed. Other parts i'm laughing to tears. The distraction song and theme should be on TGWTG Music Volume 2. Commentary was awesome though jewario sound was a bit hard to hear sometimes. Spoony steals the show as the villain. He is great. JO is awesomely funny as ed. Never knew what she going to do next. I said this on TGWTG web site the Snob/Luke stuff was great espically in episode 3. Never knew Luke father was and now that I think about I should have been thinking it.
Love that you got this up, and made the reference to selling the communicator which was to me at metacon :)
Thanks for all your hard work, and to everybody else.
now it's time to sit back, and wait for monday's show
Great commentary, got a dumb question for you. It was said all Star trek movies got a reference, but when was Star Trek V references (if at all)?
If I may ask what what 8-Bit Mickey holding in part to when those agents showed? And who did it even belong to?
Brilliant commentary everyone.
About Part 3. I never really saw it like that to begin with. It was one of those scenes where you can predict the series of events or even the joke... but as soon as everyone pointed that out and drew attention to it you can't un hear the different conotation.
Still really don't like the distraction song though. It's out of place and disruptive given the tone and themes. I'm all for interweaving comedy but that one is really jarring. Plus I think NChick's voice is FAR from great.
Really did like a lot of the other music though. Does anyone know what the music is when Critic beams everyone in and when he merges with the plot hole. I'm assuming they are from musicloops but it's difficult to find specific music without names of the tracks on there.
I also was wondering where the "Star Trek V" reference was. No one was singing "Row Row Row Your Boat," or asking why God needed a starship.
"I also was wondering where the "Star Trek V" reference was. No one was singing "Row Row Row Your Boat," or asking why God needed a starship."
Well, originally when Benzaie was going to be in the group, he was going to have a fandance like Uhura. Instead, I reason out that the fact that we're all celebrating and contemplating stuff at the end is very reminiscent of the end of Star Trek V.
When is the October trailer coming out?
Linkara im enjoying the commentary so far but i need to say that the volume of TBF is just too high and i sometimes cant hear the comments at all =(
For some reason parts 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the commentary aren't loading for me. Is this something on my end, or issues with the videos?
I have to say, for part 6 they really did do better than Lucas for the Anakin scene with Palpatine. Were I a film maker (or an animator since it's probably much easier to animate) this is how I would want to make the scene.
The villain and the uncertain hero sit in an enclosed, dark room that's a bit like a long tunnel. The villain uses the atmosphere and visuals to help deconstruct what the hero believes in, it being made very clear that the hero is not in control of the situation. At the end the villain leaves the offer open, take it or leave it.
All that was done so well in this. Why isn't that idea used more often?
For some reason no matter whose site I'm on it won't load parts 3 and 4 has any one else had this problem or is just me ?
You know, the movie on a whole made me wonder: Do you have an idea of how you're gonna end Linkara? Are you going to have some big epic storyline pronouncing the end, or are you just going to have him and Polio walk off into the sunset saying that there's work to do and tea to reheat :P
Also, is it odd that I had to keep reminding myself that Lewis was actually in it cos I kept thinking that Mechakara was a completely different person? Lol.Loved this movie :D
So... is Mechakara dead now? Or are his remains drifting in space?
Oh, and was the the actual Skin of alternate unverse Linkara or just some kind of synthetic copy?
Hey, Lewis, I thought I'd throw this up because I know that here, someone with Rob and Doug's number would be sure to read this (I posted it on the official talkback thread on the TGWTG forums, too, but it might have gotten lost in the flood of Part 8 talkback), and since Holly said that there may be credits changes in the DVD version, it might be possible to get it fixed.
I noticed, while watching the credits, that everyone is credited actor first, then characters (like "Lewis Lovhaug: Linkara/Mechakara")... except for one little thing. Luke Mochrie's credit is reversed; it's "Luke: Luke Mochrie." Oops?
Hey, do you know if Doug's going to do a commentary?
Hi! I'm creating a Fifth Year Anniversary Video Game for That Guy with the Glasses and I'm Starting Funding for a Meeting between a few of the Central Site guys (Doug, Rob, Lindsey) and I'm gonna need funding in order to start a Video Game Production Company among another, More Nostalgic project for Channel Awesome. I was wondering if you could help advertise it. I'll send you the Link and my Scripted Updates by Email when I Start it Tomarrow
Hi, I'm Alexander Cayford and I want to create a Fifth Anniversary Video Game for Channel Awesome's Year Five for Next Year, I'm gonna need Funding to start up the Company and get a meeting in november with some of the head honchos who run the Site, and a few surprise guests. I'm not only going to pitch this project but another project that you are going to knock your socks off, I'm gonna send you an email all about it tomarrow!
I already covered my thoughts on this before but I just wanted to make a couple of additional remarks.
1) There was something else I forgot to mention that I didn't like. The nonstop sex jokes in part 1. I know you guys are having fun but this is ridiculously juvenile.
2)Parodying movies is ok if you put some twist in the beats and dialogue like with the Snob/Luke duel. But when you literally copy movies, beat for beat, line for line, all you really doing is reminding them of movies without adding anything different. Even Rob admitted he might have went too far with it.
3)Slapstick is something that is very easy to abuse and should not be handled lightly. Doug likes it WAY too much to be gentle.
4)I am glad JewWario brought up the weirdness of Ma-Ti's motivations. According to tvtropes, he had a post-mortem Face Heel Turn because he saw fully how he was mistreated in life...which just doesn't work for me. When you die, that's it. You are at peace. You don't give a crap anymore.
Ok, bitching over. I hope I wasn't too harsh.
P.S. Stay vigilant against SOPA
part 2 seems to be broken right now
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