Juice up with jetjack and let's asphault this asshole - it's the final Warrior comic!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Warrior #4
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
1:01 PM
Labels: AT4W, Crossover, Ultimate Warrior
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FIRST, I must say... this comic sucks. Second? I want to be a Gray Lantern... I guess... >.>
When did 90s Kid die? Ah who cares? WARRIOR #4 was finally reviewed!:D
Love all the cameos in this one. Did it break the record for most cameos in a single video?
hooray it's finally here!
And thus it ends. Wish I cared more.
I do wonder how 90's kid died. I get that that happened on another earth, but still. Makes one think.
You can tell me, or not. I don't care.
I've been waiting to see this since I first heard about it! :D :D :D
Ma-Ti! (breaks down crying)
Fantastic storyline. I actually want to go back and watch the reviews again, to see it all unfold at once. Insane cameos, too.
This comic sucked, too.
Oh. Months waiting for this review and it's a bit of a let down.
This was not as good as the Warrior #2/#3 review.
Oh well. It had a lot to live up to can't be that mad about not living up to expectations.
I'll be perfectly honest... I haven't seen the other two videos.
So, where does this fit in the Atop the Fourth Wall continuity? And when did 90's Kid die?
"I'll be perfectly honest... I haven't seen the other two videos.
So, where does this fit in the Atop the Fourth Wall continuity? And when did 90's Kid die?"
Yeeeaaah, you should watch the other two Warrior reviews.
As for timing-wise, Linkara left to go to Chicago to resolve the Hypertime stuff back in Ultimate Warrior's Workout, but Hypertime's screwy nature meant he came back before he left, allowing the reviews to continue uninterrupted.
When I first heard about this, I was really hoping that "iRate Comic Bookz" Linkara would appear in it. But it's great nonetheless.
son of a bitch you guys stole my idea of a gray lantern but at least the review is good.
I think seeing those words in the comic book and hearing them read out loud killed some of my brain cells.
Did Spoony get those Big Trouble in Little China t-shirts from Wingkong.net?
So, if this takes place at around the time of Suburban Knights (i.e. before the Entity started wishing people into the cornfield) then why was Spoony launching into another review of this comic when he disappeared?
Percepts... short for perceptions?
Not that I care or anything.
"Is it night, or maybe day?
It doesn't matter, anyway.
You other Lanterns can join the fray.
I'll take a nap, the Grey Lantern Way."
Thank you for this. Well worth the wait. Totally comedy gold throughout.
I laughed, I became apathetic...wait...maybe, I guess, :)
Seriously, I could totally be a Gray Lantern. I think. Maybe.
Also, captcha here looks like it was made by the Ultimate Warrior. Inghter.
Are you guys already shooting the 4th Year Video. Please tell me when this was shot
Why does Black Lantern 90s Kid Scare Me O-o and boy does this comic suck like the other three..
Been wondering when this was going to get made, and you guys couldn't resist spoofing Birdemic could you?
@Whisky Tango Foxtrot
"So, if this takes place at around the time of Suburban Knights (i.e. before the Entity started wishing people into the cornfield) then why was Spoony launching into another review of this comic when he disappeared?"
Three possibilities. The first is that that's actually a fake Spoony. Note that both one version of Spoony and 90s Kid speak in distorted tones, suggesting the Entity's involved.
Second possibility is that the Spoony we see the most of is an alternate version and that Linkara's Spoony is still a goner.
Third possibility (and most likely in my opinion) is that we just have to accept these discrepancies otherwise the story doesn't work. After all this wasn't in Linkara's schedule so it isn't necessarily part of his storyline.
"Are you guys already shooting the 4th Year Video. Please tell me when this was shot"
It was shot back in April for the third anniversary. We held off on it until after Suburban Knights because of the Suede reveal, then Spoony sat on it for a while since he was unsatisfied with how some of the footage turned out and wanted to decide what to do.
Actually, according to Wikipedia, precepts is a real word. It refers to the mental image one forms of a object.
However, this doesn't change the fact that the Warrior used a very overcomplicated metaphor to say "I remember what I see."
I hear that, to celebrate the release of this video, the Warrior will be making his first appearance in costume for the first time in years!
Some how I always knew the ultiment warrior would swallow reality in madness!
Only one suggestion Lewis the green ranger suit isn't as cool as the white linkara getup :P
12:21 AHHHHH!!! The dead walk! THE DEAD WALK!!! rofl
Also, lost my mind at Black Lantern 90s Kid. I almost hope you do that with him because I get the feeling that could lead to some hilarious stuff.
I gotta say though, I'm a bit let down that the ending of the Warrior reviews pretty much amounted to the apethetic version of "We believe in Santa Christ". lol Oh well. Great job as always.
Well, so the Ultimate Warrior talks a lot and say nothing? Is he also the Ultimate Politician?
Well, who cares anyway?
"Love all the cameos in this one. Did it break the record for most cameos in a single video?"
No I only counted about 20 in this video the 100th episode had 35 cameos dwarfing this great review
Also who was the girl with the pony tail fighting the birds along side the Green Ranger and Phelous
Those comics sucked, and I don't care enough to even say that I don't care. Thanks for the great review series, guys.
The Warrior had completely lost it by the time he wrote that last issue, hadn't he? No wonder there wasn't an official issue #5. The publisher probably couldn't afford another blow to its reputation from all the insanity of the first four.
I'd say the Warrior at least owes you guys some drugs for the trouble of reviewing these things.
I'm looking forward to more crossover stuff from everybody, especially if they've got stingers like this one had. That was great!
Thank god that's over with! Not that I care anymore...
Wow, this comic was just awful. xD Then again, that is exactly what I expected of the ramblings of the ultimate Warrior.
Buuut... BLACK LANTER 90s KID AND THE GRAY LANTERNS MADE IT TOTALLY WORTH IT! xD I kind of want to see more of Black Lantern 90s Kid.
Congratulations. Your apathy turned our world into the Neutral Planet.
At least the multiverse is finally fixed..until some other absurd celebrity tries to top what the Warrior did. I mean come on: killing the pope and ripping a truck in half? No wonder he had to be stopped.
Great end to the trilogy...I just wonder if Spoony will ever know that what with the Entity running amuck and him gone and all. (must have sent the spare to Linkara before abduction)
OMG! Doctor In-Suede-o made me nearly fall off my chair laughing. Hahahaha....
ABOUT DAMN TIME!! I kid, I kid! Great job as aways guys!
Well, the best I could understand of all that random unsincible crap was the Warrior was basically stealing the plot in way from The Maxx! He's in the "real" world but he sees everything as some wierd alternate reality full of monsters and villains he needs to kill or some BS like that. The Maxx did it a hell-of-a-lot better!!!
I don't know if it was the steroids or if he was on some sort of super meth mixed with shrooms that made the Warrior believe a lot of the crap that spewed from his mouth!?
Great mix of cameos here must've took ya'll forever to get all that spliced together!
I did like the art a lot better here but not by much. It really could've used some shading at least if they were going the Black and White rout!
That was a real dick move even for the Ultimate Warrior to bad mouth the artist for wanting to leave this sinking ship.
THis comic sucks... and, I do give a damn... I guess!? Whatever...
So was this the Ultimate Warrior's last attempt at comics or is there someting else ya'll are going to teamup on next time!?
Ephedrine is often used to make Meth. A substance the warrior probably was very familiar with.
New Guy: Can I join the Grey LAnterns!?
Grey Lantern Recruiter: Not with that attitude...
NG: Fine, I didn't want to join anyway...
GLR: You're hired. Welcome to the Corps...
NG:I am!? Wooooohoooo!!! YAY!!!
GLR: You're fire...
"Congratulations. Your apathy turned our world into the Neutral Planet."
Tell my fangirls I said... hello.
LOL The funny part about the video is when Warrior was at the table talking to HH and all he really said is there is nothing in his head, LOL
Look into my eyes and see nothing, because nothing is there!!
And you look at Hulk and the board guy and you can just tell they are thinking WTF is this guy smoking Oo
The Destrucity is palpability it is an embodiment of.... ehhh I don't care!
Great crossover, you and Spoony always do great collaborations and the Warrior comics are by far your best.
Please let Black Lantern 90s kid return in main ATFW continuity he's a perfect partner for Dr. Linksano.
Now I really wish you hadn't reviewed Warrior Workout. It would've given something for year 4.
Good morning, Linkara.
“In brightest day, in blackest night...um...
...neither rain nor hail nor sleet nor snow...um...
...wait, what was the rest of it...
Also, something occurred to me. If 90s Kid is going to be playing Nirvana so much, shouldn't he be an apathetic grunger (or whatever they were called)?
This episode was pretty cool...I guess...I wasn't really looking forward to it. I don't care, whatev-
I have been waiting for this for a while and I can say: thank you. You and Noah always have good chemistry, and I liked the involvement of the TGWTG crew. I think my favorite bit is when you and Noah are models. Thank you for enduring the insane ramblings of this Lunatic. Thank you Lewis Lovhaug for making us laugh. Also, loved Black Lantern 90's kid.
Black Lantern 90's Kid? Fuck! That means the 90's kid we've seen for the past few months is the entity.
Hey Linkara you defiantly need to have a story line of black lantern 90's kid.
So, uh... you resurrected Cobain, huh, 90's Kid? Interesting. Most interesting. So did you just have to sit the ring on top of the ashes or sift a certain amount of them through it, or what? How did that work, exactly? XD
"A point deluged with A's." Asexuals? Is Nny planning to kill the WARRIOR?
This review was SO worth the wait. You guys have got to be the only people who can actually make reading the Ultimate Warrior Comics actually fun and funny, though I hate to think about what you must have gone through when you actually read that crap. I can't believe that the Warrior reviews are finally over, but I know future awesome crossovers will be coming.
Also Lewis, I gotta say, you once again looked seriously cool in your Green Ranger costume, plus it looked to me like you lost weight.
Where did you get that suit anyway? I know people on Ebay who sell the helmets, but everything else, not so much.
Well...THAT certainly bridged the guardian stingers in Spoony's Ultima reviews. Though I can kinda see from the production why Spoony was having fits about putting this one together.
All in all, that was a nice wrap up to these annual reviews. I wonder what the draw will be for next year's supercross, if there is one.
I got the impression that this tied into the Entity storyline, but still okay.
"Why does Black Lantern 90s Kid Scare Me"
"So, uh... you resurrected Cobain, huh, 90's Kid? Interesting. Most interesting. So did you just have to sit the ring on top of the ashes or sift a certain amount of them through it, or what? How did that work, exactly? XD"
IIRC, the Black Lanterns were able to resurrect even people cremated or otherwise dessicated. The regenerative abilities of the Black Lanterns were VERY impressive. Really, the only way to permanently kill them was combined Lantern ring energy or sever their emotional tie to someone.
Hrm...this was cool, I mean I guess.
... Huh... at about 6 minutes or so...
I would like to see more JewToddioBitMickeyZie. :D
I recently learned (from a Reddit AMA with a professional comic book colorist) that coloring a complete comic page takes only 1-2 hours, and it pays only $50 or so. So you have to be REALLY cheap to skimp on color.
I'm just gonna say Hypertime and leave it at that but... how did Spoony manage to do this review, wasn't he killed by the Entity? Or maybe... this review takes place af-
River Song: SPOILERS!
Funny review as always. Funny and love cameos. Obviously this was done during the anniversary even before you said it was linkara. I had been wondering why this wasn't reviewed then before I found it was just delayed. Better late then never.
RAF: The girl with the ponytail is Marzgurl.
You...perfectly illustrated my idea of a Gray Lantern: a being who, like the Black Lantern, draws its power from death and emptiness, but not in body or life but in spirit and emotion. Sorta like a true anti-emotional spectrum Corps, they'd be manned by those whose lives ceased to have meaning, with the goal of neutralizing the other Corps members and bringing the utopia of oblivion to the universe.
Yes, I know that's so emo of me, but I think it fits.
On to the comic...my god, that made even less sense than the other Warrior comics. At least there was SOME sort of semi-coherent plot going, if you stood on your head until you came to the razor's edge of being high from the blood rushing to your head and passing out, but this... this is beyond utterly insane and incoherent. And the wall-o-text pages...ugh, you were right about it being impossible to read.
Just for the record, though, neither of you do a very good gay stereotype character. Just saying.
"I recently learned (from a Reddit AMA with a professional comic book colorist) that coloring a complete comic page takes only 1-2 hours, and it pays only $50 or so. So you have to be REALLY cheap to skimp on color."
So... 40-ish hours of work to make 1,100 dollars (average comic book 22 pages)?
Jeeze, I wanna be a colorist now.
1-The Neutrals from "Futurama" are the overseers of the Grey Lantern Corps.
To put it in words you can understand, the Neutrals are to the Grey Lantern Corps what Parallax is to the Sinestro Corps, the Guardians of the Universe are to the Green Lantern Corps, Atrocitus is to the Red Lantern Corps, Nekron is to the Black Lantern Corps and so on.
2-Black Lantern 90s Kid is from a parallel universe, one where Mechakara turned 90s Kid into a Black Lantern instead of Spoony.
And the reason for Black Lantern Spoony's presence is because, due to the merging with his clone, Spoony has his Black Lantern side emerging from time to time. It's now a separate personality of him, much like Doctor Insano (the Insano that frequently interacts with Spoony is a clone of the original Insano, the original Insano being Spoony himself).
3-The Spoony in this review is one from a parallel universe. The Spoony that got captured by the Entity is the one from the main Channel Awesome universe.
So, the regular Spoony never actually reviewed "Warrior #4" (and is not aware that his alternate universe counterpart reviewed it).
4-So, what the hell does all the stuff from this comic got to do with the stuff from all the other three Warrior comics? What happened to the Terrain of Testament, that plot about Warrior getting posssesed and all the other crap that happened in the past three comics?
5-Why were the reviewers attacked by the birds from "Birdemic"?
And why is the same Green Ranger Linkara who could pwn Mechakara having trouble with a bunch of regular birds?
6-Why is Marzgurl credited? I don't recall seeing her in this video, unless it was a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo.
7-Why didn't Doug, the leader of the Channel Awesome, the Bugs Bunny to their Looney Tunes, the Kermit to their Muppets, the Serena Tsukino to their Sailor Scouts, why is he relegated to a very bief cameo?
Why isn't he reviewing the comic with everyone else?
Does Nostalgia-Ween take THAT much of him?
8-Finally, just to clear some confusion:
Bhargav is a Channel Awesome reviewer/"character".
Ma-Ti is a character separate from Bhargav.
Bhargav appeared in this video, not Ma-Ti. Ma-Ti sadly remains dead.
Hibryd: $50 a PAGE? Doing the math, that's about $1100 for a full comic. Far from cheap, especially for someone who WASN'T a professional artist OR writer whose main career was tanking at that point. As is, I'm guessing this one barely even made it out and the next issue was sacrificed to keep food in his stomach.
"Prepare to become ROADKILL!@"
That part alone drives the point home that this comic sucks.
So, where does this fit in the Atop the Fourth Wall continuity? And when did 90's Kid die?"php training in chandigarh
"So, where does this fit in the Atop the Fourth Wall continuity? And when did 90's Kid die?"
With the screwy nature of hypertime, who can tell?
Also, he didn't die. That was an alternate universe.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Warrior is indeed the ultimate worst comic ever. None of the bad comics we've had to deal with were that bad, not even Rise of Arsenal. At least, those comics had some kind of plot concept that was ruined by a combo of bad writing, bad art, and editorial mandates. And they had actually did four issues?
And don't get me started with this issue. I doubt color would have made this any better. I shudder at what would have happened if Warrior continued that abomination.
P.S.: I'm so glad you finally released this video. The wait was definitely worth it. I especially loved the end sequence where everyone says "I'm sick of Ultimate Warrior and I just don't even care anymore".
Congratulations, o badass comic reviewer, for doing all four issues of the anti-life comic. So what are you going to do for your next Spoony/Linkara crossover?
I do wonder how 90's kid died. I get that that happened on another earth, but still. Makes one think.
forklift training
I feel wrong for thinking this but that is the most attractive Spoony has ever looked (its the hair and the glasses mostly)
"Damienx247 said...
Black Lantern 90's Kid? Fuck! That means the 90's kid we've seen for the past few months is the entity.
October 17, 2011 8:47 AM"
"So, if this takes place at around the time of Suburban Knights (i.e. before the Entity started wishing people into the cornfield) then why was Spoony launching into another review of this comic when he disappeared?"
Hey, I sense a plot hole! However … Due to the weird nature of The Entity, maybe it can be used as a weapon against it. Now that Linkara is all alone he should consider every strategy he can think of. ^^
I assume that this was black and white because it's cheaper than printing it in colour, i.e. it's not just an issue of paying an artist's wages.
I have some guesses on what the Linkara/Spoony crossover review will be in 2012:
*That issue of Marvel's WCW comics seen on the current opening credits!
*WWF: Wait 'Til I Get My Hands On... (Valiant. The one remaining comic book appearance of the ULTIMATE WARRIOR!)
* Any of the comic books based on Tekken!
I do so love Black Lantern 90s kid.
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