Saturday, April 16, 2011

Atop the Fourth Wall Story Recap

Don't want to sift through 130 episodes of the show to figure out the story bits? Well, you're in luck! Here's the entire story so far condensed into 4 very quick minutes.

Here is the full list of episodes that contain story elements featured in this video.
-Godzilla vs. Barkley
-Neutro #1
-Wolverine: Adamantium Rage
-Warrior #1
-Superman vs. the Terminator #1
-Countdown Prologue
-Countdown Part 1
-Countdown Part 2
-Top 15 Worst Moments of Countdown
-Cable #1
-Zero Patrol #1
-Blackest Night Special
-Silent Hill: Dying Inside #1-2
-Silent Hill: Dying Inside #3-4
-Silent Hill: Dying Inside #5
-Silent Hill: Dying Inside Alternate Endings
-Doom #1
-Ultimates 3 #1-2
-Ultimates 3 #3-4
-Ultimates 3 #5
-Youngblood #2 and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #1
-Strange Adventures #136
-Doom's IV #1/2
-The Dark Knight Strikes Again Part 2
-Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes #2
-Athena #1
-JLA: Act of God Part 1
-JLA: Act of God Part 2
-JLA: Act of God Part 3
-The Spirit
-Warrior #2-3
-Tandy Computer Whiz-Kids: Fit to Win
-Anita Blake: The Laughing Corpse #1-2
-Freak Force #1
-Chain Gang War #1
-Ewoks #9
-Cable #2
-Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
-Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #1-2
-Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #3-4
-Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #5
-The X-Men #1 (For the beginning)
-Power Rangers Zeo #1
-Justice League: Cry for Justice #1-2
-Justice League: Cry for Justice #3-4
-Justice League: Cry for Justice #5-7
-Care Bears #13
-Superman: Distant Fires
-Youngblood #3 and Doctor Who Classics #7


  1. Nice recap. I was expecting a clip show but this is good too (And I'm guessing the various clips at different audio and video qualities would clash too much).

  2. Commander Mor'aye'ahnApril 16, 2011 at 1:16 AM

    I just want to say thank you Lewis for getting this recap video of your story line put out. It filled quite the number of plot-holes for me seeing as how I only started watching your reviews about the time you introduced Iron Liz. If only SPOONY had one of these...

  3. That was a fun little recap. Helpful to those who need to get caught up on what's what and a good reminder for those who've seen pretty much all of those key points. I would fall into the latter category, BTW.

    Fiery Little One

  4. Would've liked to have seen the little pieces with Linkara on the ship and the piece with Linksano and the Entity but ehh good enough. Nice recap except for those pieces though

  5. wow i was just watching some of the episodes mentioned (wolerine adamantium rage,doom 1) when i saw this hard 2 belibe you did 130 episodes already considering the 100th was such a short time ago to me as for the video it was a bit fast i think 5 miniutes would have let you better explain some of mechakara's backstory as an alernate version of pollo who wanted to the use magic as a power source for something as you didn't mention some of that in as for recaping it was better then what they did for star trek voyager in the 2 parter from sesaon 1 bad part 1 part 2 other then that keep up the good work

  6. Thanks very much! I've been getting my friends into the show, but ushering them away from story episodes as to not confuse them. Now I can show them the best episodes of the series. : D

    One little nitpick:
    Futurekara says that Insano invented Neutro, but isn't it actually said in the Neutro review itself that he took control of it after becoming President...WITH SCIENCE!?

  7. Just throw in some pop culture references and add more dated music and the recap is basically AT4W Abridged. ...Yeah... I kinda have the Abridged Series on my my mind again recently.

  8. I find it interesting you're dad... I mean future you (look at the beard!) went out of their way to mention the missing Ninja style dancer. Something sinister is afoot.

    Nice recap, I didn't realise how many alternate realities barged in on you. I suggest silly putty.


  9. i wonder what will happen to the ninja-style dancer, maybe we'll get a story arc for him next! (man that will be a weird one)

  10. thanks for posting this LL - apparently I missed a few while i was on the rigs because I completely missed the 'drive linkara insane so he would kill himself' and the girl behind hte magic gun parts of the plot. and here i was thinking i was completley up to date.

    Jimmy TehFreak
    PS - sorry for ripping you off in my Rule 34 review, but it was fun and I'm going to make a gimmick of doing so to get the attention of more successful critics.

  11. Nice recap, I must admit I lost the track on some episodes but didn't know which, so that was a great idea. You tricked me thinking of yogscast BTW XD.

  12. That was an AWESOME recap! At first I thought it was the Last Angry Geek doing the voiceover for some reason. But your dad did a great job. A lot of information for 4 minutes and it went very quickly, but never too quickly to follow. Nice!

  13. To be honest, this vid just makes me wanna go through and watch all the story over again, which is a great thing.

    And I'm going to assume there's a reason you left out Kickassia, so I won't nitpick...too much. lol

  14. Now I feel silly for shifting through 130 videos.

    Nice recap, though. =) Definitely won't mind seeing another one in another 130-odd storyline episodes.

  15. NOW you do this? LOL :p

    I started watching on a regular basis around Secret Origins month and am now watching the earlier episodes from the start... I'm up to the California Raisins 3-D #2 episode.

    BTW, good recap!

  16. Grate re-cap. I want a space ship with a min bar!

    If you don’t mind me asking how far ahead do you plan your story? In your ‘Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes #2’ review Mekakara said ‘Everything he sees he concers.’ Had you already planed the Lord Vyce story ark at that point and if so did already have ‘The Enterty’ as his motivation?

  17. This really is informative and entertaining.

    I got a real kick out of "Linkara stranded Vyce in Minnesota."

  18. "He tried to kill Linkara for undisclosed reasons, then he disclosed them" *giggle*

    The only thing that's got me scratching my head is when Linksano teamed up with Linkara. I never noticed even a hint of an indication that it might have happened. Maybe I wasn't paying attention?

    I have noticed a few... not really continuity errors but odd heel turns. Mainly Mechakara asked why they don't do an all out attack and Vyce says it's to not alert The Entity. So Mechakara just does a subtle attack instead as if he was planning to do that anyway. That doesn't work so Vyce suddenly decides for the all out attack. It's just a little inconsistent to me. But it doesn't bug me enough to not enjoy the fantastic story. Can't wait to see how this "Entity" story arch goes!

  19. So that explains the magic gun...heh, I've seen most of the videos but never got to the Silent Hill reviews. I really should.

    BTW: Ultimate Warrior defies all logic to the point that he not only destroys parallel universes...he even got his voice in the recap....I should have realized/figured that.

  20. There is only one reason for a recap like this...

    Something big is going to happen soon!!! Can't wait!

  21. No offense, Linkara, but I don't come here for the story...

  22. "No offense, Linkara, but I don't come here for the story..."

    That's perfectly all right. That's why every episode of the show features a review and the story bits are skippable from either the beginning or the end.

  23. Not to be too geeky, but this might be the last appearance of Krissy Diggs in the Channel Awesome video (the flashback frokm the Warrior #1 video) due to her leaving in January!


  24. Still say you should count the World of Warcraft #2 & #3 review, given the revealed functionality of the pokeball. Yes it's minor, but then again, so is mere development on assorted Power Ranger tools/weapons.

  25. Nice! :) It was pretty cool to see the whole story played out one after another haha.

  26. whats with people leaving tgwtg ?first lordkat now crissy diggs what gives?

  27. To Anonymous (April 17, 2011 4:06 PM):

    Hey, it happens. Some people just change their minds about their long-term goals and projects. Dunno why that means their links have to be taken down, but oh well.

    For what it's worth, I hear you. And it isn't just them, either. Little Miss Gamer also left, as has the Fool Fantastic and Richard Wesker (Phelous's title card artist). And let's not forget That Aussie Guy way back when. I wish they were still around as well, but...

    FYI, Goggles left first, albeit LordKat at least announced it.

  28. Wait a second...the guy you had doing this does Let's Plays of old Bioware and Interplay RPGs. This is awesome, where did you find him?

  29. "Wait a second...the guy you had doing this does Let's Plays of old Bioware and Interplay RPGs. This is awesome, where did you find him?"

    Unlikely, since the guy doing this is my Dad.

  30. Can the actor playing Vyce see out that metallic green visor?

  31. Can you like stop making up this shitty story man. I used to watch you for your reviews, but then you wanted to play power rangers. It's depressing man, especially since you used to pick out comics that were actually bad and not just boring to read. Nice job catering to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

  32. "Can you like stop making up this shitty story man. I used to watch you for your reviews, but then you wanted to play power rangers. It's depressing man, especially since you used to pick out comics that were actually bad and not just boring to read. Nice job catering to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR."

    The reviews are still there. There isn't a single episode of the show that DOESN'T have a review. The story elements are easy to skip.

    The comics are still bad. I only discover if they're boring after I've read them. How exactly is attempting to improve the show, give it something unique and extra, catering to the lowest common denominator? Wouldn't that require me to start making more and more toilet humor jokes and showing off T&A within and outside of the comics?

    In today's review, I made an obscure reference to a movie that I'm almost dead certain 90% of my audience has never seen or heard of. I'd like to know exactly what this "lowest common denominator" is that I'm appealing to.

  33. Wow...people are ridiculous.
    Seriously Lewis, your videos are amazing, and the story line is original and well thought out. :)

    But you probably don't need me to tell you that. :p

  34. could you make dr. insano into a major villain again after the current saga. i really like his character and hes always really fun to watch. plus recently hes kinda just been there no doing much important. or maybe even a total character revamp with him becoming a good guy still insane though.

  35. and just think, all this crap happened because Vince McMahon decided it would be a good idea to let the Ultimate Warrior be the face of the WWF.

    Should've went with the Piper Vinnie, should have went with the Piper.

  36. Thank you for the story recap. It was very helpful.

  37. Anonymous said...

    could you make dr. insano into a major villain again after the current saga. i really like his character and hes always really fun to watch. plus recently hes kinda just been there no doing much important. or maybe even a total character revamp with him becoming a good guy still insane though.

    Probably won't happen because Spoony doesn't like doing Insano very often cause it kills his voice. He should fix that WITH SCIENCW!

  38. You need to make this storyline stuff a seperate show from your comic review things. I hate having to sit through stupid story things before I get to my comic review. That's what this show started out as and that's what it should be.

    and don't you go pulling "red Letter Media" as an example of using stories in reviews. For one, they are a professional company, and for two, their storylines aren't self-pandering fanfictionfests like atop the fourth wall has become.

  39. Hey just outta curiosity, when are u going to update the story list, i mean, in ur reviews of the backstreet project #1 and the godessey #1, i wasn't sure if the clips after the credits were bits of the story, if they were u should add them to the list later on.

  40. Hey just outta curiosity, when should i be expected an updated version of this story list? I mean, in ur backstreet #1 and godessy #1, i was pretty certain that the clips at the end were new parts of the story, as well as the spiderman and the fantastic four PSA, the Lady Gaga comic, and the star trek the motion picture comic. If they are parts of the story, then shouldn't u add them to the list.

  41. So love this. I'd ask if you had time to do another recap like this with your dad doing the voice over but not sure if that would be really needed since we've moved to other story lines.

    Though you do tend to make things mix rather well.

    Also, getting Pyramid Head into the pokeball is harder than the UFO ending. ;)



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