Go Go Power Ringers! Go away and never come back.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Mightily Murdered Power Ringers #1
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
4:00 PM
Labels: AT4W, Parody Press
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Go Go Power Ringers! Go away and never come back.
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
4:00 PM
Labels: AT4W, Parody Press
It's pretty cool that you got the writer of the comic to be in your video.
Yeah that was pretty terrible, but I am not 100% sure it was the worst comic you have ever reviewed.
And it's here!
But..I thought that joke about the character being one-dimensional was funny and spot on.
Great review! Was very amused when you got the guy who actually wrote the comic to make a cameo. Added a lot of depth to the review.
Just one criticism. Considering the number of insanely tough, power-mad assholes that come after you, why the hell do you keep your morpher in a closed box on a shelf? I'd keep that sucker on me at all times.
Keep up the good work1
Well that comic was certainly awful and the review was hilarious and the fight scene awesome (and yay you finally found a way of using the Green Ranger costume :D)
Shame you didn't point out that the Golden Ringer had breasts on the cover though.
And if I'd been reviewing this I think at the point where the MegaZord parody fell off the clip I'd've played a clip of the final scene of the Young Ones. But never mind. :)
Happy 150th Linkara.
And wow, that was a pritty bad parody. And more importantly, you actually got the writer (who also turned out to be a big name talent) to appear on your show. How did you even do that? I mean, it sounds like that was probably one of his more regretable points in his career, but still he is quite a good sport.
I think the Mighty Morphin' diaper thing was supposed to be a parody on the merchandising and the changing titles was supposed to parody the fact that after the first three seasons of Power Rangers, they changed the team name which also explains the changing team casts. It's sort of subtle, yet it remains stupid.
In addition, I too also groaned at the Piece/Peace Conference thing after realizing which Ringers they just killed off.
Nice review and cameos by all involved, especially by Nat/Ned.
"you've seen my bones before" Ominous foreshadowing/call back?
Congrats on the 150th, Linkara!
I've got to say, Bimbos in Time may have competition for the worst comic of all time with this trash.
no, no this cant be a real thing, theres no such thing as troll comics... is there?
Actually Linkara, Positive Charles Barkley grows because of a magic coin whereas Nega Charles Barkley grows as a result of economic recession.
Wait "Two Men who love Alphonse Mucha Women?" Why in the name of Ceiling Cat would you reference a 19th Century Czech artist known for his distinct style and quality in something thats supposed to parody a 20th Century commercial television program?
Wait, the "Sinfest" guy did this? Wow. I'll never look at the strip the same way again. I guess everyone's got to start somewhere (though now I'm fearful of my own budding comics career)
I have no idea who Nat Gertler is. But it seems like I should rectify that. Can you recommend something good by him?
Also: You've seen my bones before... Interesting.
I believe you could have summed it all up with a "What is this, i don't even!"
To Paraphrase Mel Brooks, You should parody something you love, since it will show. If you parody something you hate or don't understand, It's just not gonna be funny.
And I thought my puns were bad! This comics needs to burn. Personaly, I don't think this comic being colored would of helped any of it's problems.
Also, the glitch is still in the credits... Maybe a tachyon scan could find the problem?
Well there goes my childhood. I loved the power rangers growing up, I would watch them every morning before going to school. They were my icons. They were the ones who started my love of martal arts. When I watched this, I died a little inside.
Charles Barkley is perhaps the most worthy opponent for the power rangers. If he ever slams the Chaos Dunk, millions would die!
Brad Jones cameo FTW!!!
Mind... Blown.
But anyways. seriously, nuking that thing out of every time and space continuum is a too merciful end for that... comic thing...
Every letter that spells the word parody has been Ravished... RAVISHED, man!
Love this episode! The longer they get, the more I'm satisified since it means more time watching your product.
Also, I was a little disappointed that the fight was only a few minute since you are at your best when you do comedy fights.
Finally, when are you going to get back to storyline stuff, I miss those already.
Nat Gertler? The guy who helped adapt the original Speed Racer? Ouch. Was cool how you got the cameo from the guy. Was also awesome how you finally phased in the Green Ranger costume into the show for a cameo.
Really, Sinfest? I had a feeling that the artwork looked familiar, but until the credits rolled I couldn't place it.
Admittedly, there were a few jokes in there that made me chuckle, but what one goes through to get them wasn't worth it.
Kinda being harsh on yourself in the writing. Oh and when the comic said the thing about kid shows, I was like fuck that comic get him.
That title card...if you weren't there, that'd be Zedd's dream come true.
As for the comic himself...wow. I've seen this style before. This my friend is what we call an "Anti-Fic". Basically, it's written to discredit or dismember the characters of a certain show. It was most prevelant back in the day with Sailor Moon...so much so that one fanfic writer made sure every fanfic he wrote was one where the Sailor Moon cast got murdered systematically.
Never thought I'd see one get published though.
I'll stick with animation...less chance of something happening like that and if it does, at least it's usually done in a funny way.
Your credits went wacky again, this time with the message "You've Seen My Bones Before".
Wierd. Although I think you over-reacted, I agree with you; I LOVE a good parody, but THIS... I'll just say that I've seen better parodys on fan sites.
PS: "You've seen my bones before". I'm worried that my guess of the entity's identity is correct. If so, I may be the next to disappier. If so Linkara, I will now tell you of
I'm pretty sure that Countdown coming to life would count too.
Congratulations on reaching the being 150!
Here's to the next 150 episodes!
I think the joke about the command center location is that their top secret base is prominently and openly displayed in plain sight on top of a mountain. Of course, they usually put such things at the foot of the mountain instead of the top, so maybe I'm thinking about this too hard.
We did a Mighty Morphine joke back in school when the show first came out (since they would need the stuff to keep going after exploding every time someone touches them). This is worse.
Just what is that hanging from the ceiling ? It looks like a Wing Zero custom.
I think "power" is the only word that isn't copyrighted in the title here. Considering I've been on a Power Rangers kick recently (DVD's of the first three seasons, ect) I thought this review was going to be interesting. It was, but not in the right way. Although the was a clever bit here, the Ringer bit as they have Power Rings rather than classic morphers! Something I have to know did you miss a joke about the Lantern corps or was it just too obvious?
As for the so called jokes in the comic, they are so bad I'd expect them to be in a cheap Christmas Cracker. Some were almost physically painful. At least we got a feeling for them early on from the silly putty shot at the start.
A good parody should be made for fans as much as people who don't like a show. Often this means that you have long term fans or people who worked on the show in question doing it as a gag. Not by people that read a few synopses on the back of the TV guide and think its enough research. That's its main mistake, the outright hatred it carries. Rather than the good humoured poke a clever parody is good at. It's from the guest spot with Nat Gertler (congratulations by the way) I get the impression it was written and drawn in the space of a few days for a quick buck. At least you can say it's a bad comic that was meant to be bad, rather than one that was written seriously. Points for him owning up.
As for the review, all I can add is congratulations for 150 episodes and I hope to enjoy many more!
Although I have to give the Peace Piece conference gag a laugh. That one was so bad, so gloriously awful in every way that it deserved something. It took every taboo and bad feeling it could and made it work so badly that you couldn't not love it. Hey look at it this way, at least there wasn't a car crash joke. (My sincere apologies for that, no really I know just how low that is I'm only using it to show there were limits to this.)
Awesome milestone! Good God, this comic was crap... and yes, I agree, it was very gracious of the author (whose name I have already forgotten) to make a cameo.
I was a little disappointed that you didn't actually burn it though... but destroying it as the Green Ranger was even more awesome!
By the way, wasn't that song, "Go, Ranger, Fly!" (or whatever it was called) used in the early episodes of In Space during the Megazord fights?
Hmm... the Entity seems to be getting stronger and stronger... so when's the climactic battle?
Okay, it may not have been a super duper storyline-advancing plotline-filled video... but it was still damn good. Seriously, nicely done. Tommy has competition for greatest Ranger ever.
... and seriously, Nate Gertzler AND Tatsuya Ishida? Wow. They should team up again for a one-shot of some kind JUST to take the taste of this abomination out of their mouth...
i was wondering when that costume was going to make an appearnce on your show. anyway, nice job. By the way, are you going to the next Power Rangers convention?
Kind of surprised you didn't mention how the original pink ringer dressed, with those weird butt forming shorts and the tube top showing off... thingies and larger then normal thingleavage and the pink ringer's waist changing sizes.
EXCELLENT AND HILARIOUS!!!! (Not the comic, of course, just your review of it.)
Well, Linkara DID say he would find some use for the Green Ranger suit in his show at sometime!
Overall, this is just as bad as I had thought it was going to be, particularly with the fate of the characters (That being death) though a expected it to be a tad more... I don't know, slasher movie?
Seriously, though, something like this makes me wanna go out and make a PROPER parody comic, something that has a little more actual humor instead of going about murdering Rangers to poke fun at it. Though now that I think of it, the constant new rangers at the end was probably a joke about the later series of Power Rangers and how they keep bringing in new teams.
1. I actually thought some of those jokes earlier in the comic were kind of funny.
2. Godzilla isn't a dragon. He's a dinosaur. Both in fiction and in real life. In the movies, it was first suggested that some unknown species of dinosaur was in suspended animation under the sea when an atomic bomb woke it up. In later movies, (Godzilla vs King Ghidorah) Godzilla was a (possibly) lone surviving species on Lagos island, once again mutated by atomic radiation into a being of great size and strength. In real life-a palentologist did name a Triassic theropod dinosaur "Gojirasaurus". "
Gojira" being the pronuciation of the fictional King of the monsters in Japan. "Godzilla" is an American pronuciation/mistranslation.
3. I just figured out why you hated this comic. Lord Zzzz or whatever was ultimately smarter and more sucessful at his job then the Lord Zed was at his.
Well, yeah, this comic was terrible. But I don't see the need for so much rage. Maybe it's because I'm not as big a fan of the Power Rangers. (I'm a fan, just a casual one.) And the Power of Attorney joke WAS funny. It's just a play on words. Don't try to over think these things sometimes. Also, the falling to pieces joke at least made me laugh on the inside (yet another simple play on words.)
You just seem more and more high-stung these days in your reviews. I don't know if it's "entity" plot related or maybe just a subtle change in your style over time. I understand when it's something you are a fan of it hits a more personal note but you just seem to be having less fun these days from doing a lot of comics that are hitting personal notes. I hope you have some slightly more fun stuff in store soon.
Aaaand insert Agony in Pink joke here! Go on. Google it. I dare ya. :B
...The author/artist? for this comic reminds me of The Last Angry Geek by way of John Fiedler in "Wolf in the Fold." XD
You know, you're never going to get your security deposit back if you keep fighting supernatural and/or interdimensional forces of evil at your apartment. ;)
That being said, that was a fun review, especially with the author cameo at the end. How did you find out about that guy's secret crappy parody comic past?
So, did you aproach Gertler or was he a fan who wanted his own work ripped to shreds??
The review was nice, but for a 150th I had hoped for something worse, this comic was just forgettable.
As an example, since I don't care much for Power Rangers aside from the ones I actually watched as a kid(Space, Lost Galaxy and Lighspeed Rescue) I saw a few more jokes that I found funny on sight, but now I'm typing this I can't even remember them.
So yeah, forgettable.
Still, congratulations on 150 episodes and here's to the next 150.
Cheers, Peace
Great job Linkara, this was a lot of fun!
My only question--you obviously understand, and have no problem with this being a parody. And yet you nitpick some things that I would EXPECT a parody to make fun of--the "never escalating the fight" rule, for example. Yeah in the SHOW there was a reason for it, but it seems odd to try and excuse that when the purpose of the comic is clearly to make fun of it.
Now, that obviously doesn't make the comic any better, and doesn't excuse how much it sucks (which is a lot.) Some of the finer points of your comparisons just caught me off-guard. (Then again, I'm not the huge Power Rangers fan you are. I might feel differently if I was!)
You got the actual creator involved! is that a first?
That's great.
Fun review,painfull comic.
Fun cameo.
by the way.I think you actualy lost weight,since the last video I saw you in that costume.
A few things:
1) True, even the best don't always hit a home run.
2) I was wondering when you were going to break out the Green Ranger suit, since you showed off having it.
3) Being a young adult into Power Rangers isn't bad. I'm 27 and I'm into Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Transformers, so I say GO GEEKS!
4) Now I'm certain the credit glitches have been on purpose, because that one was way too blatant. Still, keeps the storyline alive in a small way.
So I suppose you don't want the Black and White "parody" comic I have. I mean it would be an honor for you to tear into Captain Tax Time, but I doubt it could be worse than this.
This might help explain the "power of positive thinking" pun.
I think the green robot is supposed to be a robot lawyer.
Nat Gertler and Tatsuya Ishida!?!?
Wha? Buh?. But! You! That you! Buh. Can't be! Wha? Love! Hate! Yankees! Clouds! *Head Explodes*
is it wrong I kinda wanna see liz in the green ranger outfit? would love for her to jump into one of your fights having found one of your morphers.linkara it's been an amazing 150 episodes I look forward to another 150. thank you again for all your hard work
Interesting you had the guy who wrote it on your show and gree to have it reviewed. I can only assume he sent you the book which is why you're reviewing it at all.
Also a pretty good review and I agree, it does seem a bit mean spirited of a comic. But hey, at least you got to reference one of your early reviews... albeit unintentionally.
Pretty fun episode and I look forward to next week. Kamandi! And the episode after that about the comic based on the theme park at Universal. Can't wait to see how ya do that one.
My god that was awful comic. Great review as always. Love the green ranger outfit. OMG too for Death Note Porn that Cinema snob had? Where the hell does he find these? I have seen his page with the weird international stuff. WTF?
Ahaha. He uses Methadone to defeat the addicts, but a typo makes him say "Method One" instead of methadone. Hahaha.
You know what this comic reminds me of? The Family Guy Star Wars parodies or Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer's so called parody movies. It's the same stile of humor; make a reference to something whether or not it makes sense and expect laughter.
I don't know what's more awesome. Linkara getting the creator 9who DOESN'T suck0 for this to cameo, or that he finally came up with a way to get to use the Green Ranger costume.
I'll chalk it it to being 50/50.
Holy crap that was an awesome episode. As a big fan of Power Rangers myself, seeing all that Power Rangers merchandise is AMAZING. Where did you get all that stuff? And the Green Ranger suit?! You are a wonder Linkara. Thanks for a great review. I am going to put a lot of time in looking for Green Ranger apparel!
Sweet! LOVED when you morphed into the Green Ranger! I even sang along to the song. He always was my favorite.
Enough fan-gushing, I don't know about you, but I kinda liked the dark humor in the comic I mean it sucks but It has it's merits. Growing up watching Power Rangers and looking back on it now the jokes felt right to me. I think it's one of those comics you read once before stowing it away in the dark depths of the basement never to see the light of day and be researched by Top Men.
I'm pretty sure the "Positive Thinking" thing is the "Asians are smart!" stereotype.
As for Lord Zzzzzz, I think he's supposed to be Lord Zee, as in Zedd being the pronunciation of the letter Z in most countries.
... NO! Not Tat! It's not true! It's impossible!
I'm totally sending the link to him.
I hate to admit it... but I did get a chuckle out of the "go to pieces" joke. But that's probably because I love Airplane! and Airplane! II, with the second one using almost exactly the same joke...
The cameos in this episode where great getting Nat Gertler was impressive and Brad was just freaking funny.
Question though, while I love your comic reviews, I'm pretty invested in your storyline, any idea when you will be getting back to that?
Power rangers is awesome, and so are you. Thanks for continuing to validate my love of all things Power Rangers. You rock.
- I'm a 20 year old who still collects & plays with action figures, so I thought it was really nice to say that us who pursuit geeky habits and fandoms shouldn't be ostracized for being "childish". Thanks for that. :3
- Also, there's being a smartly written parody, like the Animaniacs PR parody you mentioned at the top of the episode, and then there's just being mean-spirited and assuming it's you're being allegedly "funny", like the comic in question.
- Congrats on reaching 150 episodes, but I assume that if you want the show to live for far longer, you'd take care of this Entity chap. It's already wreaking havoc with the darned credits.
I believe that the morphine joke might have referred to the fact that morphin' sounds like morphine. In fact, when the show was originally aired in Malaysia, they censored the word morphin' for that very reason. Than again, the comic does not seem to be smart enough to understand that.
Re: the flying brain.
Wrong Sentai. Floating brains were used to create the monsters in Choujuu Sentai Liveman.
Why would you buy "Death Note" porn when there's at least a million pieces of fanfiction and fan art out there that...
...oh wait, most of that is slash. If you want heterosexual porn, the video might be your best option.
Also, I have a morbid curiosity about that, so if Brad would review it...?
Awesome episode! I wonder if Charles Barkley stepped on the Red Ranger, because that was the Godzilla ranger, and Barkley battled Godzilla. Or bad writing. Or both.
is it wrong I kinda wanna see liz in the green ranger outfit? would love for her to jump into one of your fights having found one of your morphers.I'm picturing in-character Linkara some nights having Liz dress up as Harley Quinn more than I would Liz in the Green Ranger outfit.
Plus, Lewis probably stretched it out too badly to fit her now.
This was awesome, and this comic was terrible. "Mightily Murdered", when you can't get the Parodic title down, there really is no hope.
Check a review of mine here
Also I liked the more detailed picture of Cartoon Linkara
The guy who does Sinfest did the art on this abomination unto comics and sequential art? The very foundations of reality have been rocked! This revelation is so unbelievable it has willed itself into existance and assaulted me! I feel transgressed and violated!
Nay, Linkara, you are not biased towards the humorless killing.
I actually have the same issue with about 99% of what Adult Swim presently puts out, in that they'd rather just go for a violent scene instead of a joke.
Not trying to spam comments, I just wanted to say that this is one of your best episodes in a while, not to say the others weren't good, But everything just seemed on point here, keep up the good work.
Awesome review--and is this the first time the green ranger's flute has actually defeated an enemy on your show? ;)
Also: diabolical master plan there, Mr. Gertler--have you given any thoughts to full-time supervillainy?
You know what this comic reminds me of Friedberg and Seltzer movies. Look its that guy from that thing and we brutalized him. Didn't find that funny. Don't worry, we are going to jam as many of violence on some reference jokes into 90 minutes as humanly possible and call it a parody. Just change 90 minutes to how every many pages that thing is and it works.
Ah, Parody Press...
So I guess you would be interested in the two PP comics I have that I no longer want anymore?
They are just as equally bad:
One on Jurassic Park and Galactic Zen/Ren (A two part flip around comic).
While I don't own any of them: PP was known for doing a bunch of superhero "parody" comics, such as Stupor Man, etc.
I remember being 3 years old and begging my parents to teach me how to use the remote, so I could watch Power Rangers.
Seeing the Green Ranger suit in action brought many great childhood memories back.
I'm sorry if others asked this, but how long did it take for you to contact the writer. That was a really nice touch. I pulled a wikipedia page immediatly after the review to see some of his works.
150 episodes "GO GO Linkara!"
I think the ending to this episode was sheer genius.
I can't believe it's already 150 episodes considering it feels like the Sonic Live episode was just a few months ago. Time flies when you watch a quality web series with good production value and effort put into what's going on.
The thing is...now I'm wondering what you're going to do for the
200th episode. Well, whatever you do, here's to all the future episodes of Atop the Fourth Wall
Oh come on, the team of stoves was pretty funny. Their title actually had a pun that worked.
hey linkara i just wanto to say you may want to tone down the rage in your reviews, in your last three vids (batman,nbc,and asthma-monster)you look like you had no fun at all in making them.
I just want to say lighten up a little or if it is work fatigue take a rest for a week or two.
just dont burn out like doug or james.
your fan
banjo tooie
Easily one of your best reviews yet!!
Can't wait for HOPR SPD to come out!!
I like the title card for this episode. if you ever lose your current artist you should go with this guy he is relly good.
It's a shame when people that talented fail so badly. As someone who has written Power Ranger parodies in my strip, a good parody comes from love or at least appreciation of that which is parodied. This comic didn't do that. At least they do good stuff now, so sometimes you start where you can.
And we finally get to see the full Green Ranger suit in action on the show. Yay!
As someone who never watch MMPR, while you describe Goldar (sic?) as a flying monkey, in that one clip you show he kinda looks like Anibus (to me, at least), which is why they may drawn him as a canine with Egyptian headgear.
...Okay, note to self: Do not provoke and piss off a guy with a Green Ranger Morpher. lol Definitely was a good call to keep the fight simple since, as I recall from when you revealed it, it's hard to breathe and move around in that thing.
I guess the lesson learned with this comic is that everybody in the comic industry has something they aren't proud of. Also, good call getting Nat himself to make an appearance on the show. Yeah, I admit to not being very familiar with him, but it sounds like he's very well-known and well-liked within the comic book community.
This reminds me: I have yet to fully see "Super Strong Warner Siblings" due to being a Power Rangers fan back when it aired. (a lot of times I sort of have a hard time watching parodies of anything, particularly since so many times they're just crap and not funny at all) I got to finally watch that on my Animaniacs DVD collection. RIGHT!
Personally I get why people would want to parody the Power Rangers but this was the wrong way to do it. To parody Power Rangers is to acknowledge the stupidities of the show while still respecting it for what it was as a kids show. The bit with the Putties was funny briefly because...well, they never did much anyway. But to just have the Zedd guy kill everyone randomly just because takes away the magic that the show had. Yeah, it was way too obvious who the Power Rangers were to the viewing audience, but in a fictional universe it is rather impossible for people to put two-and-two together...well that and they were helmet costumes. It's just like why people can't put together that Clark Kent is Superman: the illusion works enough that the people reading comics know who he is, but the people in universe don't get it. But then again...at least they do acknowledge that sending characters to a peace conference is a pathetic way to throw them out. (and yeesh, are they that stupid to not realize Trini had way more personality than people give her credit? Yeah she wasn't like the other five but she wasn't "generic random Asian girl who was socially conscious")
Aside from that, it was a good way to have an anniversary, calling back to a lot of your past reviews (the early B&W, Godzilla vs. Barkley, even using the Dragon Dagger in a new way) and I can't wait to see where we go from here. (particularly with...yeah, the Entity...after seeing the opening this time, I'm starting to suspect your suitcase)
Just goes to show... artists and writers, no matter how talented... have to eat. We should appreciate their good work all the more knowing they once had to make crap to pay the rent.
Yeah, this more or less validates why I hate parodies that just MURDER protagonists other than the reason "It's a stupid popular kids thing and I find those things being blown up hilarious!" I like some slapstick humor, but something like say, "Spike from Transformers gets crushed in Ironhide's gears and his blood gets on the windshield" isn't funny. It's SICK.
...Yeah, sorry, that's been on my mind for sometime, just...what the fuck...
Still, that was nice of Nat to show up and defend himself. Now to check his credits and see what happened.
Also, not sure if you saw this, but at 29:01 of the video the credits seem to glitch. You should prolly fix that.
Which begs the question, What are you're thoughts on the Super Freakin Parody Rangers? It's better than this comic but I can't help but feel it's mean spirited at times too.
Also the fact that the replacement red ringer was killed first was to poke at the fact the fan base hate's Rocky with a passion(something that I myself don't see why.)
I admit it. I snickered at the "Piece Conference" joke.
That one was bad, I agree. Still, I did like the one dimensional pun, like a poster before me said that was probably spot on. Also, I think I'm the only one here who'll say this, but I like the teenage mutant ninja turtles joke... I dunno why, but that one just made me laugh. Maybe if they dropped the two horrible jokes about the name that came before it others would find it funny too. Maybe I'm just weird, who knows.
Anyone else noticing odd little video glitches during the credits?
To the credit of the badly assembled power call outs, at least "power of attorney" is a pun. Parody not so much, but at least that one was a joke.
It also occurred to me that the writing on the monster could be in reference to Zed's tendency to make monsters out of random objects, though if that was the case it was somewhat poorly explained.
Ahaha The dance of joy! Its been a long time since I've seen a good Angel reference. That one makes me smile.
And then the smile is removed by one of the most shameless puns ever made mere seconds later...
joke should have been "That always happens when your characters are paper thin." Oh god, now I'm writing jokes for this piece of crap comic. oh and congratulations on getting the writer, who turned out to be awesome, to appear on the show.
Power Rangers Porn. It exists. ALOT OF IT. Like, there's a Japanese company that specializes in it.
Great review as ever, man!
I own a few crappy parody comics like this I'd like to send ya! One's called Texas Chainsaw Samurai and it's by the same company as that Super Foxy Teenage Vixens or whateer it was called the one with that guy as the logo that's in your opening song!
I'm sad to admit I've seen that Japanese Power Ranger Porno clip Brad mentioned. But, besides it thanks to G4 I know there is an adult themed parody called Busty Rangers.
I'll also admit a lot of the jokes in that book I got but they still weren't funny. It's a lot like those crappy parody movies they've been firing out the past 10 years!
Also, how much would old dude charge for an audographed copy of this turd!?
Also, I got to see that College Humor skit now!
I never paid this comic or video's title any attention I thought it was a real violent Power Rangers comic not a parody!
"hey linkara i just wanto to say you may want to tone down the rage in your reviews, in your last three vids (batman,nbc,and asthma-monster)you look like you had no fun at all in making them.
I just want to say lighten up a little or if it is work fatigue take a rest for a week or two.
just dont burn out like doug or james."
I think you're reading too much into it. You have to remember, Linkara still just a character. That whole rage bit about utter stupidity is just part of his character, and just because he's gone with the "intense" approach in the last few videos doesn't mean he's actually stressed out in real life. (Plus, in the asthma monster one, the tone was pretty upbeat until the ending, and here you could tell he was having some fun with the fight and poking some fun at himself.) Of course, I can't claim to speak for Lewis, but I just thought I'd remind you that what you see in the video doesn't necessarily reflect reality one hundred percent.
So that's pretty neat that you actually got the creator on your show to give you permission to destroy a copy, presumably because its his old shame or something.
I love the last episode, but when are you going to continue the storyline of the new threat and the recovery of the missing friends?
Is it bad that I know the Japanese Porno Brad referenced and kind of want to see him review it now?
(It's called Bakunyuu Sentai Chichiranger if you're in for a bit of pain)
I have a Parody Press comic as well: Skin13 #1/2. It parodies Gen13 and may have been written by the same guy. Having never read Gen13 (my only exposure coming from the animated movie, which I watched after I read the aforementioned comic), I can't say whether the parody is any good. However, I think it pokes good fun at Image Comics and the 90s superhero aesthetic (while milking the "naked is funny" joke for all it's worth), so his hastily-written parodies weren't all unholy abominations.
I especially like Spitt, the Pitt parody character, who gets chewed out for showing up in everybody else's books and yet his own book keeps getting delayed.
Uhh... Wow... And I don't just mean that this is 150 for you, this... this... Wow... This one reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllyyy takes the cake... The ending fight was great, though.
Fiery Little One
Who in their right damn mind actually thought any of this would be funny? This was barely tolerable even with back monkeying battle cries and Linkara ripping into this.
Though I will say this: it did have one good idea. Green Ranger - Ace Attorney!
Damn it. Now I have the theme song in my head and I want to go download it.
DAMN YOU LINKARA! *shakes fist*
Great review as always, Linkara. :)
Just as an aside, not 100% sure if you got the reference or not, but the "Not a Roll Model" t-shirt Barkley was wearing was a reference to another of the advertisements he was in back when he was playing in the NBA.
Anywho, keep up the great work!
It seems that what we've got here is, if you'll forgive the language, a cautionary tale about the dangers of trying to pull things directly out of your ass for profit. What we can learn by this comic and the subsequent review is that throwing something together in one draft and then rushing it off to the print shop apparently without so much as a glance from an editor is no way to make a comic book. It doesn't really work for blogs, either, as I'm learning first hand. (I write my own blog you see...)
This is one of your top reviews, though, because getting the comic's original author on the show was really something, and to find out that it was a guy who's done award-winning stuff to boot really made it special.
Thanks for 150 great episodes, Linkara! Here's to 150 more!
Oh, come on, the Piece/Peace pun got a wry laugh out of me.
Am I alone in thinking the Golden Ringer is a double parody? Since the ring has a brain on it, and they are a team of 5 (ok...6) with power rings, I wonder if she's a Ma-ti parody. I mean how often has it been said that heart is a worthless power, and it's kinda similar to the power of positive thinking.
Also I thought the "power of attorney" and "1 dimensional character" gags weren't that bad...oh they weren't funny by a long shot, but they weren't as bad as some of the other worthless puns.
Awesome Green Ranger Costume!
Wow, Linkara... I'd thought you'd have traded the Magic Gun in for a Gokaiger Pirate Blaster by now. :)
Linkara, did your parents get ripped in half or something?
I actually really laughed at the Mighty Methane Power Ranges joke. But yeah, the rest was generally horrifying.
And I knew the artwork looked vaguely familiar for some reason. I was a fan of SinFest several years ago, and the styles are definitely similar.
I didn't think the Charles Barkley joke was bad... I mean especially since one of the Zords was Godzilla, it kinda fit. Not everything has to be drawn from the same source material... I know Cracked Parody comics hit up multiple sources, and not just the main focus.
Anyway yeah the comic sucked but there were a couple jokes you panned that I didn't mind.
Great 150th episode. This title card looks more epic than your regular title cards.
Loved the epic battle sequence with the evil comic. Brings back memories of the battle against Star Trek and DC Countdown.
I'm actually surprised you got the writer behind this terrible comic to appear as a cameo -- not to mention getting his approval for you to destroy this trash.
I got to tell you, this is terrible -- along the lines of, oh say, Bimbos in Time. This is an insult to Power Rangers everywhere. Words cannot describe how sickened and disgusted and angry I am at this terrible, horrible book. Hell, I doubt Ricky 1 is THAT bad compared to this.
Anyway, here's to another 150 episodes -- as well as the next History of Power Rangers and the confrontation with the Entity.
"What kind of loser always watches a kid's show anyway?"
"Oh did you just hit the wrong button, bucko."
I'll say: I think it just agitated the Mongol Horde's worth of people known as "bronies." Excuse me while I duck and cover.
In all seriousness, a good review, sir. To the next 150 and beyond!(Raises glass).
The sinfest guy did some slightly funnier Power Rangers Parodies later on his own.
"Politically Incorrect Fringe Rangers" what is more amazing number 3 has Pirate Ranger.
Firstly, great review as always. Here's to another 150 episodes and beyond!
Secondly, I'm curious as to how the creator cameo cameo came about. Did you just happen to meet him and talk him into appearing or what?
Hey, what was the name of the music that played in the blooper after the credits, and where did it come from?
So you comment on the gold ringer being called yellow for the racism joke but not scarlet being called red on his underwear
When I saw the splash for Something Something Something Something I thought oh my god, Captain Smiley from Comic Jumper got a super hero team!
I know I'll be in a minority when I say this, but the comic didn't seem that bad. I mean, a parody is supposed to poke fun at the major themes and silliness of whatever it's parodying, and while it didn't do it amazing, it did do it. As someone who wasn't big one power rangers when it first aired, or even now, I could get what it was poking fun at and get why. Your arguments are valid, but they seemed a little too indept for something like this. It's not like we could expect the writer to know about the actual location for the headquarters when they made the joke about skiiing and what not, instead it felt like a joke about how heroes get these awesome and colorful lairs while the villains have to have darkly lit rooms and stuff like that. And as a JTHM fan, the changing shirts and the body horror where actually kind of funny to me. In fact, for a rushed comic, it's actually got some really goods bits.
Yeah, I fully respect your opinion, I just think the comic wasn't terrible. Could have been better, and I think making it shorter would have helped, but all in all, not that bad.
Congrats on 150 episodes Linkara!
Charles Barkley was in a famous Nike commercial that said "I'm not a role model." It has since become a motif of his because he frequently argues frequently that basketball players should not be considered role models.
I think you let your bias flag fly high with this one. Is it a good comic? No. Is it somewhat mean-spirited? Yes. But I found several jokes to be at least moderately funny (in the broad MAD Magazine vein of comedy), and you got really worked up over relatively minor details.
I can understand where this comic was coming from, in a way. I knew a *lot* of people that downright hated Power Rangers (I still don't understand why. Gorenger kinda is revered still, after all). For them, just watching them being killed over and over again in gruesome ways would have been very satisfying.
I really am kinda glad that they didn't move through with the implied rape theme that they hit the Golden Ringer with. Overall, I really would have liked to have seen this one really incinerated. There are worse comics, sure, but it deserved it *so* much.
If you want a "better" parody of Power Rangers, my brother and his friend made a pretty funny comic series back in high school. Well...I say better, but you be the judge. ^_^
What an awful Comic, and an Awesome review Linkara!!! I always love it when you whip out the ever epic Ron Wasserman Power Rangers music and do battle with a horrendous comic. I am a boy of the 90s and thought that the Mighty Morphin power rangers were great then, and decades later I still hold that series as one of my all time favorite nostalgic shows. I know the old show wasn’t perfect but that never stopped me from enjoying its special brand of goofy fun. I am a huge fan of Tommy Oliver the Green Ranger, who is one of the most awesome characters EVER!! I am so jealous that you have that great replica of his original costume. Keep up the good work Linkara and congratulations, your 150 episodes and still going strong.
Hey, Linkara. When you started talking about Charles Barkley, I'm somewhat surprised that there were no jokes or references to Barkley: Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden: Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley Saga. A fantastic and silly indie RPG about Charles Barkley in a post-apocalyptic New York after he destroyed half the planet with the most powerful slam dunk on Earth.
Warning: That game is canon
Eh, it looks bad but even I chuckled at a few of the jokes. Especially the "that song makes them fall to pieces".
I have to say though, Im not all too enthusiastic about you now having the Green Ranger Powers. You had the Red Powers, the Battleizer, the White Ranger Costume (which is still bad ass), the Golden Ranger Staff, the green ranger dagger, The Comicron, the lil' Vigilant...
See where Im going with this? Its cool to have access to all this neat weaponry but I'd rather see good use of some of your other weapons rather than a new costume.
Sorry for the TL;DR material. Dont take this to mean I hated this review, but I wanted to speak my mind. Its your show ultimately and you can DO WHAT CHU WANT!
I think the Ira Glass "gap" quote says everything I want to say.
Just to be ultra nitpicky and nerdy, if Zach was one-dimensional, then he'd be a line. If they were claiming he was TWO-dimensional, the visual pun would work, but the verbal one would fail.
Also, I've noticed it seems to be a pet peeve of yours when comics establish their terms and go against them, like here with the Golden/Yellow Ringer thing. You also ranted against the Magnetic/Axial Poles thing in Ultimatum...
Man I'm so tired of these stupid skits and stuff. I've finally decided to stop the video after the review now, it was so stupid.
Anyway, a bit of critique here. You mention how bad Black and White comics are, but yet you only mentioned bad Black and White comics that you reviewed. I read the first 48 issues of "The Walking Dead" which is black and white, and it is one of my favorite comics. So you really are putting black and white in a bad light.
I don't care how that comic guy is, he still needs to pay for this! I am a huge power rangers fan. And I would buy all those copies he have simply to burn them. Linkara, last time I said that comic killed me, but this one, this one brought me back to life and killed me again. -_- Burn bad comic, you burn by the powers of Linkara's awesome Green ranger suit.
Geez, if anything is mean-spirited around here anymore it's these recent reviews. Where once you heaped sarcastic and acerbic, yet still funny and entertaining commentary, now you're just angrily SCREAMING at the comic! Lewis, take it from a guy who MST3K'd one too many rubbish fanfics in his day. You're not having fun with these, and it was clear that being a fan of the Power Rangers you did take this one a little personally, attacking stuff a more casual fan would ignore with fanboyish rage. This wasn't Ultimatum, which DC trotted out like a paragon of edgy storytelling, or a Leifeld comic we all regret reading in our misspent youth. This thing was so pathetically bad as to be utterly non-threatening. You beating up this comic for a half-hour was like watching the Power Rangers themselves beat up on Phinster for a half hour! As a fan of your work, I'm a bit worried you might be getting burned out as I've noticed less snark and more bark in your vids.
Also, as for finding the concept of a person being ripped in half funny, I do have to admit I would be a bit torn on the subject, but I certainly wouldn't go all to pieces and rip into it.
Mavrickindigo said...
"Man I'm so tired of these stupid skits and stuff. I've finally decided to stop the video after the review now, it was so stupid."
Y'know, Mavrickindigo, if that's honestly the best criticism of the end of the review you can come up with... i.e: simply the word "stupid", it really just makes you sound like an imbecilic 5-year old child without any real point to make.
"Durr it was stupid durr I stopped watching durrr."
At least come up with some kind of explainable reasoning in your critique of the video, or your little jab is childish and pathetic at best.
WHY was it stupid? Do you even have a reason? Of course you don't. You're just a mindless troll, and that's obvious.
"As a fan of your work, I'm a bit worried you might be getting burned out as I've noticed less snark and more bark in your vids."
Well, I don't think I'm burning out, since I'm still enjoying myself immensely, but I appreciate the concern. ^_^ I do promise next week will have a lot more snark in the review... though the introduction has bile towards Superman at Earth's End.
I would assume that I'm not the only person who had what TV Tropes calls a "Funny Aneurism" Moment when seeing the Golden Ringer get killed. Sure, the other Ringers also died, but knowing that the actress who played Trini is no longer with us made that death sting a little more (that, and yellow is my favorite color--plus, I always loved her accent when she called out "Sabre-tooth Tiger!").
It makes me think of the fact that I recently have been formulating an idea in my head of how Power Rangers could send off Trini's character properly, but I don't think I'll ever put it down on paper, as I'm not enough of a fan to write Power Rangers fanfiction.
Of course, I'm assuming this comic was released before Trini's actress died, but I don't know the timeline. If she had died before the comic came out, this would be more unfortunate (though, again, it's not like they singled out the Golden Ringer character in this, so it's not like they're joking about that in particular).
I do think there was a stealth pun in the comic, though: dead ringer. Not all that great, but it does seem to be a pun that was being aimed for.
I've been watching a couple of your ATFW videos, and, to be honest, I can't get into them. It's not that I dislike them, as much as I am totally indifferent. It's probably because I, myself, don't read comics.
However, I love all of your HoPR videos, which is part of the reason why I've tried to start liking your others.
Hi, I just want to say that I enjoyed the review. And that comic did seem pretty bad.
I'm all for spoofs as long as it's done tastefully and not done like that comic, or those Seltzer and Friedberg 'parody' films.
And you are right about Goldar, in the tv show he does look rather like a monkey- I think he may been based on a chinese golden monkey with a bit of a gorilla thrown in.
Well. That was...words can't describe the bile.
This one sure crept up on the viewer, huh? The beginning wasn't bad, just it was bit slow and not as humerus as usual, making me write off this reviews a bit as sub par. Then about half way through BAM! Cameos. Then the creator of the comic shows up, then the epic battle with the comic.
Nice job Linkara. I enjoyed it very much, and that's what this is all about.
Also,as far as that little self-deprecating streak that you seem to have written in at the end of this episode, true, you are a bit pudgy (but still rather adorkable) and you are a twenty four year old nerd ... but you are also a college graduate, and you write/direct/produce/star in your own show that entertains many internet fans.
Pretty damned awesome in my book. But that's coming from a person in your age group who watches 'Adventure Time' and collects Star Wars action figures, so mandatory salt grain with that statement.
Darn! My capthca has all the letter of 'Allons-y' but they're scrambled.
Tatsuya Ishida drew this? Wow, he sure improved a lot.
Also as far as parodies of Power Rangers and/or Super Sentai go this has got to be one of the least witty ones I've ever seen. A show that admittedly is ripe for parody and they go for so many jokes that aren't even parodying much of anything related to it?
Ok, this is the first time posting a comment to your video Linkara because is bugging me a little.
It's nothing against you or your reviews or anything else, I am true fan of yours.
It's the credits, there's a small glitchy moment half way. Cure our curiosity, is it just a random glitch that appeared during rendering or was it intentional to your storyline?
It's definetly one of your best reviews so far Linkara! I laughed my ass off watching this!
Love the show but I'm not in any way a Power Rangers fan so I struggled to maintain interest. I also found parts of that comic pretty funny to be honest, so for once I did not share in your indignities. I did enjoy the cameo with the author though, that was awesome. I'm not faulting the episode from anything but a purely subjective point of view. I look forward to the next one!
To be honest, I was grinning a lot of for all the wrong reasons. Some of the stuff struck me as actually fairly amusing sardonic or dark humor.
Of course that's probably having been corrupted by the internet.
It's definitely a bad comic, but I think you let your fanboy out a little too early. You kept complaining about how small details were wrong compared to the TV show, starting before we got to see enough of it to see that it was bad in its own right, and depended upon knowing the show inside out.
For example, early on, in the "Power of Godzilla" bit, you spend about half a minute explaining the joke should've been given to another ranger. We hadn't left what was pretty much just a cast page (with transformations) yet, so it seemed a little early to start attacking it.
The comic seemed to be made for people that hate Power Rangers, who wouldn't catch on to the subtle things anyway. Nor to most of the actual jokes, mind... Wait, who was this written for?
Which is probably a better point to make: If you hate Power Rangers, you'll be utterly confused by all the very specific jokes about the show's plot (why would you obsessively watch something you hate). If you love Power Rangers, the comic's mean-spirited and gets things wrong. It appeals to noone (and is horribly badly written), which makes it an utter failure.
Frankly, you probably end up making the comic look better than it is, in a way, because those who hate the show (probably the only audience it's likely to get) can listen to you explain the jokes about plot points in the show, thus letting them concentrate on the bits bashing the show and killing the rangers off.
I've been a bit critical here, but I did enjoy myself a lot while watching this. You're an excellent presenter, and, in particular, the end section was one of your best cameos ever. I'm just being meddlesome. =)
You're not overweight. In fact, it's even more evident when you're in the Green Ranger costume.
Hey, this review reminded me of something that was bugging me about the Psycho Rangers in Power Rangers In Space. It's like this: Ecliptor had been brainwashed to be completely loyal to Dark Specter, yet when Astronema reveals that the Psycho Rangers' purpose is to kill... I mean, destroy both the Power Rangers and Dark Specter, Ecliptor... doesn't seem to really care. What are your thoughts on this?
I'll be serious, Linkara. I never thought this kind of thing existed... Urrgh, it's like when a hater writes a comic!
Great review. Go Go Power Rangers indeed. And Go Go Linkara!
Maybe these Power Rangers needs Harvey Birdman Power of Attorney
Very funny episode. I was wondering when you were going to get the "mightily murdered" joke.
Here is YET ANOTHER black-and-white PR Parody Comis: MIGHTY AWFUL SOUR RANGERS #1, published by Lost Cause in July 1995:
With that, Power Ringers, and Rump Rangers, 1995 seems to be the official B&W Power Ranger parody comic year!
This actually looks really funny.
Okay, I'll admit it. Through your liking of the Power Rangers and portraying them so awesomely I've become a fan, maybe more of the music and your transformations but that theme, from a show I never watched and didn't get into at all when I was younger, is damn empowering and brings a smile to my face.
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