Another live show! What manga did Linkara review?
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Curse of Atop the Fourth Wall Live!
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
3:13 AM
Labels: AT4W, Conventions
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Another live show! What manga did Linkara review?
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
3:13 AM
Labels: AT4W, Conventions
Great review. Possessed Yugi in that time frame is really weird. How was that suppose to turn out anyway? Logic and that Manga do not compute.
Theory behind the Porn tape title. Where would a Phallus be happiest? Yeah that's the only way to bail that one out.
Looking forward to when the Q&A is up.
Ok stray thought after watching this review. I looked at the page after making my comment and this thought popped into my head. "Do you know how Captain Electron would sound pronounced by most Japanese?"
Here's hoping that thought ends up having nothing to do with how that comic will end up being.
Oh Linkara, this is JAPAN. "Hardon Paradise" isn't GAY porn. It's porn that makes you want to boil your eyes. The kind of thing AskThatGuy is terrified of, and sage lives on.
Yeah, I've always thought that Yami was, well, evil. Apparently he is also an ancient Egyptian pharoh. Go figure.
Man, thank God all these messed up YGO characters would eventually solve all their problems with children's card games!
Any reason why you used a fan translation instead of the official release?
"Any reason why you used a fan translation instead of the official release?"
*Shrug* It's what I had available to me.
Plus it turned out funnier, methinks.
I'll admit to enjoying the manga.Jonouchi is a really well fleshed out character and some of the shadow games were pretty inventive, too.
Of course that's not to say there weren't plenty of stupid moments. And I definitely enjoyed your riffing on some of the goofier aspects of this 'battle'.
Oh season zero, always a well of weirdness and satanic/ancient Egyptian powers.
And I can't wait to see more of that costume. I hope we will see more of that costume. :D
Excellent review Lewis.I have seen the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime but i didn't knew this thing existed now i must read it.Actualy this whole scenario kinda reminds me Michael Fleishers run on Spectre
I was waiting for you to make one of your "evil that is Ancient Egypt" jokes.
Also, you keep recommending Devin Grayson's run on the Titans for new readers. I thought Devin Grayson was a bad writer, especially when she was doing Nightwing's title.
Also also, the lighting was rather bad, so I could barely actually see your costume.
*Talks about Yu Gi Oh*
"Guess what we're reviewing?" *Crowd Cheers*
"That's right! Sailor Moon."
LOL You troll!
Well for once you actually reviewed something I've read since my brother owns a copy and is a big Yu-Gi-Oh! fan so we were going through it as you reviewed it, and noted some interesting differences between the fan translation and the official one (like the 'stripping' line isn't in the official one).
YUGIOH! Heck yes! This was my first manga and I can't wait to see you rip it a new one.
I wonder if anyone in the audience would have flipped out if you called Junochi and Anzu by their american names. I'd hope not since going nuts over stuff like that always leaves me scratching my head.
Demon Yugi...he was entertaining before the whole "ancient noble pharaoh" part later on but hey, that's progress. Though I doubt we realy want to see Jounouichi and Yugi watching porn...but hey, this sort of explains why this part is so forgotten.
I knew YGO was sort of wacky prior to the card game taking the manga over but weirdly this was Takahashi's intent. He was supposed to be a "king of games"'s just that "The Cards with Teeth" and Seto Kaiba came along and everything changed. (that would be great for the show sometime, honestly, since it's still the Demon Yugi period...but with the first appearance of the card game and back when it had zero rules at all) Fun review.
"Also, you keep recommending Devin Grayson's run on the Titans for new readers. I thought Devin Grayson was a bad writer, especially when she was doing Nightwing's title.
Also also, the lighting was rather bad, so I could barely actually see your costume."
Devin Grayson is a good writer, it's just like all writers, she has done some bad stuff, and her Nightwing run was long and not well-liked.
Yet another great review however there is one thing you go wrong and I know that I am going to just be "one of those guys" when I say this but you said that this issue was based on original anime aka season 0 but the manga actually started 2 years before season 0 was made so its the other way round, sorry about that I just had to point it out since no one had at the time of me posting this and it would have bugged me ... damn why do I have to be like that either way great review cant wait to see tomorrows review
So was some unlucky klansman left running around Minneapolis naked so you could have a screen for your show? ;)
Seriously, though, the convention couldn't get their hands on a real screen? Seems like it wouldn't have been too much for them to do for you.
Am i the only one who found the constant MST3K-ing by the crowd to be annoying and distracting. Especially since the worst offenders obviously thought they were a lot funnier than they actually were?
I can't tell if you trying to channel Dan Green or LittleKuriboh with that Yami impression.
To contrast, I found the crowd constantly hilarious. I love that atmosphere of just, well, fun. I'm not sure how someone's fun in a room filled with fun can somehow make you have less fun. Even more ironic is that you would have more fun if they were having less.
Q&A next video, eh? I wonder how many of them will by Spoony related?
Ok, this was HILARIOUS. Both the comic AND Linkara's narration. Good job! :)
It helps that Yugioh *is* my favorite Anime too, though mainly the first series. This is the first time I ever see any of the pre-card game stories, so thanks for that as well. I found it interesting, though not enough to read more- especially since, for all its wacky humor, it was still disturbing (I hope that TV director isn't blinded forever!)
I must agree that the crowd's comments were distracting, but at least their joy was contagious.
So overall, a very fun video. Thanks for sharing.
God damn, do the audience members have some interrupting quip for EVERY SINGLE THING you say? Honestly, the presentation was a blast to watch, but the people in the audience seriously need to shut up.
This was wonderful! The Yu-Gi-Oh! manga was one of the first manga I recieved as a Christmas gift (the other being Chrono Crusade), but I kept putting off reading it because it was so different from the show. When I finally did, I found that I actually liked the first seven volumes way more than the show, and even though I tried to collect the manga once it started focusing on card games, I just didn't feel as invested in the story. And even when I did a bit of a manga purge (cause I just had way too many) I still kept the first seven volumes. (The only downside of only having the first seven volumes is all the questions revolving around the Millenium Items aren't answered and you only get to see four of them.)
Wow, that was a surprise! I didn't realize you released this!
I still want you to do the Marvel Mangaverse Punisher comic! It's right up your alley, Linkara!
I never watch YuGiOh or played the games, but this was still very funny! I know it was a card game but never knew there was a manga of it with out that element...
You gotta love the over the top stuff in Manga where a new director would be so desperate for a story he'd beat a kid on camera for a story! There's a manga I use to read called Kurasagi Corpse Delivery Service in-which there was a movie director so crazy he was using real dead people and body parts of people he killed for the special effects in his horror movie.
You also gotta love that Japan is known for being the birthing ground for a lot of the weirdest fetishes in existence, but they gotta blur or blackout the privates in their porns! and pubs are illegal...
So basically YuGiOh blinded that guy? Cewl!
Sooo, they like Guys Gone Wild!?
@SpeedyEric I say a good manga for you to read and be easy to fallow and is enjoyable would be Fullmetal Alchemist, Parasyte, Kurasagi: Corpse Delivery Service, and the Vampire Hunter D manga adaptations! Those are all really good and some of them are short so you don't need a library to house the whole collection...
I always liked the pre-Duelist Kingdom period of the series. I started out watching the original Duel Monsters series before reading the manga. That fan translated version is funnier than the Viz one, though, so no complaints there. Great review, Linkara.
Dark Yugi might be demonic looking here, but at least he doesn't eat raw, bloody streaks...
I would so enjoy playing a Yu-Gi-Oh game or two against Linkara.
Ah, Yu-Gi-Oh. This brings back memories of my younger days when I would spend Saturday mornings watching cartoons on Kids WB and free time at the bookstore reading manga.
Anyway, I read the manga (which usually comes first before the anime) and the heavily-edited Kids WB/4Kids version. I actually prefer the manga version better.
Great review on this chapter. Can't wait for the Q/A video.
Yugioh GX fans represent!
I recommend and not recommend Yugioh 5D's to Linkara at the same time. While it's a continuing deconstruction from GX: 5D's had some major issues. It's really great in the first season or so of the show (Peru!) and then it goes off the rails into disappointment by the last season.
The Yugioh series, even the spin-off shows, were great for the occult and mythology background they brought in (Y: Egypt, GX: Tarot and alchemy, 5D's: Peru, etc.).
But when 5D's started bringing the most annoying tropes of sci-fi into it (Time-traveling), it became less about the occult and more about those aspects. Yes, I get that 5D's was about having hope in the future, but they could have done it without those Sci-fi elements and a really boring tournament (Sorry, Grand Prix) last season set up.
GX had tournaments in it, but was noted for not really showcasing them. You would see them from time to time, but they were in the background to what was really going on in the show.
Not to mention Yusei is the most get-on-your-nerves canon sue (Sorry, martyr God Sue) yet: In other words, he doesn't lose a single game during the show. So there's no high stakes tension at all unless it's another character in the show.
Yeah, Yugi/Yami/Pharaoh and Judai? They lost games in their respective shows.
So you will either worship Yusei, tolerate him somewhat or completely hate him from watching the show.
I also find it funny, that a lot of people don't get the joke of the YGO Abridged Pharaoh calling Jaden/Judai a "Mary Sue/Gary Sue": It's a huge case of look who's talking.
However, I'm really digging Yu-gi-oh Zexal a lot.
I thought the costume was 1970s Nightwing when I first saw it, though admittedly I didn't get a very good look.
This show looked like a lot of fun! The manga gave you a lot of good joke material to work with too.
Linkara, will you be going to Magfest this year? If you are, will you be doing AT4W live? I've been on the fence about taking the time off work and making the drive....but who knows? Maybe AT4W will help me change my mind :)
I do like that the crowd enjoy themselves, but I agree with others who say they need to stop chipping in every 5 seconds. This is something I've grown used to as every live internet show seems to have it, but it's still irritating to me. I'm glad they're enjoying themselves, but very rarely are their comments funny or insightful, and often they distract from the pace of the review. If they stuck to laughing and cheering I think it would be better.
Not that I'm going to change anything, nor am I going to go on a crusade for audiences to shut up, but there we go.
You know, some people say that in the initial chapters, Jonouchi looks like Leonardo DiCaprio.
Basde on his intelligence in this review, however, he must really have been based on Leo diCaprio from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"
your audience made this very hard to watch
I normally love your live shows and you had some great material here. But sweet Jesus, the audience would.not.shut.UP!!!!!!!! They kept interjecting their thoughts while you were performing. Normally, I don't mind that but they weren't funny. Especially those people that kept saying, "It's Japan. What do you expect?" It's almost as if they were looking for ways to contradict you at any turn :frustrated sigh:
"Not to mention Yusei is the most get-on-your-nerves canon sue (Sorry, martyr God Sue) yet: In other words, he doesn't lose a single game during the show. So there's no high stakes tension at all unless it's another character in the show.
Yeah, Yugi/Yami/Pharaoh and Judai? They lost games in their respective shows."
Technically, he lost to Kalin during his first battle with the Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu, but that didn't get shown because he crashed before the final blow was landed.
However, you're right that he almost always won his duels, even if there was no reason for him to. His win against Team Unicorn, for example, is a huge point of contention for fans (mainly because all Unicorn had to do was end their turn and win, but Yusei basically bitched and whined about how it wasn't fair until he caused his opponent to ragequit). It was an annoying pattern that I really wished would have stopped.
Also, I have to agree on the idiocy of the whole "Card games on motorcycles" thing; I mean, even with the auto-pilot, there's been enough accidents due to the Riding Duels to make any DMV forcefully ban the practice by law.
As for ZEXAl... I'm not too keen on it, honestly; I like the idea that it's an alternate universe and the concept of the AR duels, but Yuma seems to embody the worst Gary Stu traits of the previous three protagonists, the support characters seem like window dressing (unlike the nakama of GX or 5D's, where they actually do more than cheerlead from the sidelines), and the villains are pretty pathetic, IMO. The only other thing that I liked about the series, except for the aforementioned alternate reality and AR stuff, is the Xyz monsters, but only because I think they're a vast improvement over the broken Synchros that 5D's pimped out.
"Oh Linkara, this is JAPAN. "Hardon Paradise" isn't GAY porn. It's porn that makes you want to boil your eyes. The kind of thing AskThatGuy is terrified of, and sage lives on."
That's what she said...
(that would be great for the show sometime, honestly, since it's still the Demon Yugi period...but with the first appearance of the card game and back when it had zero rules at all)
Rules? Screw the rules, I have money!
"Devin Grayson is a good writer, it's just like all writers, she has done some bad stuff, and her Nightwing run was long and not well-liked."
Hey, Devin Grayson, can I be in your Nightwing comic?
"Am i the only one who found the constant MST3K-ing by the crowd to be annoying and distracting. Especially since the worst offenders obviously thought they were a lot funnier than they actually were?"
Indeed, the crowd should have been destroyed by BROOKLYN RAGE!
"God damn, do the audience members have some interrupting quip for EVERY SINGLE THING you say? Honestly, the presentation was a blast to watch, but the people in the audience seriously need to shut up."
Well, that's how people behave...IN AMERICA!
Love the video HATE and can't STAND the crowd..
When talking about Devin Grayson's run on Nightwing, I think the absolute nadir of the whole thing is how Dick was raped by Tarantula. Even in the context of the story, it was out of nowhere and it was done for the same kind of shock value that led to Sue Dibny being raped in Identity Crisis.
I will say that I enjoyed Grayson's run prior to that and even when I went further after the rape, the fact that she casually brushed it off and then went to work trying to set up Dick with Tarantula was pretty egregious. She even had the nerve to say that it wasn't rape but ''non-consensual sex''.
If you're discussing rape in comics, I think its important to be fair and mention this incident too.
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